Extracorporeal treatment of intoxicationsAnne-Corne´lie J.M. de Pont
The purpose of this article is to provide the critical care
Although intoxication is a common problem in adult and
clinician with a comprehensive review of the indications for
pediatric medicine, serious morbidity is unusual. In 2004,
extracorporeal elimination of toxic substances, to
only 3% of all toxic exposures reported to the Toxic
summarize the different techniques and the intoxications for
Exposure Surveillance System of the American Associ-
which these techniques are suitable.
ation of Poison Centers were treated in an ICU and in only
0.05% extracorporeal treatment was needed Extracor-
In the last year, several excellent reviews about toxicological
poreal treatment, however, may be lifesaving in victims
topics have been published. These reviews focused on
intoxications in children, the approach of the patient with an
mechanisms are impaired. This article reviews the charac-
unknown overdose, management of intoxications with
teristics of different extracorporeal techniques and sum-
salicylates, b-blockers and calcium antagonists and liver
marizes the intoxications for which they are suitable.
support systems. Important developments include the useof high-flux, high-efficiency membranes and albumin dialysis
using the molecular adsorbent recirculating system
The use of extracorporeal techniques to remove toxins is
(MARS). This system offers possibilities for the removal of
justified if there is an indication of severe toxicity
protein-bound substances such as diltiazem, phenytoin and
and if the total body elimination of the toxin can be
increased by 30% or more by using an extracorporeal
technique Whether extracorporeal removal is possible
Although large randomized controlled trials are scarce in the
depends on characteristics of the toxin itself and of the
field of toxicology, the treatment of intoxications is
elimination technique used As the majority of
becoming more and more evidence based. This review
reported toxic exposures occur in children of less than
summarizes the current knowledge and recommendations
6 years old it is important to know which substances
concerning the extracorporeal treatment of intoxications
are lethal for children, even in low doses These
and discusses new developments in the field, such as the
use of high-flux, high-efficiency membranes and albumindialysis.
Techniques available for extracorporealremoval of toxins
The extracorporeal techniques most frequently employed
hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, intoxication,
for the removal of toxins are hemodialysis, continuous
molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS).
Curr Opin Crit Care 13:668–673. ß 2007 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Adult Intensive Care Unit, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam,
During hemodialysis, toxins and other substances are
cleared from the blood by diffusion across a semiperme-
Correspondence to Anne-Corne´lie J.M. de Pont, Adult Intensive Care Unit, C3-327,
able membrane down a concentration gradient from blood
Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam,
into dialysate. In order to be removed by hemodialysis, the
The NetherlandsTel: +31 20 5669111 ext 59229; fax: +31 20 5669568;
toxic substance must be water soluble and must have a low
molecular weight, low protein binding and a low volume of
Current Opinion in Critical Care 2007, 13:668–673
distribution (During hemodialysis, the clearanceof a toxic substance depends on membrane surface area
and type, as well as on blood and dialysate flow rates. The
larger the membrane surface, the greater the amount oftoxin removed. Newer high-flux membranes can also
ß 2007 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins1070-5295
remove high-molecular weight substances. Increasingblood and dialysate flow rates can increase the concen-tration gradient between blood and dialysate, thus opti-mizing the rates of diffusion and elimination. The majordrawback of hemodialysis is the risk of rebound toxicity
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Extracorporeal treatment of intoxications de Pont
Table 3 Substances able to kill children at low doses
(1) Ingested quantity associated with severe toxicity
(2) Ingestion of a toxin with serious delayed effects
(5) Clinical evidence of severe toxicity: hypotension, coma,
metabolic acidosis, respiratory depression, dysrhythmias
Table 2 Necessary properties for extracorporeal removal bythree different techniques
Hemodialysis Hemofiltration Hemoperfusion
During hemoperfusion, the blood passes through a
cartridge containing a sorbent material able to adsorb
the toxin. There are three types of sorbents: charcoal-
Endogenous clearance <4 ml/min/kg <4 ml/min/kg
based sorbents, synthetic resins and anion exchange resins.
