To develop a clinical dehydration scale for use in children <3 years of age.
Prospective cohort study of children between 1 and 36 months of age who presented to a tertiary pediatric
emergency department (ED) with gastroenteritis. Children were weighed and scored for 12 clinical signs, were rehydrated, andthen were reweighed and rescored when rehydration was completed. Weight change from pre- to post-rehydration was used toassess criterion validity with independent global assessments of dehydration severity by attending physicians and nurses asmeasures of construct validity. Formal approaches to item selection and reduction, reliability, discriminatory power, validity,and responsiveness were used.
137 children (median age: 18 months) with gastroenteritis were studied. The final dehydration scale consisted of
four clinical characteristics: general appearance, eyes, mucous membranes, and tears. The measurement properties were asfollows: validity as assessed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.36 to 0.57; reliability as assessed by the intra-classcorrelation coefficient was 0.77; discriminatory power as assessed by Ferguson’s d was 0.83; and responsiveness to change asassessed by Wilcoxon signed rank test was significant at P < .01.
Clinicians and researchers may consider this four-item, 8-point rating scale, developed using formal measure-
ment methodology, as an alternative to scales developed ad hoc. (J Pediatr 2004;145:201-7)
From the Divisions of Pediatric Medicineand Emergency Medicine, Departmentof Pediatrics, University of TorontoFaculty of Medicine and the Hospital
Dehydrationsecondarytogastroenteritisremainsamajorcauseofmorbidityand for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario,
mortality. In the United States, 9% of all hospitalizations of children <5 years of
age are because of diarrhea and dehydration.One method to measure the
magnitude of dehydration is the calculation of percent loss of body weight during the
conception and design, acquisition ofdata, interpretation of data, drafting of
illness.However, accurate baseline predehydration weights are not usually available to
the clinician. Thus, historically, the measurement of dehydration has been based on several
supervision of the research team. Dr RanGoldman and Dr Rajendu Srivastava
clinical variables scaled into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe dehydrati
These categories, and the clinical variables defining each category, have, however, been
revision of the manuscript. Dr Patricia C. Parkin participated in design, data anal-
developed in an ad hoc manner rather than by using formal measurement methodology.
ysis, interpretation of data, revision of
Further, several investigators have examined signs and symptoms of dehydration without
placing these variables into a rating scale.
for Sick Children Research Institute Seed
Established methodology for the development of outcome measures (for both acute
Grant, and the Physician Services In-corporated Foundation (number 00-15).
and chronic health states) in the clinical setting are relatively recent.Measurement
methodology formally considers the following issues relating to scale development:
is supported by a grant from the Hospitalfor Sick Children Foundation, Toronto,
selection of clinical items to be evaluated, assessment of item and scale validity, inter-rater
reliability, discriminatory power, and responsiveness to change. Scales developed in this
Submitted for publication July 29, 2003; last
way may be used in clinical practice or as outcome variables in clinical research.
revision received Apr 5, 2004; acceptedMay 11, 2004.
The current use of clinical signs and symptoms of dehydration or categories of
Reprint requests: Patricia C. Parkin, MD,
dehydration (mild, moderate, severe) for which the measurement properties remain
FRCPC, Division of Pediatric Medicine,The Hospital for Sick Children, 555
unknown formed the conceptual basis for the a priori development of a clinical scale. In
addition, the current use of numerical rating scales in pediatric practice (for example, Apgar
Copyright ª 2004 Elsevier Inc. Al rightsreserved.
scale, acute pain scales, Glasgow coma scale) supported the
clinician (eg, the Apgar score) and its compatibility with
development of a similar numerical rating scale for the clinical
discriminating definitions for each characteristic.
measurement of severity of dehydration. Therefore, the
Items with a low frequency of endorsement were
objective of this study was to develop a clinical dehydration
excluded (ie, if $95% of subjects scored 0 on that item).
scale for use in children with gastroenteritis between 1 and 36
Item homogeneity was assessed using the item-total correla-
months of age using established measurement methodology.
tion method, with exclusion of those items with a Pearson’scorrelation coefficient of <0.20.
