First aid policy
growing together, learning together, praising together • To provide a safe positive learning environment in which children grow, flourish • To provide first aid as necessary from trained adults • To promote health and safety awareness in children and adults, in order to • To encourage every child and adult to begin to take responsibility for their health Procedures
The First Aid box is kept in the servery and is well stocked for both staff and children’s aid. First aid for children is limited to the use of cold water or cold water compress (no longer than ten minutes), wipes and copious TLC! No medication may be administered in school without parent’s permission (see Managing Medicines Policy). All first aid given should be recorded in the First Aid book in the cupboard in the servery.
If any accident does happen, resulting in an injury to a child, the nearest member of staff will do al s/he can to aid the child concerned, until the first aider arrives. When help is needed, a child may be sent to find another adult using the ‘help’ card. We keep a first aid box in the servery and in each classroom. The following staff have received first aid training and hold current certificates: Should any incident involving injury to a child take place, one of the above- mentioned members of staff will be called to assist. If necessary, the school secretary or headteacher will telephone for emergency assistance. Anyone who is not trained in at least basic first aid must not attempt to administer first aid. For any serious injury, the qualified First Aider must be informed, if not immediately as soon as possible, since it is her responsibility to ensure that any treatment and recording is appropriate.
1.3 We record all incidents involving injury that receive treatment in the school logbook, and we inform parents in all cases of head injury. Should a child be seriously hurt, we use the emergency telephone number(s) that we keep on the school files. Serious accidents are recorded on an accident form (kept in school office), a copy of which is sent to County.
1.4 On any residential visit or out of school day visits, an adult with at least a basic first aid certificate will be present.
Trinity CE VA First School First Aid Policy Reviewed: January 2011. Review Date: January 2012 The qualified first aider (Miss Sarah Robertson) is responsible for checking, updating and re-supplying first aid boxes regularly.
All head injuries including bumped heads, should be reported to the class teacher and in turn to parents via ‘bumped head’ forms. Any head injury is also recorded by the member of staff dealing with it in the appropriate book.
Information concerning children who suffer from anaphylaxis is displayed prominently in the staffroom. If anaphylactic shock is suspected, action should be taken immediately fol owing specific training and instruction stated in the child’s information pack.
a) Calm child (ask another adult to ring 999 and parents)b) Administer epi-penc) Phone 999 and parents if not already doned) If no improvement after 5 minutes, administer second epi-pene) The child must be taken to hospital (with used and unused epi-pens) Staff are trained annually in procedures for dealing with anaphylaxis.
Children suffering from asthma should be encouraged to be independent concerning their condition.
• should know when they need their inhaler • should administer their own medication, supervised by an adult • parents are to be informed via the link-log when children have used their inhalers • Children cannot overdose on ventolin (about 200 puffs would be dangerous) Haemophilia and other long term conditions • Children suffering haemophilia, epilepsy, diabetes etc will have equal access to the • Extra care should be taken to report any knock or bump, in case of medical implications such as internal bruising or bleeding. Monitoring and Review
This policy is monitored by the First Aider and reviewed annually by the full governing body.
Reference should be made to the Health, Safety & Welfare Policy and Managing Medicines Policy.
Trinity CE VA First School First Aid Policy Reviewed: January 2011. Review Date: January 2012 VERSION CONTROL
Trinity CE VA First School First Aid Policy Reviewed: January 2011. Review Date: January 2012


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