International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1 – 10
Identification and antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial isolates
R. Temmermana,*, B. Pot a, G. Huys a, J. Swings a,b
aLaboratorium voor Microbiologie, Universiteit Gent, K.L. Ledeganckstr. 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
bBCCMTM/LMG Bacteria Collection, K.L. Ledeganckstr. 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Received 20 May 2001; received in revised form 27 December 2001; accepted 16 April 2002
In the present study, a total of 55 European probiotic products were evaluated with regard to the identity and the antibiotic
resistance of the bacterial isolates recovered from these products. Bacterial isolation from 30 dried food supplements and 25dairy products, yielded a total of 268 bacterial isolates selected from several selective media. Counts of food supplementsshowed bacterial recovery in 19 (63%) of the dried food supplements ranging from 103 to 106 CFU/g, whereas all dairyproducts yielded growth in the range of 105 – 109 CFU/ml. After identification of the isolates using whole-cell protein profiling,mislabeling was noted in 47% of the food supplements and 40% of the dairy products. In six food supplements, Enterococcusfaecium was isolated whereas only two of those products claim this species on their label. Using the disc diffusion method,antibiotic resistance among 187 isolates was detected against kanamycin (79% of the isolates), vancomycin (65%), tetracycline(26%), penicillinG (23%), erythromycin (16%) and chloramphenicol (11%). Overall, 68.4% of the isolates showed resistanceagainst multiple antibiotics including intrinsic resistances. Initially, 38% of the isolated enterococci was classified asvancomycin resistant using the disc diffusion method, whereas additional broth dilution and PCR assays clearly showed that allE. faecium isolates were in fact vancomycin susceptible. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Probiotics; Label correctness; Identification; Antibiotic susceptibility testing
promoting properties of probiotic lactic acid bacteria(LAB) as reviewed by including
The past 5 years have witnessed a strong expansion
stabilisation of the intestinal microflora by competi-
of the probiotic market and, in parallel, a rise in the
number of research projects addressing fundamental
of lactose intolerance (de Vrese et al., 2001), preven-
and applied aspects of probiotics. New research tech-
nologies have supported earlier suggestions of health
prevention of colon cancer and stimulation of the immune system (Isolauri et al.,2001). Bringing a probiotic to the market involves a
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-9-264-52-49; fax: 32-9-264-
step-wise process that needs to be carefully monitored
in order to obtain a correctly labeled, functional, and
E-mail address: [email protected]
0168-1605/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 1 6 0 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 6 2 - 9
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
Saarela et al., 2000). If a product is not labeled
expiry date. All products were examined using a set
correctly, safety and functionality cannot be guaran-
of four isolation media under standardized cultivation
teed due to lack of documentation of the product
conditions. For the isolation of Lactobacillus and
components. However, as many manufacturers rely
Lactococcus strains, De Man Rogosa and Sharpe Agar
on the widely acknowledged but occasionally debated
(MRSA) medium (CM361, Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK)
GRAS (‘generally regarded as safe’) status of lacto-
was used, whereas streptococci and enterococci were
isolated on M17 medium (CM785, Oxoid) and on
characterization of probiotic LAB strains with regard
Kanamycine Aesculine Azide Agar Base (KAAAB)
to taxonomic status, antibiotic resistance, and viru-
(CM591, Oxoid), respectively. For the isolation of
bifidobacteria, Transgalacto-Oligosaccharides (TOS)
Microbial analyses of probiotic dairy products
have demonstrated that the identity and the number
following composition: 10 g Trypticase Soy Broth
of recovered species do not always correspond to the
(81-1768-0, Becton Dickinson, Sparks, USA), 1 g
Yeast Extract (L21, Oxoid), 3 g KH2PO4 (1627, Vel,
Holzapfel et al., 1998; Hamilton-Miller et al., 1999).
