z4th triage visit with complaint of nausea &
zAnti-emetics not workingzRecently treated for UTI, but delayed in
zType I DM diagnosed age 21zInitial diagnosis of DKA in pregnancyzMultiple admissions with DKAzPoor compliance
1. 1997 SVD 2. 1999 primary LTCS secondary to failure
zFamily Hx: NonezSocial Hx: No toxic habits zMedications:
{Lantus 27 units qhs {NovoLog 13 units qac {Macrobid 100 mg daily (day 2 of her course)
{ MSAFP within normal limits{ 24-hour urine protein 154 mg{ Hemoglobin A1C of 5.2
zPatient was comfortable and in no distresszVS: T 37.1 P 96 BP 124/68 R 22 zPositive fetal heart tones zWeight 75 kgzSerum glucose 163 mg/dL zUrine dip +glucose
zHyperemesiszOndansetron and IV normal salinezBlood sample unable to be drawn after
hours of hydration and was discharged home
zReturns to triage same dayzComplaints of nausea and vomiting,
zOn further questioning, reports increase in
urinary frequency and general malaise over the past few days
zBecause of her nausea and vomiting this
zDyspnic, alert and oriented x 3zVS: T 37.4 P 118 BP 102/55 R 41 zOxygen saturation 99% zPositive fetal heart toneszHEENT: Oral mucous membranes
zLungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally zBack: no CVA tenderness zAbdomen: soft, nontender, nondistended,
zExtremities: no edemazSerum glucose 413 mg/dL
z CBC: Wbc 23 Hct 32 Plt 358 bands 13 (↑)z Electrolytes: Na 135 K 3.9 Cl 109 HCO3 10
z Anion gap 19 z ABG: pH 7.18 PaCO2 18 HCO3= 7; PaO2=
z Base excess -20 z Urinalysis: +Leuk, +glucose, +ketones, -nitrite z EKG: sinus tachycardia with a few nonspecific
z Describe the major metabolic changes of DKAz Describe the major causative factors for DKAz List clinical signs and symptoms of DKAz Choose laboratory and diagnostic studies
z Discuss medical management of DKAz Discuss potential complications and prognosis to
zIV fluid 1000mL NS for one hour zContinuous IVF half NS at 250ccz10 unit bolus of insulin continued at 5 units
zIntravenous antibioticzSerum glucose checked hourly zDextrose added to IVF when serum
z Hydration was continued until acidosis resolvedz Serum phosphate and potassium were replacedz Started on a diabetic diet and resumed
z Ultrasound performed showing a live fetus
z Presumed cause of DKA from an untreated UTI z Discharged home hospital day #4 in stable
{Case reports on gestational DM and type II DM
zLack of insulin or insulin utilization at
zDerangement of carbohydrate, protein and
(glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol, growth hormone)
zHyperglycemiazMetabolic acidosis zElevated plasma ketones zDehydration
z Hyperventilation (increase in minute ventilation
z Mild respiratory alkalosis z Increase in urinary excretion of bicarbonate z Emesis (common in first trimester) induces
z Decrease insulin sensitivity (56% at 36 weeks
placental lactogen, progesterone, and cortisol)
z State of accelerated starvation (metabolism is
modified to breakdown fats over carbohydrates)
zInfectionzStresszEmesiszPoor compliancezUndiagnosed diabetes
zHyperglycemia (>250 mg/dL)zAcidosis (arterial pH <7.3)zAnion gap (>12 mEq/L)zIncreased base deficit (>4 mEq/L)zKetonemia (≥1:2 dilution)zSome patients (36 percent in one series) may
zPerinatal mortality has dropped from about
zHypoxemia (volume depletion and acidosis
may lead to decreased uterine blood flow)
zMetabolic acidosis (glucose and ketones
{Absence of baseline heart rate variability{Persistent late decelerations {Non-reassuring biophysical profile
maternal condition has been shown to improve the fetal status
z Emergency cesarean delivery could worsen
the maternal condition and should be avoided
z After having corrected the maternal metabolic
condition, a non-reassuring fetal heart rate may require intervention.
