Microsoft word - postop brochures total thyroidectomy new.doc

Late complications: The only delayed
complication of concern is wound infection. and/or Rocaltrol medication please detach Wound Care: Your wound will be covered
this form and give it to your doctor one week with tape, which should be left in place for becomes very red, hot and more swollen. If that occurs you must seek attention from at your first postoperative visit. You may your local doctor straight away who will notice some dried blood under the tape but Your patient has been discharged on calcium supplements following their thyroid surgery. shower with the tape in place and even get Follow-up: generally your follow-up will
weekly basis to have their serum calcium to be replaced and you will then need to level checked and their medication reduced change it every 2 or 3 days for the next 2 A visit at 2 to 3 weeks to have the tape removed. You will need to ring the office to If your patient is just on Caltrate tablets tape is narrow, flesh coloured Micropore which can be obtained from your chemist. If calcium is normal at one week reduce to: Activities: You should generally restrict
your local doctor on a weekly basis to have vigorous activities for 1 or 2 weeks after a blood test to check your calcium level, If calcium is normal the next week reduce to: surgery. Activities, which involve turning heavy traffic, should be avoided although supplements” below). You will also need to local driving is acceptable. Commonsense If your patient is on Caltrate + Rocaltrol have thyroid function tests to check your Thyroxine (Oroxine) dose, which may need Caltrate 2 twice a day and Rocaltrol 2 twice a Local symptoms: A variety of local
to be adjusted (see “Thyroxine medication” If calcium is normal at one week reduce to: after surgery including tightness, choking, endocrinologist may need to see you more Caltrate 1 twice a day and Rocaltrol 1 twice a frequently for specific review if there are If calcium is normal the next week reduce to: weakness of the voice with prolonged use. Caltrate 1 daily and Rocaltrol 1 daily Country patients: If you are unable to
If calcium is normal the next week reduce to return to Sydney for follow-up, it may be from daily massage with Vitamin E cream. ….continued back page
please contact your patient’s surgeon as the tape to be changed and for your follow- up to be undertaken by your local doctor. ENDOCRINE SURGICAL
Thyroxine medication: You will need to
take Thyroxine for life. The initial dose will postoperative
Thyroxine is best taken half an hour before A/Professor Stan Sidhu PhD FRACS
Ph: (02) 9437 1731
Mobile: 0400 817 023
Calcium supplements: A temporary drop
in calcium levels is very common after total Website:
checked in hospital and if it is normal, you Suite 202, Level 2, AMA House
69 Christie Street
supplements (Caltrate). If the calcium level TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY
St Leonards NSW 2065
vitamin D tablets (Rocaltrol) as well as Caltrate. You will need to see your local doctor every week after discharge to have a blood test and to have the calcium levels checked. If, at each visit, the calcium level in the blood is normal, then the dose needs Royal North Shore Hospital,
If you have any problems, following your St Leonards, NSW 2065
thyroid surgery, you should speak to your Australia
local doctor, who will arrange to contact TOT- 01/03


Vitamin e in the treatment of alzheimer’s disease

VITAMIN E & CHRONIC DISEASES: FROM RUGS TO RICHES ? INTRODUCTION Ever since its discovery in 1992, vitamin E has been the subject of controversy and indeed, for several decades many scientists were not even sure as to whether vitamin E was an essential nutrient for humans. It was not until the 60’s that deficiency states were documented in humans and it was not until the 80’s and

Microsoft word - fbfacteursderisque7mars06cam.doc

L’épidémiologie et les facteurs de risque chez les enfants atteints du trouble déficitaire d’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité : résultats préliminaires 1 1. Cameron Montgomery , Ph.D. Faculté d'éducation-Faculty of Education Université d'Ottawa-University of Ottawa 145, rue Jean-Jacques-Lussier-145 Jean-Jacques Lussier St. site web/web site :

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