Microsoft word - doc 1wadadrugsinsportletterjan2009.doc
The World Anti-Doping Authority –WADA – has just released the new Drugs In Sport Code, which comes into effect from 1 January 2009. This is available to read through the links at the WADA web site. However, THERE ARE A NUMBER OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE CURRENT CODE. These will take some time to understand and not all the final pathways have been worked out between WADA, ASADA (Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority), and ASDMAC (Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee). The important points are: The “Abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemption” or “Abb TUE” no longer is used. This was for Gluco-corticoid (Cortisone) joint or soft tissue injections e.g Celestone, Betamethasone, Dexamethasone, and for Inhalations used in asthma, e.g. Becotide, Pulmicort. It was also for the Beta-2-Agonist asthma inhalations, e.g. Ventolin, Bricanyl, Airomir; and the combinations of these 2 medications, e.g. Seretide, Symbicort. This form – the “ATUE” – had these medications highlighted at the top of the page and were sent to GA as notification of the athlete’s use of the medication. This will no longer exist. The form is gone, there is no notification to Gymnastics Australia, (and for most) there is no requirement to notify - EXCEPT - GLUCO-CORTICOIDS – Cortisone Are still BANNED for ORAL, INTRA-VENOUS USE.
The injection of gluco-corticoids (cortisone) into joints or soft tissue (for treatment of inflammation) and gluco- corticoid inhalers for asthma ARE NO LONGER NOTIFIABLE BY THE “Abbreviated TUE”. These ONLY HAVE TO BE DECLARED TO THE TESTER (e.g. ASADA) AT THE TIME OF A DRUG TEST being performed on the athlete, IF SUCH AN INJECTION HAS BEEN GIVEN (let’s say within the last month, as was used for the Olympics). Beta-2-AGONIST – Ventolin, etc. This is the most important alteration. 1. International and Random Testing Pool athletes, as notified to ASADA and the FIG, are required to complete the FULL “THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTION FORM” - “TUE” - and forward to ASDMAC for approval, BUT from now on, for this to be granted, it must have FULL DOCUMENTATION FOR PROOF OF ASTHMA, WITH APPROPRIATE TESTING RESULTS. (This has been the requirement for IOC at Olympic Games).
2. The definition of “ATHLETE” will be altered to mean “OPEN COMPETITION ATHLETES” ONLY. This has NOT been finally agreed, but it seems that this will become the definition. So, previously, the pressure on Junior athletes and all under-age athletes to supply an “Abb TUE” for their asthma puffers has now been removed. For OPEN COMPETITION ATHLETES – NOT COVERED BY 1. – They will be required to produce documented medical file evidence of necessity for using Beta-2-agonist to substantiate their need, by having appropriate testing results and obtain a retrospective Full “TUE” by sending forms to ASDMAC, then forward the file and “TUE” to ASADA – after the drug test. It is obvious from the potential lengthy procedure involved in this, that having the testing already done, and the documentation prepared, would be recommended for those athletes competing in OPEN AGE COMPETITION, prior to the competition. Dr. Don C. McIntosh Chief Medical Officer, Gymnastics Australia 25 October 2008
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