Short report UDC: 616.98:725.51(497.113) Archive of Oncology 2000;8(3):185-6. Gorana ∆OSI∆1 Hospital-acquired infections at the Nataπa LUKI∆2 Marica MILADINOV-MIKOV2 Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica
Key words: Hospital infection; Epidemiologic studies; Oncology
Archive of Oncology 2000,8(4):185-6Ç2000, Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica, Yugoslavia
A hospital infection is an infection acquired
ed at the time of survey was 6.63%: 13 infections
at the hospital by a patient who was admitted
7. unsuitability of architectural design and
were judged to be in 12 patients. 8 infections
for the reason other than that infection. The
were recorded as being community-acquired
interval between admission and onset of symp-
(prevalence rate 4.08%) and 5 as hospital
toms must be greater than the incubation period
Nowadays the greatest problem are hospital
acquired (prevalence rate 2.55%). At the Clinic
of the infection, otherwise the infection is classi-
infections caused by microorganisams that are
of the Internal Oncology, the prevalence rate of
fied as community-acquired infection (CAI) (1).
normally present in our personal flora but not
HAI was 3.03% (2 cases out of 66 patients:
The main causes of hospital-acquired infec-
pathogenic under normal circumstances. But,
phlebitis and upper respiratory tract infection).
inadequate procedures or simply antibiotic ther-
On the Clinic of Surgical Oncology the preva-
1. the antibiotic therapy (the antibiotic acts
apy may enable them to reproduce, spread and
lence rate was 5.45% (3 cases out of 55 patients:
not only on the pathogenic microorganism that
implant themselves at a site where they may
2 cases of urinary tract infection and a case of
is the target of the therapy, but also on the whole
operation site infection). At the Clinic of
of the patient‘s personal flora which it treats
In the world the prevalence rate of hospital
Radiology, there were no intrahospital infec-
aquired infections is 3,5 - 15% (2-5).
2. the increase in number of hospitalized
At the time of the survey 19 patients (9.7%)
patients susceptible to infection (old people,
When it is difficult to obtain notifications of
were receiving antibiotic therapy. In most of the
malnurished cancer patients, diabetic subjects,
HAI regularly, a sample can be taken on a given
cases this was monotherapy, only one patient
was treated with two and one with three drugs.
3. the use of increasingly violent tehniques
Prevalence study, also known as cross-sec-
More than two thirds of patients receiving
tional study, was done 8-9 February, 2000 at the
antibiotics were recorded as having no infection;
Institute of Oncology, Sremska Kamenica. The
3 out of 5 patients (60%) with HAI were receiv-
prevalence rate was compiled on the basis of the
ing antibiotics, 4 out of 7 patients (57.1%) of
4. the increase in number of people dealing
information collected; this corresponds to the
those with CAI. The most frequently used drugs
with the same patient ( more reservoirs);
number of cases of HAI recorded on the given
were gentamicin (63.2%), ciprofloxacin (21%),
5. the increase in patients’ movements with-
date in relation to the number of patients in the
cephalosporins (15.8%), ampicillin (5.3%) and in
in the hospital during the hospitalization (oper-
department on the same date. This rate has only
single cases metronidazole and lincocin. Nine
ating room, intensive care unit, medical service,
out of 12 (75%) patients with infections were
physical rehabilitation units, diagnostic imaging
receiving antimicrobial treatment without pre-
A total of 311 beds occupied by 196 patients
vious microbiological investigation.
6. hospital staff not adequately trained in
were surveyed, of whom 135 (69%) were femaleand the rest 61 (31%) were male. The mean age
of the surveyd patients was 52,6 years. The
lower than rates usually reported in European
mean length of stay in hospital prior to the sur-
surveys (3-6). The comparisons must be made
vey was 11,5 days. 34 patients (17.3%) had uri-
with great caution. In this study, the population,
Dr Gorana ∆osiÊ, Institute of Public Health, Departmentof Epidemiology, Futoπka 121, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
nary catheters, 28 (14.3%) intravenous devices
the mean age, as well as prevalence of risc fac-
and none was mechanically ventilated at the
tors were found to be low and the mean period
The manuscript was received: 27. 07. 2000.
time of servey. 28 (14.3%) were undergoing
from admisson to the point of the survey was
chemotherapy and 82 (41.84%) irradiation. Provisionally accepted: 28. 07. 2000.
The overall prevalence of infections detect-
This initial survey should not be underesti-
Accepted for publication: 01. 08. 2000.
Ç 2000, Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica,Yugoslavia
∆osiÊ G.
mated as a powerful tool for planning appropri-
develop the most effective strategies of action. 3. Nicholls TM, Morris AJ. Nosocomial infection in
ate infection control measures. Cross- sectional
Auckland Healthcare hospitals. N Z Med J 1997;110:314-6.
survey should be combined with regulary noti-
REFERENCES 4. Valinteliene R, Jurkuvenas V, Jepsen OB. Prevalence of
fications of infections through information col-
hospital-acquired infections in a Lithuanian hospital. J HospInfect 1996;34:321-9.
lected by the hospital hygiene nurse or hospital
1. Practical guide to the prevention of hospital-acquired
hygienist or epidemiologist. Incidence rates
Vaque J, Rosselo J, Trilla A, Monge V, Garcia Caballero J,
should be worked out. Analysis of these various
Arribas JL et al. Nosocomial infections in Spain: results of
2. Gastmeier P, Kampf G, Wischnewski N, Haner T,
five nationwide serial prevalence surveys (EPINE Project,
rates by the Hospital Hygiene Committee will
Schulgen G, Schumacher M et al. Prevalence of nosocomial
1990 to 1994.) Nosocomial Infections Prevalence Study in
reveal the true dimensions of the HAI and make
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it possible to direct control operations and to
In the Archive of Oncology, number 8/3, on the page No. 137,
#Heavy metal and arsenic contamination of food available in
Novi Sad in the period from 1994 to 1999#,
the following title should be put:#Indoor radon survey in Novi Sad#. We kindly ask the authors and our readers to accept the correction and a sincere apology of the Editorial Board for the unfortunate mistake, which occurred.
Ç 2000, Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica,Yugoslavia
To Anticoagulate or not to Anticoagulate? A Common Dilemma for the Provider: Physicians’ Opinion Poll Based on a Case Study of an Older Long-term Care Facility Resident With Dementia and Atrial Fibrillation T.S. Dharmarajan, MD, FACP, AGSF, Surendran Varma, MD, Shailaja Akkaladevi, MD, Anna S. Lebelt, MD, andEdward P. Norkus, PhD, FACN Objective: Anticoagulation therapy is an acceptableT
Esophageal Manometry Medical Alerts Instructions Manometry is a study that is done by placing a narrow Be sure to check with your primary care physician catheter in the esophagus, to determine how well the for the following at least one week before your pH Probe with or without Manometry* muscles of the esophagus work and helps diagnose scheduled tests. Six Days b