Association of Early Pregnancy Units ‘Maintaining standards in early pregnancy care’ GUIDELINES
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All women with early pregnancy problems will have prompt access to a
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit
that provides efficient management, counselling and access to appropriate
At all times women will be supported in making informed choices
about their care andmanagement. The Association of Early Pregnancy Units Executive Committee have set out
a 10 point Charter for service provision and these include:
1. Referral Guidelines and Operational Policy that are clear to patient. 2. Recognition of Patient choice in management. 3. Dedicated area with quiet room for breaking bad news. 4. Availability of facility and opening hours. 5. Competence at Scanning 6. Same day Serum HCG Service. 7. Written information leaflets for patient care 8. Acknowledgement of patient privacy and dignity 9. Bereavement counselling availability 10. Free pregnancy testing Contents Guidelines for Service Organisation
II Clinical Guidelines
Incomplete miscarriage Missed miscarriage
Management of Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL)
III Supportive Guidelines
Support and follow-up after a miscarriage
Disposal of fetal remains (< 24 weeks) and funeral services
Guidelines for Service Organisation
It should be located in a dedicated area.
The surroundings should be pleasant and comfortable with toilets near at hand.
The gold standard is to have a unit open seven days a week from 8.00am until 5.00 pm
The minimum requirement would be to have a unit open for five days, mornings only from Monday to Friday.
Patient access to AEPU Website ( will give details of nearest EPU to patient within UK and contact number.
A simple system of sensitive urine pregnancy testing should be available in the unit
There should be access to ß-hCG assay with results within 24 hours
Rhesus grouping and Anti-D should be considered if gestation is >12 weeks
It is important to bear in mind that some patients may require other gynaecological
Varies between the units. Minimum requirement would be:
Attitude of the staff involved should be caring and sympathetic
Clear and consistent verbal and written information
Initial support and informal counselling should be provided by all health professionals involved
There should be access to formal counselling sessions where necessary (this may be needed
Referral Guidelines Who may be referred: Women in first trimester who have had a positive pregnancy test
intrauterine contraceptive device in-situ
Women with a non-viable pregnancy diagnosed in ante-natal booking clinic. Women between 13-20 weeks, with pain and/or bleeding, either restricted access to only inpatients or
open to all outpatient referrals depending on the resources of a unit
Post evacuation/termination with persistent bleeding. Sources of Referral Primary Care Doctors
Accident & Emergency Departments Wards
Nurse Led Primary Care Drop In Centres
Self referral Referral Procedure
Referral booking is via Co-ordinator between 9 am and 5 pm and via the Gynae SHO/Senior Gynae nurse at night. The appointment book or Electronic Diary should be available on gynae ward after 5.00pm. to enter
Details of patient’s name, address, date of birth, name of GP and reason for referral should be noted
GPs to be advised to tell the patients that :
as it is an emergency clinic the appointment time cannot be guaranteed and delays are likely
GPs to be encouraged to send a letter either with the patient or by fax A patient information leaflet on what to expect should be available in the waiting area.
Caution Women referred to the unit are, by definition, stable and can be given an appointment for the next working day. Women who are unwell, bleeding heavily or in whom an ectopic pregnancy is suspected should be admitted through the usual channels and not asked to wait for an appointment on the unit. There will also be a proportion of women who are frightened by the loss or who are socially and geographically isolated and prefer admission. II Clinical Guidelines Guidelines for General Patient Management A brief history is taken on the standardised proforma in accordance with RCOG/RCG guidelines
Previous obstetric history, LMP, pregnancy test in this pregnancy
Clinical examination should be considered if appropriate Transvaginal scan (TVU) is performed if less than 7-8 weeks and also in some circumstances at more
than 8 weeks, with patient option to see what is seen on the screen
Patient’s wishes should be respected if strongly declines a TVS A clear explanation should be given by the Gynaecologist/Sonographer performing the scan as to the
Appropriate pictures are taken for the patient’s records. Pictures are not usually given to patients in
All items on the proforma should be checked A plan of management should be formulated based on the guidelines A pregnancy test should be performed if a pregnancy is not clearly visible Consideration for a ß-hCG assay should be given if a pregnancy test is positive Support should be given where the pregnancy is non-viable and a second, independent observer must
confirm the diagnosis. A quiet room should be available
Follow up should be arranged before the woman leaves the clinic Appropriate written advice and telephone numbers for contact should be given
RCOG Guidelines for Rh Prophylaxis
Confirmed miscariage: Anti-D immunoglobulin should be given to all non-sensitised Rh negative women who miscarry after 12 weeks, whether complete or incomplete and to those who miscarry below 12 weeks when the uterus is evacuated (either surgically or medically). Threatened miscarriage: Anti-D should be given to all non-sensitised Rh negative women with threatened miscarriage after 12 weeks. Routine administration of anti-D is not required below 12 weeks when the fetus is viable, unless the bleeding is heavy or associated with abdominal pain. Ectopic pregnancy: All Rh negative women with ectopic pregnancies whether managed surgically or medically should be given anti-D. The recommended dose before 20 weeks of pregnancy is 250IU. Documentation from the EPAU should clearly state whether or not anti-D was given in the Clinic.
Reference: Use of anti-D immunoglobulin for Rh prophylaxis. RCOG ‘Green –top’ Guideline no. 22, 1999. Guidelines on Record keeping and Data Collection
Until such time as computer based records are developed in the early pregnancy assessment units, data should be maintained in hand-written registers. Accurate record keeping is needed to ensure that pregnancy outcome is recorded with sufficient detail and that feedback is comprehensive. The training of appropriate support staff to maintain high standards of record-keeping should be encouraged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guidance on maintaining Registers
The monitoring of the management protocols in terms of acceptance and outcome can only be achieved through maintaining accurate registers. The following issues are important to establish the diagnosis and its management. 1.
All first visit scans should be given a diagnosis and grouped under respective diagnosticgroups, such as: Viable pregnancy or Threatened miscarriage if associated with bleeding, Complete Miscarriage, Incomplete Miscarriage, Missed Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy,
Those scans that do not fit into any of the above diagnostic categories because a gestation sac is
either too small or not visible, should be grouped under:
EGS (early gestational sac) with/without YS (yolk sac), when no embryo is visible and Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL) if an intrauterine or extrauterine pregnancy can not be demonstrated on scan. 3.
Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL): At a subsequent scan when a diagnosis becomes
possible they are placed under the respective groups as mentioned above. A pregnancy, which does not fit into any of the above diagnostic groups, is still classified as Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL).
Scans that are performed after a diagnosis has been allocated to an individual patient so as to avoid counting the same patient twice in a diagnostic category.
All Incomplete/Missed miscarriages should be further grouped according to the method of treatment and their outcome recorded.
All ectopic pregnancies should be grouped according to the method of treatment and
Monthly statistics should be entered on a Data sheet.
Guidelines for Scanning RCOG Criteria If the gestation sac has a mean diameter greater than 20mm, with no evidence of an embryo or yolk sac, this is highly suggestive of a silent miscarriage. If the embryo has a crown rump length greater than 6mm, with no evidence of heart pulsations, this is highly suggestive of a silent miscarriage. When the mean gestation sac is less than 20mm or the crown rump length is less than 6mm a repeat examination should be performed at least one week later both to assess growth of the gestation sac and embryo and to establish whether heart activity exists. If the gestation sac is smaller than expected for gestational age the possibility of incorrect dates should always be considered, especially in the absence of clinical features suggestive of a threatened miscarriage. In all of the above instances a repeat scan should be undertaken in 7 days. This is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. A second independent observer needs to confirm the findings of pregnancy loss if fetal death is apparent. All scans should be performed by experienced personnel. The following individuals are suitably trained to perform ultrasound: Radiographers/midwives with the Diploma in Medical Ultrasound (DMU)/PGDip Radiologists with ultrasound training and experience as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists. Obstetricians and Radiologists who have completed the joint obstetric ultrasound training scheme of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and The Royal College of Radiologists, or alternatively who have appropriate experience and training in obstetric ultrasound. All personnel should have appropriate peer review of their ultrasound practice. Information should be recorded including:
number of sacs and mean gestation sac diameter
regularity of the outline of sac and its location
extra uterine observations – ovaries, adnexal mass, fluid in the Pouch of Douglas (P.O.D.)
Guidelines for Ultrasound Features of Early Pregnancy Gestational age Anatomical landmarks Comments
pregnancies have an intrauterine pseudo GS
Results from approximation of d. capsularis and d. vera. May be present in one third ectopics.
Confirms viability (97% of embryos with CA have a normal outcome).
GSD Gestational sac diameter DDS Double decidual sign IUP Intrauterine pregnancy
Guidelines for Ultrasound Features of Early Pregnancy and Management Ultrasound appearance Intrauterine gestation sac
Reassure and rescan at later date depending on scan availability (See References)
Gestational Sac
Rescan 1 week later If no change on second scan discuss management (see under management of non-viable pregnancy)
Crown Rump Length (CRL) <6mm Fetal Heart Activity (FH) not demonstrated
If no change on second scan discuss management (see under management of non-viable pregnancy)
Empty uterus
pregnancy. Give contact numbers if any pain.
Empty uterus Adnexal mass Fluid in POD Pain
Empty uterus
Follow up with serial ß-hCG (see guidelines for ß-hCG assay)
Endometrium/tissue diameter Complete miscarriage
later, if bleeding persists
Endometrium/tissue diameter Incomplete miscarriage Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL)
Adequate time should be allowed for women to make decisions. It is imperative to know that patients will vary in their response to information at the time. If not receptive rescan should be arranged for one week. If the patient displays clear understanding and wishes to know about further management appropriate choices to be given Embryos with: CRL smaller than expected or no growth noticed after one week, tend to be chromosomally abnormal. References: 1. Guidance on ultrasound procedures in Early Pregnancy. Standing joint committee on obstetric ultrasound of RCR/RCOG.
2. Philipp T, Philipp K, Reiner A, Beer F, Kalousek DK. Embryosopic and cytogenetic analysis of 233 missed abortions:
factors involved in the pathogenesis of developmental defects of early pregnancies. Human Reproduction, 2003, 18, 1724-32.
3. Johns J, Hyett J, Jauniaux E. Obstetric outcome after threatened miscarriage with or without a haematoma on ultrasound.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2003, 102, 483-7.
Guidelines for Viable Intra-Uterine Pregnancy
A normally sited gestation sac with clearly identified cardiac activity Over 90% of women in whom fetal heart activity is detected at 8 weeks will not miscarry (Brigham et al, 1999) At least 25% of all pregnancies threaten to miscarry. A threatened miscarriage is one in which:
- the women bleeds a little from the vagina - cervical os is closed - there is little abdominal pain and - pregnancy is still viable.
All women attending EPAU receive a contact number Women will go back to GP for referral to ANC via the usual method Follow up appointment may be required in the following situations
significant vaginal bleeding and patient refusing to be admitted
for reassurance at patient’s request because of previous miscarriages
The Embryonic heart rate: Theoretically, cardiac activity should always be evident when the embryo is over 2mm. However, in around 5-10% of embryos between 2 and 4 mm, it can not be demonstrated. Perform a follow up scan within one week.
Bradycardia has been found in pregnancies that subsequently aborted. However, a single observation of slow heart rate does not necessarily predict subsequent death and in later pregnancy can be associated with maternal autoimmine disease (RO positive) and congenital heart block. Follow-up is therefore essential. Reference: Brigham S, Conlon C, Farquharson RG. A longitudinal of pregnancy outcome following idiopathic recurring miscarriage. Human Reproduction, 1999, 14, 2868-71. Guidelines for Management of Non-viable Pregnancy
1. Incomplete Miscarriage Endometrial thickness <15mm in longitudinal
diagnosed as “Complete miscarriage” ref ¹. Advise to report if bleeding persists longer than 2/52
Conservative method should be offered as an option provided the bleeding is not heavy. Rescan 1- 2 weeks later. Alternatively, medical management may be offered if patient is not willing to wait. Or, surgical evacuation is arranged if a patient has a strong preference for it.