Leuven, Belgium), 4.8 g K2HPO4 (1628, Vel), 3 g
However, it should be noted, that each of the cited
(NH4)2SO4 (1.01217.1000, Merck, Darmstadt, Ger-
studies was rather limited in number and type of
many), 0.2 g MgSO4Á7 H2O (1433, Vel), 0.5 g L-
products or was mainly restricted to national products.
cystein hydrochloride (C4820, Sigma, Bornem, Bel-
Various opinions exist as to whether it might be
gium), 15 g Na-propionate (P1880, Sigma), 10 g
desirable that some probiotic strains show resistance
Transgalacto-OligoSaccharides (TOS, Honsha,
to specific antibiotics that are, for instance, involved
Tokyo, Japan) and 15 g agar (L11, Oxoid) dissolved
in 1000 ml of distilled water. Products were sampled
On the other hand, the commercial introduction of
by preparing 10-fold dilutions of 100 Al of the dairy
probiotics containing antibiotic resistant strains may
products or 100 mg of the food supplements in 10 ml
also have negative consequences, for example, when
pepton-physiological solution [PPS, 0.1% (w/v) Pep-
resistance is transferred to intestinal pathogens
ton (Oxoid, L37) and 0.85% (w/v) NaCl in distilled
water]. A total of 50 Al of each dilution was plated in
In the current paper, an extensive study is pre-
triplicate on all media, using the Whitley Automatic
sented to verify the label correctness of a range of
Spiral Plater (WASPk; Led Techno, Eksel, Belgium).
European probiotic food supplements and dairy prod-
All plates were incubated at 37 jC under aerobic
ucts, together with the antibiotic susceptibility testing
conditions, except for TOS plates that were incubated
of the product isolates. For each of these products, the
anaerobically (80% N2, 10% H2 and 10% CO2) using
label information was checked through taxonomic
an anaerobic chamber. After incubation for 48 h,
characterisation of the recoverable bacterial strains
colony counts were performed and three to five
using whole-cell protein profiling. In addition, indi-
colonies were picked based on different colony mor-
vidual susceptibilities were determined for a selection
phologies. Selected colonies were further purified on
MRSA medium except that those recovered fromTOS medium were cultured on Modified ColumbiaAgar (MCA) comprising 23 g special pepton (L72,
Oxoid), 1 g soluble starch (1.01252.0250, Merck), 5 gNaCl (1.06404.1000, Merck), 0.3 g cystein – HClÁH2O,
5 g glucose (500520-887, Vel) and 15 g agar dis-solved in 1000 ml of distilled water. The latter
A total of 55 probiotic products, collected in eight
medium was also used in a second screening round
European countries, comprised 30 dried food supple-
of products that claimed bifidobacteria on their labels,
but did not produce any Bifidobacterium strain on the
Dairy products were collected using a refrigerated
TOS medium during the first isolation round. Prod-
box. None of the 55 products had exceeded their
ucts that did not yield any isolates were again
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
Table 1Probiotic food supplements: comparison of label claims with identification results of isolates from the products
Lb. acidophilus, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. bifidumb
Lb. bulgaricus, B. infantis, S. thermophilus
Lb. acidophilus, Lb. bulgaricus, B. bifidum
Lb. = Lactobacillus, B. = Bifidobacterium, S. = Streptococcus, E. = Enterococcus, Lc. = Lactococcus, P. = Pediococcus. Lb. bulgaricus = corresponds to Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus.
a Type of product: P = Powder, C = Capsule, T = Tablet, PC = Powder as Coating. b Indistinct or invalid name.
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
Table 2Probiotic dairy products: comparison of label claims with identification results of isolates from the products
Lb. acidophilus, S. thermophilus,Lb. paracasei ssp. paracasei
S. thermophilus, Lc. lactis ssp. lactis
Lb. acidophilus, B. longum, S. thermophilus
Lb. acidophilus Gilliland, living yoghurt
Lb. acidophilus, Lb. johnsonii,S. thermophilus
Lb. casei GGb, Lb. acidophilus, B. bifidum
All dairy products were fermented drinks or yoghurt based products. Lb. = Lactobacillus, B. = Bifidobacterium, S. = Streptococcus, Lc. = Lactococcus. Lb. bulgaricus = corresponds to Lactobacillus delbreuckii ssp. bulgaricus.
a Indicated on the product label as ‘active bifidus’. b Indistinct or invalid name.
