Eligibility worker ledger and details

Revised 9-12-07
Revised 7-21-08
*If there are questions not answered by this manual, please contact the FACSES Help
Desk at 1-800-251-8685 or email at [email protected].

The Eligibility Worker Ledger shows basic data for transactions, which can be used to
verify child support payments. This data is shown in a format designed to be easy to
read and understand. Transactions of similar type, done on the same day, have been
combined to display as one transaction. Transactions which have a zero net affect,
such as some receipt adjustments, are not displayed at all.
To access the VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER the worker must enter „VIEW‟ in
the NEXT field on any FACSES screen (SCREEN #1).

NEXT: VIEW 9/16/06 13:57
FAMM/ES8000M1 FACSES MASTER MENU SOWIED * TEST S * A. GENERAL INQUIRY **ALERTS** B. INQUIRY & REGISTRATION **ERRORS** C. CASE MANAGEMENT D. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT K. PRINT BATCH REPORTS L. CONVERSION M. NEW HIRE S. CSE (OLD CHILD SUPPORT SYSTEM) T. HELP DESK OPTIONS OPTION: _ CASE NUMBER: 0000000033 01 FILE NUMBER: 09 3301_________ PERSON NUMBER: __________ View Eligibility Worker Ledger The View Eligibility Worker ledger (SCREEN #2) displays a standard header section which contains the Case Number, File Number, AR and AP name and the AP person number. Included in the header is also a „Starting Date‟ field which allows the worker to pick a specific time period to view. The ledger transactions are scrollable and are displayed in chronological order starting with the most recent transaction at the top. A worker can use Enter, PF8 and PF7 to scroll through the transactions. Each transaction has four columns of data, which include „Sel‟ect, „Date‟, „Type‟ and „Amount‟. NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:06 VIEW/ES8587M1 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER SOWIED STARTING DATE: ________ AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING SEL DATE TYPE AMOUNT _ 05/02/2005 RECEIVED 2.00 _ 05/01/2005 DUE 200.00 _ 04/25/2005 RECEIVED 250.00 _ 04/15/2005 INTEREST DUE 21.39 _ 04/01/2005 DUE 400.00 _ 03/15/2005 INTEREST DUE 17.55 _ 03/01/2005 DUE 200.00 _ 02/15/2005 INTEREST DUE 9.95 _ 02/01/2005 DUE 200.00 _ 01/29/2005 INTEREST DUE 1.04 ENTER 'X' IN (SEL) TO VIEW DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION The „Sel‟ect column is a one character field for each transaction where the worker can enter an „X‟ to go to the „View Eligibility Worker Ledger Details‟ screen, which will be described later. It is essential to view the details to learn disbursement of a received payment. The „Date‟ column displays the date the transaction was posted to the ledger. The „Type‟ column indicates the type of transaction displayed on the Eligibility Worker ledger. The transaction types for this column are „Due‟, „Interest Due‟, „Balance Adj‟, „Int Change‟, „Received‟, „Direct Pymt‟, „Deducted Fee‟, „Rec Reversal‟, and „Reapply‟. Each type is defined below. Each transaction is a combination of all like transactions for a specific date, except as noted. For example, if there is more than one receipt on the same day, those receipts are combined and shown as one „Received‟ transaction on the Eligibility Worker ledger. Due is the accrual of support. Interest Due is the accrual of interest. Balance Adj is debt adjustments and debts entered. For this type, if the total of the „Balance Adj‟ for the day nets to zero then no transaction would be shown on the simplified ledger. Int Change is an upward or downward change to interest. Received is receipts that apply. Direct Pymt is direct payment receipts. Deducted Fee is deducted fee receipts. Rec Reversal is receipt adjustments where the reversal exceeds the related Reapply is receipt adjustments where the reapply(s) exceed their related If the „Receipt Reversal‟ piece of the adjustment has not been fully reapplied to the same civil file, the piece that has not yet reapplied will display on the Eligibility Worker ledger as a „Receipt Reversal‟ transaction. If the „Receipt Reversal‟ and „Reapply‟ pieces for an adjusted receipt net to zero on the same civil file, the transactions for this adjustment will not be shown on the Eligibility Worker Ledger, even if the pieces occurred on different days. For example, there is an original receipt for $100 dated the 10th of the month, which is fully reversed on the 13th with $75 reapplied on the 18th, and the remaining $25 reapplied on the 20th. If we looked at the Eligibility Worker ledger on the 15th before the reapplies occur we will see „REC REVERSAL $100.00‟ displayed on the ledger. If we looked at the same ledger on the 19th we will see the piece of the reversal that had not yet been reapplied, which would display