If infected tissue is present in the uterine cavity
Surgical evacuation under antibiotic cover. Missed Miscarriage (early embryonic / fetal demise)
Always offer choices of conservative, medical and surgical methods of management
If patient chooses Conservative management, rescan 1-2 weeks later, if necessary follow up with further rescans at 1-2 week intervals.
medical management should be offered if patient is not willing to wait.
Surgical method should be reserved for those who:
change their mind during the course of conservative management
Studies suggest that, 10% women who miscarry fall into categories with unstable vital signs or infected tissue2 . Since the introduction of TVS, ‘missed miscarriage’ and ‘anembryonic pregnancy’(absent fetal echo) are felt to reflect different aspects or stages of the same clinical process. References: 1. Rulin MC et al. The reliability of ultrasonography in the management of spontaneous abortion, clinically thought to be
complete: a prospective study. Am J Obstet Gynaecol 1993; 168 (1): 12-5
2. Ballagh SA et al. Is curettage needed for uncomplicated incomplete spontaneous abortion? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;
Guidelines for Conservative Management of Non-viable Pregnancy
Conservative management may be continued as long as the patient is willing, provided there are no signs of infection such as:
Success rates are higher with prolonged follow-up. However if patient requests a surgical or medical method at any stage it should be arranged. Give patient a contact number to ring if there are any problems. If necessary, arrange further rescans 1-2 weeks later until a diagnosis of complete miscarriage is made. The duration may be as long as 6-8 weeks sometimes. Most women prefer a conservative approach. Women need to be given a thorough explanation and all their questions and doubts should be satisfactorily answered before they leave the clinic. Reassurance that the infection rate is low at approximately 3% (MIST Trial, 2004). Go through the information leaflet and explain what to expect and how to deal with it. Conservative management requires:
Thorough explanation Satisfactory answers to their questions
Reassurance with regards to infection that it is less in comparison with surgical ERPC
Follow up appointment two weeks later ‘Patient information leaflet’ Guidelines for Medical Management of Non-viable Pregnancy The drugs used for medical management of induced abortion include an antiprogresterone, mifepristone (200mg) with a prostaglandin such as gemeprost or Misoprostol. The conventional prostaglandin E1 analogue used for abortion procedures is gemeprost, and is effective in
95% of cases in combination with mifepristone at <63 days of amenorrheoa. The alternative E1 analgue,
misoprostol may be given orally or vaginally and is most effective if administered vaginally (95% versus 87% respectively)(ElRefaey et al, 1995). The main advantages over gemeprost are that it does not require refrigeration, it is cheaper and can be administered orally or vaginally. The medical approach has implications for patients safety as it avoids the need for an anaesthetic and surgical instrumentation. The morbidity in those treated medically was lower than in those requiring surgery (1.7% verses 6.6%)(Hinshaw, 1997). Contraindications to medical management Absolute: adrenal
haemoglobinopathies or anticoagulant therapy
non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ingestion in previous 48 hours
Varying rates of efficacy have been quoted with medical management in non-viable pregnancies. The efficacy is greatest for those pregnancies of less than 10 weeks or with a sac diameter of less than 24mm (92 – 94%) (DeJonge et al, 1995). References:
1. El-Refaey et al. Induction of abortion with mifeprestone (RU 486) and oral or vaginal misoprostol. N Engl J Med
2. Hinshaw HKS. Medical management of miscarriage. In Grudzinkas TG, O’Brien PMS, editors. Problems in early
pregnancy: advances in diagnosis and management. London: RCOG press, 1997; 284-95.
3. De Jonge EJM et al. Randomised clinical trial of medical evacuation and surgical curettage for incomplete
Prostaglandin regimens – Incomplete miscarriage
Different prostaglandin regimens for use in incomplete miscarriage include the following: Gemeprost 1mg vaginally
Misoprostol 800ug (4 x 200 ug tabs) vaginally Prostaglandin regimens - Missed miscarriage
Mifepristone 200mg orally followed 36 – 48 hours later by cevagem 1mg vaginally Mifepristone 200mg orally followed 36 – 48 hours later by misoprostol 800ug (4 x 200ug tabs)
Since progesterone levels are low in non-viable pregnancy mifepristone may be avoided and
Take consent for mifepristone and PG +/- surgical evacuation
Prescribe and give mifepristone 200mg orally. Advice the patient to inform the hospital if she vomits shortly after administration of the mifepristone.
In the case of a pregnancy occurring with an IUCD in-situ, the device should be removed before administration of mifepristone.
Arrange admission 48 hours later.
Inform the patient regarding the length of stay on the ward. Observe for three- six hours after administration of prostaglandin and discharge if clinically well.
< 9 weeks on scan get only one insertion of prostaglandin > 9 weeks on scan get 3 hourly PG X 5
Prescribe PG (Misoprostol 800ug tabs/Cervagem 1mg) vaginally and Metronidazole 1G PR in the Drug chart.
Prescribe Doxycycline 100mg bd for 10 days with co-dydramol 2 tabs qds for one week to take home after the procedure (antichlamydial prophylaxis).
Inform that in case of heavy bleeding ERPC may be required and therefore to be prepared to stay overnight if necessary
Women may or may not pass POC while on the ward. They should be advised of what to expect when they go home and not referred to EPAU for a scan before their follow up appointment.
