Chapter 11 Drug and alcohol abuse as a social phenomenon Emilis Subata Drug use: background. During the Soviet period,
The changes which began in 1990 affected the use of
the use of illegal drugs, like many other negative
narcotics in Lithuania as well as in other Central and
social phenomena, was not publicly acknowledged in
Eastern European (CEE) countries. Drug use began to
Lithuania. The terms ‘illegal drugs’ (hereafter
spread among young people as a manifestation of a
referred to as drugs) and ‘legal drugs’ are used to dif-
western style of life.Other factors also played an impor-
ferentiate narcotic substances and materials accord-
tant role, particularly the opening up of markets, the
ing to their legal status and the purpose they are
increase in trafficking, ineffective legislation and law
being used for. In this sense, for example, alcohol and
enforcement, and the growing standard of living.
tobacco belong to the category oflegal drugs, while medications
Drug use in the European Drug use in Lithuania became an Union and in Lithuania: preva- expression of youthful ‘protest’ at lence and ‘driving forces’. The the end of the 1970s, beginning of the 1980s. Fewer school age children in Lit- huania had tried drugs at least once than in most of the other Western, and Central and Eastern European countries.
At that time the use of narcotics was not related to
ple, in 1995 only 3% of pupils in Lithuania, compared
youth culture and leisure. As it had somewhat earlier
with 42% in Great Britain and 41% in the USA, had
in Western Europe, drug use in Lithuania became an
expression of youthful ‘protest’ at the end of the1970s, and the beginning of the 1980s. However, only
However, more recent studies show that the number
several hundred followers of the belated ‘hippy’ cul-
of those who try drugs is growing rapidly, and that in
ture in Lithuania used poppy seed derivatives intra-
this respect, Lithuania is catching up to Western
venously. Often, due to their limited numbers, drug
countries. According to studies carried out in Vilnius
users were considered emotionally disturbed, and
in 1998 (A.Davidaviãienò, 1998), 19.8% of pupils of
were therefore treated in psychiatric hospitals. On the
the same age group had tried marijuana, 8.3% ecsta-
other hand, in society drug addicts were denounced
sy, and 4.3% amphetamines. Both in Western
and looked upon as publicly dangerous criminals.
European countries and in Lithuania, the majority of
Drug users were severely punished and incarcerated,
students try smoking marijuana and hashish. The
which in turn contributed to the tendency for the
public is understandably concerned with such situa-
spread of narcotics use in prisons and among former
tion, especially as some drugs can cause poisoning
158 CHAPTER 11 Drug and alcohol abuse as a social phenomenon Pupils aged 15-16 year who tried illegal drugs, 1995 (%)* Marijuana Any other other hallu- cinogens
Reports by the Ministry of theInterior on confiscated narcoticmaterials confirm that these
The manufacture, trade and use of drugs are essentially global phenomena affected by market
market and their prevalence. Therefore, integrated
Lithuania, and subsequently the fields of poppies
measures affecting both supply and demand need
were destroyed in order to limit drug supply.
to be undertaken in order to limit the use of drugs
However, the dynamics of confiscated poppies indi-
and their inflicted harm upon society.
cates that their production is still prevalent in
Lithuania, and that opiumextracts derived from poppystraw remain the most predom-
Experts estimate that drugs confiscated make up approximately
10% of the total of the illegal drug trade. Confiscation is dependent on
many factors, such as the operation and success of law and order
institutions in apprehending large consignments of narcotic sub-
stances. Nevertheless, the amount of drugs seized gives some indica-
tion of the development of the drug market. In 1996 alone, 659,653
kg. of marijuana, 5,467 kg. of heroin, 32,262 kg. of cocaine and 3,501
kg. of amphetamines were confiscated in the EU. These figures mark
a significant increase from 1991, whose corresponding figures
totalled 372,661 kg., 6,020 kg., 16,505 kg., and 872 kg., respectively.
For example, the volume of marijuana confiscated in the EU
increased from 160 tonnes in 1985, to 742 tonnes in 1994, but hasremained stable over the last three years. The amount of confiscated
heroin grew from 1.9 tonnes in 1985, to 4.6 tonnes in 1990, but hasremained stable at approximately five tons since then. The volume of
cocaine grew from one tonne in 1985, to 32 tonnes in 1996, while
seized amphetamines increased from 263 kg. in 1985 to 872 kg. in
1991, and then to 3.5 tonnes in 1996. Marijuana found in EU coun-
tries usually comes from Africa, and cocaine from South America;
synthetic drugs (amphetamines) are manufactured in Western
Europe, and later in Poland and the Baltic countries.