as „REC REVERSAL $25.00‟. If we looked at the ledger on the 23rd we would only see the original receipt because the adjustment now nets to zero. If the Receipt Reversal occurs on one civil file and the Reapply piece(s) occur on a different civil file we will see the Receipt Reversal on the Eligibility Worker ledger for the first civil file and the Reapply on the Eligibility Worker ledger for the second civil file, even if all the pieces net to zero. The transaction date on the Eligibility Worker ledger for all pieces (shown on different files) is the transaction date for the reversal even if the reapply happens on a different day. This is done so all pieces of the receipt adjustment are tied together by date. The true transaction date of the reapply piece is shown on the detail screen described later. The „Amount‟ column is the total amounts of the combined transactions. The principal and interest amounts are combined on the Eligibility Worker ledger. View Eligibility Worker Ledger Details The View Eligibility Worker Ledger Details screen can be accessed by entering an „X‟ in the „Sel‟ect column in front of any transaction on the „View Eligibility Worker Ledger‟ screen (SCREEN #2). The View Eligibility Worker Ledger Details screen (SCREEN #3) has the same standard header section which contains the Case Number, File Number, AR and AP names and the AP person number. It also has one line of transaction data from the „View Eligibility Worker Ledger‟ screen. This line of data shows the transaction Date, the transaction Type and the transaction Amount. SCREEN #3 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:06 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 09/01/2005 TYPE: RECEIVED AMOUNT: 200.00 DATE RCVD: 05/16/2005 AMOUNT: 200.00 REC# 2005314100001 CHECK NO NAME CK AMOUNT CK DATE EPC PASSENGER SHIP 200.00 09/01/2005 1 2ND ST S APT 1-101 The rest of the screen is a scrollable area. The data in this scrollable area differs in format and content depending on the type of transaction that is being detailed, however, all entries have an „Amount‟ field on the right side of the screen on the first line of the entry. All fields in the scrollable area are protected display fields. The „Amount‟ fields for all detail entries add up to the „Amount‟ field in the transaction line at the top of the screen. There is an entry in this scrollable area for each ledger transaction which was combined into the selected Eligibility Worker ledger transaction. For example, if a „Received‟ transaction consisted of more than one payment received on the same day, the scrollable area would list each payment individually, with the total of these payments displaying in the first line of the entry in the „Amount‟ field. The „Due‟ transaction type (SCREEN #4) has four fields in the first line for each transaction entry. They are Debt Type, Debt Number, Effective Date and Amount. The debt types are „CS‟ for Child Support, „HI‟ for Medical Support, and „SP‟ for Spousal Support. Each transaction entry also has one or more lines coming from the debt allocations. These lines each have three fields in them. These three fields are the Person Number for the child, the Assignment Indicator and the transaction „Amount‟ for the allocation. NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:05 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 09/01/1999 TYPE: DUE AMOUNT: 412.00 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 5 EFF DATE: 09/01/1999 AMOUNT: 412.00 PERSON #: 123456 ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 206.00 PERSON #: 234567 ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 206.00 The „Interest Due‟ transaction type (SCREEN #5) lists the debts that were affected by the accrual of interest. This transaction type has four fields in the first line for each transaction entry. They are Debt type, Debt Number, Effective Date and Amount. Each transaction entry also has one or more lines coming from the debt allocations. These lines each have four fields in them. These four fields are the Person Number for the child, the allocation Subtype, the Assignment Indicator and the transaction „Amount‟ for the allocation. SCREEN #5 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:05 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 03/15/2006 TYPE: INTEREST DUE AMOUNT: 6.41 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 18 EFF DATE: 03/15/2006 AMOUNT: 2.53 PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: PU AMOUNT: 1.53 PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: TC AMOUNT: 1.00 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 19 EFF DATE: 03/15/2006 AMOUNT: 1.53 PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: PU AMOUNT: 1.53 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 21 