Microsoft word - cy2010_adult_variable_list_03.10.2011.doc
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME HIV RESEARCH NETWORK CY2010 ADULT VARIABLE LIST PLEASE NOTE: 1. Variables that were new in CY2009 remain highlighted in blue. 2. Variables that are new or have changed in CY2010 are shaded in orange. 3. Variables that are no longer applicable, and that we ask you to no longer send, are shaded in gray. (** Indicates required tables to be included in CY2010 data submission.) (^ Indicates required table to be included in CY2010 data submission only if the data is available at your site.)
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
A numeric code, which cannot identify the patient. Do not use
any part of the social security number in creation of this
ID SEX F = Female T = Transgender U = Unknown A =Asian / Pacific Islander RACE B =African American/ Caribbean H =Hispanic I = American Indian/Aleutian/Eskimo W =White, not Hispanic O = Other U = Unknown
Report only month and year with the 15th day of the month.
(Example: the patient’s date of birth is 9/23/51 and should be DOB
Date of patient’s first HIV primary care visit at site. A fixed
variable (does not change over time.) Report only month and
year with the 15th day of the month. (Example: the patient’s date of enrollment to the clinic is 9/5/08 and should be set to 09/15/2008).
Please convert HIVrisk1 to 3-letter code.
MSM = Men who have sex with men HIVRISK1 IDU = Injection drug use MSI = Men who have sex with men and IDU HEI = Heterosexual contact and IDU HET = Heterosexual contact VRT = Vertical transmission BLD = Blood product(s) OTH = Other UNK = Unknown
Date of patient’s HIV diagnosis. Note: Required for new patients; optional for existing patients. HIVdxDt
Report month and year only using the 1st day of the month. (Example: 04/01/1997) If just the year is known, please code as the first of the year (01/01/1997).
Lowest known CD4 count prior to enrollment. It is only
necessary to submit a CD4 nadir for new patients.
Date of lowest known CD4 count prior to enrollment.
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
Code on a 1-10 scale indicating whether patient lives in a
urban, semi-urban, or rural area. Use the University of
Washington’s Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) data file provided by the DCC to match the patient’s zipcode to the appropriate RUCA code. Note: DO NOT submit the patient’s zipcode; only the numeric RUCA code. Vital History**
Wide format: Minimum of 2 rows per patient (* format example shown below table)
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Date of height or weight measurement (minimum requirement is submission of height and weight at enrollment only for new VHDATE
Indicate the type of vital history in text format.
or Weight VHRESULT
* Example of vital history reporting: Site ID VHDATE VHTYPE VHRESULT 099
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Indicate the patient’s ARV history prior to enrollment to the
clinic using the associated numeric value
ARVhist (Note: required for new enrollees). 0 = ARV-naïve 1 = ART-experienced only (i.e. non-HAART regimen) 2 = HAART-experienced only (including triple nukes) 3 = Both ART and HAART experienced (including triple nukes) 9 = Unknown
If ART-experienced, indicate the earliest known ART regimen
start date. If just the month and year are known, please code
using the 15th day (MM/15/YYYY). If just the year is known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY). Only if the start date is entirely unknown, record as 9/9/9999. If not ART-experienced, leave blank. *Please submit all available ARV data in the “ART” table, including this 1st ART regimen and all other early ART regimens.
Date of First HAART Regimen Date MM/DD/YYYY
If HAART-experienced, indicate the earliest known HAART
regimen start date. If just the month and year are known,
please code as using the 15th day (MM/15/YYYY). If just the year is known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY). Only if the start date is entirely unknown, record as 9/9/9999. If not ART-experienced, leave blank*Please submit all available ARV data in the “ART” table, including this 1st HAART regimen and all other early ART regimens.Status ** - deceased and lost-to-follow up patients only Wide format: 1 row per patient
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Record as Month, Day, Year the patient died or the date of last
contact with the patient if the patient is lost to care. StatusDt (NOTE: Patients are considered ‘lost to care’ after 12 months of no service/care provided.) D = Deceased Status L = Lost to care, Loss to follow up (12 months)
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME CLINICAL Note: This begins the section where multiple lab values will be reported. CD4 Detail ** Long format: 1 row per CD4 date and count; report all CD4 values within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Record CD4 count on test date recorded in CD4DATE.