small group of drug-dependentindividuals, are beginning to
Confiscated drugs* * National Report Lithuania, PHARE Project on Drug Information Systems, 1998, Ministry
(e.g., the Netherlands) toleratethe use of marijuana, or posses-sion of it in small quantities for
With the growth in the standard of living, Lithuania, like the other Baltic countries, is gradually becoming a market for new drugs. EU countries as well as Lithuania have signed all three United Na- tions drug control conventions.
not given separate legal note,criminal convictions are applied
Drug control legislature. Drug control laws
in case of possession. In Spain, drug use is punish-
throughout the EU and Lithuania have both similari-
ties and differences. EU countries as well as Lithuaniahave signed all three United Nations drug control con-
Illegal drug possession (outside of medicinal or sci-
ventions (the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic
entific purposes) is punishable in all EU countries,
Drugs; the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic
but the latter differ in their attitudes concerning the
Substances; and the 1988 UN Convention Against the
reasons for possession. Some countries take into
Illegal Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
account whether it is a small amount for personal
Substances). These conventions strictly regulate the
use, while others treat any volume of drugs as a
circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances.
criminal offence. Nearly all countries apply less
Taking into account recommendations made by the
severe penalties (e.g., probation) if a drug-depend-
EU, in 1997 the parliament passed a Law on Money
ent individual is undergoing voluntary treatment.
Laundering, and in 1998 a Law on the Control ofDrugs and Psychotropic Substances. Based on recom-
EU countries are unanimous in applying very strict
mendations by the EU PHARE programme, a Law on
penalties for trafficking in drugs. For example, in
the Control of Precursors - substances used in the
France a small drug dealer can be sentenced for up
manufacture of illegal drugs – was adopted in 1999.
to five years in prison, with a maximum penalty fortrafficking of up to 30 years. Penalties in Sweden are
As a result, all EU countries and Lithuania classify
narcotic and psychotropic substances on the basis ofUN conventions. In addition, some countries classify
The use of drugs in Lithuania is punishable by
substances according to their medicinal use and dan-
administrative measures, with a maximum fine of
ger to health, as well as on the basis of applicable
1,000 LTL (US $250). The illegal manufacture, pur-
penalties. Penalties in Ireland, Italy, Spain, the
chase, or possession of narcotic substances with no
Netherlands and Great Britain are based on the type
intent to sell is punishable by imprisonment for up
of narcotic substance, while in the other EU coun-
to three years; possession with intent to sell is pun-
tries, drug-related crimes are treated as equally pun-
ishable by imprisonment for up to 15 years (and
ishable crimes regardless of the substance. But even
with repeated offences, up to 20 years). Although the
in the latter case, sentences are usually handed down
share of drug-related crimes relative to the total
on an individual basis, taking into account many fac-
number of solved crimes is not large, their number
tors, including the danger of the substance involved. 160 CHAPTER 11 Drug and alcohol abuse as a social phenomenon
In Lithuania, if the amount of drugs confiscated is
Mortality related to drug and toxic substance addiction
small (for one’s own use) and the offence has been
(per 100,000 population)
made for the first time, the court’s sentence ondetention is usually postponed on the condition that
the person enters a treatment programme. But treat-
ment programmes are not accessible everywhere. They exist only in big cities. Often there are waiting
lists both to drug-free rehabilitation and substitu-
tion treatment programmes. In order to improve the
rehabilitation process of illegal drug users and to
keep them out of prisons, there needs to be better
co-ordination between the law enforcement andhealth care sectors.
tis C remains a serious health risk in most Western
Drug use and health: an EU and Lithuanian pro-
European countries (e.g., approximately 92% of
file. The most frequent appeals for medical treat-
intravenous drug users in Sweden, and up to 70% in
ment in the countries of the EU come from opiate
France are infected with hepatitis C).
users (from 70 to 95%), with the exception ofSweden and Finland where figures are 3 4.8% and
Drug-related morbidity has increased in Lithuania
39%, respectively. Approximately 5% of all patients
during the last decade from 46 cases per 100,000 pop-
in the EU come because of cocaine use, and about
ulation in 1995 to 77.5 cases in 1998.In the EU, besides
10% because of marijuana. Approximately 1-2% of
drug-dependent individuals, there are from 120 to 550
all patients require treatment for amphetamine,
regular drug abusers per 100,000 population, while in
ecstasy, LSD and other hallucinogen addiction. A
Lithuanian similar survey data is not available.