EFF DATE: 03/15/2006 AMOUNT: 1.53 PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 1.53 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 22 EFF DATE: 03/15/2006 AMOUNT: 0.82 PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 0.82 ** END OF LIST ** The „Balance Adj‟ transaction type (SCREEN #6) is used when debts are entered and when debts are adjusted. The entries for these transactions have four fields in the first line for each transaction entry. They are Debt type, Debt Number, Effective Date and Amount. Each transaction entry also has one or more lines coming from the debt allocations. These lines each have four fields in them. The four fields are the Person Number for the child, the allocation Subtype, the Assignment Indicator and the transaction „Amount‟ for the allocation. For the „DA‟ transactions there is a line between the first line and the allocation lines where the „Reason‟ from the debt adjustment is displayed. SCREEN #6 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:07 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 12/09/2005 TYPE: BALANCE ADJ AMOUNT: 342.95 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 1 EFF DATE: 12/09/2005 AMOUNT: -57.21 REASON: OT THIS IS WHERE THE ADJUSTMENT REASON LINE WOULD BE PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: TU AMOUNT: -57.21 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 18 EFF DATE: 12/09/2005 AMOUNT: 200.16 REASON: OT THIS IS ANOTHER ADJUSTMENT PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: TC AMOUNT: 200.16 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 20 EFF DATE: 12/09/2005 AMOUNT: 200.00 REASON: OT ANOTHER DEBT ADJUSTMENT WAS DONE PERSON #: 2060 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 200.00 The „Int Change‟ transaction type (SCREEN #7) has four fields in the first line for each transaction entry. They are the Debt type, the Debt Number, the Effective Date and Amount. Each transaction entry also has one or more lines coming from the debt allocations. These lines each have four fields in them. These four fields are the Person Number for the child, the allocation Subtype, the Assignment Indicator and the transaction „Amount‟ for the allocation. This transaction is used if the system needs to add or remove interest from a debt allocation. SCREEN #7 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:10 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 01/27/2006 TYPE: INT CHANGE AMOUNT: 0.55 DEBT TYPE: CS DEBT#: 67 EFF DATE: 01/27/2006 AMOUNT: 0.55 PERSON #: 35 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 0.11 PERSON #: 36 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 0.11 PERSON #: 37 SUBTYPE: ASGN: FS AMOUNT: 0.11 PERSON #: 38 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 0.11 PERSON #: 39 SUBTYPE: ASGN: NS AMOUNT: 0.11 ** END OF LIST ** The „Received‟ transaction type (SCREEN #8) has two lines for each entry plus it has a disbursement section. The first line shows the Date Received and the Amount. The second line only shows the Receipt Number field. The disbursement section details the individual disbursements for that receipt. There can be multiple disbursements for a receipt. NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 14494________ 9/16/06 14:31 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED DATE: 09/09/2006 TYPE: RECEIVED AMOUNT: 925.00 DATE RCVD: 09/09/2006 AMOUNT: 925.00 REC# 2007247100023 CHECK NO NAME CK AMOUNT CK DATE 33334994 MOM FEEBO 900.00 09/09/2006 1 2ND ST S OUTSTANDING FARGO ND 58103-1963 FEE APPLIED TO FEDERAL FEE 25.00 09/09/2006 The „Check No‟ column contains the actual check number, “EFT”, “EPC”, “Retained”, “Fee”, or “FC-Ret” if the receipt has been disbursed. If the receipt is being held, the word “Held” will appear in the „Check No‟ column. The „Name‟ column lists the name and address to which the disbursement was or is to be made. The address will not appear if the payment is for the N. D. Department of Human Services. If the payment is a “Fee”, the name field will display either “Applied to Federal Fee” or “Applied to State Fee”. The “Federal Fee” is the IV-D fee and the “State Fee” is the nonIV-D fee. All fees collected are retained. The „Ck Amount‟ column lists the amount that was or is to be disbursed. The total disbursements do not necessarily have to balance the amount for the transaction entry. The „Ck Date‟ column lists the date that is printed on the check. The checks are mailed the following business day. If the payment is being held the „Ck Date‟ will be blank. For actual checks the check status is listed below the check amount. If the check is being deposited directly into the custodial parent‟s account or debit card (SCREEN #9), the system will display „EPC‟ or „EFT‟ in the Check No field. The money