In unpublished anecdotal reports of scalp in the area of the rash, rated as a glove, connected to the positive leads
priate for actinic keratosis since treatment
and placed on the patient’s upper back.
had been effective for his low back pain.1
a warm moist face cloth and placed on the
device be applied to the skin on his scalp.
top of the patient’s head so that it covered
Case Report
helpful for actinic keratosis since 40 Hz
has been shown to be effective for reduc-
previously by his dermatologist as actinic
pain in the area of the rash. The rash was
appropriate to that diagnosis and did not
FIGURE 1. Patient’s rash was first diagnosed as
shingles since the distribution was consis-
request treatment for the rash during this
“actinic keratosis” but, as the pain increased, it
tent with the ophthalmic branch of cranial
became clear that it was shingles in the
2010 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
N o n - P h a r m a c o l o g i c T r e a t m e n t o f S h i n g l e s
Plus (Microcurrent Technologies, Seattle,
periods, was used during the second treat-
ment. It provided the desired three digit
patient was pain-free in twenty minutes.
and the patient was told to return the next
minutes and was restarted after the first
FIGURE 2. Illustration of treatment setup: the two positive contacts for both channels are
ment, he rated his pain as a 2/10 on a 0-
Treatment Method History applied to the upper back and the two negative
10 VAS scale and noted that the vision in
contacts for both channels are applied to the top
ment were obtained in 1995 from a retired
of the head along the distribution of the affected
shingles lesions on the scalp were notably
less red and some had developed scabs.
prescription anti-viral medication and he
to address specific tissues and neutralize
frequency protocol as before. During this
specific conditions. The list acquired from
0/10 within 15 minutes. The patient slept
certain tissues. The list also contained a
ampere (amp) is a measure of the strength
of electric current and measures the rate
of flow of charge in a conducting medium.
ment, he reported that his vision was clear
used in this case report was noted on the
next day for follow up but refused treat-
systems such as interferential, TENS, and
channel to “address a specific tissue.” The
compete against A-delta and C fibers that
it is not known what current level it deliv-
Treatment Method
ered and there is no reason to suspect that
which was not introduced until the 1970s.
The listed frequencies were used, starting
current with a ramped square wave pulse.
Two different devices were used to deliver
developed clinically using the osteopath’s
this patient’s two treatment sessions. The
Society and the journal ElectromedicalDigest served as a forum for physicians to
share their research and clinical findings.
since 1997.1,2,4,5 There are approximately
In 1934, as part of its effort to standard-
2010 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
N o n - P h a r m a c o l o g i c T r e a t m e n t o f S h i n g l e s
tions and surgery were the legitimate tools
“unscientific.”7,8 The biophysics and
treatment period. In 2004, when a patient
claims can, or will, be made by the author
until he awakened after two hours, it was
for the specific effects of frequencies on
cine would not be done until the 1980s.9,10
biological tissues or conditions. Clinicians
may report the observed effects of treat-
as three sequential one-hour treatments.
reported in Electromedical Digest ceased,
and the last edition of the journal avail-
application of the frequency protocol. In
order to be effective, the contacts must be
medications, such as aspirin or penicillin,
Clinical Experience With FSM Protocols
proximal to the distal end of the affected
About Shingles
this treatment protocol is useful for the
or cranial nerve by the herpes zoster virus.
infection in the nerve that lasts for the lifeof the host and may become active attimes of stress or immune system compro-
“Clinical experience demonstrated that this treatment protocol is
mise.12 Pain in the affected nerve usuallybegins during the viral prodrome and can
useful for the same class of virus in oral or genital herpes but is not
last up to three weeks before red raisedlesions and blisters break out along the
useful for any other condition.”
course of the nerve. Herpes Simplex 1(HSV1) is part of the same family ofviruses that causes “cold sores” or lesions
frequencies from the osteopath’s list were
taken at face value and speculatively used
in clinical practice for various chronic and
frequency combination was not effective.
the genital or anal area. All are related to
acute conditions–including shingles—to
the varicella or chickenpox virus and the
Epstein-Barr virus is included in this class
in symptoms and clinical improvement.
possible to blind patients to active versus
Proposed Mechanism of Action
that there was finally a patient for whom
the protocol was not effective. The physi-
ment viral samples taken in shingles treat-
frequency treatment protocol relieves the
week and it was discovered that the device
pair—described on the list as being useful
for “virus”—was first applied to a patient
with acute shingles blisters using alternat-
shingles patient treated with that device
for this effect is unknown. It is not known
that the practitioner’s expectation that
if applied by an auditory source since it
and resolved the blisters within two days
after the final treatment. Clinical trial and
2010 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
N o n - P h a r m a c o l o g i c T r e a t m e n t o f S h i n g l e s
herpes family of DNA viruses has a double
Effects of Frequencies
Frequencies refer to the number of pulses
energy production dramatically as long as
consists of polyamines, lipids and glyco-
hertz is a single waveform or cycle passing
proteins. The glycoproteins give the virus
applied across rat skin increased glycine
a fixed point in one second. In engineer-
its distinctive properties and provide the
ing terms, the word “frequency” should
with untreated controls and current levels
interferential field includes both frequen-
ing a dramatic increase in protein synthe-
ics instead of using sine waves because the
cies. The interferential field created by
frequency of 40 Hz is technically a pulse
train of 40 Hz—i.e., 40 square waves that
waves delivering the frequency pulses.
