Meaning of p-value in Medical Research Corresponding Author: Dr. Brijesh Sathian, Assistant Professor & Managing and Chief Editor NJE, Community Medicine, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Department of Community Medicine, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, 155 - Nepal Submitting Author: Dr. Brijesh Sathian, Assistant Professor & Managing and Chief Editor NJE, Community Medicine, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Department of Community Medicine, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, 155 - Nepal Article ID: WMC003338 Article Type: Review articles Submitted on:06-May-2012, 05:57:50 PM GMT Published on: 07-May-2012, 04:21:33 PM GMT Article URL: Subject Categories:BIOSTATISTICS Keywords:Medical Research, Testing of Hypothesis, p-value How to cite the article:Sathian B, Sreedharan J. Meaning of p-value in Medical Research . WebmedCentral BIOSTATISTICS 2012;3(5):WMC003338 Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. WebmedCentral > Review articlesPage 1 of 5
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Meaning of p-value in Medical Research Author(s): Sathian B, Sreedharan J
choosing H if the actual observations fall in the critical
region, and choosing H if they do not. More clearly in
large sample test, we will check the calculated value of
the test formula is greater than the tabular value from
Any researcher begins the research with null
the Z- table. Value is 1.96 for 95% and 2.58 for 99%
hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Null will be for
Confidence Interval. The other method is so called
supporting the old fact and alternative will be for the
software adopted method or widely used method p-
new fact invented/ doubted by the researcher/ scientist.
value. It is described by Cox and Hinkley. Several
Next step is to select one of this scientifically by using
people described p-value in several manners but
the science of statistics. For that the researcher should
finally it is the supporting probability of Null Hypothesis
calculate the likelihood or probability that the
difference observed in the study, however big or small,
could have arisen purely by chance. This probability is
A p-value is a measure of how much evidence we
known as p-value and it is sufficiently small, you can
have against the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis
conclude that you have obtained a statistically
H , represents the hypothesis of no change or no
significant difference. Confidence intervals and
effect, population mean and sample mean equal,
p-values take as their starting point the results
population proportion or sample proportion equal. It is
observed in a study. Crucially, we must check first that
also known as producer’s hypothesis, if customer is
doing research. The smaller the p-value, the more
evidence we have against H . It is also a measure of
how likely we are to get a certain sample result or a
result more extreme, assuming H is true. Medical research involves making a hypothesis and then
“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of
collecting data to test that hypothesis.The p-value
probability”, mused William Osler. Medical journals
measures consistency by calculating the
are a confluence of medicine, science and
probability of observing the results from your
journalism—and are expected to have the values of all
sample of data or a sample with results more
three. Medical journals differ fundamentally from
extreme, assuming the null hypothesis is true. We
scientific journals in that the former is read mainly by
will reject H when p-value is less than 0.05.
practising doctors and not by scientists. Medical
Sometimes, though, researchers will use a stricter
journals will continue to be the main vehicle of
cut-off (e.g., 0.01) or a more liberal cut-off (e.g., 0.10).
scientific information for years to come, particularly
The general rule is that a small p-value is evidence
where access to computer and internet facilities are
against the null hypothesis while a large p-value
relatively limited. Nowadays the output—and
means little or no evidence against the null
rewards— of research are based almost entirely on
published papers in scientific journals. Scientists in
Suppose that a Viagra medicine company alleges that
low-income and middle income settings want an
only 40% of all patients who take it have a side
opportunity to analyze data for their populations
effect of headache. If, you prescribed Viagra for
according to their own concerns. They want to be in
effective treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and believe
the frontlines of national and global communications
that the adverse event rate is much higher in patients.
about their country’s experiences. The basic
In a sample of 100 patients, all hundred have a
assumption of inferential statistics is that we’re
headache. The data supports your belief because
observing a sample of finite size drawn from a
it is inconsistent with the assumption of a 40%
population that is effectively infinite. By making
headache rate. It would be like tossing a coin 100
observations about the sample, we are trying to make
times and getting heads each time. The p-value, the
generalizations about the population. The
probability of getting a sample result of 100 headache
Neyman-Pearson theory of hypothesis testing
events in all 100 patients assuming that the headache
addresses the problem of choosing between two
event rate is 40%, is a measure of this inconsistency.
statistical hypotheses, H and H . The solution involves
The p-value, 0.00000001, is small enough that we
selecting, before the data are observed, a set of
would reject the hypothesis that the headache event
potential observations (the critical region), then
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