will be at the custodial parent‟s bank or debit card two working days after the payment is processed; the date processed is the date showing in the Check Date field. The custodial parent‟s bank will decide when the funds are made available to the custodial parent. NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:06 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 09/01/2005 TYPE: RECEIVED AMOUNT: 200.00 DATE RCVD: 05/16/2005 AMOUNT: 200.00 REC# 2005314100001 CHECK NO NAME CK AMOUNT CK DATE EPC PASSENGER SHIP 200.00 09/01/2005 1 2ND ST S APT 1-101 FARGO ND 58103-1922 The „Direct Pymt‟ transaction type (SCREEN #10) has two lines for each entry. The first line shows the Date Received and the Amount. The second line shows the Receipt Number field. A direct payment transaction can occur when the non-custodial parent is given credit for payments made directly to the custodial parent. Another example of a direct payment credit is when the non-custodial parent is given credit for Social Security dependent‟s benefits paid to the custodial parent on behalf of the child. The date of the direct payment transaction is the date the credit was given, not the date the custodial parent received the payment. Direct payment credits also occur in a split custody or equal physical custody situation where each parent has a support obligation to the other parent; the obligations are offset by subtracting the lesser obligation from the greater. The parent with the greater obligation pays the difference to the other parent. The offset amount (which is not actually paid) will display as a direct payment transaction. In situations where the obligations are equal and no payment is actually made, the full obligation is offset and displays as a direct payment. SCREEN #10 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 01 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:14 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 06/03/2005 TYPE: DIRECT PAYMENT AMOUNT: 200.00 DATE RCVD: 05/01/2005 AMOUNT: 100.00 REC# 2099334260001 DATE RCVD: 03/25/2005 AMOUNT: 100.00 REC# 2099334260002 The „Deducted Fee‟ transaction type (SCREEN #11) has two lines for each entry. The first line shows the Date Received and the Amount. The second line only shows the Receipt Number field. A deducted fee is an amount charged for services by another state. The fee is paid by the non custodial parent and retained by the other state. The custodial parent does not receive this payment but the deducted fee transaction gives the noncustodial parent credit for the payment. NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_________ 9/16/06 14:17 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 07/01/2004 TYPE: DEDUCTED FEE AMOUNT: 4.00 DATE RCVD: 06/30/2004 AMOUNT: 4.00 The „Rec Reversal‟ transaction type can show grouped transactions on the detail screen (SCREEN #12). Each group contains a receipt reversal and all related reapplied transactions (RN and/or RA transactions) for that reversal for the civil file. SCREEN #12 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 09 2058_____________ 4/23/07 16:00 /ES8587M3 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2058 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 09-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 02/17/2003 TYPE: RECEIPT REVERSAL AMOUNT: 8.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATE RCVD: 02/11/2003 TRAN DATE: 02/17/2003 RR AMOUNT: 10.00 REC# 2008121100005 REASON: OT TESTING A RECEIPT ADJUSTMENT DATE RCVD: 2/11/2003 TRAN DATE: 02/19/2003 RN AMOUNT: 2.00 ADJ REC# 2008256800001 ORIG REC# 2008121100005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ** END OF LIST ** For the Reversal piece („RR‟) the first line shows the Date Received, the actual Transaction Date, the ledger transaction code („RR‟) and the Amount. The second line will show the Receipt Number that was reversed. The third line will display the Reason Code and Description that was entered when the adjustment was done. For the Reapply piece(s) („RA‟ and „RN‟) the first line shows the Date Received, the actual Transaction Date, the ledger transaction code („RA‟ or „RN‟) and the Amount. The second line displays the Adjustment Receipt Number and the Original Receipt Number that was adjusted. In addition, the „RA‟ reapply has a disbursement section. The disbursement section details the individual disbursements for that reapply receipt; there can be multiple disbursements for a reapply receipt. The „Check No‟ column contains the actual check number, “EFT”,”EPC”, “Retained”, or “FC-Ret” if the receipt has been disbursed. If the receipt is being held, the word “Held” will appear in the „Check No‟ column The „Name‟ column lists the Name and address to which the disbursement was or is to be made. The