In order to be removed by hemoperfusion, the toxic
substance must have binding affinity to the sorbent inthe cartridge and a low volume of distribution (
after cessation of the treatment, due to redistribution of
Charcoal efficiently removes molecules in the 1000–
1500 kDa range, but does not remove protein-bound mol-ecules Resins are more effective in the removal of
protein-bound and lipid-soluble molecules. Despite their
In continuous hemofiltration techniques such as continu-
efficacy, the use of hemoperfusion cartridges has declined
ous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) and continuous
over the last 20 years, due to limitations of their indications
venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHD), the blood
and shelf life. Moreover, hemoperfusion is technically
passes through large pore hollow fibres, allowing the
more difficult to perform than hemodialysis, and
convective removal of molecules up to 40 kDa. The
lacks the possibility of correcting acid–base, fluid and
advantages of continuous techniques are their applica-
bility in hemodynamically unstable patients and theprolonged duration of therapy, minimizing the risk of a
rebound effect The disadvantage of continuous tech-
MARS is a blood purification system, aimed at removing
niques is their lower clearance compared with hemodia-
albumin-bound toxic molecules It consists of
lysis. In postdilutional hemofiltration, the clearance is
three serial extracorporeal circuits: a blood circuit, an
equal to the ultrafiltrate flow rate, which is usually no
albumin detoxification circuit and a hemodialysis circuit
more than 4 l/h or 67 ml/min, whereas with hemodialysis a
. The patient’s blood passes the blood com-
clearance up to 500 ml/min can be achieved
partment of a high-flux dialyzer, where albumin flows
Figure 1 Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS) circuit
Reprinted with permission from Covic et al.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
through the dialysate compartment in a countercurrent
volume of 0.6–0.9 l/kg body weight and it is not protein
fashion. Protein-bound and water soluble substances can
bound, which makes it an ideal substance to be removed by
enter the albumin circuit by means of diffusion. The
hemodialysis. With hemodialysis, an extraction ratio of
albumin circuit contains two filters, an activated charcoal
90% and a clearance ranging from 63 to 114 ml/min is
filter which absorbs the toxins and an anion-exchange
achieved, making it the treatment of choice for extracor-
resin filter to cleanse the albumin. Finally, the albumin
poreal lithium removal Hemodialysis is even more
passes through the blood compartment of a second
effective in removing lithium than the kidney itself, as
dialyzer, where small molecules are filtered down a
70–80% of lithium filtered by the kidney is reabsorbed in
concentration gradient to bicarbonate dialysate .
the proximal tubule. Hemodialysis should be started in
Although the efficacy of MARS in the removal of
cases of central nervous system abnormalities such as
protein-bound drugs such as diltiazem, phenytoin and
confusion, stupor, coma or seizures. A negative anion
theophylline has been demonstrated in case reports, the
gap and an elevated osmolar gap may be diagnostic clues
use of MARS is limited by its availability, technical
Although the serum lithium level is effectively
lowered by hemodialysis, a rebound rise in serum levelsoccurs 6–8 h after cessation of the treatment, as lithium
redistributes to the circulation from the interstitial space
Therefore, hemodialysis should be continued until
Due to the characteristics required for extracorporeal
the serum lithium level remains below 1 mEq/l. In this
removal, the number of substances suitable for this
respect, continuous techniques such as CVVH and
technique is limited. Drugs and toxins for which extra-
CVVHD may be advantageous, as they couple a longer
corporeal removal is indicated are summarized in
running time to an acceptable clearance Depending on
and will be discussed in alphabetical order. When one of
the ultrafiltrate flow rate, clearances up to 67 ml/min can be
these agents is suspected, consultation of a nephrologist
reached by postdilutional hemofiltration
The biguanide metformin is the most widely used oral
Phenobarbital is a long-acting barbiturate, commonly used
antidiabetic agent in the world, however it carries the
as an anticonvulsant since 1912 It has a low volume of
risk of metformin associated lactic acidosis (MALA),
distribution, a slow intrinsic elimination and it binds
which usually occurs in cases of overdose or renal failure.