Any products that are obtained should be sent for histological examination
Give contact telephone numbers for EPAU/Gynae ward
Guidelines for Surgical Evacuation of Non-viable Pregnancy
Surgical evacuation should be preferably managed on a day case basis unless there is heavy bleeding. Alternatively, if the patient needs to be admitted to Gynae ward arrange with the ward. Have a unit protocol for admission system with a clear patient pathway description. Give the patient information on admission procedure including appropriate patient information leaflet(s). Explain the surgical procedure and obtain written consent with Doctor familiar with procedure. Mention rare anaesthetic and uncommon surgical risks involved such as uterine perforation (1%), cervical tears, intra-abdominal trauma (0.1%), intrauterine adhesions, haemorrhage and infection. Arrange for a FBC and blood grouping. Anti-D immunoglobulin should be given to all non- sensitised Rh negative women undergoing surgical evacuation. All at risk women (usually women under the age of 25 years) undergoing surgical evacuation for miscarriage should be screened for Chlamydia trachomatis.¹ Alternatively prescribe prophylactic doxycycline 100 mg bd for 10 days and Metronidazole 1G PR to women undergoing surgical evacuation. Ensure that products of conception are seen at evacuation. The RCOG study group² recommended that all tissue obtained at a surgical evacuation for miscarriage should be sent for histology examination. The reasons are:
to exclude ectopic if chorionic tissue is found on histology
A follow-up appointment is usually not required after a surgical evacuation. Give patient information on “What you may need to know after a miscarriage”. References: 1. Royal college of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Management of Early Pregnancy Loss. Green Top Guideline No. 25. London: RCOG Press; 2000 and 2003 2. Recommendations from the 33rd RCOG Study Group. In Grudzinkas TG, O’Brien PMS, editors. Problems in early pregnancy: advances in diagnosis and management. London: RCOG press, 1997. 327-31 Guidelines for beta-hCG Measurements Urine Measurements The urine test is simple and reliable enough to be used routinely to establish whether or not a woman is pregnant. A rapid and simple test is available in the unit. Serum measurements Measurement of hCG in serum permits more accurate quantification which may be useful in the following:
1. Screening in women at high risk of ectopic pregnancy 2. Determining the appropriate treatment for women with suspected ectopic pregnancy 3. Monitoring during expectant management or medical management of women with ectopic pregnancy 4. Evaluation of conservative surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy
Serum hCG levels double approximately every two days in early (<8 weeks) normal intrauterine pregnancy; a lesser increase (<66% over 48 hours) is associated with ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.2 To find out whether or not a pregnancy is normal or pathological, the two useful clinical concepts of hCG measurement are the hCG doubling time and the discriminatory hCG level. HCG doubling time It refers to the time taken for the hCG level to double its original value. A beta-hCG value of <5 IU/L is considered to be the non pregnant value. The doubling time is particularly useful in early pregnancy i.e. before 5.5 weeks or when the plasma hCG level is <5000IU/L. As pregnancy progresses the doubling time also lengthens. However 15% of normal pregnancies will have abnormal doubling time and 13% of ectopic pregnancies will have a normal doubling time 3. Caution 1. In multiple pregnancy the hCG level would be a little higher, requiring an extra two or three days for
2. The possibility of a heterotopic pregnancy should be kept in mind (1 in 3000 cases of spontaneous
conceptions and between 1% to 3% of assisted conceptions).
Discriminatory hCG level It refers to a defined level of hCG above which the gestational sac of an intrauterine pregnancy should be visible on ultrasound. In women with an hCG result above the discriminatory level, but absence of an intrauterine gestational sac on ultrasound, ectopic pregnancy is a distinct possibility. With the use of high resolution transvaginal ultrasound the discriminatory level has been reported to be around 1000IU/L IRP 4. However the American Fertility Society suggested that in practice the level ought to be around 2400IU/L. The discriminatory level may vary in different units and depends on three factors:
the experience of the person performing the ultrasound
It usually lies between 1000 – 2400IU/L. A diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is more likely whenever intrauterine pregnancy is not detected by ultrasound at serum hCG concentration above 2400IU/L. References 1.
Recommendations for clinical practice arising from 33rd RCOG Study Group. Problems of Early Pregnancy – Advances in Diagnosis and Management, 1997.
Kader et al. (1981) Discriminating hCG zone: Its use in the Sonographic evaluation for ectopic pregnancy, Obstet Gynecol 58, 156-61
Ling and Stovall (1994) Update on the diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy, Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1, pp 55-83. Chicago:Mosby Year Book, Inc
Caeciatore et al. (1990) Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy by Vaginal Ultrasonography in Combination with a discriminatory serum hCG levl of 1000IU/L (IRP). BJOG 97, 904-8.
Management of Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL) Definition No evidence of intrauterine or extrauterine pregnancy in women with a positive pregnancy test. Initial assessment
the presence of risk factors for ectopic pregnancy (See under ectopic pregnancy)
Give appropriate information to patient. Explain the need for further follow up Follow up
Close surveillance with Serum hCG measurements every 2-3 days See guidelines for beta hCG Repeat TVS when beta hCG 1,000 IU/L or one week later Provide support Follow up until:
Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL) – Perhaps resolving
Management of PUL Scan result following TVS Ultrasound Pattern of change of Management hCG level after 48 hours
If hCG < 1000 repeat hCG 48 hours later
Adnexal findings + or - Diagnosis: Ectopic
Pregnancy of unknown location – resolving
Guidelines on the Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy affects 1:80 pregnancies. Evidence suggests that the incidence of ectopic
pregnancies has been rising. While this increase is for the most part real, early diagnosis also plays a role
by identifying ectopic pregnancies that would have resolved. In the U.K the incidence has doubled from
4.9 to 11.1 per 1000 pregnancies from 1973 - 1999, while mortality has decreased from 16.4 per 10,000
cases. During the last triennium (1997 -1999) ectopic pregnancies accounted for 12.2% of all direct
maternal deaths and remained the leading cause of death in the first trimester.
The availability of sensitive and specific radio-immunoassays of β-human chorionic
gonadotrophin (β-hCG) and high resolution transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) allow early detection of
ectopic pregnancies. Studies on β-hCG dynamics provide evidence that 85% of viable intra-uterine will
show a 66% rise in β-hCG levels in every 48 hr period in the first 40 days of gestation. Conversely only
13% of ectopic pregnancies will show a 66% rise. A rise of < 50% is almost always associated with a
non-viable pregnancy. An intra-uterine pregnancy sac should be seen on abdominal scan with a β-hCG
level of 6500 IU/ml or on TVS at 1000 -2000 IU/ml. Based on audit data LWH uses 1500 IU/ml as the
level we expect to see an intra-uterine gestation sac on TV scan.
The classical surgical approach for an ectopic pregnancy is by open laparotomy. Four randomly
controlled trials (RCT) have reported the results of comparisons between this traditional approach and
laparoscopic tubal surgery. The laparoscopic approach was associated with significantly less blood loss,
lower analgesia requirements, shorter hospital stay and quicker postoperative recovery time. The
subsequent intrauterine pregnancy rate (IUP) was 70% after laparoscopic surgery compared to 55% after
laparotomy. The recurrent ectopic rate was also lower 5% compared to 16.6%, but this incidence of
persistent trophoblastic tissue was increased.
