Common Interests in the OceanRüdiger WolfrumINTRODUCTION
Oceans (the high seas, the deep- ocean floor, and its subsoil) differ funda-
mentally from territories or spaces under national jurisdiction. Whereas the management of the latter rests in the responsibility of a given state, activities in the former are governed by international law, implemented and enforced by individual states or organs of the community of states as the case may be. It is to be assumed from this very fact that community interests in the proper manage-ment and preservation of the oceans are prevailing. In this chapter, I address the legal regime for common interests in the oceans focusing on the lessons learned from Antarctica. STATUS OF THE AREA
The most evident expression of common interests in the oceans is to be
found in the common heritage principle. The term was formally introduced by Malta in a note verbale on 18 August 1967 (UN Doc. A/6695) requesting the introduction of an agenda item into the agenda of the UN General Assembly: “Declaration and treaty concerning the reservation exclusively for peaceful pur-poses of the sea- bed and the ocean floor, underlying the seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind.”
The common heritage principle is an essential element, even the basis, of
Part XI of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) concerning the deep seabed, from where it has found its way into national legislation relating to seabed activities. It was also introduced in 1967 into the then beginning discus-sion on a legal regime for outer space and, to a lesser extent, later into the legal framework for Antarctica. The Agreement Relating to the Implementation of
Rüdiger Wolfrum, Max Planck Institute for
Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December
Comparative Public Law and International Law, Im Neuenheimer Feld 535/69120 Heidel berg,
1982 (Implementation Agreement) has, in fact, modified the deep- seabed regime
Germany. Correspondence: [email protected].
somewhat, but without sacrificing the core of the principle. 2 8 2 • S C I E N C E D I P L O M A C Y
In the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea the
of the Sea goes a decisive step further. It states that no
common heritage of mankind is set forth under differ-
such claim or exercise of sovereignty or sovereign rights
ent provisions. The Preamble refers to UN General As-
or such appropriation shall be recognized. Thus, the pro-
sembly Resolution 2749 (XXV) of 17 December 1970 (A/
hibition of occupation and appropriation has been given
RES/25/2749) in which the UN General Assembly sol-
a legal status, the effect of which is similar to that of jus
emnly declared, inter alia, that the area of the “sea- bed
cogens. Moreover, Article 137 of the UN Convention on
and ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits
the Law of the Sea is phrased as an obligation of all states
of national jurisdiction . . . as well as the resources of the
and not only the States Parties to the convention. One of
area, are the common heritage of mankind.” The principle
the objectives of the common heritage principle is to pre-
is highlighted in Article 136 of the UN Convention on the
serve the present legal status of the international commons
Law of the Sea, according to which this area and its re-
against all states and, as indicated by the term “appro-
sources are the common heritage of mankind. The signifi-
priation,” all private persons. The latter has far- reaching
cance of this principle to the UN Convention on the Law
consequences. It means that an illegal appropriation will
of the Sea becomes evident through its Article 311, para-
not result in a title of ownership for the entity in ques-
graph 6, which provides that there will be no amendments
tion. States Parties are therefore obliged to modify their
to the basic principle relating to the common heritage of
law on private ownership accordingly. This constitutes a
mankind set forth in Article 136 of the UN Convention
viable mechanism to preserve the common interests in the
on the Law of the Sea. This attributes to Article 136 of
the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea a special sta-tus above treaty law without qualifying it as jus cogens (i.e. peremptory international law). The common heritage
principle as established by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea contains several core elements, which will be
The regime of utilization, furthermore, establishes the
discussed in the remainder of this chapter.
obligation of all states to cooperate internationally in the exploration and exploitation of the deep seabed. The in-stitution through which such cooperation is to be achieved
is the International SeabedAuthority (ISA). A correspond-ing duty of states to cooperate in the peaceful exploration
According to Article 137 of the UN Convention on
and use of outer space, including celestial bodies, has been
the Law of the Sea, no state shall claim or exercise sov-
formulated as a principle immanent in space law. Such an
ereignty or sovereign rights over any part of the seabed
obligation to cooperate on deep- seabed and outer space
and the ocean floor or its resources, nor shall any state or
matters surpasses the requirements of international law in
natural or juridical person appropriate any part thereof.
No such claim or exercise of either sovereignty rights or
Although the obligation to cooperate constitutes a
such appropriation shall be recognized.
strong element in the Antarctic legal regime, it has not
The legal significance of the nonoccupation and the
been institutionalized in a way similar to the one for the
nonappropriation element of the common heritage prin-
deep seabed. There is no question, however, of the inter-
ciple concerning the high seas was minimal, as Article 2
state cooperation between states and between states and
of the Geneva Convention on the High Seas already pro-
nongovernmental organizations at the Antarctic Treaty
hibited any occupation of the high seas. Equally, an ap-
Consultative Meetings. Cooperation is a dominant feature
propriation by private entities is excluded.
of the Antarctic legal regime and even more evident in the
This element of nonoccupation is also inherent in
day- to- day activities in Antarctica.
Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty, which excludes new territorial claims. It is a matter to be looked into as to whether individuals or entities may appropriate parts of
Antarctica. In my view, Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty, albeit not explicitly, indirectly rules out the possibility of
Apart from its negative side just described (i.e. non-
occupation and nonappropriation), the common heritage
As far as the seabed beyond national jurisdiction is
principle introduces a revolutionary new positive element
concerned, Article 136 of the UN Convention on the Law
into the law of the sea by indicating that the control and
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management of the deep seabed is vested in mankind as a
was discussed, it was emphasized that the common heri-
whole. Mankind, in turn, is represented as far as the deep
tage principle was meant to replace the freedom- based ap-
seabed is concerned by the ISA, which is the organization
proach that traditionally governs the use of the high seas.
through which States Parties organize and control deep-
The approach pursued by the Antarctic legal regime is
seabed activities (Article 157, paragraph 1, of the UN
somewhat different. The Protocol on Environmental Pro-
Convention on the Law of the Sea). Thus, States Parties
tection to the Antarctic Treaty (Environmental Protocol)
are meant to act as a kind of trustee on behalf of mankind
and its annexes are much more concrete than Part XI of
as a whole. It is in this respect that the common heritage
the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which makes
principle introduces a fundamental change in the legal re-
supplementary rules for deep- seabed activities necessary.
gime governing the deep seabed. However, no other in-
In this respect, the so- called mining code of ISA is bor-
ternational agreement implementing the common heritage
rowed from the draft Convention on the Regulation of
principle, not even the Agreement Governing the Activities
Mineral Resource Activities in Antarctica (CRAMRA)
of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Moon
and the Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty.
That was particularly true for the liability regime.
A particular legal regime governs the use of the geosta-
tionary orbit. The legal regime governing the geostation-ary orbit involves the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) in the administration of that part of outer space, although to a comparatively lesser extent. Many
Controversy over the utilization system concerning the
scholars hold that the establishment of an international
deep seabed centered upon the question of how to make
management system like the ISA is a necessary feature of
sure that deep- seabed mining would benefit all mankind.
the common heritage principle. I beg to differ. In my view,
The term “benefit” mentioned in the UN Convention on
it is perfectly possible to serve the interests of the inter-
the Law of the Sea should be understood broadly. What
national community even without establishing an interna-
matters, on the one hand, is the immaterial benefit, i.e.,
the extension and deepening of mankind’s knowledge con-cerning the international commons. On the other hand, the benefit thought of is the one that can be derived from
the use of the resources of the seabed and ocean floor as well as of outer space and its celestial bodies. According to
The key provision on the system of exploration and
Article 140 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,
exploitation of the resources of the deep seabed (Article
activities in the deep- seabed area should be carried out for
153 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) avoids
the benefit of mankind as a whole, taking into particular
referring to the freedom of such uses. Instead, it states that
consideration the interests and needs of developing states.
activities in the international seabed area shall be carried
This article merely describes a legal framework from which
out by the Enterprise (an organ of the ISA) and, in associa-
no specific legal rights and obligations can yet be drawn.
tion with the ISA, by States Parties or their nationals when
However, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea for-
sponsored by such states. In that respect, the deep- seabed
mulates further, more specific obligations: equal participa-
mining regime differs from the one governing the high
tion of all states despite their technological or economic
seas as well as the one governing outer space. On the high
development, sharing of revenues, transfer of technology
seas as well as in outer space all states enjoy freedoms, al-
(so as to provide for equal participation), preferential
though such freedoms are to be exercised under the condi-
treatment of developing countries, protection against ad-
tions laid down by international law. The main difference
verse effects of deep- seabed mining on land- based mining,
between the two regimes rests in the fact that the freedoms
and cooperation. The UN Convention on the Law of the
of the high seas are to be exercised with due regard to the
Sea attempts to achieve the objective of equal participa-
interests of other states, so as to coordinate the exercise
tion by the following means: (1) restrictions imposed upon
of such freedoms and to protect against negative effects
potential deep- seabed miners, (2) affirmative action bene-
from such exercise, whereas the restrictions imposed upon
fiting nonmining states, and (3) conferring of jurisdiction
the utilization of the deep seabed are also meant to pro-
over deep- seabed mining activities on the ISA so that all
tect the interests of humankind. In particular, when the
States Parties can equally, though indirectly, participate
legal regime concerning the utilization of the deep seabed
therein. This utilization system represents an attempt to
2 8 4 • S C I E N C E D I P L O M A C Y
provide for distributive justice. It is in this respect that the
At last instance the implementation of this obligation is
Implementation Agreement has introduced modifications,
monitored by the International Tribunal for the Law of
in particular concerning a production policy and the obli-
gation for a transfer of technology.
