Home administration of bortezomib: making a difference to myeloma patients• lives
European Journal of Oncology Nursing xxx (2009) 1–3
Home administration of bortezomib: Making a difference to myelomapatients’ lives
Teresa Meenaghan Michael O’Dwyer Patrick Hayden ,Amjad Hayat ,Margaret Murray ,Maura Dowling
a St Josephs Ward, Galway University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Galway, Irelandb Haematology Department, Galway University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Galway, Irelandc School of Nursing and Midwifery, Aras Moyola, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Keywords:BortezomibMyelomaHome administration
age and eligible for stem cell transplant. However, they must alsohave good performance status and without other co-morbidities.
Multiple myeloma is a clonal malignancy of plasma cells, char-
Initiatives in the home administration of chemotherapy are
acterized by anaemia, renal dysfunction, lytic bone lesions and the
presence of excess monoclonal immunoglobulin. It is the second
With regard to the home administration of bortezomib, a pilot
feasibility project of home administration of bortezomib to patients
It remains a complex disease to diagnose and treat.
with myeloma has recently been reported from Bournmouth
However, our understanding of the biology of myeloma continues
Hospital in England ). However, that pilot
to develop, and hence a number of new potential therapies have
program only included patients with relapsed disease and patients
been identified, with improved outcomes and survival
had to live within a 12 mile radius of the hospital. In addition, Day 1
and Day 4 doses were administered in the hospital, and blood
The introduction of novel agents, such as immunomodulatory
samples were taken on each visit. Three of our patient group were
drugs or proteasome inhibitors, either alone or in combination with
newly diagnosed, receiving initial treatment for their myeloma.
traditional agents for the treatment of myeloma has led to a major
Furthermore, all patients on our program received first doses of
improvement in patient outcomes, including survival, in the past
bortezomib safely at home. In addition, bloods on our program are
decade. Based on significant improvements in response rates and
only taken on Day 8; the platelet nadir is day 11 so checking on day
overall survival in elderly patients when combined with melphalan
8 detects any significant drop prior to this. Finally, our patients live
in elderly patients (Bortezomib, a protea-
as far away as 100 miles from the hospital.
some inhibitor, is now licensed as front line treatment for myeloma. Bortezomib combined with dexamethasone has also proven to bea very effective induction therapy in younger patients prior to
autologous stem cell transplant and isnow viewed by some as the new standard for initial therapy of
Galway University Hospital (GUH) is a regional Irish hospital
younger patients. Younger patients are those less than 65 years of
serving a local urban and widely dispersed rural population. Giventhe emerging data supporting its use in all categories of patientswith multiple myeloma, there has been a major increase in the useof bortezomib as treatment of multiple myeloma patients attending
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ353 91 493833; fax: þ353 91 494537.
GUH. Since bortezomib requires frequent intravenous administra-
tion (usually twice a week, for two consecutive weeks with a 10 day
rest period) this has impacted significantly on the hospital’s hae-
matology day unit facility, which has severe capacity issues. The
1 Tel.: þ353 91 524222; fax: þ353 91 544723.
administration of bortezomib only takes ten seconds. However,
1462-3889/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2009.09.003
Please cite this article in press as: Meenaghan, T., et al., Home administration of bortezomib: Making a difference to myeloma patients’ lives,European Journal of Oncology Nursing (2009), doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2009.09.003
T. Meenaghan et al. / European Journal of Oncology Nursing xxx (2009) 1–3
between blood sampling, review by an attending doctor and
Each nurse typically administers two to three doses each
dispensing and administration, patients can frequently spend up to
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The administrating nurse documents
6 h per visit in the day unit. Moreover, many of these patients
each administration and results of laboratory tests are sent to the
would have to travel long distances to the unit and as a result
patient’s treating haematologist. Patients are routinely evaluated
experience significant inconvenience. It was therefore decided to
prior to commencing each cycle of therapy (or more frequently if
explore an alterative arrangement for the administration of
required) by the medical registrar and clinical nurse specialist in
haematology (the program’s co-ordinating nurse).
