In order to minimize your wait time and maximize your experience, please complete this questionnaire prior to
your appointment and bring it with you. We realize this is a lengthy form but assure you it is all important
information and will be kept confidential.
Check all the factors that apply to your current lifestyle and eating habits:
___Significant other or family members have
special dietary needs or food preferences
___Eat more than 50% of meals away from home
___Emotional eater (eat when sad, lonely,
How many years? _________ Packs per day:________
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
Alcohol Intake:
How many drinks currently per week? (1 drink = 5 oz wine, 12 oz beer, 1.5 oz spirits)
Current exercise program: Activity (list type, number of session/week, and duration of activity)
List any problems that limit activity:__________________________________________________
Would you be interested in an appointment with our physical therapist for a personalized exercise program
and review? _______________________________________________________________
Average number of hours you sleep per night? __________________________________________
Do you have known adverse food reaction or sensitivities?
If yes, describe symptom: ___________________________________________________________
If yes, list all: ___________________________________________________________
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
Please indicate which weight loss medications you have tried in the past:
If you checked any of the above medications, please indicate when you took the medication, for how long,
how much weight (if any) you were able to lose, and why you stopped.
Medication Duration (how long did Reason for stopping you take) weight loss
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
Medical History
Type I Diabetes/Insulin Dep (Uncontrolled)
Type II Diabetes/Adult Onset (Controlled)
Dysmenorrhea (excessively painful menses)
Abnormally elevated liver function tests
Stress urinary Incontinence (leaking urine with
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
Surgical History:
Please list any surgeries you have had or indicate if you have not had any.
Review of Systems – to be completed by patient General: □ Weight gain last 6 mos
□ Irritable HEENT: □ Headaches
CV: □ Chest pain
Resp: □ Cough
□ Difficulty breathing with exertion/activity
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
Female GU/Gyn:
□ History of broken bone as an adult, if so which: _______
Neurologic: □ Headaches
Psychiatric: □ Anxiety/Excessive worry
□ Problems with relationships □ Change in Job in last two years
□ Death of close family/friend in last two years Endocrine: □ Excessive thirst
□ Excessive Urination (frequency or quantity)
□ Enlarged breasts for males □ FerƟlity problems Skin:
Hematology: □ Anemia
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
□ MedicaƟons. If so, please list medication and reactions: ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Iodine: ___ No known allergies:___ Please list below any and all mediations/vitamins you are taking: Example:
Lipitor 10mg one tablet daily at bedtime
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
OrthoTrim exclusively provided by KneeCenters
Community Infection Guidance Aims • To provide a simple, best guess approach to the treatment of common infections • To promote the safe, effective and economic use of antibiotics • To minimise the emergence of bacterial resistance in the community Principles of Treatment 1. This guidance is based on the best available evidence but its application must be modified by c
Wilma Zanetti [[email protected]] ESTENOSE AÓRTICA - UM ESTUDO DE CASO A população idosa tem patologias freqüentes tais como diabetes, problemas neurológicos, hepatológicos, hematológicos, nefropatias e cardiovasculares dentre os quais está a estenose aórtica. As principais causas de estenose aórtica são a congênita, reumática e a degenerativa ou senil (RANGEL, 2006). A