As far as the high seas are concerned, the flag states
The introduction of the term “mankind” combined
are originally mandated to ensure the sustainable manage-
with the word “heritage” indicates that the interests of fu-
ment of the living resources (Article 119 of the conven-
ture generations have to be respected in making use of the
tion). The UN Agreement Relating to the Conservation
international commons. More specifically, it requires that
and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Migra-
deep- seabed or outer space activities should avoid undue
tory Fish Stocks has significantly clarified this approach,
waste of resources and provides for the protection of the
reflecting the common interest in a management regime
environment. An important part of the intertemporal di-
dedicated to sustainability as the precautionary principle.
mension of the common heritage principle is the concept
Part XII of the UN Convention on the Law of the
of sustainable development. Articles 145 and 209 of the
Sea, which deals with the protection and preservation of
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea provide for the pro-
the marine environment, again clearly mirrors the com-
tection of the marine environment against harmful effects
mon interests in the oceans. According to Article 192 of
the convention, all states have the obligation to protect
This concept of sustainable development is well en-
and preserve the marine environment. This obligation is
shrined in the Antarctic legal system. The Environmental
all- encompassing; it is further detailed in Part XII, which
Protocol, including its annexes, and the Convention on
describes the distribution of the functions between coastal
Antarctic Marine Living Resources are based thereon.
states, port states, and flag states.
The same approach applies to Antarctica. There the
main responsibility rests upon the state whose nationality
the expedition or the station concerned represents. UNDER NATIONAL JURISDICTION
Although the common interests in the oceans are most
explicitly expressed as far as the utilization of the deep seabed is concerned, they influence the legal regime for
Let me conclude by stating the particularities and
the high seas as well as for maritime areas under national
strengths of the Antarctic legal regime in pursuing com-
jurisdiction. This point will be highlighted regarding fish-
mon interest. These are (1) the flexibility of the governance
eries and the protection of the marine environment.
system, (2) concentration on science and the protection of
According to Article 61, paragraph 2, of the UN Con-
the environment, and (3) reliance on the interchange of
vention on the Law of the Sea, coastal states shall ensure
that the maintenance of the living resources in their ex-
It has been indicated that the Antarctic Treaty Consul-
clusive economic zones is not endangered by overexploi-
tative Meeting (ATCM) and its secretariat were inadequate
tation. Paragraph 3 continues to state that populations
to deal with the complexities of Antarctica. I venture to
should be maintained and restored at levels whereby they
disagree. The ATCM has proved to be remarkably flex-
can produce the maximum sustainable yield. In short,
ible and effective if one compares the situation today with
coastal states are entrusted with the management of the
the one 20 years back. Such a metamorphosis would have
living resources in their exclusive economic zone, but they
been impossible had the original signatories decided to
are not totally free in that respect. They are under an ob-
establish an international organization. To underline my
ligation to manage fisheries in a way that the resources
point, I recommend considering the G8 Summit, which
in question will contribute to the nourishment of their
follows exactly the same pattern, although I doubt that
populations or the populations of other states. The fact
its founders were aware of the Antarctic legal system.
that coastal states are not totally free in their own poli-
Modern international law is moving away from the es-
cies is highlighted in Article 73, paragraph 1, of the UN
tablishing new international organizations. Instead, more
Convention on the Law of the Sea, which indicates that
informal fora are established, such as meetings of States
they may only enforce such national laws and regulations
Parties, some of them enjoying more substantial functions
on fisheries adopted in conformity with the convention.
than traditional international organizations. The ATCM,
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in my view, is a forerunner of this development, although
science, politics, and law. Attempts to follow this pattern
have been made in the context of the law of the sea with
I see the second strength of the ATCM in the concentra-
the Continental Shelf Commission. But there the integra-
tion of the Antarctic legal system on science and protection
tion was not well thought through. This interplay between
of the environment. This has not been duplicated elsewhere.
science, politics, and law is the most valuable asset of the
Both objectives serve common interest, which makes it eas-
Antarctic legal regime—its primary export article—and it
ier to solve conflicts that may and have developed.
Finally, I see the particularity and strength of the Ant-
arctic legal system in its reliance on the interchange of
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