screened, now using anaerobic and micro-aerophilic
2.2. Identification of recovered isolates
(3,5% CO2, 5% O2, 7,5% H2, 84% N2) cultivationconditions. In addition, these products were subjected
Isolates were identified by Sodium Dodecyl Sul-
to an enrichment step in MRS broth (CM359, Oxoid)
phate – Polyacrylamide Gelelectrophoresis (SDS –
using the same aerobic and anaerobic incubation
PAGE) analysis of whole-cell proteins, using stand-
ardized cultivation conditions for comparison with the
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
available protein pattern database of lactic acid bac-
vancomycin resistance in enterococci. First, by grow-
ing the enterococci in a series of Trypticase Soy Broth
proteins was performed according to the method
(L21, Oxoid) Yeast Extract (211768, Becton Dick-
inson) (TSYE) tubes containing different concentra-
bacteria. Extracts were separated using SDS – PAGE
tions of vancomycin or teicoplanin, the Minimal
with a 5% total acrylamide stacking gel (12 mm long)
Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for these antibiotics
and a 12% total acrylamide separation gel (126 mm
was determined according the protocol as described
long). Gels were stained using Coomassie Blue R-
250. The patterns were then densitometrically digi-
the MIC value obtained for both antibiotics is consid-
tized using an LKB 2202 Ultrascan Laser Densitom-
ered indicative for the preliminary classification as to
eter (LKB, Bromma, Sweden). Subsequently, these
what extent a strain is vancomycin resistance. In a
digital protein patterns were normalized using Gel-
second approach, the presumptive presence of vanco-
Compar software (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-
mycin resistance was assessed, using a PCR protocol
Latem, Belgium) so it became possible to identify
the isolates by comparison of their protein patterns
pairs (A1, A2 and B1, B2) specific for the vancomy-
with the SDS – PAGE protein pattern database avail-
able at the laboratory. Upon repeated analyses, theinter-gel and intra-gel reproducibility was found to be90.3% and 97.1%, respectively.
3.1. Bacterial isolation from probiotic products
At least one isolate per identified species recovered
Depending on the medium used, colony counts of
from a given product was included for antibiotic
the 25 investigated dairy products ranged from 105 to
susceptibility testing, resulting in 187 isolates screened
109 CFU/ml. Among the 30 food supplements tested
for possible resistance against a selection of six anti-
in this study, counts varied from below 1 to 106 CFU/
biotics, including kanamycin (30 Ag), vancomycin (30
g. During a first isolation round, we were unable to
Ag), erythromycin (10 Ag), tetracycline (30 Ag), chlor-
isolate viable bacteria out of 12 (i.e. 40%) of the food
amphenicol (30 Ag) and penicillinG (10 Ag) using a
supplements. These products were subjected to a
slightly modified version of the agar disc diffusion
second isolation round including an enrichment step
in MRS broth and applying anaerobic as well as
MRS broth (Oxoid, CM 359) (MC Broth for bifido-
micro-aerophilic conditions. Only 1 of these 12 prod-
bacteria) for 48 h at 37 jC. Following the preparation
ucts displayed bacterial growth in MRS broth but
of a 10-fold dilution in PPS, freshly poured MRSA
again not on MRS agar plates. At the end of the two
plates (MCA for bifidobacteria) were equally inocu-
isolation rounds, a total of 323 isolates were obtained.
lated with this dilution. Antibiotic discs (Oxoid) were
All isolated genera with exception of Bifidobacterium
placed on the inoculated plates using the Oxoid Disc
grew on all media used. However, it was noted that
Dispenser. Following a 24-h incubation at 37 jC,
lactobacilli and enterococci grew best on MRS agar
inhibition zones around the discs were measured using
and KAAAB, streptococci grew best on M17 and
a digital callipers (Mauser, Switzerland). Results were
TOS, and bifidobacteria only grew on TOS.
interpreted according to the cut-off levels proposed bywith strains considered resistant
3.2. Identification of recovered isolates
if inhibition zone diameters were equal to or smallerthan 19 mm for penicillinG, 14 mm for vancomycin
and tetracycline, and 13 mm for kanamycin, chloram-
2. From a total of 323 isolates, 268 bacteria could be
identified at the species level. The remaining 55
In addition to the agar disc-diffusion method, two
isolates were classified as yeasts after microscopical
other methods were used to confirm the presence of
investigation or were lost during purification on MRS
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
frequently recovered species among the food supple-
Summary of isolation and identification results
ments was Enterococcus faecium followed by Lacto-
bacillus rhamnosus. Of the 6 products in which E.
faecium was found, only two actually claimed this
species on their label. Lactobacillus acidophilus,
which was claimed on the label of 22 food supple-
ments, could only be isolated out of 2 of these
products. Although all 13 food supplements claiming
bifidobacteria were screened twice using two different
media for the selective isolation of Bifidobacterium
(TOS and MCA), only 3 of these 13 products pro-
duced a bifidobacterial strain. Among the 25 dairy
products, Lb. acidophilus was claimed, as well as
isolated most frequently. As it was the case with the
food supplements, only a poor retrieval of bifidobac-
teria was possible among the dairy products, despite
the use of two different media. Only 2 out of 14 dairyproducts claiming bifidobacteria actually produced a
agar. Only six products yielded all species indicated
Bifidobacterium strain during isolation.