Two years of preparation were required before beginning the
Each patient has routine bloods performed (FBC, U&E and
pilot program. This involved sourcing a suitable home adminis-
myeloma blood markers). Patients also undergo a physical assess-
tration company and ensuring the pharmacy had the capacity to
ment and are questioned about possible adverse effects of borte-
reconstitute the drug early in the day to allow the administering
zomib (i.e. peripheral neuropathy, constipation, diarrhoea).
company deliver it safely to all the patients on the program. Theprocess for nursing staff co-ordinating the service had also to be
organised. In addition, the team had to determine what side effectsthe nurse would assess on each visit and record on the hand held
A number of barriers had to be overcome in order to implement
computer recording system. Three administering nurses are on the
the initiative. Support for the home administration of bortezomib
program and the first home administration of bortezomib was
from all hospital personnel was needed, this included hospital
administered in early December 2008.
management, haematologists, pharmacy staff and haematology dayward nursing staff. In addition, nursing personnel to coordinate theservice were required. Finally, another challenge has been the
Implementation of home administration of bortezomib
delivery of bortezomib, once reconstituted, to the patient withinthe 8 h window before expiry. This has required close coordination
Initially, the Haematologist identifies suitable patients. These
and planning between the home administration nurse and the
patients are asked if they would like to enrol on the pilot program.
hospital pharmacy to ensure the collection of bortezomib as soon as
All patients who have met the inclusion criteria have opted to join
possible after it has been prepared.
the program. Inclusion criteria are: needing bortezomib formyeloma, willing to enrol on the program, good performance status(i.e. able to attend appointments, good cardiac and renal function),
able to give verbal consent and able to demonstrate good under-standing of what the program involved (i.e. compliance with other
As this was a pilot program, it was planned to initially enrol
drugs, such as steroids, melphalan, lenalidomide and cyclo-
a maximum of 10 patients only. To date (September 2009) however,
phosphomide, given with bortezomib). Patients are excluded from
we have enrolled a total of 23 patients. All patients who received
the program is they are unable to give consent and fail to demon-
bortezomib as induction therapy prior to stem cell harvest and
strate an understanding of what the program involves. Moreover,
transplant have completed therapy and have successfully harvested
patients with poor venous access are excluded because difficult
and transplanted. Three other patients were discontinued treat-
cannulation requiring anaesthetic involvement is not suitable for
ment as a result of other medical complications (i.e. Parkinson’s and
home administration (two patients required central line insertion
Cardiac complication). One patient died from pneumonia. One
for this reason). In addition, the administering nurse undertakes
patient was not responding and had her treatment changed. All
a risk assessment, using a nine item risk assessment tool which
other patients continue on their planned treatment.
assesses the following: General access to the patient’s home,
Over 300 home administrations of bortezomib have been given.
general safety in the patient’s home, patient consent, the home
Since the program has commenced, about 15 doses have been
environment, communication, clinical nursing, storage of medical
missed. The reasons for the missing doses were varied; because of
and nursing supplies, pets, and moving, lifting and handling.
bank holidays (e.g. Christmas day), and because one patient missed
Home administration of bortezomib is then coordinated by the
a few doses due to her developing bilateral leg neuropathy. This
haematology clinical nurse specialist and treatment options and
patient’s dose was reduced and she is now tolerating treatment well.
decisions are managed by the patient’s Haematologist. Bortezomib
No other problems related to home administration have been
is supplied from the hospital pharmacy. Patients who are identified
encountered and no significant complications of therapy have been
as suitable for the home administration of bortezomib attend the
observed. Extravasation of bortezomib does not cause tissue
haematology day ward on day 0. Clinical examination and evalua-
damage. Its principal side effects include gastrointestinal effects,
tion of relevant laboratory results are carried out and chemo-
fatigue, transient thrombocytopenia and reversible peripheral
therapy is prescribed. The prescription is then sent to pharmacy
neuropathy, which are generally manageable
and the administering company (a company outside the hospital,
No patient developed nausea. Although four patients did experi-
which employs state registered nurses to administer treatments in
ence neutropenia, this was felt to be due to concurrent myelosup-
the home). On day 0, each patient is also seen by the haematology
pressive chemotherapy (e.g. melphalan and lenalidomide), and
clinical nurse specialist, and possible side effects and risks associ-
there were no episodes of neutropenic sepsis. Some patients have
ated with bortezomib are discussed. Patients are also given an
experienced some constipation and diarrhoea, but not severe
information booklet on bortezomib, which lists its side effects, self-
enough to stop treatment. In addition, no bleeding complication
care measures and who to contact should the need arise.
was experienced by any of the patients. Once the presence of
Patients are not required to receive their first dose of bortezo-
possible specific side effects is assessed for (i.e. peripheral
mib at the hospital; first doses are given at the patient’s home by
neuropathy, gastric upset, and febrile episodes), the risks associated
the administering nurse, who performs systematic clinical evalu-
with home administration of bortezomib are minimal.
ation for side effects and detection of contraindications for the
While the sample size is too small to make any valid compar-
administration of bortezomib. Additionally on day 8 of each cycle,
ison, the responses achieved by patients on home administration
samples for the full blood count and biochemistry profile are
are what would have been expected with standard administration
and there is no reason to question the efficacy of this approach.