address will not appear if the payment is for the N. D. Department of Human Services. The „Ck Amount‟ column lists the amount that was or is to be disbursed. The total disbursements do not necessarily have to balance the amount for the transaction entry. The „Ck Date‟ column lists the date that is printed on the check. The checks are mailed the following business day. If the payment is being held the „Ck Date‟ will be blank. For actual checks the check status is listed below the check amount. If the check is being deposited directly into the custodial parent‟s account, the money will be at the custodial parent‟s bank two working days after the payment is processed, the date processed is the date showing in the Check Date field. The custodial parent‟s bank will decide when the funds are made available to the custodial parent. „Rec Reversal‟ transactions can also display only „RR‟ transactions on the detail screen if the reapplies have not been completed, or if the receipt adjustment crosses civil files and a payment is reversed from one civil file and reapplied to another civil file. „Reapply‟ transactions can display „RA‟ and/or „RN‟ transactions on the detail screen (SCREEN #13) if the receipt adjustment crosses civil files and a payment is reapplied to a civil file after being reversed from another civil file. „Reapply‟ transactions can also display if the reapply came from a manually distributed receipt, which will not have a related reversal transaction. NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 01 2058__________ 07/24/08 07:34 /ES8587M3 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 2059 CASE NO: 0000002058-01 AR: SHIP, PASSENGER FILE NO: 01-2058 AP: SHIP, VIKING DATE: 07/23/2008 TYPE: REAPPLY AMOUNT: 514.33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATE RCVD: 06/10/2008 TRAN DATE: 07/23/2008 RA AMOUNT: 167.77 ADJ REC# 2008205800011 ORIG REC# 2008162500322 CHECK NO NAME CK AMOUNT CK DATE EFT PASSENGER SHIP 167.77 07/23/2008 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATE RCVD: 06/10/2008 TRAN DATE: 07/23/2008 RA AMOUNT: 346.56 ADJ REC# 2008205800012 ORIG REC# 2008162500323 CHECK NO NAME CK AMOUNT CK DATE EFT PASSENGER SHIP 346.56 07/23/2008 4101 36TH AVE NW Adjusted Receipt Edit Message If a receipt is fully adjusted and the new disbursement is different than the disbursement of the original receipt, a new message will display in yellow on the View Eligibility Worker Ledger Detail screen (SCREEN #14). The message will inform the worker that an adjustment to the original disbursement has been made and to contact the FACSES Help Desk for information on the adjustment. SCREEN #14 NEXT: ____ FILE NO: 08 4177_________ 4/19/07 09:01 /ES8587M2 VIEW ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER DETAILS SOWIED AP PER#: 4715 CASE NO: 0000004177-01 AR: JULIP, HANNAH FILE NO: 08-4177 AP: DOLT, JOHN RECEIPT ADJUSTED; MUST CALL FACSES HELP DESK AT 800-251-8685 DATE: 02/22/2007 TYPE: RECEIVED AMOUNT: 17.05 DATE RCVD: 07/04/2005 AMOUNT: 17.05 REC# 2008123105001 CHECK NO NAME CK AMOUNT CK DATE RETAINED N.D. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN 17.05 02/22/2007 As stated above, receipt adjustments that net to zero do not display on the Eligibility Worker ledger. The worker will only see the original receipt and its original disbursement. In many situations, net zero receipt adjustments are done resulting in a change to the disbursement of an original receipt. The change in final disbursement cannot be assumed. A variety of scenarios are possible thus contact with the FACSES Help Desk is necessary. For example, a payment was originally retained by the State and later fully adjusted to be paid to the custodial parent. The adjustment results in a net zero transaction. The adjustment transaction will not display on the ledger and the original receipt will still display as retained by the State. The new message, „RECEIPT ADJUSTED; MUST CALL FACSES HELP DESK AT 800-251-8685‟ will display on the original receipt‟s detail screen (SCREEN #14), letting the eligibility worker know they must contact the Help Desk to verify the new disbursement of the original receipt. If a net zero receipt adjustment is done that does not change the disbursement of the original receipt, the new message will not display. For example, a payment is disbursed to the custodial parent. A receipt adjustment is done to the original receipt which moves the payment from one debt to another, but does not change the original disbursement of the receipt. The new message will not display. The original receipt will still show the payment was disbursed to the custodial parent.

Source: http://www.ewtechteam.com/EWSpecificTips/Elig%20Worker%20Ledger%20VIEW%2008-01-08.pdf

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