July 2012 SAVE THE DATE: Sat, July 21, 2012 4. True or False: Lyme Disease is 7AM & 12PM are tee-off times for the 21st
While most ticks and tick bites are harmless,
ticks can carry infection. The most common
Answer: False. The only way to catch
Bev at the clubhouse at 403-721-2003 for
infection is Lyme Disease. It's caused by a germ
(Borrelia burgdorferi) carried by black-legged
ticks (also called deer ticks). If not caught early,
Nordegg Community Church meets on
Lyme Disease can affect the joints, heart, and
5. The best way to remove a tick is: a. Put a hot match on it
Do you know the facts about ticks and Lyme
b. Smother it with Vaseline and wait
Join us on July 22nd for our monthly potluck! Disease? Take this quiz and find out! for it to fall off
For more details contact Janella at 403-721-
c. Using tweezers, grab it as close to
3727 or visit the church’s Facebook site. ☺
1. True or False: You need to go hiking or the skin as possible and pull it otherwise be out in nature to get bitten by straight out.
Summer Kid’s Clubs (Vacation Bible Schools)
Answer: c. Don't wiggle it -- pull
are running in July! Crafts, games, snacks &
Answer: False. Ticks live off the blood of
straight. It generally comes out easily. If
rodents (usually mice) and other mammals, and
July 12-14: Outside the Heritage Centre
hang out in places where they can meet up with
worry -- they will come out on their own.
July 19-21: Fish Lake (Lake Front Shack)
those mice and other mammals -- usually tall
July 23-24: Outside the Heritage Centre
grasses and low-lying vegetation like shrubs.
Contact Gil or Andrea Kidd @ 403-721-2347
Nordegg Community Association 2. True or False: The sprays you use 6. The symptoms of Lyme Disease against mosquitoes can help prevent tick
next meeting is scheduled for Wed, August
Answer: True -- provided you use a spray that
contains DEET. Use one that has at least 20%
c. fatigue and headache
DEET, but not more than 30% (the maximum
d. joint pains
recommended for children). You (not your kids)
e. all of the above
If you have anything you would like to see in
should spray exposed skin as well as clothing
Answer: e. In 70 to 80% of cases, the
(you can also use sprays containing permethrin
first sign of Lyme is a ring-like rash, at
to spray clothes, tents, and other gear). Avoid
the site of the tick bite (that's why it's
the mouth, eyes, and hands (since hands tend
Please have all submissions in by Friday,
3. True or False: As soon as the tick bites, it spreads the germ that causes Lyme Pancake Breakfast & Library Sale! Disease. Answer: False! First of all, not all ticks are
the rash is missed or not present at all.
infected (it varies depending on geography and
If you or your child have had a tick bite
Breakfast: free but donations are accepted
the age of the tick, but usually less than half are
Sale donations: phone or text Darlene Jones
infected). And if they are, it takes around 36
hours for the tick to transmit the germ. This is
very good news, because it means that if you do 7. True or False: Lyme Disease can Annual Corn Roast August 25 – Details TBA daily tick checks on your children (look them be cured by antibiotics.
over carefully as you put them in the tub or get
Answer: True -- with caveats. Most Meditation Classes Mondays @ 7pm in the
them into pajamas), you cut way back on the
Nordegg Community Hall, cost is by donation
risk of Lyme. Check the pets daily, too -- not
($5.00 recommended per class). Please call
only do you want to prevent any ticks from
crawling onto you while you snuggle with them,
for months or years, especially if it's not
Did you know…? * July was renamed for Julius Caesar, is the
Bear-Proof Bins Available
Calendar and was given 31 days by Julius
Bear season is upon us! Use these bins for
Lyme Disease, visit the Ticks page of the
Caesar in 46 BC. In prior years, it was called
garbage or recycling storage. Contact Simon to
Quintilis, since it was the 5th month in the
* July and April start on the same day in
วารสารประชากรศาสตร ปที่ 25 ฉบับที่ 1 มีนาคม 2552 Work morale of health center staff in Krabi province, Thailand Sanya Raksarat* Prathurng Hongsranagon** Piyalamporn Havanond*** Background Morale has been defined by a number of researchers. Mendel (1987) defined it as a feeling, a state of mind, a ment
Közgazdasági Szemle, XLIX. évf., 2002. október (875–888. o.) LETENYEI LÁSZLÓ Helyhez kötött kapcsolatok Egy társadalmi kapcsolathálókon alapuló magyarázat a földrajzi munkamegosztás kialakulására A „földrajzi munkamegosztás” vagy „elhelyezkedés probléma” arra a kérdésre utal, miért alakulnak ki egy-egy gazdasági tevékenységre szakosodott