Any or all of these frequencies may partic-
frequencies simultaneously. The frequency
ipate in the observed clinical effect. There
thought to neutralize a condition is deliv-ered on one channel. The frequencythought to address a specific tissue is deliv-
“In an unpublished blinded placebo controlled trial in mice, one
ered simultaneously on a second channel. In an unpublished blinded placebo
frequency combination.reduced arachidonic acid induced lipoxyge-
controlled trial in mice, one frequencycombination, 40 Hz on channel A and 116
nase (LOX) mediated swelling in the mouse’s ear by 62% in four minutes.”
Hz on channel B reduced arachidonic acidinduced lipoxygenase (LOX) mediated
swelling in the mouse’s ear by 62% in four
430 Hz is used alone. The clinical effect
levels as compared to untreated controls.
the viral structure it is possible that it
resonates with either the crystalline struc-
ture of viral polymerases in the capsid or
there was no residual effect in rat skin.
the glycoprotein envelope so as to disman-
This study has not been replicated in vivo
tle a crucial bond or change its structure
in such a way that it cannot maintain its
relationship with the nerve. It is also possi-
ble that the frequency resonates with the
ent. One half of the response was present
attachment impossible, releases the virus
into the circulation and makes it available
to be dismantled by the immune system.
This mechanism, wile possible, seems less
needed to maintain the current levels set
likely because of the speed of pain relief
being useful to “reduce inflammation.”
Use of this frequency in a clinical setting
Microcurrent Effects
suggested that it did only that and was not
strate any palliative or curative effect on
nally-applied microamperage current.
that the contacts be placed so the current
and substance P and to increase β-endor-
function, it may do so simply by increas-
2010 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
N o n - P h a r m a c o l o g i c T r e a t m e n t o f S h i n g l e s
1. Mc Makin C. Microcurrent therapy: a novel
myofascial pain. Journal of Bodywork andMovement Therapies. 2004. 8: 143-153.
to an average of 1.4/10 on a 0-10 VAS scale
2. McMakin C, Gregory W, and Phillips T.
Cytokine changes with microcurrent treat-ment of Fibromyalgia associate with cervical
thirty minute mark, approximately half of
spine trauma. Journal of Bodywork andMovement Therapies. 2005. 9: 169-176
produce any additional effect. In shingles,
Biological Resonance
3. Reilly W, Reeve VE, and Quinn C. Anti-
a thirty minute treatment time is insuffi-
cient to create a significant improvement.
frequency-specific applied microcurrent.
oscillate at larger amplitudes in response
to some frequencies and not others. Every
every day for three days. A single two hour
Medical Research Congress. February, 2004.
treatment appears to be sufficient to abort
Myofascial Pain in the Head, Neck and Face.
oscillate sufficiently to change configura-
Topics in Clinical Chiropractic. 1998. 5(1):
tions can cause the system to oscillate so
violently that it comes apart. Mechanical
onset muscle soreness. Journal of Bodyworkand Movement Therapies. 2010 (In press).
of oscillations in the bridge caused by the
to have promise in the treatment of acute
shingles. It is low risk, appears to have no
ment: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (5th
effective in other cases. A controlled trial
Ed). Weiner R (ed.) Electromedicine theother side of physiology. Vol 2, Chapter 55.
visual example of the power of resonance.
CRC press, LLC. Boca Raton Florida. 1998.
7. Barzansky BS an Gevitz N. BeyondFlexner; medical education in the twentiethDisclosure century. Greenwood press. Westport CT.
8. Berliner HS. A larger perspective on the
Flexner Report, International Journal of
oscillate and the glass comes apart.
Resonant phenomena occur with everytype of vibration or wave and every type
9. Becker RO and Seldon G. The BodyElectric: Electromagnetism and the Founda-tion of Life. Quill, William Morrow. New York.
advice and inspiration provided by Dr.
David G. Simons in the preparation of this
10. Oschman J. Energy Medicine, The Scien-tific Basis. Churchill Livingston. Edinburgh.
frequency that will cause it to oscillate, then
it is possible to hypothesize that a resonant
Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC, is the clinical
11. Electronic Medical Digest. Electronic
frequency exists for every bond that will
director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial
Medical Foundation. San Francisco, Califor-
cause oscillations sufficiently violent to
Pain Clinic of Portland, Oregon and devel-
nia. 1951. (Paper copy in rare book room at
oped Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)
National College of Naturopathic Medicine,
in 1996. She maintains a part-time clinical
within the herpes virus capsid or its glyco-
practice, participates in research and teaches
12. Steiner I, Kennedy PG, and Pachner AR. seminars on the use of FSM. She has lectured
Bridge. The resonant vibration and oscil-
at the National Institutes of Health and at
simplex and varicella-zoster. Lancet Neurol-medical conferences on the subjects offibromyalgia, fibromyalgia associated with
13. Liu S, Knafels JD, Chang JS, et al. cervical trauma and on the differential
Crystal Structure of the herpes simplex virus
makes them act as a mediator of viral infec-
diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain
1 DNA polymerase. J Biol Chem. 2006. 281:
tion. This would account for the rate and
syndromes. Her text book on FSM in pain
degree of reductions in pain and the speed
management is in press with Elsevier to be
14. Cheng N, et al. The effect of electric
of lesion repair. Any other mechanism that
released in 2010. She may be contacted at
currents on ATP generation, protein synthe-
[email protected] or 3915 NE 38th St,
sis, and membrane transport in rat skin. Clinical Orthopedics. 1982. 171: 264-272.
2010 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
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