As a methodologic framework, Kirshner and Guyatt’s
Weight change from pre- to post-rehydration was used as
general approach to the development of a health status index
the ‘ gold standard’ to assess criterion validity
along with Streiner and Norman’s textbook on health
Construct validity was determined using a hypothetical con-
measurement scales were used.Validity is defined as the
struct developed a priori, ie, there would be a correlation between
extent to which a scale measures what it is intended to
the clinical dehydration scale and proxy measures of dehydration
measuReliability is defined as the extent to which a scale is
severity. The proxy measure was a global assessment of
reproducible or consistent.Discriminatory power is defined
dehydration severity, as rated on a 5-point Likert scale, scored
as the ability of a scale to discriminate amongst subjects, ie,
independently by the attending emergency nurse and the
scores should be spread along the entire possible rang
attending emergency physician. Criterion and construct validity
Responsiveness or sensitivity to change is defined as the ability
were quantified using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Validity
of a scale to detect small but clinically important changes in
was assessed for individual items and for aggregate scales.
The reliability of the individual items, as well as of the
The intended use of our clinical dehydration scale is as
aggregate scale, was assessed by having two observers
a discriminative (ie, to assess severity) and evaluative (ie, to
independently score children with acute dehydration. An
assess response to therapy) tool for use in children between 1
intra-class correlation coefficient was used to quantify re-
and 36 months of age, in the emergency department (ED)
liability. For the final aggregate scale, a coefficient of $0.60
setting, for whom the attending physician has established the
was considered an acceptable level of agree
diagnosis of gastroenteritis with dehydration. Subjects meet-ing these criteria were recruited from the ED at the Hospital
for Sick Children in Toronto. The Hospital for Sick Children
The discriminating ability of the aggregate scale with
is a pediatric tertiary care hospital affiliated with the University
the highest reliability and validity was assessed using
of Toronto, with approximately 50,000 patient visits to the
Ferguson’s dThis coefficient is expressed as a value from
ED annually. Exclusion criteria were: any cause of dehydration
0 to 1. A minimum value of 0 occurs when all subjects get the
other than presumed gastroenteritis and any other chronic
same score. A maximum value of 1 occurs when subjects are
disease, eg, renal, gastrointestinal, cystic fibrosis, including
equally divided among all possible scores (ie, the distribution
co-existing malnutrition and treatment with intravenous rehy-
dration within the previous 24 hours. Electrolyte measure-ments were conducted at the discretion of the treating
physician, and children found to have hyponatremia (serum
The responsiveness of the aggregate scale with the
sodium <130 mmol/L) or hypernatremia (serum sodium >150
highest reliability and validity was determined by measuring
mmol/L) were excluded from the study, as was done by previ-
the change in score in children following a treatment of known
ous investigators,given the possibility that these patients dis-
effiThat is, children receiving rehydration therapy were
play unique clinical signs and symptoms.
scored before and after therapy. Because the changes in theordinal scale were likely to be non-Gaussian, responsiveness
was quantified using Wilcoxon signed rank test.
To generate items for the clinical scale, the published
literature on the clinical and physiologic manifestations ofdehydration was reviewed. In addition, 10 experts in nephrology,
The final scale consisted of the combination of items
gastroenterology, emergency medicine, and general pediatrics
yielding the most valid and reliable score. The final scale was
were surveyed. The items were then operationalized. Precise
clinical definitions were provided for each item.
All clinical characteristics were measured on a 3-point
ordinal scale (0, 1, or 2) (Although it has been found
Eligible children were identified, on a convenience basis,
that 5- or 7-point scales minimize the loss of information,9
when a study nurse or physician was available. Four research
a 3-point scale was chosen because of its familiarity to the
nurses (all with a minimum of 5 years of ED experience) and
Final four-item clinical dehydration scale is in bold.
*As reported by caregiver. yMeasured at fingernail bed after applying just right amount of pressure to blanch the nail bed, in a warm room. zMeasured by pinching the lateral side of the abdominal wall at the level of the umbilicus; mean of 3 measurements. §Child in the upright position in a quiet state. kBy history or examination. {Count for 30 sec and multiply by 2. **Must be sample from before rehydration initiated.
three physicians were involved in recruiting and scoring the
patients. Demographic data were gathered: age, sex, duration of
A sample size of approximately 30 patients was
illness, presence of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. The child was
calculated to be adequate under the following assumptions:
weighed and scored for all clinical items prior to the initiation of
the intra-class correlation coefficient for assessing inter-rater
rehydration. Whenever a second study nurse or investigator was
reliability would be $0.80, a = 0.05, b = 0.20, and 2
available, a second assessment was performed independently.
measurements per subject; and the Pearson’s correlation
The ED attending nurse and ED attending physician were both
coefficient would be = 0.70, a = 0.05, b = 0.20.An interim
approached independently and asked to rate the degree of the
analysis to test these assumptions indicated that additional
child’s dehydration on a 5-point Likert scale. Rehydration
patient enrollment was required to ensure the ability to detect
therapy, oral or intravenous, was ordered by the ED staff without
an intra-class correlation coefficient of $0.70 and a Pearson’s
regard to the research study; patients received therapy as
inpatients or in the observation unit in the ED.