on the product label. However, when disregarding thepresence of the yoghurt cultures Streptococcus ther-
mophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bul-garicus, this number of products rises to 13. In 19
Of the 268 identified isolates, 187 strains were
products, the isolated species were entirely different
subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing using the
from those mentioned on the product label, even after
agar disc diffusion method of which the results are
a second isolation round using a new batch of the
presented in It was found that 79% and 65%
same products. In a brief summary is given of
of the isolates were resistant to kanamycin and van-
the isolation and identification results. The most
comycin, respectively. Furthermore, 23% and 21% of
Table 4Percent of isolates resistant against six tested antibioticsa using the disc diffusion method
Lactobacillus delbreuckii ssp. bulgaricus (3)
a K = Kanamycin, TE = Tetracycline, E = Erythromycin, P = PenicillinG, C = Chloramphenicol, VA = Vancomycin. b Total percentage of resistance calculated as the number of isolates (from a total of 187 isolates) resistant against the respective antibiotic.
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
the isolates were grouped as resistant or intermedi-
because of a too-long shelf-life period although the
ately resistant, respectively, to penicillin. Concerning
products investigated had not yet reached the expiry
the other antibiotics, the intermediate resistant fraction
date at the moment of the isolation procedure. Some
was never larger than 6.5%. It was also found that
immunological activities have been assigned to dead
38% of the isolated enterococci were vancomycin
resistant according to the disc diffusion method. These
promoting properties, e.g. competitive exclusion of
resistant enterococci originated from four dried food
pathogens, nutrient supplementation for the host, and
supplements. However, when using the dilution
anti-tumor effects can only be exerted by living
method and a PCR assay for confirmation, none of
the presumptively vancomycin resistant Enterococcus
the present findings, it is therefore more likely for
strains were found to be resistant against vancomycin
dairy products to exert these probiotic properties than
(MIC < 2 Ag/ml (results not shown)).
Identification of 268 isolates using protein profil-
ing revealed that E. faecium was the most frequently
recovered species out of the food supplements. Thistaxon was found in 6 out of the 19 food supplements
Considering the significant rise in the annual
(32%) containing living bacteria. With the exception
consumption of probiotic products worldwide, it is
of one product, E. faecium was the only species
important that such products are correctly labeled
and that the probiotic strains are well-documented
Because of the high isolation numbers (104 – 105
CFU/g), it is unlikely that E. faecium entered the
in’t Veld, 1999). Hitherto, in Europe, there are no
production process via contamination. The second
widely acknowledged regulations concerning the
most frequently recovered species in food supple-
labeling issues and claims that can be made by the
ments was Lb. rhamnosus. Lb. acidophilus was
claimed to be present in 22/30 (73%) products but
O’Donnell, 1998; Przyrembel, 2001). Our findings
clearly indicate the need for such regulations. Counts
growth was observed for Lb. acidophilus on MRSA
of viable bacteria were subtantially lower among the
medium compared to Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. casei and E.
30 food supplements compared to the 25 dairy
faecium, the relatively low recovery rate cannot be
products. Possibly, higher isolation numbers could
clearly explained. Likewise, the poor retrieval of
have been obtained when food supplements were
bifidobacteria could not readily be explained because
analysed using anaerobic isolation conditions. How-
isolation results were comparable after testing various
ever, it can be speculated that the significant differ-
isolation parameters, e.g. atmosphere, temperature and
ence in relative numbers between the two main types
duration of incubation (data not shown). More likely,
of products will not be affected by incubation under
it is possible that the nutritional content of the TOS
aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Therefore, it is
and MCA medium used in this study did not meet the
possible that a number of the investigated food
specific growth requirements of a number of probiotic
supplements may comprise a bacterial concentration
bifidobacterial strains. Therefore, it can be speculated
below the minimum value required for any probiotic
that more products claiming bifidobacteria may have
strain to affect the gastro-intestinal tract, and thus, to
produced these organisms during isolation, when a
be able to promote a significant health effect. Using
series of well-defined strain-specific media were used.