readily to charcoal. Most patients with phenobarbital
Although rare, MALA carries a mortality risk of 50%
overdose can be managed by means of oral administration
Metformin has a molecular weight of 166 Da, is
of activated charcoal and urine alkalization Whether
not protein bound and is excreted by the kidney by
extracorporeal treatment for barbiturate overdose is indi-
means of glomerular filtration and tubular secretion. Its
cated depends on the severity of the toxicity and the
renal clearance therefore exceeds the creatinine clear-
response to therapy, rather than on the serum level.
ance and ranges from 552 to 642 ml/min, reaching a
Extracorporeal removal should be considered in cases of
plasma elimination half life of 1.5 – 4.7 h Metformin
severe hypotension, respiratory depression or deep and
intoxication itself, however, can induce acute renal
prolonged coma. Until recently, hemoperfusion was the
failure, which aggravates toxicity By means of
treatment of choice With the use of high-flux, high-
hemodialysis or hemofiltration, metformin can be
efficiency membranes, however, similar or even better
removed with clearances up to 170 ml/min Extra-
elimination can be obtained with hemodialysis
corporeal treatment should be performed in cases ofrefractory lactic acidosis or impaired renal function
Lithium is widely used in the treatment of bipolar affectivedisorders. It has a molecular weight of 74 Da, a distribution
SalicylatesAt therapeutic levels, salicylates have over 90% protein
Table 4 Substances for which extracorporeal treatment may be
binding, which decreases to 50–75% at toxic levels, due to
saturation. Salicylates are metabolized in the liver and
eliminated by the kidney. The elimination half life is dosedependent, ranging from 2 h at a low dose to 30 h at a high
dose. Treatment with hemodialysis should be started
when the serum level exceeds 700 mg/l or when the clinical
situation deteriorates (altered mental status, respiratory
failure, pulmonary edema, severe acid–base disturbances,
renal failure) Although hemoperfusion is more
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Extracorporeal treatment of intoxications de Pont
recommended, since it more rapidly corrects metabolic
ous half life of formic acid was 205 Æ 25 min, whereas the
hemodialysis half life was 185 Æ 63 min
Theophylline is more than 50% protein bound and under
Isopropanol is a colorless liquid with a bitter taste, used in
normal conditions metabolized by the p450 enzyme in
the manufacturing of acetone and glycerin. The minimal
the liver. At therapeutic levels its elimination obeys first-
lethal dose for adults is approximately 100 ml. Unlike
order kinetics, while limitation of the enzyme capacity
ethylene glycol and methanol, most of the toxic effects
results in zero order kinetics at higher concentrations
of isopropanol are due to the parent compound itself.
Since theophylline binds readily to charcoal, hemo-
Isopropanol is metabolized to acetone by alcohol dehydro-
perfusion is the treatment of choice In acute toxicity,
genase. The clinical signs of intoxication occur within
it should be started at serum levels greater than 90 mg/ml,
1 h of ingestion and include gastrointestinal symptoms,
and in chronic intoxication at levels greater than 40 mg/ml
confusion, stupor and coma. Severe intoxications may
in the presence of signs of severe toxicity. When hemo-
present with hypotension due to cardiac depression and
perfusion is not available, hemofiltration is also effective.
vasodilatation Hypotension is the strongest predictor
By means of hemofiltration, the half life of theophylline
of mortality. Inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase is
could be reduced from 5 days to 6 h in a case of severe
not indicated, as acetone is less toxic than isopropanol.
theophylline poisoning By means of MARS, even a
Hemodialysis is indicated for patients with an isopropanol
level greater than 4 g/l and significant central nervoussystem depression, renal failure or hypotension
although this indication has been debated
The toxic alcohols include ethylene glycol, methanoland isopropanol.
