Travel risk assessment form

To be retuned at least 2 working days prior to appointment with

Please complete this form prior to your travel appointment and return to reception.
Personal Details

Date of birth:
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact telephone number: Email: GP name and address (if not registered at this surgery):
Dates of trip

Itinerary and purpose of visit

Country to be visited
_____________________________________________________________________________ 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.
Please circle the descriptions that best describe your trip

1. Type of trip:

Personal medical history (please supply printout from own GP)

Do you have any recent or past medical history of note? This includes diabetes, heart or lung conditions, thymus disorder
List any current or repeat medications
Do you have any allergies, for example to eggs, antibiotics, nuts, etc.?
Have you ever had a serious reaction to a vaccine given to you before?
Do you or any close family members have epilepsy?
Do you have any history of mental illness, including depression or anxiety?
Have you recently undergone radiotherapy, chemotherapy or steroid treatment?
Women only: Are you pregnant or planning pregnancy or breast feeding?
Please give any further information that may be relevant, including any future travel plans:

Vaccination history

Have you ever had any of the following vaccinations/medication previously for travel? If so, when approximately?
Hepatitis A _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hepatitis A Booster _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hepatitis B: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Japanese Encephalitis _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Malaria tablets _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meningitis _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rabies ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Typhoid _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yellow Fever _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yellow Fever Booster _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Childhood vaccinations, e.g. Tetanus _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Patient name:
Travel risk assessment performed: yes/no
Travel vaccines recommended for this trip:
Disease protection Yes/No/Further Information

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Meningitis ACWY
Yellow Fever
Japanese B Encephalitis
Travel advice and leaflets given as per travel protocol
Malaria prevention advice and malaria chemoprophylaxis Food, water and personal hygiene advice/ Travellers’ diarrhoea/ Hepatitis B, C and HIV Insect bite prevention/ animal bites/ accidents/ Insurance/ Air travel/ Sun and heat protection/ Hajj travel/ Travel record supplied Websites Other
Chloroquine and proguanil/ Atovaquone & proguanil (Malarone)/ Chloroquine/ Mefloquine/
Doxycycline/ Malaria advice leaflet given
Further information

Nurses Signature:
For discussion when risk assessment is performed within your appointment:

I have no reason to think that I might be pregnant. I have received information on the risks and
benefits of the vaccines recommended and have had the opportunity to ask questions. I have
been advised that I will be charged a fee for these vaccinations – see annex for charges. I have
been made aware that some of these vaccines may be available free from my own GP, however I
have chosen to be treated privately. I consent to the vaccines being given.


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