our protocol, a total of 11 food supplements (37%)
The need for broad-spectrum isolation media for
did not yield any viable bacteria on the four isolation
bifidobacteria is clearly demonstrated by this study
media. It can be speculated that the absence of living
bacteria in a dried food supplement is due to damage
the tested food supplements, a total of nine products
of the culture caused by the drying and capsulation
contained species other than those stated on the
process, the possibility that some of these food
product label. This mislabeling has also been reported
supplements were sterilised for safety reasons or
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
al. (1998). Strikingly, 38% of the E. faecium isolates
(1999) for 20 out of 29 tested food supplements.
also showed to be resistant against vancomycin
Since S. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii subsp.
according to the disc diffusion method. However,
bulgaricus are the main starter cultures of yoghurt, it
these findings could not be confirmed by the dilution
could be expected that these two species were among
the most frequently isolated ones from the dairy
products. However, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
1995). Collectively, these findings indicate that all
was only found once possibly because this species is
enterococci isolated from probiotic products were
rapidly overgrown by other lactobacilli in the dairy
susceptible to vancomycin, which again highlights
products. The fact that Lb. acidophilus was more
the limited reliability of the disc diffusion method to
easily isolated from dairy products than from food
determine the occurrence of vancomycin resistance
supplements, could be related to (1) the supporting
matrix of the product in which the strains have to
frequencies of vancomycin resistance found among
survive for the complete shelf-life, (2) the ambient
other lactic acid bacterial genera do not pose a
temperature at which the different products are
problem as this type of vancomycin resistance is
usually maintained, (3) the total shelf-life (average
different from the inducible, transferable mechanism
of 30 days for dairy products, average of 24 months
for food supplements) or (4) to the individual strain
et al., 2000). The lactobacilli in the present study
differences with respect to survival in the stationary
comprised strains resistant to tetracycline (29.5%),
phase at the given temperature. Fourteen dairy prod-
chloramphenicol (8.5%), and erythromycin (12%)
ucts also claim to contain bifidobacteria, whereas in
and overall, more than 68% of our isolates exhibited
only two instances, Bifidobacterium lactis was recov-
resistance to two or more antibiotics (data not
ered instead of the claimed B. longum. As outlined
shown). With regard to general concerns on biosaf-
above, the low recovery of bifidobacteria might be
ety of probiotics, further research should focus on
due to the lack of optimal isolation media for specific
the location and potential transferability of these
Bifidobacterium strains. Although to a lesser extent
than with food supplements, our results suggest that
In conclusion, it can be stated that quite a number
also quite a number of dairy products suffer from
of dried food supplements and—to a lesser extent—
mislabeling, which underscores similar findings of
dairy products are incorrectly or inadequately labeled
with regard to the correct identity of the incorporated
probiotic strains. Despite earlier reports concerning
Using the disc diffusion method, high frequencies
of resistance were detected for kanamycin (79%) and
Holzapfel et al., 1998; Hamilton-Miller et al.,
vancomycin (65%). Most of the kanamycin resistant
1999), the new data indicate that this situation has
isolates belonged to the genera Lactobacillus and
not significantly improved. Although specific anti-
Enterococcus. The latter genus is intrinsically resist-
biotic resistance traits among probiotic strains may be
finding that 81% of the isolated lactobacilli was also
tetracycline, chloramphenicol and erythromycin
resistant against kanamycin somewhat counteracts
resistance among the investigated probiotic isolates
the specificity of the Enterococcus-specific KAAAB
indicates that continuous attention should be paid to
medium. Likewise, the relatively high percentage of
the selection of probiotic strains free of transferable
vancomycin resistance observed among the entire
antibiotic resistance. It is of paramount importance
collection of isolates is due to the fact that the
that at a time when consumers become more aware of
majority of the lactobacilli are intrinsically resistant
the importance of good nutrition and health, probiotic
products designed especially for their health promot-
intraspecies variations were found among the Lb.
ing purposes are safe and well-documented in order
johnsonii and Lb. acidophilus isolates, which is in
to provide consumers with the full benefits of the
R. Temmerman et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 81 (2002) 1–10
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PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Noon-5:00 PMEA Golf Outing Room Check-in Welcoming Hospitality Reception/Associate Member Exhibits THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 7:00-8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration Foyer outside of the Assembly Room Welcoming Address Vance Oakes, Grove City Borough Manager/Pr
THE HUMBLE PRUNE ACHIEVES SUPERFRUIT STATUS From today, the prune can shake off any old fashioned associations and claim its rightful position as a modern day ‘Superfood’, following an announcement from nutritional consultant and Health Journalist of the Year, Michael van Straten – who originally coined the term ‘Superfood’ in the lates Compelling and conclusive scientific