A laparoscopic approach is superior to a laparotomy in terms of recovery from surgery, Subsequent intra-uterine pregnancy rate and recurrent ectopic rate but is associated with a higher risk of persistent trophoblast. (This is a Grade A recommendation)
The wider use of laparoscopic surgery must be tempered by its use only in appropriate situations by
In cases of haemorrhagic shock or where the surgeon has inadequate experience at operative laparoscopy, traditional rapid laparotomy is preferred. (This is a grade A recommendation)
In a meta-analysis of 40 studies the IUP rate after tubal conservation was 46% compared to 44%
After tubal excision. The repeat ectopic rate was respectively 15% and 10%. Similarly in an important
meta-analysis of nine good quality comparative studies Yao and Tulandi reported no significant
difference in the IUP between salpingostomy and salpingectomy. Failure to completely remove the
ectopic occurred in 4.8% - 11% of salpingostomy cases. In contrast almost no cases of persistence
Salpingectomy is to be preferred to salpingostomy when the contralateral tube is healthy as it is associated with lower rates of persistent trophoblast and subsequent repeat ectopic whilst having similar IUP rates. (This is a grade B recommendation).
Non-surgical management is now available for certain cases of ectopic pregnancy.
Not all ectopic pregnancies progress and pose a risk to the mother. Spontaneous resolution is well
documented. However the risk of rupture in a woman with an ectopic pregnancy exists until the β-hCG
level has fallen to < 10iu/l. Expectant management requires frequent hospitalisation and/or follow-up and
with poor efficacy is NOT RECOMMENDED practice at this hospital
In selected cases methotrexate is an effective alternative to surgery.
Methotrexate is a folic acid-antagonist (anti-metabolite) which prevents the growth of rapidly dividing
cells by interfering with DNA synthesis. It can be administered systematically (IV, IM or orally).
Three trials have reported the use of Methotrexate in a single dose of 50mg/m² body surface area IM and
these reported a resorption rate of 92% and subsequent IUP rate of 58% with a recurrent ectopic rate of
The incidence of side- effects after methotrexate is related to both the dose and mode of administration.
Side effects encountered include stomatitis, alopecia, haematosalpinx and impairment of tubal mucosa.
Methotrexate pneumonitis and neutropenia have also been described.
Failure of Methotrexate therapy is more likely to occur with high hCG levels (32% if initial level >
10,000iu.) with large tubal diameters and with fetal cardiac activity. These restrictions limit the general
It is important to have a high index of suspicion for ectopic pregnancy, because the patient may not
be symptomatic until rupture occurs, or on the other hand the patient may experience vague and mild
symptoms early in the course of the disease. In addition the clinical presentation and natural course of an
Risk Factors. Are present in 25 - 50% of patients with an ectopic pregnancy. They include history of
Previous pelvic inflammatory disease.
Conceiving with IUCD or on the progesterone only pill.
GIT symptoms - diarrhoea or pain on defecation
3. Adnexal mass with cervical excitation tenderness
The classic symptoms and signs such as severe abdominal pain and hypotension are associated with
advanced or ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Laparotomy with appropriate resuscitation is the treatment of choice for haemodynamically-compromised patients with ruptured ectopic pregnancy Investigations 1. Pregnancy tests.
All patients with a history of suspected ectopic should have a pregnancy test. If the check mate is negative
an ICON should be performed as local evidence suggests this test is more sensitive. A NEGATIVE
pregnancy test essentially excludes a pregnancy in more than 99% of cases (although a chronic ectopic
pregnancy may be present). Therefore, if clinical suspicion of ectopic pregnancy persists in the presence
of a negative pregnancy test and the ultrasound examination is not helpful, then serum β-hCG should be
measured serially to establish diagnosis. (See inconclusive ultrasound findings) 2. Ultrasound examination :-
Should be arranged as soon as possible. If the patient is in significant discomfort she should be admitted
to await scan the following day. If she is clinically stable with no discomfort she may be allowed home to
await scan. Direct contact number for the emergency room should be given and the patient asked to attend
at any time if her condition deteriorates.
: - Ultrasound features suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy are.
An empty uterus – with or without thickened endometrium.
An ectopic sac with or without heart beat.
(Don’t forget ectopics at other sites such as cervix or ovary.)
Utility of serum β-hCG in patients with non-specific ultrasound findings.
If the ultrasound findings are non-specific. Follow diagnostic algorithm for ectopic pregnancy.
However Arrange laparoscopy if clinical features worsen at any stage.
Laparoscopy remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, although this approach has
a false negative rate of 3-4% and a false positive rate of 5%.
Management Management of ruptured ectopic with collapse.
ABC of resuscitation ( see resuscitation guidelines.)
Get help; call SPR 1 –3, SPR 4 –5 on call and anaesthetist.
Site two IV lines ( at least 16g), commence Iv fluids (crystalloid) give facial oxygen and insert
Send blood for FBC Clotting screen and cross-match at least 4 units of blood.
Continue fluid resuscitation and ensure intensive monitoring of haemodynamic state whilst awaiting
Do not wait for BP and pulse to normalise prior to transfer.
Pfannensteil incision , locate tube directly and clamp.
Assess bloods consider CVP / HDU discuss with anaesthetist.
Record operative findings pay close attention to the state of the remaining tube.
Anti –D to be given to Rhesus negative women.
Surgical management of non-acute ectopic.
Inform SPR 1-3 of admission and following consultation arrange laparoscopy.
If possible a doctor with appropriate skills for laparoscopic salpingectomy should perform the
Assess the condition of the other tube.
Perform salpingectomy or salpingostomy.
Record operative findings pay close attention to the state of remaining tube.
If salpingostomy performed follow up with weekly β-hCG until measurements return to
While trophoblast remains in the tube it has the capacity to rupture. We recommend weekly β-
hCG. If not falling a single dose of Methotrexate 50mg/m2 can be given or repeat surgery.
Guidelines for the Medical treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy. Patient selection. Inclusion criteria.