CD4 Percent Date-RETIRED Date
Record CD4 percent test date if different from CD4 count date
CD4PctDt [PLEASE DO NOT SEND; CD4DATE SHOULD BE THE ONLY DATE FIELD FOR THE CD4 DATA] CD4PCENT VL Detail ** Long format: 1 row per viral load date and count; report all viral load values within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Please convert symbol to the associated 2-letter code.
LT = Less than VLSymbol GT = Greater than (If equal, leave symbol field blank.)
Record Viral load count for test date recorded in VLOADDT.
Record Viral load log count only if actual count cannot be
Please submit the text description of the viral load method
Please convert viral load method text to the associated numeric
VLMthdcd 1 = Ultra Sensitive 2 = Regular 3 = bDNA 4 = Nuclisens HIV-1 QT 9 = Unknown
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Hepatitis C Detail ** Long format: 1 row per Hep C test date and type; report all Hepatitis C test results within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Please convert test results to the associated numeric value.
0 = Negative HepCRslt 1 = Positive 8 = Indeterminate
Please convert symbol to the associated 2-letter code.
LT = Less than HCVSymbol GT = Greater than (If equal, leave symbol field blank.)
Record Hepatitis C viral load count for test date recorded in
Record Hepatitis C viral load log count only if log transformed
Please convert assay type to the associated numeric value.
1 = RTPCR Qualitative 2 = RTPCR Quantitative HepCVLtype 8 = Unknown
(optional) HepCgeno Hepatitis B Detail ** Long format: 1 row per Hep B test date and type; report all Hepatitis B test results within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Please convert the test type to the associated numeric value.
1 = HbSAg 2 4 = Anti Hbe 5 = HbcAb IgM HepBTypeDesc 6 = Hbc IgG 7 = HbcAb Total 8 = HBV DNA HepBDt
Please convert test results to the associated numeric value.
0 = Negative HepBRslt 1 = Positive 8 = Indeterminate
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
Please convert symbol to the associated 2-letter code.
LT = Less than GT = Greater than HBVSymbol (If equal, leave symbol field blank.)
Record Hepatitis B viral load result for test date recorded in
Record Hepatitis B viral load log count only if log
Please convert assay type to the associated numeric value.
1 = Qualitative 2 = Quantitative HepBVLtype 8 = Unknown Other Hepatitis Serologies ** – all other Hepatitis tests other than HCV and HBV Long format: 1 row per hepatitis serology date and type
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Please convert the test type to the associated numeric value.
1 = HAV IgG TESTTYPE 2 = HAV IgM (Numeric Code) 3 = HAV Total 4 = Anti HDV 5 = Biopsy TestTypeDesc
Record only numeric test results in this field.
(Biopsy results should be recorded in text format in the HPRESULT HepbiopRslt field as shown below.)
Please convert text results to the associated numeric value.
0 = Negative HepTextRslt 1 = Positive 8 = Indeterminate
Record test results for biopsy hepatitis tests in this field.
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Resistance Tests ^ Long file: 1 row per resistance test date; report all Genotype/Phenotype results within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
ID RtestDt
Please convert the test type to the 1-letter code.
G = Genotype RtestType P = Phenotype V = Virtual Phenotype T = Trofile Assay H = HLA-B*5701 RTGENRSLT
Record drug names/classes for each phenotype.
Submit fold-difference measurements for phenotypes for each
Please convert test results to the associated numeric value.
1 = CCR5 co-receptors RtestTrophRslt 2 = Dual/Mixed virus (CCR5+CXCR4 co-receptors) 3 = CXCR4 co-receptors
Please convert test results to the associated numeric value.
0 = Negative RTHLARSLT 1 = Positive
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Other Labs ^ Long format: 1 row per lab test date and type; report all labs within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Please convert test type to the associated numeric value.
1 = Triglycerides (mg/dl) TESTTYPE 2 = Cholesterol, total 3 = Cholesterol, HDL 5 = Glucose 6 = Hemoglobin A1C Testtype_Text 8 = Creatinine 9 = ALT 10 = AST 11 = Alkaline Phosphatase 12 = Bilirubin, Total 13 = Bilirubin, Direct 21 = Albumin 14 = White Blood Cell Count (WBC) 15 = Hematocrit 16 = Hemoglobin 22 = RDW 17 = Platelets 18 = (code no longer used) 19 = Free testosterone 20 = Alfa-Fetoprotein (AFP) 23 = CPK 24 = CK-MB 25 = CK-MB Index 26= Troponin 27= Prothrombin Time 28= International Ratio
Please convert to the associated numeric value. 0 1 = Fasting FASTING 9 = Unknown Leave blank if N/A (e.g. Hemoglobin A1C, BUN, etc)
Record numeric test results only in this field.