Please cite this article in press as: Meenaghan, T., et al., Home administration of bortezomib: Making a difference to myeloma patients’ lives,European Journal of Oncology Nursing (2009), doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2009.09.003
T. Meenaghan et al. / European Journal of Oncology Nursing xxx (2009) 1–3
Feedback from patients reveals that they are very satisfied with
the pilot; in particular, the need to identify each person’s role in
the program and find the service convenient with minimum
order to avoid overlap and confusion. In addition, good communi-
negative impact on quality of life. Indeed, it is more likely that
cation between the nurse co-ordinating the service and the
quality of life improves rather than deteriorates during bortezomib
administering nurse is vital so that there is prompt reporting of
therapy ). To quote one patient: ‘‘I could be gone
a patient’s side effects. Finally, to avoid wastage and contain costs,
from half-nine until half-four or more.a trip is a day wasted, a day
the co-ordinating nurse needs to maintain good communication
lost in my life’’. The patient’s partner added that: ‘‘Sometimes she
with the pharmacy so that they are aware of dose adjustments and
wouldn’t sleep for two or three nights thinking about it’’. The patient
any changes in a patient’s therapy.
also commented that, ‘‘When you’re at the hospital, you hear whatthe doctors and nurses are saying but it doesn’t always sink in. At
home, you can pay attention, listen to what you’re being told’’. Shealso commented that she was now more confident and her partner
We wish to declare that we have no relationships with the
added to this by saying that ‘‘.Sometimes the tension grows in the
pharmaceutical company Jannseen Cilag, funding the pilot program
person who’s being treated.you don’t see that when she’s being
and TCP, the administering company that could be viewed as pre-
senting a potential conflict of interest.
Another patient also commented on the difficulties experienced
with the hospital visits: ‘‘You’d just sit there. Sometimes, they’d be sobusy
.it was very hard’’. She also talked about the anxiety she felt
before hospital visits: ‘‘You’d be worried the night before; there’d be
We would like to thank the support of the pharmaceutical
more tension (for you) in the hospital.you’d be less likely to pick up
company, Jannseen Cilag, for funding this pilot program, and TCP
(Temperature Control Pharmacy) the administering company.
A third patient also commented on the anxiety provoked
thinking about the hospital visits: ‘‘I wouldn’t sleep that well thenight before; it was a lot of hassle’’. She also added that the nurse
coming to her home to administer her treatment was ‘‘lovely.she
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[nurse] came at three and I was able to do my own thing before; then
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the next time she came at eleven and that was beautiful altogether’’.
Devenney, B., Erickson, C., 2004. Multiple myeloma, an overview. Clinical Journal of
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Bortezomib plus dexamethasone as induction treatment prior to autologousstem cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma:
This program illustrates the positive effects for patients with
results of an IFM phase II study. Haematologica 91 (11), 1498–1505.
multiple myeloma when bortezomib is administered in their own
Kumar, S.K., Rajkumar, S.V., Dispenzieri, A., Lacy, M.Q., Hayman, S.R., Buadi, F.K., et
al., 2008. Improved survival in multiple myeloma and the impact of novel
home. Moreover, the central role played by nurses in developing
therapies. Blood 111 (5), 2516–2520.
and delivering this program as part of the multidisciplinary team is
Lashlee, M., O’Hanlon Curry, J., 2007. Pediatric home chemotherapy: infusing
‘‘quality of life’’ Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 24 (5), 294–298.
McCarthy, H., Hammond, L., Ryman, N., Hall, R. A pilot feasibility study of home
The program is now well established, and consideration is
administration of bortezomib to patients with relapsed myeloma. X11 Inter-
currently focused on the possibility of other regional centres with
national Myeloma Workshop, Washington, DC, 26th February 2009.
a laminar flow unit (aseptic unit) preparing bortezomib for home
San Miguel, J.F., Schlag, R., Khuageva, N.K., Dimopoulos, M.A., Shpilberg, O.,
Kropff, M., et al., 2008. Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone for initial
administration. We are also currently undertaking an audit to
treatment of multiple myeloma. New England Journal of Medicine 359 (9),
examine the cost of the program. The team have learnt a lot from
Please cite this article in press as: Meenaghan, T., et al., Home administration of bortezomib: Making a difference to myeloma patients’ lives,European Journal of Oncology Nursing (2009), doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2009.09.003
Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols andcaffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidationin humans1–3 Abdul G Dulloo, Claudette Duret, Dorothée Rohrer, Lucien Girardier, Nouri Mensi, Marc Fathi, Philippe Chantre,and Jacques Vandermander ABSTRACT context, there has been renewed interest in the potential thermo- Background: Current interest in the r
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