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If yes go straight to the chart on page 4 of the asthma pocket protocol and take appropriate action now.
Is the patient having an asthma attack now? 3. Has the patient noticed any factors that make their asthma worse? 4. On how many days over the past month (30 days, 4 weeks) did asthma interfere with normal day time activity or disturb sleep? 5. Over the past three months did the patient attend hospital because of an asthma attack and receive a nebuliser or an injection
Year of diagnosis
Year of diagnosis
7. Close family history (in 1st degree relatives) of: 4 Attack not severe and patient has taken 30mg prednisalone for 14 days 4 Attack not severe and patient has taken salbutamol for 48 hours Prescribe patient 30mg prednisalone for 14 days 4 Attack not severe and patient is not taking bronchodilators daily Prescribe patient salbutamol for 48 hours Less than 10 days affected in the past month More than 10 days affected in the past month (in 3 months if on Step 1, otherwise next appointment is in 1 month) *Definition of a severe attack
A severe attack of asthma is when
™ the patient is too breathless to complete sentences in one breath
™ Respiratory rate ≥ 25 breaths per minute
™ Heart rate ≥ 110 beats per minute
If yes go straight to the chart on page 4 of the asthma pocket protocol and take appropriate action now.
Is the patient having an asthma attack now? 3. On how many days over the past month (30 days, 4 weeks) did asthma interfere with normal day time activity or disturb sleep? 4. Over the past three months did the patient attend hospital because of an asthma attack and receive a nebuliser or an injection
If yes, give the number of occasions d d Patient is having an acute attack:
4 Attack not severe and patient has taken 30mg prednisalone for 14 days 4 Attack not severe and patient has taken salbutamol for 48 hours Prescribe patient 30mg prednisalone for 14 days 4 Attack not severe and patient is not taking bronchodilators daily Prescribe patient salbutamol for 48 hours Patient is not having an acute attack:
4 More than 10 days affected in the past month (in 3 months if on Step 1, otherwise next appointment is in 1 month) *Definition of a severe attack
A severe attack of asthma is when
™ the patient is too breathless to complete sentences in one breath
™ Respiratory rate ≥ 25 breaths per minute
™ Heart rate ≥ 110 beats per minute


New study reports prednisolone significantly reduces lasting effects.

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Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2002 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American Heart AssociationACC/AHA/NHLBI CLINICAL ADVISORY ON STATINSACC/AHA/NHLBI Clinical Advisoryon the Use and Safety of Statins WRITING COMMITTEE MEMBERS TABLE OF CONTENTS and Blood Institute (ACC/AHA/NHLBI) Clinical Advi-sory is intended to summarize for professionals the cur

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