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Infectious Disease Labs ^ Long format: 1 row per infectious disease lab test date and type; report all infectious disease labs within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Record date of infectious disease lab test.
3 = Chlamydia IDTESTTP
4 = Gonorrhea 5 = Toxo Ab 6 = Trichomonas 7 = Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) 8 = Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) 9 = Herpes Simplex Virus, Type Unknown (HSV) 10 = Syphilis 11 = Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 12 = CMV Ab
Please convert assay type to the associated numeric value.
1 = Syphilis Screening Test IDASSAYTP 2 = Syphilis Diagnostic Test 3 = Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAATs) (Gonorrhea, 4 = Serology (HSV) 5 = Culture (Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HSV) 8 = Unknown
Please convert sample site to the associated numeric value.
IDSite 1 = Cervical 2 = Rectal 3 = Urine 8 = Other
Please convert results to the associated numeric value.
0 = Negative/ Non-Reactive INTERPRE 1 = Positive/ Reactive TITRE
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Vaccinations ^ Long file: 1 row per vaccination date and type; report all vaccinations within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period.
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
Record date vaccination received by patient. If only year is
known, record date as 7/1/YYYY for all vaccinations except
flu vaccinations. For flu vaccinations, if only the year is known please record date as 11/01/YYYY.
Please convert vaccination types to the associated text code.
TET = Tetanus VacType HEPA = Hepatitis A HEPB = Hepatitis B INFL = Influenza PNEU = Pneumovax (Pneumococcal Polysaccharide) PPD = PPD QUAN = Quantiferon ELIS = ELISPOT TWIN = TwinRix (Hepatitis A + Hepatitis B) DTAP = Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME ADI Detail** Long format: 1 row per ADI date and diagnosis; report all AIDS defining conditions up to and including the observation period.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Record as month/day/year of ADI diagnosis. If day is
unknown, report as 15th of the month. If month and year are
unknown, report as 07/01/YYYY. If no information is
The first preference would be submission of ICD9 codes for
diagnoses. However if data are not captured in this format, a
coding scheme is provided below and described at left.
Code Full
(Optional format #1- Full Text Text
CMVENC Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Encephalopathy
HSIMULC Herpes Simplex Chronic Ulcer >1 month HSIMBRON Herpes Simplex Bronchitis HSIMESO Herpes Simplex Esophagitis HSIMPNEU Herpes Simplex Pneumonitis ISOSP Isosporiasis KS Kaposi’s
Recurrent Pneumonia (> 2 in one year)
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Co-Morbidities Long format: 1 row per co-morbidity date and type; report all co-morbidities within the observation period with a 30-day window prior to the start of the observation period. The preference is to give diagnoses based on the definitions below this table.
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Record as month/day/year of event. If day is unknown, report
as 15th of the month. If month and year are unknown, report as
07/01/YYYY. Only if the date of event is entirely unknown
Please convert diagnosis to the associated numeric value.
1 = Hypertension COMOTYPE 2 = Hypercholesterolemia 3 = Hypertriglyceridemia 4 = Diabetes 5 = End-Stage Renal Disease 6 = Non-ADI Malignancy
Indicate the source of diagnosis, including whether based on
pharmacologic, laboratory, or clinical findings. If source of
diagnosis is not known, write “Unknown”.
* Hypertension: use of antihypertensive agent for 30 days or more
Hypercholesterolemia: non-fasting total cholesterol > 260 mg/dl (2 confirmatory measures) or new use of a lipid lowering agent. Hypertriglyceridemia: non-fasting total triglyceride > 300 mg/dl (2 confirmatory measures) or new use of a lipid lowering agent with elevate triglycerides, or new use of a fibrate. Diabetes: 2 or more random values of 200 mg/dL or higher or new use of a diabetic medicine for 30 days or more. End Stage Renal Disease: any renal failure requiring peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. Non-ADI Malignancy: histologic diagnosis of a malignancy. Note: sites may submit laboratory or medication data that constitute a diagnosis of one of the above conditions. Please submit any additional laboratory data for this purpose in a table similar to the format of Infectious Disease Labs; submit medication data in the table Other Medications.