zVolume replacement (saline) zStop ketogenesis (insulin)zElectrolyte replacement zManagement of acid-base disturbancezIdentify and treat underlying cause
{ 1000mL 0.9% NaCl over one hour { 500mL 0.45% NaCl next four to six hours
{ 250mL 0.45% NaCl { Add 5% dextrose when serum glucose reaches 250-
{ Correct 75% of estimated fluid deficit over first 24
{ Continue IV fluid until acidosis is corrected (base
{ 0.1-0.2 units/kg regular insulin IV bolus followed
continuous infusion at a rate of 5-10 units/hour
{ Goal of therapy is a reduction of glucose by about 75
{ If glucose does not decrease by 20% within first 2
{ May decrease to 2 units/hour when serum glucose
{ Maintain between 4 and 5 mEq/L{ If normal value, may add 20 mEq/L to fluid to maintain
{ Serum potassium initially may be normal or high
because of a shift from the intracellular to extracellular
space due to hyperosmolality and acidosis
{ Potassium should not routinely be given in initial fluids
because in a volume contracted state with no insulin
present it can rise quickly and cause arrhythmias
z Search for precipitating causez Check serum glucose hourlyz Check arterial blood gas, electrolytes, and
z Careful monitoring of vital signs, urine
z Fetal monitoring if over 24 weeks’ gestation
z Carroll MA, Yeomans, ER. Diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy. Crit Care
z Maislos M, Harman-Bohem I, Weitzman S. Diabetic ketoacidosis. A rare
complication of gestational diabetes. Diabetes Care 1992;16:661–2
z Bernstein IM, Catalano PM. Ketoacidosis in pregnancy associated with the
parenteral administration of terbutaline and betamethasone: a case report. J
z Catalano PM, Tyzbir ED, Roman NM, et al. Longitudinal changes in insulin
release and insulin resistance in nonobese pregnant women. Am J Obstet
z Laffel L: Ketone bodies: A review of physiology, pathophysiology, and
application of monitoring to diabetes. Diab Metab Res Rev 1999; 15:412–
z Cullen, MT, Reece, EA, Homko, CJ. The changing presentations of diabetic
ketoacidosis during pregnancy. Am J Perinatol 1996; 13:449
z Chaunhan SP, Perry KG JR et al. Diabetic ketoacidosis complicating
pregnancy. J Perinatol. 1996 May-Jun;16(3 Pt 1):173-5
z Chauhan SP, Perry KG Jr. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis in the
obstetric patient. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 1995;22:143–55
z Hughes AB: Fetal heart rate changes during diabetic ketosis. Acta Obstet
z Hagay AJ, Weissman A, et al. Reversal of fetal distress following intensive
treatment of maternal diabetic ketoacidosis. Am J Perinatol 1994; 11:430-
z Moore TR: Diabetes in pregnancy. In: Maternal Fetal Medicine Principles
and Practice. Fifth Edition. Creasy RK, Resnid R, Iams JD. Philadelphia,
z Enis ED, Kreisberg, RA: Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolarity. In: Diabetes
Mellitus: A Fundamental and Clinical Text, 2nd Edition D. LeRoith, SI,
Taylor & HM Olefsky (Eds.) Philedelphia, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
z Kamalakannan D, Baskar V et al. Diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy. Postgrad Med J. 2003 Aug;79(934):454-7
Actual or Alleged Liability? The 'Bermuda Form' under English Law In a Judgment handed down on 28 February 2013, legal precedent has for the first been been set by the English Commercial Court on points of construction concerning the 'Bermuda Form' insurance policy wording. Specifically, when considering two preliminary issues of construction, the Commercial Court held that as a matter of Eng
QuickScreen Methadone Test (RAP-3006) Revised 28 Apr. 2011 rm (Vers. 2.1) IVD Please use only the valid version of the package insert provided with the kit. Intended Use The QuickScreen One Step Methadone Screening Test is a rapid, qualitative immunoassay for the detection of Methadone in urine. The cutoff concentration for this test is 300 ng/mL. This assay is intende