The attending ED or inpatient pediatrician determined
the time at which rehydration therapy was considered
complete, and the child was then weighed and re-scored bythe study personnel. All weights were recorded without
clothes or diapers, using the same designated research study
A sample of 141 children were enrolled in the study
scale (Scale-Tronix Pediatric Scale model 4800, accuracy 5
Of these, 94 children had electrolyte measurement
gm, Global Medical Products, Inc, Mississauga, Ontario).
ordered by the attending physician. Two patients had hypo-
The percentage weight change was calculated as (final weight-
natremia and two had hypernatremia; they were excluded,
initial weight)/final weight 3 100.
leaving 137 patients in the study. Of the 137 study patients, 94
The research was approved by the Hospital for Sick
(69%) were rehydrated intravenously and 43 (31%) were
Children Research Ethics Board and informed parental
rehydrated orally; 14 (10%) were admitted to the hospital, and
consent was obtained for all subjects.
123 (90%) were managed in the ED and the observation unit.
Development of a Clinical Dehydration Scale for Use in ChildrenBetween 1 and 36 Months of Age
Table II. Characteristics of participants at baseline
Pre-rehydration weight (kg), median (range)
*P value for patients with pre- and post-rehydration weight vs patients with pre-rehydration weight only. yNumbers do not add up to n due to some missing values.
Table III. Measurement properties of individual items
*Pearson’s correlation coefficient. yIntra-class correlation coefficient.
A dehydrated weight and rehydrated weight was
recorded for 102 children (74%), allowing for a calculation
A review of the published literaturshowed
of percent dehydration for these children. The remaining
that the clinical characteristics correlating with dehydration
children were either transferred to their regional hospital EDs
severity included: reported urine output, general appearance,
or were discharged home at a time when a study nurse or
capillary refill time, skin turgor, fontanelle, eyes, mucous
physician was unavailable. There were no significant differ-
membranes, tears, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure,
ences between those children with both a dehydrated and
and urine specific gravity Of these items, fontanelle,
rehydrated weight (n = 102), and those children with
urine specific gravity, and blood pressure were excluded
a dehydrated weight only (n = 35) on the baseline character-
because of a low frequency of endorsement.
istics, including the baseline clinical score (
Of the 102 patients for whom percent dehydration was
calculated, the distribution was as follows: 16 patients (16%)
Measurement Properties of Individual Items
had no dehydration; 50 patients (49%) were >0% to <3%
Item-total correlation, quantified using Pearson’s cor-
dehydrated (minimal dehydration); 26 patients (25%) were
relation coefficient, was calculated for the remaining nine
$3% to <6% dehydrated (mild dehydration); 9 patients (9%)
items The P value for each of these correla-
were $6% to <10% dehydrated (moderate dehydration); and 1
tions was < .01. Validity was measured for each of the nine
patient (1%) was $10% dehydrated (severe deh
individual items. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for each
The median time to rehydration was 46.5 hours (range,
of the individual items as compared with the weight change
6.8-116.6 hours) for the patients admitted to the hospital and
from pre- to post-rehydration (criterion validation) was
6.5 hours (range, 1.2-25 hours) for the patients managed in
calculated (Inter-rater reliability for each of the
nine individual items was calculated, and all items, except for
Table IV. Measurement properties of the final four-item clinical dehydration scale
*Median pre-rehydration score: 2 (range, 0-8). Median post-rehydration score: 0 (range, 0-2).
