Microsoft word - ditropan xl flash email edit_revised_fnl.doc


Impactful Openers
1. Overactive bladder dysfunction is estimated to affect over 33 million patients in the United States. In your practice, how many patients do you see weekly that suffer from symptoms of urgency, frequency and/ -or urge urinary incontinence? 2. Doctor, last time I was here, you explained to me that efficacy and tolerability are the most important considerations for you when choosing an OAB medication. Today, I’d like to share with you how DITROPAN XL can meet the needs of your new-start patients by offering the concept of flexible dosing to optimize efficacy and tolerability. 3. Doctor, many of your peers have successfully treated a broad range of OAB patients utilizing the 10 mg starting dose of DITROPAN XL, and optimized the dose as needed up to 30 mg. What has been your experience thus far with DITROPAN XL for your new-start patients? 1. When selecting an overactive bladder medication for your new-start patients, is efficacy the most important feature you look for? Which efficacy parameters do you find to be the most important? 2. When a patient complains of symptoms or urgency, frequency and / or urge urinary incontinence, which OAB medication do you select and why? 3. When you leave the examination room and head to the sample closet, what is the most important feature of the OAB medication you are about to select?

Effective Closes
1. Doctor, given the information I’ve shared with you today regarding the efficacy and tolerability of DITROPAN XL, will you give DITROPAN XL 10 mg a fair trial with your new-start patients complaining of symptoms of urgency, frequency and urge urinary incontinence? 2. Now that you’ve agreed that Ditropan XL’s flexible dosing option helps optimize efficacy and tolerability for a broad range of your overactive bladder patients, will you prescribe Ditropan XL 10 mg 1st line? 3. We’ve discussed the clear efficacy, tolerability, and managed care-preferred status of Ditropan XL (for you overactive bladder patients). Is there anything preventing you from giving DITROPAN XL a fair trial with your new-start patients?
The Call – What Good Looks Like
Physician (prior call statement): “I reserve DITROPAN XL as my silver bullet. When all else fails, I
Representative: “Doctor, last time I was in you told me that you reserve DITROPAN XL for your more
challenging OAB patients. Can you tell me why you only use DITROPAN XL for those difficult to treat
Physician: “Well, I’ve always considered DITROPAN XL to be a very efficacious drug, but because it is
such a potent product, my patients don’t tolerate it as well. So I tend to reserve it for my wet patients, or
those that that fail other therapies.”
Representative: “That’s interesting – what tolerability issues have your patients reported to you?”
Physician: “I have had some patient complaints of dry mouth. I’ve even heard from some of your
competitors that DITROPAN XL may cause more cognitive impairment in elderly patients than other OAB
Representative: “Doctor, as I’m sure you know, dry mouth is a class effect of the anti-cholinergic
agents. When looking at the incidence of dry mouth with DITROPAN XL 10 mg in clinical studies, you
will see that 71% of patients reported no dry mouth and only 1.2 % of patients actually discontinued due to
dry mouth. In the OPERA trial (which compared the efficacy and tolerability of DITROPAN XL 10mg to
DETROL LA 4 mg), 93 percent did not discontinue therapy due to dry mouth. As for the extended-release
tolterodine treatment group, 95% did not discontinue due to dry mouth. Do you find this information
Physician: “Yes, I find it interesting.”
Representative: “And as for CNS side effects, did the competitor reps show you any data to support
their claims that DITROPAN XL causes more CNS effects in the elderly than other OAB products?”
Physician: “No, they basically showed me how their medications would not cause CNS-related side
Representative: “That’s very interesting doctor. Again, as with any anti-cholinergic medication, there
is the possibility of CNS-related side effects. Although studies were not designed to specifically look at
cognitive impairment, studies showed that 90% of the patients taking DITROPAN XL 10 mg (shown here
in the DITROPAN XL Visual Aid) reported no CNS-related side effects. Today, I will leave an article
published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, June 2005 in which Doctor Chu did a
sub-analysis of the OPERA trial comparing DITROPAN XL and DETROL LA, and CNS adverse events
were not reported in 91% of the patients taking DITROPAN XL and 92% taking Detrol LA. With this
being said, wouldn’t you agree that the primary goal for your patients suffering with urgency, frequency
and/or urge urinary incontinence is to have relief of these symptoms?”
Physician: “Yeah, I guess your right.” Representative: “When looking at efficacy, DITROPAN XL 10 mg will provide the symptom relief they require. In clinical studies, DITROPAN XL had a 50 % reduction from baseline in mean urge urinary incontinence episodes in just 2 weeks. At 12 weeks, patients experienced a 70% reduction in urge urinary incontinence episodes. When looking at frequency versus baseline, DITROPAN XL had 28 less voids per week at the 12 week mark. And when optimally dosed between 5-30 mg, 43% of patients experienced total dryness. Don’t you think your patients could benefit from efficacy like this?” Physician: “You make a compelling case Mike. I’ll give it a shot.” Representative: “Just as a reminder, Dr. Lutz, because DITROPAN XL is preferred on 75% of your third party payers including United and Cigna Healthcare, you may actually save your patients between $100 - $200 in co-pays a year. Thanks for your commitment to try DITROPAN XL first line… I’ll check back in with you the Friday after next to see what your patients’ experience with DITROPAN XL 10 mg is consistent with the information I have shared with you today.”



LIECHTENSTEINER VATERLAND DONNERSTAG, 3. MAI 2012 29 Rekorderlös Ein aktiver Wanderer kommt zurück erwartet New York. – Eines der berühmtes- Sie sind zurück – die pelzigen und fleissigen Nager. Am Mitt- wochabend führte Holger Frick, Amt für Wald Natur und Land- schaft, in die Geheimnisse der Biber ein. Die Feierabendver- anstaltung im Liechtenstei

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