The patient should be haemodynamically stable.
No Fetal Heart activity demonstrated.
Patient fully understands and will be compliant with regular follow-up until Bhcg returns to normal.
Patient is aware of potential side-effects.
Case reviewed by SpR 4/5 or consultant
Agrees to avoid pregnancy for 4 months post treatment.
Exclusion Criteria.
Pre-existing severe medical condition or disorder.
Any abnormality on LFT U&E or FBC.
Any known renal or hepatic abnormality.
Any known contra-indication to methotrexate.
Patient is taking NSAID, Diuretics tetracycline group drugs and is unwilling or unable to stop
Patient not willing to return for follow-up.
Patient unwilling to wait 4 months before trying to conceive again.
Presence of co-existing intra-uterine pregnancy.
Treatment Schedule.
Pre-treatment bloods for β-hCG U&E LFT and FBC.
Prescribe Methotrexate 50mg/m as once only dose.
Order methotrexate from pharmacy (get back from RLH same day if ordered before 12.
Methotrexate to be IM into the gluteal region by a doctor.
Patient follow-up and monitoring.
Day 4 before 11 00hrs Routine observations. Β-hCG
Day 7 before 11 00hrs Routine observations. FBC β-hCG LFT,s
Day 14 before 11 00hrs Routine observations. FBC β-hCG
Day 21,28,35 until β-hCG is <10 i.u/l
If between day 4 and Day 7 the β-hCG does not fall by 15% the dose of Methorexate should be repeated.
(50mg/m).The injection should be given into the opposite Gluteal after confirming normal LFT on Day 7.
Day 4 and Day 7 tests should be repeated on Day 11 and 14 if a second dose of Methotrexate is given.
The β-hCG can take several weeks to fall to normal.
If β-hCG continues to rise of levels become static despite two doses of methorexate. Laparoscopy should
She may experience some pain in the abdomen as the pregnancy resolves.
She may take simple analgesia for this pain Paracetamol / cocodamol. If this not sufficient to contact
To stay in the area till follow-up complete.
To avoid intercourse till follow-up complete.
Patient should be given 24 hour contact number for the emergency room.
Patients who have had medical or surgical management of an ectopic pregnancy should be offered a
follow-up appointment. In future pregnancies a scan can be performed in the Early Pregnancy Assessment
Unit at 6 weeks to confirm the site of the pregnancy.
Heterotrophic pregnancy.
This is a very rare occurrence, however with the increased use of assisted reproduction the incidence has
There is no role for medical management.
Laparoscopic salpingectomy is the treatment of choice.
Guidelines revised and updated by Dr Joanne Topping and Mr John Kirwan July 2003
Department of Health. Report on Confidential Enquiries into maternal Deaths in the United kingdom 1997 -1999
Stovall TG, Ling FW. Ectopic pregnancy: Diagnostic and therapeutics algorithms minimising
surgical intervention. J Reprod Med 1993; 38: 807-812.
Yao M, Tulandi T. Current status of surgical and non-surgical management of ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril 1997;
67: 421-433
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Guideline on the management of tubal pregnancies. RCOG
Glock JL, et al Efficacy and safety of single-dose methotrexate in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril
1994; 62: 716 – 721. Algorithm For management of Suspected Ectopic. Ectopic sac. Or empty uterus with Intra-uterine gestation adenexal mass or free DISCHARGE BHCG <1500IU/L Repeat in 48 Falling BHCG Trophoblast in regression Follow to normal Abnormal BHCG rise laparoscopy
Guidelines on the Management of Women with Recurrent Miscarriage
Definition: Recurrent miscarriage (RM) is defined as loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies although most authorities would accept two consecutive fetal losses. Prevalence: Based on an incidence of spontaneous miscarriage of 15 %, the risk of RM should be 0.4% - but it is double this at 1%. This suggests that for some couples there is an underlying cause for their RM. Primary RM: Where women who have no successful pregnancies. Secondary RM: Where women miscarry repetitively after a successful pregnancy or pregnancies Investigation Protocols for recurrent miscarriage (RM) (for patients’ information) See website: or (look under Miscarriage Clinic)
1. Unknown or Idiopathic. In 50% of cases of recurrent miscarriage no cause is found ¹ ² ³. Most women who have two or three miscarriages have nothing wrong with them that will cause them to miscarry every pregnancy. Their miscarriages are caused by random factors just as women who miscarry only once. This is the reason why tests and investigations are rarely undertaken before three consecutive miscarriages. Any drug treatment in this group would be empirical. The mainstay of management of these patients is based upon emotional support supplemented by ultrasound scan in early pregnancy, which gives “success rates” of between 70-80%4 5. Even at or above the age of forty, there is still a 50% chance of a successful pregnancy (Brigham et al, 1999). Couples can obtain a predicted success rate for future pregnancy by using the following table: Predicted probability of a successful pregnancy by age and previous miscarriage history.(95% confidence interval)
_________________________________________________________________ 20
2. Genetic and Chromosomal A high proportion of early miscarriages would be found to have a chromosomal abnormality. In less than 3% of cases, either the woman or her partner may possess abnormal chromosomes which they happen to repeatedly pass on to the fetus. This can be tested by taking blood samples from both partners for chromosomal analysis. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to get the results. If a chromosomal abnormality is found in a parent, referral to a clinical geneticist may be necessary. The chances of a successful subsequent pregnancy will depend on the type of chromosomal abnormality. The most common condition causing recurrent miscarriages is a balanced or reciprocal translocation. In this condition the chromosomes although being of the correct number are arranged differently. 