general appearance, had an intra-class correlation coefficient
explicitly stated methodologic framework to evaluate mea-
greater than 0.60, indicating an acceptable level of agreement
surement properties of validity, reliability, discriminatory
power, and responsiveness. The four items in this scale arepractical and would be easy to teach to a wide range of
Measurement Properties of the Final Scale
A scale that included all nine items was assessed for
There were limitations to this study. Weight gain after
validity and reliability. Combinations of items with the
rehydration was used to measure percentage dehydration as
strongest measurement properties on univariate analyses were
this has been considered the gold standard.However,
tested. The measurement properties were strongest for a scale
the use of a single rehydration weight rather than serial
that included the following four items: general appearance,
weights differs from previous studies. Gorelick et have
eyes, mucous membranes, and tears (). The final four-
shown that the median time to achieve a stable weight was 24
item clinical scale had the following properties: validity as
hours (range, 12-72 hours) for patients admitted to the
assessed by the Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.36
hospital. Of the 10% of patients admitted to hospital in this
to 0.57; reliability as assessed by the intra-class correlation
study, the median time to rehydration exceeded this. The time
coefficient was 0.77; discriminatory power as assessed by
required to achieve rehydration for patients managed in the
Ferguson’s d was 0.83; and responsiveness to change as
outpatient setting is not known. Given the potential
assessed by Wilcoxon’s signed rank test was statistically
limitations of weight gain following rehydration as a gold
significant at P < .01. At baseline, the median clinical score
standard to assess validity, in this study we assessed validity
was 2 (range, 0-8; n = 126), and the median clinical score
using two additional constructs, ie, the assessment of
decreased to 0 (range, 0-2; n = 33) following rehydration
dehydration severity scored independently by the attending
emergency nurse and the attending emergency physician.
Finally, not all patients had a post-rehydration weight
recorded. However, there was no evidence that this group
differed significantly with respect to baseline characteristics,
In this group of 137 children with a median age of 18
including baseline clinical score (clinical score at baseline was
months and a diagnosis of gastroenteritis, the following four
items in aggregate had the most significant measurement
We excluded children known to have hypo- or hyper-
properties for dehydration: general appearance, eyes, mucous
natermia (4 of 94, approximately 4%) given that these children
membranes, and tears. Many clinicians currently utilize
may manifest different clinical signs. Electrolytes were not
a categorical rating scale (mild, moderate, severe) to measure
measured in 48 children, raising the possibility that some
the severity of dehydration and to guide decision making and
children with abnormal electrolytes were included in the study.
therapy. The measurement properties of this informally
However, it is likely that these children represented <2 % of
developed scale remains unknown. Clinicians and researchers
the entire study sample. In addition, some dehydrated children
may now consider this four-item, 8-point numerical rating
may have been excluded from the study if they did not
scale as an alternative, given its known measurement
manifest the clinical signs commonly used by clinicians to
establish the diagnosis of dehydration. However, it is likely
The strengths of this study include a restricted age range
that these signs are uncommon and may have been eliminated
(<3 years) in the population studied, with exclusion of patients
as a result of low frequency of endorsement.
with dehydration secondary to causes other than acute
The scale is intended to discriminate among and
gastroenteritis as well as those with hyponatremic and
evaluate the response to therapy in children for whom the
hypernatremic dehydration. Precise definitions for each of
diagnosis of gastroenteritis with dehydration has been
the clinical items were developed a priori. A small group of
established. Assessing the diagnostic accuracy (ie, the ability
experienced nurses and physicians were responsible for the
to establish the diagnosis of dehydration) was not the aim of
clinical scoring. The clinical scale was developed using an
this study. However, a post hoc analysis identified a sensitivity
Development of a Clinical Dehydration Scale for Use in ChildrenBetween 1 and 36 Months of Age
of 0.85 (95% confidence interval: 0.73, 0.97) for an ‘‘abnormal
for moderate dehydration (6%-10%), and 70% for severe de-
score’’ (ie, a score $1) as compared with the gold standard (ie,
hydration (>10%). Apart from the wide age range and possible
dehydration of $3%). Further evaluation of the scale, in a large
selection bias, other issues included the use of different
population may allow further understanding of its diagnostic
weighing scales for measurement of pre- and post-rehydration
weight as well as the timing of the ‘‘well’’ weight.
