Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Vol. 21, No. 3, March 2004 ( C 2004)Pregnancy and Delivery After Stimulation with rFSH of a Galatosemia Patient Suffering Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism: Case Report Yves Menezo, JR,1,3 Maryse Lescaille,1 Bernard Nicollet,1 and Edouard J. Servy2 Submitted July 30, 2003; accepted February 27, 2004Purpose : To determine if hypergonadotropic hypogonadism related to galactosemia could be linked to anomaly of the circulating FSH. A 26-year ONL
1-phosphate uridyltransferase) had a premature ovarian failure with amenorrhea since the age of 19. The circulating level for FSH was 83 and 34 mU/mL for LH. Methods : After treatment with a hormonal substitution cycle including estradiol and proges- terone, the patient underwent stimulations with recombinant FSH. The first cycle, one 16-mm diameter follicle and the second cycle one follicle of 17.5 mm of diameter were obtained at the time of ovulation induction. Results : The patient conceived and delivered a female baby weighting 3.38 kg after the second stimulation protocol. Conclusions : The impact of galactosemia on the ovary seems rather related to the absence of recognition of circulating FSH by its receptor and not to a toxic alteration of the ovary by itself as it is currently reported. The rFSH treatment following hormonal substitution cycles allows to overcome infertility problems. KEY WORDS: Galactosemia; hypergonadotropic hypogonadism; ovarian stimulation; rFSH. INTRODUCTION
progesterone are used to assist pubertal changes andto prevent sequelae of early postmenauposal state
(6,7). In human gonadotropins, carbohydrate struc-
lated to the deficiency of one of three different en-
ture is related to bioactivity (8,9). More precisely, the
zymes in the metabolism of galactose: galactokinase
follitropin beta chain shows N-acetyllactosamine re-
(GALK), galactoso-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
peats. On this basis, we postulated that an aberrant
(GALT), the FOR
biologically inactive form of FSH, preventing a nor-
epimerase (GALE). It has been generally admitted
mal ligand–receptor binding and a proper recognition
that galactose and its metabolites could be toxic to the
of the circulating FSH was produced.
ovary (1–2). This generally leads to more or less se-vere hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Women withgalactosemia have a high incidence of ovarian failures
and childbearing is rather rare (3,4), even if spon-taneous in some cases (5). Exogenous estrogen and
VB a 26-year-old Caucasian patient had regular
menses up to 19 years of age. She was carrying theGALT-type galactosemia and was submitted to hor-
1 IRH/Laboratoire Marcel Merieux, Bron, France.
monal substitutive treatment including estradiol and
2 The Servy Institute, Augusta, Georgia.
3 To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: ymenezo@
progesterone. She came for ART counselling after
having stopped her hormonal substitution treatment
1058-0468/04/0300-0089/0 C 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Menezo, Lescaille, Nicollet, and Servy
for 6 months. Her biological parameters were: a cir-
the receptor. The generally admitted direct toxic ef-
culating FSH at 83 and LH was 34 IU/L, Estra-
fect on the ovary, (1–7) does not fit with our observa-
diol 14 pg/mL. Her TSH was within normal range:
tion. Galactosemia negatively modulates the biologi-
1.6 mU/L. We advised the couple to undergo ovarian
cal activity of FSH (10), more than probably through
stimulations with rFSH. Husband sperm is of good
a modification of the sugar moeity. Circulating FSH
quality (114 millions/mL, 5 mL, 85% living cells, 2/3
is recognized by the radioimmunoassay but not by
high quality motility, 33% abnormal forms according
the receptor. We are currently investigating the struc-
to WHO criteria). We chose rFSH as it allows a “pure”
tural modifications of her FSH. In conclusion, the use
of rFSH treatment offers new hopes for galactosemia
The patient was stimulated twice. She was submit-
patients, submitted to premature ovarian failure, to
ted first to an artificial cycle treatment (hormone re-
placement therapy) including Estradiol (2 tablets ofEstradiol 17 beta: Provames 2 mg) followed by dy-drogesterone (Duphaston 20-mg intravaginally) dur-
ing 10 days. She was then stimulated with 75 IU ofrFSH (Gonalef SERONO) daily during 7 days, start-
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She conceived and delivered a healthy female baby
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with a birthweight of 3.380 kg. As usual in this case
she was not allowed to breast-feed her baby. Three
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months after delivery, her FSH returned to 38 IU/L
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9. Creus S, Chaia Z, Pellizari EH, Cigorraga SB, Ulloa-Aguiire
To our knowledge, this is the first time that such
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galactosemia patients with amenorrhea. The impact
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of galactosemia on the ovary seems simply related to
stimulating hormone isoforms in female galactosemia patients.
the absence of recognition of the circulating FSH by
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Vol. 21, No. 3, March 2004
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESNational Institutes of HealthNIH Publication No. 07-4901 hoW are We WorkiNg to better uNderstaNd aNd treat eatiNg disorders ?research to understand them, the biological, behavioral and social underpinnings of these illnesses remain elusive. eating disorders are real, treat-able medical illnesses with complex underlying psychological and biological cau