3. Abnormalities of the uterus (womb) or cervix (neck of the womb). Abnormalities in the shape of the uterus occur in probably less than 5% of women with recurrent miscarriages. Uterine abnormalities such as a bicornuate uterus (double uterus), unicornuate uterus, septate uterus or fibroid uterus may be detected on detailed ultrasound scan or hysteroscopy (telescopic examination through the vagina and neck of the womb). It is not clear whether there is any benefit in surgical correction of the abnormalities. Cervical weakness (formerly known as incompetence) may be acquired eg from previous surgery or following birth. It causes painless dilatation of the cervix and rupture of the membranes (breaking of waters) in mid pregnancy. It may be detected by transvaginal ultrasound scan in the midtrimester starting at 14-16 weeks. If the diagnosis is made, a stitch is usually put in the cervix to prevent opening of the cervix. 4. Infection The continuing emergence of Bacterial Vaginosis as a cause of RM is widely accepted (Oakeshott et al, 2002). Other rare infections involved include Rubella (German Measles), Toxoplasmosis, Listeria and Parvovirus. 5. Hormonal Imbalance of hormones such as progesterone and human chorionic gouadotrophin (hCG) have been suggested as a cause of miscarriage. However there is scientific evidence of benefit from hCG support but no support for injections of progesterone. Some women with recurrent miscarriage have polycystic ovaries (PCO) in which there are multiple small cysts within the ovary causing an abnormal hormone balance and this may cause recurrent miscarriage by interfering with successful implantation of the fertilised egg. 6. Thrombophilia or blood clotting abnormalities Normally the blood becomes slightly thicker during pregnancy, but in some women the blood is found to clot more easily due to the presence of certain antibodies called Antiphospholipid antibodies. These blood clots in the placental blood vessels may decrease the blood flow to the baby resulting in miscarriage. Antiphospholipid antibodies are present in 15% of women with recurrent miscarriage. The main type of antiphospholipid antibodies are Lupus Anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin antibody. The association between phospholipid antibodies and recurrent miscarriage is referred to as Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) (Branch and Khamashta, 2003). For a diagnosis of PAPS to be made one should have two positive tests at least six weeks apart, one positive result may be due to viral or other infection. Various treatments are available including low dose aspirin alone (75mg) or aspirin plus heparin. Management: Individual units may have their own protocols for management of women with RM ( The aim is to make all health professionals providing early pregnancy care to be aware of the current approach to this problem. Preliminary work up The mainstay of management of patients with idiopathic RM is based upon emotional support supplemented by ultrasound scan in early pregnancy, which gives “success rates” of between 70-
Above the age of forty, there is still a 50% chance of a successful pregnancy (Brigham
et al, 1999) as the two main determining factors are maternal age and number of previous consecutive losses.
Patients should not be subjected to tests without a proper plan of further follow-up and
It is important for both partners to be aware of what is going to happen, encourage
Care should be streamlined, and tests should not be merely done to reassure the patient
Reassure the couple that all known factors for RM will be explored. Give explanation of
all the tests before taking blood samples.
Routine testing for inherited clotting disorders is not recommended
Discus the treatments that are available (it prepares the couple for their further
Discuss lifestyle and about preconceptual care.
Encourage them to talk about their fears and anxieties.
Arrange for a six-week follow-up appointment for the couple to see a specialist. Advise to contact their GP for referral to EPAU if they should achieve a pregnancy and
arrange an ultrasound scan at six weeks gestation and thereafter fortnightly for maternal assurance until seen in the antenatal booking clinic
Medical consultation:
In all couples with a history of Recurrent miscarriage Cytogenetic analysis of the products
of conception should be performed if the next pregnancy fails
Routine screening for thyroid and Diabetes in early pregnancy loss is uninformative
Give results of the tests Discuss possible treatment options
Live birth rate in Antiphospholipid syndrome:
with 75 mg aspirin alone >70% with aspirin and low molecular weight heparin >70%
Give detailed information about the treatment regime that they will need in a future
pregnancy: - aspirin +/- heparin is started as soon as pregnancy is diagnosed.
- both are continued until delivery and thereafter postnatally for 6 weeks if obese or
Caesarean section or previous thrombosis history.
hCG is recommended for women with oligomenorrhoea (periods more than 35 days apart)
from the time of positive serum HCG until 12 weeks gestation.
General Advice ♦Smoking and alcohol intake are thought to be associated with a higher rate of miscarriage. ♦There is no association between the use of computers and miscarriage ♦The Department of Health suggests that all women planning a pregnancy should have 400 µgms of folic acid before pregnancy until approximately 12 weeks gestation. ♦It is advisable to avoid close contact with sheep and horses during lambing. ♦Avoid contact with cat’s litter
References: 1. Stirrat GM 1990 Recurrent miscarriage; definition and epidemiology. Lancet 348: 1402-6 2. Quenby and Farquharson 1993 Predicting recurring miscarriage-What is important? Obstet Gynecol 82: 132-8 3. Stray-Pederson et al 1984 Etiological factors and subsequent performance in 195 couples with a prior history of
habitual abortion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 148: 140-6
4. Liddel et al 1991, Recurrent miscarriage: Outcome after supportive care in early pregnancy. Aus NZ J Obstet
5. Clifford et al 1997 Future pregnancy outcome in unexplained recurrent first trimester miscarriage. Human
6. Brigham S, Conlon C, Farquharson RG. A longitudinal study of pregnancy outcome following idiopathic
recurring miscarriage. Human Reproduction, 1999, 14, 2868-71.
7. Oakeshott P, Hay P, Hay S, Steinke F, Rink E, Kerry S. Association between bacterial vaginosis or chlamydial
infection and miscarriage before 16 weeks gestation. BMJ, 2002, 325, 1334-6.
8. RCOG Green Top Guideline on Recurring Miscarriage (No 17), RCOG Press, October 2003. 9. Branch W and Khamashta M. Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Obstetric Diagnosis, Management and
Controversies., Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2003, 101, 1333-44.
