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SOC 3290 Deviance Overheads Lecture 7: The Pathological Perspective 2: * Today: social control policies/assessment of the pathological perspective
* “Treatment” = the cure for nonconformity
* Associated with rise of the “Therapeutic state”
* Problems: - assumes deviants have no choices in behavior
- hiding of social/moral judgements in name of science
- Phrenology once officially recognized/practiced in policy - Lombroso’s atavism used to classify delinquents
* Popular idea: reduce deviance by “removing deviant individuals from the gene pool.” Manifested in involuntary sterilization laws
* Very popular in early part of 20th century/ many forced sterilizations
The Mental Hospital:
* Attempt to rehabilitate/change existing deviants
* “Great confinement” of 17th-18th centuries
* Hopeful treatments alternatively proposed/discredited over time
* Reformers balked at harsh custodial control
* Mid-20th century: mental hospitals essentially warehouses
* Thorazine synthesized in 1952: reduced symptoms/restored order
* Supporters very positive re: drug treatment
* Detractors: (1) didn’t treat root cause of problem (2) really about controlling patients
(3) disfiguring side effects (e.g. tarditive dyskenesia)
* Mental Hospitals Depopulated between 1955-1970. Reasons:
(1) drug treatment (2) legal rulings on patients’ rights (3) journalistic exposes/sociological research (4) cost-cutting by governments
* Some jurisdictions want to do away with mental hospitals
- don’t access community health facilities often- most end up on the street/in welfare housing- right to post-hospital care?
The Pathological Perspective Today:
* Despite failures, the pathological perspective is alive and kicking
* New movement to study biological/pathological roots of deviance
* Books/research reviews often don’t consider criticisms:
- Wilson & Herrstein: criminologists “uncomfortable” with
- Ellis: sexual assault a result of natural selection (discounts cross- cultural studies/patriarchy)
* Considered #1 childhood syndrome, despite being social deviance
* What was once “bad” is now “sick”
* Once diagnosed, drug treatment soon follows (Ritalen)
- Researchers never discovered organic defect- Researchers reasoned that if drugs improve behavior, organic problem must have caused unruliness (illogical)- New pediatric interest in child mental health (status booster)- Synthesis of Ritalen/ FDA approval in 1961- Parallel success of drug treatment/control for mental patients- Pediatric specialists proposed new diagnosis: hyperkinesis- Backed up by Learning Disabilities groups, medical
representatives on investigating committee
- Massive advertizing campaign/profits by drug industry
The Surgical Control of Deviant Behavior:
* Moniz (1935): first prefrontal lobotomy
* Early 1950's: up to 50,000 lobotomies performed in U.S.
- journalistic expose’s- questions about selection of candidates- newer drugs- newer psychosurgical techniques
- directed at hypothalamus, amygdala and thalamus- based on animal aggression experiments (e.g. electric implants)- proponents say safe/secure ways of control - critics say unethical experimentation/real problems not there- aggression not always result of electrical/chemical changes- even if so, what causes these? The environment- pathological speculation about “yet undetected lesions”- pathological “profiles” of good candidates for surgery (e.g.
having a record of physical assaults, intoxication, impulsive sexuality, and accidents)
- similar things can be caused by class related power imbalances
- hypotheses for neurological investigation- why don’t all lower class people act violently (their brains?)- propose “early warning tests” for the potentially violent
- some individuals become more violent/incapacitated- when those with physical problems removed from sample,
patients with behavioral problems show no improvement
- Evidence of effectiveness not convincing
- Controversial- Legal/regulatory caution- Standards proposed (but vaguely defined)
* Pathological theorists don’t give up/ remain imaginative:
- Suggest implanting two-way transmitters into deviants’ brains- Total monitoring/control possibilities- Illustrates total control potential of positivist science- This possibility is not far from being recognizable- Who’s in control?
Assessment of the Pathological Perspective:
- Promises much/delivers little- “Scientific” claims vs. methodological problems
- Humanitarian intent vs. repressive practices
- Emphasis on naturalistic causation introduces new complexities- Humanitarian intent- Optimism- Flexibility- Benefits of “sick role”
- Limits role of human choice- Limits impact of socio-historical context- “Deviants” somehow more determined than others/made
- False neutrality: moral decisions hidden by code words
- Expert Control mystifies discourse/produces “tunnel vision”:
(2) Influenced by institutionalized thinking (3) Influenced by ad campaigns/drug industry
- Individualizing social problems/avoids social influences (e.g. on
- Ignoring the power politics of deviance- The possibility of medical social control “for their own good”
(e.g. lobotomies, drugs for anxiety/eating disorders)
- Diverting questions about good and evil
* In the end: the pathological perspective denies us a full vision of deviance & social control as practical, human struggle
Sengupta, M. and Dalwani, R. (Editors). 2008 Proceedings of Taal2007: The 12th World Lake Conference: 918-922 Use of Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (Pao) For Treatment Of Phosphate Sludge Shyam S. Bajekal and Neelam S. Dharmadhikari Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, KARAD – 415 124. (Maharashtra, India) E-mail: ABST
David Borde Resume addendum: Background: I started my photography career with Peter Elliott Productions, Inc. in May of 1983. For 2 years I assisted this top Chicago photographer and film director in the field of large format food and product photography. During this time I also broke into the film industry where I developed my skills as a prop-master and rigger for special effects in film. In 198