There have been few published studies examining the
The four clinical items with the strongest measurement
symptoms and signs of dehydration using subsequent weight
properties identified in the current study show significant
recovery as the criteria by which to measure the degree of
overlap with those identified by Gorelick et al and Duggan
dehydration. Gorelick et alconducted a prospective cohort
et These similarities provide additional evidence of the
study to evaluate the performance of common clinical signs in
dehydration. The measurement methodology used by these
We are indebted to the research nurses for their help with patient
investigators differed from that used in our study. The
enrollment and data collection: Pauline Mathews, Audrey Bell-Peters,
investigators found that each of the 10 individual clinical signs
Jane Ciordes, and Deborah Cutler. We also thank the emergency
studied had a low sensitivity and high specificity. The inter-
department physicians and nurses who participated in the study.
observer reliability for individual signs was generally good toexcellent (j statistic range, 0.4-0.75). Using logistic regressionmodeling, the investigators found that 4 of the 10 clinical signs
(capillary refill >2 seconds, absent tears, dry mucous mem-
Liebelt EL. Clinical and laboratory evaluation and management of
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demonstrate that the presence of any two or more of these
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MacKenzie et prospectively studied the clinical signs
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examination. The investigators found the main clinical
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How valid are clinical signs of dehydration in infants? J Pediatr Gastroenterol
decreased peripheral perfusion, deep breathing, and decreased
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Vega RM, Avner JR. A prospective study of the usefulness of clinical and
defined a priori, and no attempt was made to examine inter-
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among degrees of dehydration. This was part of a clinical trial
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used two different empirically based clinical dehydration
Responsiveness and validity in health status measurement: a clarification.
scales; one developed by Fortin and Pareand the other
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13. Teach SJ, Yates EW, Feld LG. Laboratory predictors of fluid deficit inacutely dehydrated children. Clin Pediatr 1997;36:395-400.
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50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics
Schwarzer S, Reeves R, Claps A, Anderson A. J Pediatr 1954;43:285-92
Chlortetracycline was isolated from Streptomyces aureofaciens in 1944, and in 1953 tetracycline was derived from
chlortetracycline by chemists at Pfizer and Lederle pharmaceuticals. Chlortetracycline, which was not developed forhumans because of toxicity concerns, is still an additive to animal feed. Schwarzer and colleagues performeda pharmacokinetic study of tetracycline in infants and children seeking to derive dosage guidelines. Recognizing thatchildren are not ‘‘miniature adults,’’ studies of this type were and are needed. In 1994 only five of the 80 drugs mostcommonly administered to infants and children were labeled for pediatric use. In response to this need, the NationalInstitute of Child Health and Human Development, under the leadership of Dr Duane Alexander, the vision of DrSumner Yaffe, and the hard work of Drs George Giacoia and Gilman Grave, established a Network of PediatricPharmacology Research Units. These units obtain data that place drug administration to children on a scientific basis. Recently the Food and Drug Administration added funds to the program recognizing the importance of performing suchstudies with child-friendly protocols with minimal risk to children.
Tetracyclines are deposited in calcifying areas of bones and teeth, and cause discoloration in a dose-dependent manner.
Deciduous tooth discoloration occurs if the infant receives tetracycline in utero after 14 weeks’ gestation, and up to the ageof 3 months. Mineralization of permanent teeth starts at about 6 months of age and concludes at about 6 years; repeatedadministration of tetracycline during this period produces life-long discoloration. Tetracycline is still one of the first lineantibiotics for plague and tularemia, and there is minimal drug toxicity associated with this use in children.
One interesting feature of the Schwarzer article is that most of the infectious diseases for which the children received
tetracycline are those we now know as viral illnesses. Our current understanding of upper respiratory infections placeantimicrobic therapy on a more scientific footing. However, in another 50 years we may learn that our current approach toantimicrobic therapy is equally primitive.
Development of a Clinical Dehydration Scale for Use in ChildrenBetween 1 and 36 Months of Age
Ticks, Lyme disease and Tick-borne encephalitis Ticks Ticks are the hosts for many diseases. In the UK, the only major concern is Lyme disease but they do carry other infections (albeit rare) and they can cause skin infections. In the USA and Europe there are many other deadlier diseases including tick borne encephalitis. As always the best approach is prevention. Ticks are at their
Approximate seed count (raw): 7,400 to 7,600 Soil temperature: 71 to 73°F (21 to 22°C) Light: Up to 2,500 f.c. (26,900 Lux) Moisture: Reduce soil moisture slightly (level 3 Key flowering facts: to 4) to allow the roots to penetrate into the • Vernalization: not required but beneficial as Fertilizer: Apply fertilizer at rate 1 (less than 100 flowering will occur 2 to