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
Use same Unique Identifier used in demographic table to
Record date of worst stage classification as month/day/year. If
day is unknown, report as 15th of the month. If month and year
are unknown, report as 07/01/YYYY. If no information is
The CDC classification for HIV infection would be the
preference for the coding scheme (see table below.) However
if this is not available, the text coding of HIV infection is proposed (optional format):
A = HIV-asymptomatic B = HIV-symptomatic C = AIDS
Adult (≥13 years old) HIV Staging, MMWR 41(RR-17):1-19 December 18, 1992
Pediatric (<13 years old) HIV Staging, MMWR 43(RR-12):1-10 September 30, 1994 Clinical categories Moderate Immunologic No signs/ Mild signs/ Severe signs/ categories symptoms symptoms symptoms symptoms 1: No evidence of N1 A1 B1 C1 suppression 2: Evidence of moderate N2 A2 B2 C2 suppression 3: Severe N3 A3 B3 C3 suppression
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME THERAPEUTICS ART ** Long format: 1 row per ARV medication start date; report all ARV’s that were prescribed within the observation period. Preference is to provide start and stop dates for ARV’s of interest, the codes for which are included in bold in the right column.
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
ID NRTI’s ATP Atripla efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir COM Combivir lamivudine/zidovudine DRUG 3TC Epivir lamivudine EPZ Epzicom abacavir/lamivudine DDC Hivid zalcitabine, ZDV Retrovir zidovudine, DRUGCODE
Trizivir abacavir/zidovudine/lamivudine
TVD Truvada tenofovir/emtricitabine DDI Videx didanosine D4T Zerit stavudine ABC Ziagen abacavir, TDF Viread tenofovir, NNRTI’s ETR Intelence etravirine, DEL Rescriptor delavirdine EFV Sustiva efavirenz, NEV Viramune nevirapine, Entry Inhibitor T20 Fuzeon enfuviritide, MVC Selzentry Maraviroc VIC (not licensed) Vicriviroc PI’s AMP Agenerase amprenavir, TPV Aptivus tipranavir IND Crixivan indinavir, FTV Fortovase INV Invirase saquinavir-hgc SAQ (not specified) saquinavir KAL Kaletra lopinavir/ritonavir, FPV Lexiva fosamprenavir, RTV Norvir ritonavir DAR Prezista darunavir ATZ Reyataz atazanavir, NEL Viracept nelfinavir, Integrase Inhibitor RGV Isentress raltegravir Study Drugs SSD Use for ART Study Drugs; identify drug in SSDName
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
Please identify the ART study drug that was given to the patient.
If the date of drug initiation is prior to the observation period,
record the first day of the observation period. If just the year is
known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY). If the month and year are known, code as the midpoint of the month (MM/15/YYYY). If the drug is a continuation from CY2007, code 1/1/2008 as the drug start date. Only if the start date is entirely unknown should the start date be recorded as 9/9/9999.
If the date of drug discontinuation is subsequent to the end of
the observation period, record the last day of the observation
period. If the drug is continued into 2009 record 12/31/2008 as the end date for the data submission for that year. If just the year is known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY) or if the month and year are known, code as the midpoint of the month (MM/15/YYYY). Only if the drug has discontinued and the stop date is entirely unknown should the stop date be recorded as 9/9/9999.
DRUGDOSE OI Prophylaxis ** Long format: 1 row per OI prophylaxis medication start date; report all MAC and PCP prophylaxis that were prescribed within the observation period. The preference is to provide start and stop dates for the drugs of interest, the codes for which are included in bold in the right hand column.
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
ID PCP Prophylaxis DRUG DRUGCODE SULF Microsulfon sulfadiazine MAC Prophylaxis AZI
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
If the date of drug initiation is prior to the observation period,
record the first day of the observation period. If just the year is
known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY). If the month and year are known, code as the midpoint of the month (MM/15/YYYY). If the drug is a continuation from CY2007, code 1/1/2008 as the drug start date. Only if the start date is entirely unknown should the start date be recorded as 9/9/9999.
