Covered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in lower
abdomen including tubal ligation/transection
Anesthesia for Vasectomy, Unilateral or Bilateral
Anesthesia for vaginal procedures(including biopsy of
labia, vagina, cervix, or endometrium); hysteroscopy and/or hysterosalpingography
Destruction of Lesions, Penis, Simple; Chemical
Destruction of Lesions, Penis, Simple; Cryosurgery
APPENDIX p(99837) pa(175581) d(401349) ra(331184)
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Exam/Biopsy of Vag w/ScopeColposcopy of the cervix including upper/adjacent
vaginaVagina Examination & Biopsy (Colposcopy, with Biopsy
Endocervical CurettageCauterization of Cervix (Cautery of Cervix; Electro or
Ultrasound bone density measurement (TC/26)
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Urinalysis Routine Wo.Microscopy, Nonauto
Urinalysis Routine Wo Microscopy, Automat
Immunoassay, For Analyte Not Ab, Qual/Semi
Transaminase (SGOT); Aspartateamino (AST)
Ab; Herpes Simplex, Non-Specific Type Test
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Culture, Bac, An; Id, Ea Anaerobic Organism
Chlamydia Trachomatis Antigen Detection by DFA
Chlamydia Trachomatis Antigen Detection by EIA
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Detection by EIA
Hepatitis Be Antigen Detection by EIA Code
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Candida Detection by DNA, Amplified Probe
Chlamydia Pneumoniae Detection by DNA, Dir. Prob
Chlamydia Pneumoniae Detection by DNA, Amp. Pro
Chlamydia Pneumoniae Detection by DNA, Quantif.
Chlamydia Trachomatis Detection by DNA, Dir. Probe
Chlamydia Trachomatis Detection by DNA, Amp. Probe
Chlamydia Trachomatis Detection by DNA, Quantif.
Gardnerella Vaginalis Detection by DNA, Direct Prob
Gardnerella Vaginalis Detection by DNA, Amp. Probe
Gardnerella Vaginalis Detection by DNA, Quantif.
Herpes Simplex Detection by DNA, Direct Probe
Herpes Simplex Detection by DNA, Amplified Probe
Herpes Virus-6 Detection by DNA, Quantification
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, DNA Direct Probe Technique
Infect Agent Detect by Nucleic Acid, NOS, Dir. Probe
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Infect Agent Detect by Nucleic Acid, NOS, Amp. Probe
Infect Agent Detect by Nucleic Acid, NOS, Quantif.
Chlamydia Trachomatis Detection by Immunoassay
Cytopath, Cerv/Vag Thin Layer Preparation
Cytopathology Smears, Cervical or Vaginal; Screening
by Automated System Under Physician Supervision
Cytopathology Smears, Cervical or Vaginal; Screening
by Automated System Under Physician Supervision
Cytopathology Smears, Cervical or Vaginal; Screening
by Automated System with manual Re-screening Under Physician Supervision
Cytopath C/V Index Add-OnCytopathology, Slides, Cervical or Vaginal (the Bethesda
System); Manual Screening Under Physician SupervisionCytopathology with Manual Screening and Re-screening
Under Physician SupervisionCytopathology with Manual Screening and Computer
Assisted Re-screening Under Physician SupervisionCytopathology with Manual Screening and Computer
Assisted Re-screening Using Cell Selection and Review Under Physician SupervisionCytopathology, Cervical or Vagina (Any Reporting System), Collected in Preservative Fluid, Automated
Thin Layer Preparation, Screening by Automated System Under Physician SupervisionCytopathology, Cervical or Vagina (Any Reporting System), Collected in Preservative Fluid, Automated
Thin Layer Preparation, Screening by Automated System and Manual Rescreening or Review, Under Physician Supervision
Level II Surg Path Gross & Micro Exam
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Tissue Exam by PathologistLevel IV - Surgical Pathology, Gross and Microscopic
ExaminationLevel V - Surgical Pathology, Gross and Microscopic
Hepatitis B Immune Globulin, Intramuscular, 1ml
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine, adultHuman papilloma virus (HPV), types 6, 11, 16, 18, 3
HPV; types 16, 18 bivalent, 3 Dose Schedule1
Hepatitis B vaccine, Dialysis/Imm, 40 mcg
Therapeutic, Prophylactic or Diagnostic Injection (specify
material injected) Subcutaneous or Intramuscular
AppendixCovered Family Planning (FP) Family Planning Related (FPR) ServicesThese services must be billed with a family planning diagnosis code (V25.01‐V25.9)
Preventive Counseling, Indiv., 30 Min.
Preventive Counseling, Indiv., 45 Min.
Preventive Counseling, Indiv., 60 Min.
Injection, medroxyprogesterone acetate, 1 mg
Medroxyprogesterone Ace/Estradiol Cyp Inj,5mg/25mg
Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Contracep Sys
Levonorgestrel Implant System (Including Supplies)
Annual Gynecological Exam, Established Patient
Contraceptive Intrauterine Device, e.g. Progestacer
The format of this leaflet was determined by the Ministry of Health and its content was checked and approved by it. Prescribing Information ISOKET 0.1% ampoules bottles QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION 1 ampoule isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) i.v. 0.1 % contains 10 mg isosorbide dinitrate in 10 ml sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution. 1 bottle isosorbide dinitrate (ISD
8 (1) Guías DM2 p. 3 TOPICOS DE ACTUALIDAD Guias para el diagnóstico y tratamiento el síndrome metabólico y la diabetes tipo 2 (DM2). Nuevos criterios Recientemente el National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NECP-ATPIII)(1) identificó 6 componentes del síndrome metabólico: 1): obesidad abdominal; 2) dislipidemia aterogénica; 3) hiperten