Chin J Pharmacoepidemiol 2002 , Vol. 11 , No. 1
1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Chin J Pharmacoepidemiol 2002 , Vol. 11 , No. 1
+ 25/ 23) 1/ 2 = 7. 680 0 ; Zc = 7. 68 > Z(0. 05 ,1) = 2. 58 ,
4. 612 3 , 56. 482 5 , 6. 633 5 , 1. 598 7 , 3. 041 2 ,
23) 1/ 2 = 32. 238 1 ; Zc = 32. 238 1 > Z(0. 05 ,1) = 2. 58 ,
c = 12 . 071 6 > Z(0. 05 ,1) = 2 . 58 ,
1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.netA Controlled Study on Paroxetine and Amitriptyl ine in Treatment of Depression : A Meta2analysis
Guangzhou Brain Hospital , Guangzhou 510370 , P. R. China
Sun Yixian Commemorating Hospital , Zhongshan Medical University
ABSTRACT Objective : To compare furt her t he differences of t herapeutic effect and adverse reactions between paroxetine ( Par)
and amitriptyline (Ami) . Methods : Meta2analysis was made to comparatively study on Par and Ami by six literature published from
internal medical journals. Results : The significant difference between pre2 and post2treatment in group Par was found , a excellent
t herapeutic effect have been obtained. No difference was found between group Par and group Ami after treat ment , and difference effi2
cacy was not significant . The incidence of techycardia , extra2pyramidal syndrome , constipation , dry mout h , blurred vision in group
Ami was significantly different from group Par and lower t han group Par , t he intensity of difference was partially higher. Conclu2 sions : There is difference between Par and Ami in t he t herapy effect of six weeks , but it is a obvious different in adverse reactions. KEY WORDS
Paroxetine ; Amitriptyline ; Depression ; Meta2analysis
A Systemic Revie w of Chinese Medical L iterature of Mild Acute Pancreatitis Treated with Octreotide
Depart ment of Infection , Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College , Centre2China Science and
Technology University , Wuhan 430030 ,P. R. China
Editorial Depart ment of Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology
ABSTRACT Objective : To understand t he total t herapeutic effect of mild acute pancreatitis treated wit h octreotide and study
fut her t he main problems. Method : The Chinese medical literature2related were explored or collected. The community of entered lit2
erature2related were explored or collected. The community of entered literature and t he factors of influencing t herapeutic effect were
analysed , and t he data of t herapeutic effect concerned were synt hesized and analysed also by systemic review including qualitative and
meta2analysis. Results : Nine literature were obtained , accounting for 81. 8 % of target literature. The experimental designs , studied
object , t herapentic met hod , and observed index of every study were general similar , but it could exist a difference in t he duration of
treat ment and t he severity of disease. The qualitative analysis showed t hat t he gastric juice amount of group octreotide was less t han
controlled group in two literature ( P < 0. 005 and P < 0. 01) after treat ment ; t he group octreotide was turned to operation , complica2
tion , and t he number of died case , which all were superior to t he controlled group . Meta2analysis showed t hat t he group octreotide
was superior to t he controlled group in remission of abdominal pain , returning situation of serum amylase , and duration of hospitaliza2
tion , t he difference between two groups showed a statistical importance. Conclusion : Octreotide used additionally or used as substitute
may raise t he t herapeutic effect in treat ment of mild acute pancreatitis. It is necessary for t he different severity of mild patients to con2
duct respectively multi2centre study , in order to understand t he t herapeutic effect or indication of cotreotide. KEY WORDS
Octreotide ; Pancreatitis ,acute ,mild ; Clinical study ; Controlled trial ; Review ,systemic ; Meta2analysis
Effectiveness of Heparin Calcium in Treatment of Bronchiol itis by Aerosol Inhalation in 80 Cases
Depart ment of Pediatrics , Guangxi Liuzhou City People s Hospital , 545001 , P. R. China
ABSTRACT Objective : To assess t he effectiveness of heparin calcium in treat ment of children s bronchiloitis. Method : The
treated group including 80 children of bronchiolitis was treated wit h heparin calcium by aerosol inhalation on t he basis of routine com2
bination treat ment , t he controlled group only received t he routine treat ment . Results : The effective rate of t he treated group was
96. 2 % , t hat of t he controlled group was 85. 0 %( P < 0. 05) . No adverse reactions were observed. Conclusion : Children s bronchi2
olitis treated wit h heparin calcium by aerosol inhalation is safe and effective. KEY WORDS
Bronchiolitis ; Heparin calcium ; Aerosol inhalation
1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Don’t Let the Flu Get You Down It’s no secret that the 2009/2010 flu season will be challenging. Between the H1N1 Virus (“Swine Flu”) the seasonal flu, and a myriad of cold viruses, staying healthy certainly won’t be easy this winter. In fact, to help prepare for a potential outbreak of H1N1 Flu virus, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is working to distribute a flu
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