If the date of drug discontinuation is subsequent to the end of
the observation period, record the last day of the observation
period. If the drug is continued into 2009 record 12/31/2008 as the end date for the data submission for that year. If just the year is known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY) or if the month and year are known, code as the midpoint of the month (MM/15/YYYY). Only if the drug has discontinued and the stop date is entirely unknown should the stop date be recorded as 9/9/9999.
DRUGDOSE Other Medications ^ Long format: 1 row per medication start date; report all medications that were prescribed within the observation period. The preference is to provide start and stop dates for the drugs of interest, the codes for which are included in bold the right hand column.
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
If the date of drug initiation is prior to the observation period,
record the first day of the observation period. If just the year
is known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY). If the month and year are known, code as the midpoint of the month (MM/15/YYYY). If the drug is a continuation from CY2007, code 1/1/2008 as the drug start date. Only if the start date is entirely unknown should the start date be recorded as 9/9/9999.
If the date of drug discontinuation is subsequent to the end of
the observation period, record the last day of the observation
period. If the drug is continued into 2009 record 12/31/2008 as the end date for the data submission for that year. If just the year is known, please code as the midpoint of the year (07/01/YYYY) or if the month and year are known, code as the midpoint of the month (MM/15/YYYY). Only if the drug has discontinued and the stop date is entirely unknown should the stop date be recorded as 9/9/9999.
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
Please convert drug type to the associated text code.
LIP = Lipid Lowering DrugType DIAB = Diabetic Medication PAIN = Pain Medication CARD = Cardiovascular TB = Tuberculosis medication HEPC = Hepatitis C Treatment medication PSYCH = Psychiatric medication OTH = Other DRUGDOSE Pharmacy Dispensing Long format: 1 row per medication date of dispensing; report all medications that were dispensed within the observation period.
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
Alternate name of drug (trade or generic).
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME RESOURCE UTILIZATION Inpatient ** Long format: 1 row per admission date; report all acute inpatient admissions (and optional intensive care unit, hospitalizations) within the observation period, including admission dates prior to the observation period if the discharge date is during the observation period. For example, if a patient is admitted on 12/15/07 and discharged on 1/31/08, this admission should be included in the CY2008 data submission.
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
ID ADMTDATE DSCHDATE Only report length of stay if discharge date is unavailable. LOS
Preference would be given to ICD9 codes. If diagnoses are not
captured in this format, the text description of the diagnoses is
Diag_1 to Diag_N
suggested. Include ALL diagnoses during observation period.
Preference would be given to CPT codes. If procedures are not
captured in this format, the text description of the procedures is
Proc_1 to Proc_N
suggested. Include ALL procedures during observation period.
Please convert insurance type to the associated numeric value.
IPINSCD1 1 = Private 2 = Medicaid 3 = Medicare 4 = Dual (Medicare and Medicaid) 5 = Uninsured IPINSCD2 6 = Ryan White 7 = Medicare + Ryan White 9 = Unknown IPINSCD3
Please convert severity to the associated 1-letter code.
A = Acute Inpatient I = Intensive Care Unit (ICU) SVTLEVEL Note: if Level is not specified, Acute is assumed.
Please convert discharge type to the associated text code.
HOME = Transfer to Home IPDSCHTP HOSP = Transfer to Hospice NURS = Transfer to Nursing Home REHAB = Transfer to Rehab DEATH = Inpatient Death
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Outpatient ** Long format: 1 row per visit date; report all outpatient visits in the observation period
Use same number used in demographic table to identify patient. ID OVSTDATE
Please convert visit type to the associated numeric value.
1 = HIV primary care visit HIVPRCARE (NOTE: An HIV primary care visit is defined as “a visit with a medical provider – MD, DO, Fellow, Resident, PA, NP - in the HIV clinic”) 2 = Nurse 3 = Social Worker 4 = Pharmacist 5 = Case Manager 6 = Nutritionist 8 = Other 0 = Specialty/non-HIV primary care visit type (examples include visits to a dentist, ob/gyn, hepatologist, etc.) 9 = Unknown
CPT codes or another coding convention to describe the type of
outpatient visit, particularly for specialty/ non-primary care
Preference would be given to ICD9 codes. If diagnoses are not
captured in this format, the text description of the diagnoses is
Diag_1 to Diag_N
suggested. Include ALL diagnoses during observation period.