Guidelines on the Management of Gestational Trophoblastic disease
Need for chemotherapy: in partial mole (0.5%) in
Ultrasound features in trophoblastic disease Diagnosis Uterine cavity filled with homogeneous central
Complex mass with multiple echo free spaces in
Twin sacs, one viable fetus and the other complex
Ovaries: Soap bubble or spoke-wheel appearance
of the ovaries in upto 50% of cases Colour flow imaging can be helpful in demonstrating avascular nature of the mass. Explain the diagnosis and the need for follow-up in a screening centre. A twin pregnancy with a partial mole may proceed after appropriate counselling. However if complications such as pre-eclampsia and haemorrhage develop, termination of pregnancy may be indicated. Investigations: FBC, blood group and thyroid function tests hCG measurements. hCG levels are enormously raised. Chest x-ray if any chest symptoms
Review with hCG results. Arrange for surgical evacuation on DSU/ Gynae ward. Give patient information leaflets on:
- Admission to Day Surgery Unit or Gynae ward - Understanding Hydatidiform Mole
Treatment: Surgical evacuation is the treatment of choice. Because of the lack of fetal parts, a suction curette of 12 mm is usually sufficient to evacuate complete molar pregnancies. Routine repeat evacuation is not warranted. It may be recommended in selected cases. In such cases consultation with the screening centre should be sought. Avoid: Medical evacuation, since mifepristone increases the sensitivity of the uterus to
Cervical preparation prior to surgical evacuation Oxytocic agents, until evacuation of the mole is completed. If patient is experiencing
significant haemorrhage prior to evacuation use of oxytocics will be necessary.
Histological examination: All products of conception obtained after evacuation should be sent for histopathological examination. Follow-up: Arrange for follow-up in two weeks. Advice on future pregnancies and contraception:
- not to use COC until hCG levels have reverted - not to conceive until the hCG level has been normal for six months or follow-up has
been completed (whichever is the sooner)
Complete and despatch Molar Pregnancy registration form for the RCOG Trophoblast Disease Surveillance Units in London (Charing Cross), Sheffield (Weston Park) or Dundee (Ninewells). COC: Combined oral contraceptive pill III Supportive Guidelines
Guidelines for support, follow up and counselling There has been a definite move over the last 10 years to manage miscarriage problems with greater sensitivity and understanding. Medical, nursing and ulltrasonography staff should be trained in counselling skills, support techniques and other issues around problems in early pregnancy. It is recognised that in pregnancy, ultrasonic diagnosis, repeated testing and the uncertainties of the outcome may lead to substantial anxiety in the women under care. (1) Support All women attending the EPAU are offered a contact number following their initial referral. Literature is available regarding the various scenarios that are possible to consolidate verbal information.
1. What is threatened miscarriage? 2. Inconclusive Scan 3. Pregnancy loss – What happens next? 4. Conservative management of miscarriage 5. Medical management of miscarriage 6. Surgical management of miscarriage 7. What you may need to know after a miscarriage. 8. Ectopic pregnancy 9. Medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy 10. Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy 11. Understanding hydatidiform mole 12. What is an Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit 13. Recurrent miscarriage
Patient information leaflet no. 7 ‘What you may need to after a miscarriage’, provides information on various questions that these women may have after a miscarriage. It tells them about annual remembrance service held by hospital chaplains.
Follow up A routine follow-up appointment is not given after the completion of the treatment of miscarriage. Nevertheless all women are given local contact numbers along with the appropriate leaflets which contain various telephone numbers. Women who contact the unit are given the support and advice they need but those who require formal counselling will be referred to the counsellors. Women with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy treated surgically are generally given a follow-up appointment in the gynae outpatient.
Women have different abilities and mechanisms to cope with a pregnancy loss. A good number of them will come out of the grieving process. It is only a small number of them that will require formal counselling by the counsellors. Generally, those who require formal counselling would need more than one visit. Counselling is also provided to staff should this be deemed necessary, in acknowledgement of the sometime stressful nature of the work. (Refer to – Midwifery Counselling Service: Operational Policy for more details) Support Organisations: 1. Miscarriage Association
C/o Clayton Hospital Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 3JS Tel. 01924 200799
11, Millside Riverdale Buckinghamshire SL8 5EB Tel. 01494 765001
Alexandra House Oldham Terrace, Acton London W3 6NH
Maternity unit The Hillingdon Hospital Pield Heath Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3NN Tel. 01895 238025
5. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,
27 Sussex Place, Regents Park, London NW1 4RG for links
Guidelines for Disposal of Fetal remains and Funeral services
(before 24 weeks)
- NHS Management executive issued guidelines on the disposal of all fetal material - Guidelines said that disposal should be done in a sensitive way, irrespective of how
This guidance needs a lot to be desired. It urges a significant cultural change within the NHS. Until recently the majority of tissue from early pregnancy loss < 24 weeks (including TOP) was being incinerated along with clinical waste. This practise was felt to be totally unacceptable and fetal remains are now being disposed of in a sensitive and dignified manner in light of Bristol Inquiry recommendations ( Kennedy Report). Does it apply to all fetal remains is the next question? Five areas have been identified involved in the disposal of fetal remains.
1. Delivery suite 2. Gynaecology ward 3. Day theatre 4. Main theatre 5. Genetics 6. Histology department 7. EPAU
All these products of conception are taken for a blessing common to all religions, this is done once every week or monthly in the main chapel. Women may ask and wish to know about the actual disposal of fetal remains. When asked women should be informed of what happens to the fetal remains and be given choices on how their fetal remains could be disposed. Histology department POC are normally disposed of in a macerator. If fetal parts are identified the container is kept separately and labelled with a green label. There is no dignified mechanism in place to dispose fetal remains obtained from Evacuation of retained products of conception (ERPCs). Products obtained from ERPCs are not collected for disposal in the same sensitive manner. Each Hospital Trust should have in place a clear system and protocol for the sensitive disposal of fetal remains. A Book of Remembrance should be made available in the hospital. There is no funeral under 24 weeks. However parents who wish to arrange a funeral are given all the required support and advice.
A better understanding of the women’s faith makes the women feel more comfortable and also helps the staff in giving out right advice and opinion suitable to her needs keeping her religious background in view. The bodies or remains of babies born dead before 24 weeks gestation have no legal status and as such there is no legal requirements for their disposal to be registered. Nevertheless a central Register or Book of Remembrance is maintained in which the entries can be made by the parents. There are memorial services for loved and lost babies held annually by the hospital chaplains. The mechanism in place in a given hospital should be outlined in the Guidelines
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GENDER MEDICINE/VOL. 7, NO. 4, 2010 Commentary Sex, Gender, and Pharmaceutical Politics: From Drug Development to Marketing Jill A. Fisher, PhD1; and Lorna M. Ronald, PhD2 1Center for Biomedical Ethics & Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; and 2Interdisciplinary Studies Program, John Jay College (City University of New York), New York, New York Background