Maca is a hardy perennial plant cultivated in the Andean Mountains.
It is rich in sugars, protein, starches, and essential minerals,especially iodine and iron. In Peruvian herbal medicine, Maca is
used as an immunostimulant for anemia, tuberculosis, menstrualdisorders, menopause symptoms, stomach cancer, sterility, and
other reproductive and sexual disorders as well as to enhance
memory. This energizing plant is sometimes referred to as Peruvianginseng, although Maca is not in the same family as ginseng.
Today, Maca is most commonly used to increase energy, stamina
and endurance in athletes, promote mental clarity, treat male
impotence, and help to correct female hormonal imbalancesincluding menopause and chronic fatigue syndrome. European
doctors have prescribed Maca for a variety of health-relatedillnesses and weight management for more than a decade and have
found it more helpful than synthetic western medicines. Maca isgrowing in world popularity due to its energizing effects, fertilityenhancement and aphrodisiac qualities.
Noni, the common name for Morinda Citrifolia, is a plant typically found in the Tahitian andHawaiian islands. Polynesian healers have been using it for thousands of years. Proxeronine,an alkaloid, is found in abundance in the fruit. Due to the loss of micronutrients in our growingsoils, many people in the United States receive a marginal or a submarginal supply ofproxeronine, which has led to a variety of medical problems. The body converts proxeronine toxeronine, which helps to repair damaged cells. Anecdotal reports suggest that Noni can besignificantly helpful in numerous health conditions such as hypertension, wounds andinfections, ulcers, skin rashes, digestive disorders, colds, influenza, arthritis, and cancer. Research reports have shown that Noni improves the immune system and specificallyincreases the number of T-cells. Maca: Herb. Maca comes from a plant native to the highlands of Peru. It has been used for thousands of years by native Peruvians as a regular part of their diet. They have a very low rate of breast, uterine and prostate cancer compared to the U.S. population. Research shows that Maca promotes energy and improves the quality of life in the area of sexuality. This herb supports hormonal functioning and may be beneficial to menopausal health. Many athletes are including Maca as an integral part of their nutritional programs to promote stamina. Noni: Fruit. Noni, the common name for Morinda Citrifolia, is a plant typically found in the Tahitian and Hawaiian islands. Polynesian healers have been using it for thousands of years. Proxeronine, an alkaloid, is found in abundance in the fruit. Due to the loss of micronutrients in our growing soils, many people in the United States receive a marginal or a submarginal supply of proxeronine, which has led to a variety of medical problems. The body converts proxeronine to xeronine, which helps to repair damaged cells. Anecdotal reports suggest that Noni can be significantly helpful in numerous health conditions such as hypertension, wounds and infections, ulcers, skin rashes, digestive disorders, colds, influenza, arthritis, and cancer. Research reports have shown that Noni improves the immune system and specifically increases the number of T-cells. Siberian Ginseng: Herb. Strengthens the adrenal and reproductive glands. Enhances immune function, promotes lung functioning, and stimulates the appetite. Useful for bronchitis, circulatory problems, diabetes, infertility, lack of energy and stress. May protect against the effects of radiation exposure. Odorless Garlic: Herb. Research has shown that garlic helps to lower blood pressure, serum cholesterol levels, and aids in digestion. It is a potential immune stimulant and a natural antibiotic. It may be useful against fungal infections, including athlete's foot, candidiasis, and yeast vaginitis. It may also destroy certain viruses such as those associated with fever blisters, genital herpes, smallpox and a type of influenza. Astragalus Root: Aids adrenal gland function and digestion. Increases metabolism, and provides energy to combat fatigue. Good for colds, flu, and immune deficiency related problems. Chlorella Algae: Nutrient. This super protein source is a growth stimulator, and is believed to retard aging. Chlorella is a reliable source of vitamin B-12 and is high in Beta-Carotene. Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other land or sea plant and has the ability to neutralize or remove poisonous substance from the body. Cat's Claw: Herb. Cleanses the intestinal tract, enhances the action of white blood cells, and acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Good for intestinal problems and viral infections. Aloe Vera: Taken internally it has been shown to soothe stomach irritation. Aids in healing, and has laxative properties. Good for skin and digestive disorders. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent anydisease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice.
Seamless Maternity Light Support Top Sister Lilian, leading pregnancy and parenting advisor and author, writes about progesterone, pregnancy aches and pains and the seamless maternity light support top’s therapeutic use: The predominantly female hormone, progesterone, plays a significant role throughout a woman’s life, especially during her reproductive years. Increased progesterone
Media release Women can now get treatment for urinary tract infections directly from trained pharmacists Auckland, 26 November 2012 – (NZX: PHB) In a New Zealand first, women will be able to receive best practice treatment for urinary tract infections (often referred to as UTI, bladder infection or cystitis) directly from trained pharmacists from today. The service is now avail