Preference would be given to CPT codes. If procedures are not
captured in this format, the text description of the procedures is
Proc_1 to Proc_N
suggested. Include ALL procedures during observation period.
Please convert insurance to the associated numeric value.
1 = Private OPINSCD1 2 = Medicaid 3 = Medicare
Secondary Insurance (optional) Numeric 1
4 = Dual (Medicare and Medicaid) 5 = Uninsured OPINSCD2 6 = Ryan White 7 = Medicare + Ryan White 9 = Unknown OPINSCD3
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Primary Care Procedures (These visits must be reported separate from the outpatient table) Long format: 1 row per procedure
Use same number used in demographic table to identify patient. ID PCProcDt PCProcRefDt
Please convert procedure type to the associated text code.
PAP = Pap Smear PCPROC MAM = Mammograms COLON = Colonoscopy PCProcRslt PCProcAction Emergency Room Long format: 1 row per ER visit date; report all ER visits in the observation period
Use same number used in demographic table to identify patient. ID EVSTDATE
Preference would be given to ICD9 codes. If diagnoses are not
captured in this format, the text description of the diagnoses is
Diag_1 to Diag_N
suggested. Include ALL diagnoses during observation period.
Preference would be given to CPT codes. If procedures are not
captured in this format, the text description of the procedures is
Proc_1 to Proc_N
suggested. Include ALL procedures during observation period.
Please convert insurance to the associated numeric value.
ERINSCD1 1 = Private 2 = Medicaid 3 = Medicare 4 = Dual (Medicare and Medicaid) ERINSCD2 5 = Uninsured 6 = Ryan White 7 = Medicare + Ryan White ERINSCD3 8 = Other 9 = Unknown
Please convert discharge type to the associated 4-letter code.
INPT = Admitted to Hospital ERDSCHTP HOME = Discharged to Home
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Mental Health Diagnoses ^ Long format: 1 row per diagnosis
Use same number used in demographic table to identify patient.
Preference would be given to ICD9 codes. If diagnoses are not
captured in this format, the text description below is suggested.
Include ALL diagnoses during observation period.
Please convert text descriptions to associated numeric value.
Database Code Full Text MHDXCODE (for numeric code) New: MHDX (for full text)
or chronic pain disorder 13 MHDXSTDT
Mental Health Visits ^ Long format: 1 row per visit date
Use same number used in demographic table to identify patient. ID MHVSTDT
Please convert service provider type to 2-letter code.
MH = Mental Health Provider SW = Social Worker PC = Primary Care Provider MHPROVTP OT = Other (specify in MHVSTTP) UN= Unknown
Specify mental health visit type if other selected in MHPROVTP or provide additional text to describe visit type
HIV Research Network – Adult Cohort Variable List CY2010 **FINAL**
VARIABLE DESCRIPTION FORMAT FIELD GUIDELINES VARIABLE NAME Substance Abuse Diagnoses^ Long format: 1 row per diagnosis
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
Preference would be given to ICD9 codes. If diagnoses are not
captured in this format, the text description below is suggested.
Include ALL diagnoses during observation period.
Please convert text descriptions to the associated database
Database Code Full Text SADXCODE (for numeric code) SADX (for full text) Other – Specify SADXSTDT Substance Abuse Visits ^ Long format: 1 row per visit date
Use same number used in demographic table to identify
Please convert service provider type to 2-letter code.
SA = Substance Abuse Professional SAPROVTP MH = Mental Health Provider SW = Social Worker PC = Primary Care Provider OT = Other (specify in SAVSTTP) UN= Unknown
Specify substance abuse visit type if other selected in
SAPROVTP or provide additional text to describe visit type
Neurochemistry International 45 (2004) 1029–1038Changes in extracellular dopamine in the rat globus pallidusinduced by typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs Abteilung Tierphysiologie, Biologisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany Received 26 March 2004; received in revised form 30 April 2004; accepted 14 May 2004 Abstract Typical an
Step Therapy Criteria Commonwealth Care Alliance 2013 Last Updated: 03/2013 Effective: April 1, 2013 CCA ANTIDEPRESSANT (SNRI) ST 2013C Products Affected Criteria Patient needs to have paid claims for one of the following Step 1 drugs with a day supply of at least 30 days prior to filling a Step 2 drug. Step 1 drugs: citalopram, citalopram Hbr, escitalopram, fluoxetine D