Understanding Lithium Shipping Regulations www.rosebatteries.com Shipping Lithium & Li-Ion batteries
Two regulating authorities: U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) and its associated Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and International Air Transport Association (IATA)
All lithium/lithium ion cells and batteries are regulated as Class 9 “hazardous materials” or “dangerous goods” for shipping domestically & internationally
There are exceptions to the HMR & IATA regulations for “small” lithium/li-ion batteries based on amount of lithium in these batteries
Amount of lithium in li-ion batteries is determined by “equivalent lithium content”
Equivalent lithium content: Calculated in grams on per-cell basis as 0.3 times the rated capacity of the cell in Ampere- hours times the number of cells per pack Calculating Equivalent Lithium Content (for Li-Ion)
Example: • A lithium ion cell with rated capacity of 2.2Ah cell
• Applying conversion factor of 0.3, the
cell has 0.66 grams (2.2 x 0.3 = .66) of equivalent lithium content
• A battery pack containing 9 of these 9 cell pack of 2.2Ah cells = 5.94g ELC 2.2 x 0.3 x 9 = 5.94 grams of equivalent lithium content in 9-cell 2.2Ah pack
Lithium/Li-Ion Battery Transportation Regulations Currently in Effect for DomesticShipping
(max = 12 cell 2.2Ah pack or 9 cell 2.4Ah pack)
Lithium/Li-Ion Battery Transportation Regulations Currently in Effect for InternationalShipping IATA DGR: A45/PI 903 (2004)
(max = 12 cell 2.2Ah or 9 cell 2.4Ah pack)
Grandfather Clause in IATA: Lithium / Lithium ion cell and battery designs previously exempted from testing & manufactured before January 1, 2003 do not require testing until January 1, 2005 Proposed DOT change for Domestic Shipping of New* Products: Adoption of IATA (SP A45) regulations, estimated by Summer 2005 Still under negotiation: • Economic impact on small business with regard to testing
• May be able to piggy back testing of similar designs and/or
Either way: International regulations are in effect; more stringent testing will be necessary! *Proposal says designs previously excepted & mfg’d prior to 1/1/03 have until 1/1/05 UN Manual of Tests & Criteria “T” Tests Required:
• T1 Altitude Simulation • T2 Thermal Test • T3 Vibration • T4 Shock • T5 External Short Circuit • T6 Impact • T7 Overcharge Currently IATA only, but
• T8 Forced Discharge part of proposed rule In addition to the testing cost ($4k-$5k), each test requires several cells/packs to produce the test
Cells and Batteries Required for UN “T” Tests
T1 – T5 • 20 primary cells and 8 primary batteries • 20 rechargeable cells and 16 rechargeable batteries T6 • 10 or 20 (prismatic) primary cells and 10 or 20 (prismatic) T7 • 8 rechargeable batteries T8 • 10 primary cells and 20 rechargeable cells
Section 38.3.2 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria• Used to determine “new” type of cell or battery that
• A change of more that 0.1 g or 20% by mass, whichever
is greater, to the cathode, to the anode, or to the electrolyte; or
• A change that would materially affect the test results
Other Exceptions, Special Provisions, and Approvals For Prototypes
Special Provision DOT, IATA, ICAO• Prototype lithium batteries and cells that are packed with not
more than 24 cells or 12 batteries per packaging that have not
been tested to the requirements may be transported if
• Can be transported by ground or by cargo aircraft only (DOT)• Must be packaged to meet the requirements of Packaging
• Each cell and battery must be individually packed in an inner
packaging inside and outer packaging and surrounded be
cushioning material that is non-combustible and non-
conductive. Cells and batteries must be protected against
Contact Rose for further information www.rosebatteries.com
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