Valproic acidValproic acid is a 144 Da branched chain carboxylic acid
primarily metabolized in the liver. At therapeutic levels it
Ethylene glycol is a compound used in antifreeze and
is 90% protein bound, but protein binding decreases at
windshield washer solutions. It is converted by alcohol
toxic serum levels due to saturation. Valproic acid has a
dehydrogenase to glycolate, which causes renal failure
small volume of distribution (0.1–0.5 l/kg) and a plasma
and pulmonary and cerebral edema. Therefore, the
half life of 6–16 h Clinical manifestations of toxicity
mainstay of the treatment of ethylene glycol poisoning
vary from mild confusion and lethargy to coma and death.
is the inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase by means of
In addition to neurological symptoms, valproate can cause
ethanol or fomepizole Hemodialysis should be
hypothermia, hypotension, tachycardia, gastrointestinal
started when signs and symptoms of severe toxicity are
disturbances and hepatotoxicity as well as hypernatremia,
present (deteriorating vital signs, severe metabolic
hyperosmolarity, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis.
acidosis, acute kidney injury, pulmonary or cerebral
Valproic acid was demonstrated to be eliminated by
edema) or when the serum level exceeds 0.5 g/l
hemodialysis alone and in combination with hemoperfu-
Refractory serum hyperosmolality and a glycolic acid
sion. With these techniques half lives of 2–4 h could be
level greater than 10 mmol/l have also been described
reached Extracorporeal treatment is justified in
as indications Hemodialysis effectively clears
cases of refractory hemodynamic instability or metabolic
glycolate with an elimination half life of 155 Æ 474 min
compared with a spontaneous elimination half life of625 Æ 474 min
Substances for which extracorporeal removalmay be possible
For some drugs and toxins extracorporeal removal is
Under physiological circumstances, methanol is metab-
possible, but the effect on outcome is uncertain.
olized by alcohol dehydrogenase to formaldehyde, and byaldehyde dehydrogenase to formic acid, which is respon-
sible for the acidosis and toxic manifestations. Therefore,
Carbamazepine is an iminostilbene derivative anticonvul-
the primary step in the treatment of methanol intoxication
sant. It has a molecular weight of 236 Da, is 80–85%
is inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase with ethanol or
protein bound and has a target serum level of 4–12 mg/l.
fomepizole The usual criteria for hemodialysis
Under normal circumstances, it is metabolized in the liver
include severe acidosis, visual impairment, renal failure,
and eliminated by the kidney, with an elimination half life
electrolyte disturbances or a plasma methanol concen-
of 2–6 days. Acute overdose can result in cardiovascular
tration greater than 0.5 g/l Hemodialysis, however,
and neurologic impairment with possible fatal out-
does not substantially enhance the endogenous clearance
come Although supportive care is usually sufficient
of formate: in a prospective multicenter trial the endogen-
extracorporeal removal by either hemoperfusion or
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
hemodialysis may be indicated in patients with unstable
cardiac status, status epilepticus or refractory bowel hypo-
The treatment of intoxication with an extracorporeal tech-
motility A recent article demonstrated that
nique is justified if there are signs of severe toxicity and if
both techniques are equally effective, reaching a half life of
elimination of the toxin can be increased by 30% or more
using an extracorporeal technique. Hemodialysis is mostfrequently indicated and the use of high-flux, high-effi-
ciency membranes is recommended for the removal of
Calcium blocker overdose can result in marked and
substances with a higher molecular weight. Continuous
sustained hypotension with a mortality rate as high as
techniques are preferable in hemodynamically unstable
10% Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker which
patients and in cases of toxins with rapid redistribution.
is 80% protein bound at therapeutic levels and has a
Hemoperfusion is infrequently used because of its limited
distribution volume of 5 l/kg. Therefore, it is not suit-
indications and technical difficulties. For some highly
able for hemodialysis or hemofiltration Recently,
protein bound substances such as diltiazem, phenytoin
however, the effective removal of diltiazem from the
and theophylline, albumin dialysis may play a role.
circulation by means of albumin dialysis (MARS) wasdescribed, reaching a half life of approximately 16 h
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Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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