number of EU countries have much higher percent-ages of such patients including Finland (39.5%),
According to the State Mental Health Centre in
Sweden (20%), and Great Britain (14%). Heroin is
Vilnius, of the 2,715 drug dependent individuals
the most frequently used intravenous drug in the
registered in 1998 in Lithuania, 1,989 (73.2%) used
EU; along with heroin, amphetamines are also used
opiates (poppy straw extracts; heroin less frequently),
intravenously in Northern European countries and
while 477 (17.6%) used a variety of different drugs
including opiates. Poppy strawextract thus continues to be the
Unlike the countries of the EU, the majority of registered drug dependency cases (over 90%) in Lithuania are intravenous drug
treatment use drugs in this manner. Intravenous use
There were 27 registered marijuana dependent indi-
is frequently connected with death caused by over-
viduals (0.9%) 10 hallucinogen users (0,3%), and
dosing, and to HIV and hepatitis infections trans-
ferred via needles and syringes. As other forms ofheroin usage become more popular, the proportion of
Unlike the countries of the EU, the majority of regis-
intravenous heroin users in the general heroin user
tered drug dependency cases (over 90%) in
group is decreasing in the EU. For example, in certain
Lithuania are intravenous drug users They make up
areas in Belgium and the Netherlands, only 10-15%
a high risk group which can easily transfer AIDS and
of all heroin addicts use the drug intravenously. The
hepatitis B and C. According to the Lithuanian AIDS
majority of drug-related deaths in the EU are con-
Centre, between 1997 and September 1999, the num-
nected to intravenous heroin intoxication, though
ber of HIV cases among intravenous drug users grew
there are also frequent alcohol and barbiturate poi-
from one to 91 (and accounted for 51.41% of all HIV
sonings. The number of deaths due to drug poison-
cases). According to 1998 data from the Vilnius
ing increased during the period from 1980 to 1990;
Public Health Centre, approximately 19% of hepatitis
after 1990, the number of deaths either stabilised or
C cases in Vilnius are individuals infected via intra-
has been diminishing in most EU countries.
venous drug use. The number of drug-related deathshas also grown in Lithuania over the last years.
The number of HIV-infected drug users is alsoeither decreasing or is stable in nearly all EU coun-
Most EU countries, having had longer exposure to
tries. Among those using intravenous drugs, hepati-
illegal drug misuse, developed consistent and
Morbidity related to drug and toxic substance addiction by substance consumed Persons registered with Total no. of persons registered preventive and anonymous with preventive and anonymous care institutions in 1998 care institutions by the end of the year
the EU, a public health approachwas adopted in order to counterthe marginalisation of drug
comprehensive drug policies and widely accessible
users. According to this approach, the aim of the
treatment and social services. Due to continuous edu-
treatment and social services was to establish con-
cational campaigns, intravenous drug use in the long
tact with the largest number of illegal drug users.
run has lost much of its appeal given the dangers of
For this purpose specific ‘low threshold’ pro-
possible overdose and HIV and hepatitis transmis-
grammes were developed, e.g., drop-in centres, out-
sion. Intravenous drug use is considered as typical for
reach work conducted by street workers, nightshel-
“junkies” and is not attractive for the younger genera-
ters, mobile-buses, etc. Usually these services pro-
tion. These are the reasons why the number of regis-
vide advice on HIV prevention, treatment opportu-
tered drug addicts (particularly intravenous) is stable
nities and health education. Sometimes clean nee-
or even falling. In Lithuania however, injecting drug
dles and syringes, alcohol pads and condoms are
provided as well. These pro-grammes often facilitate drug
Reducing the demand for Questions regarding the preven- drugs: prevention, individual tion of drug use are gradually health care, social integration. being included in education pro- grammes for the development of healthy lifestyle skills in secon- dary schools.
to providing favourable conditions for the harmo-
In 1995, more attention was given to the social
nious and productive development of every individ-
needs of these marginalised people; there was a
ual, to guaranteeing their social security and integra-
broader application of out-patient health care and
tion, as well as how successfully it fights against drug
rehabilitation, including methadone treatment pro-
trafficking. However, specific programmes for the
grammes. Out-patient substitute treatment pro-
prevention of drug use and the treatment/rehabilita-
grammes have been operating in Vilnius, Kaunas
and Klaipòda since 1995, and in Druskininkai since1998. In 1998, there were 493 individuals undergo-
Questions regarding the prevention of drug use are
gradually being included in education pro-
Lithuania. In most EU countries, substitution treat-
grammes for the development of healthy lifestyle
ment is widely accessible - to 28,700 individuals in
skills in secondary schools. A recent predominant
Great Britain, 56,700 in France, and 60,000 in
trend has been to expand drug prevention meas-
Germany. Of the CEE countries, only Slovenia and
ures beyond threats about the consequences of
Lithuania provide a more extensive form of this
drug use. There has been a greater orientation
treatment; the other CEE countries are carrying on
towards developing students’ social and interactive
with experimental methadone programme proj-
skills, and the fostering of independent and
ects. In Lithuania, approximately 800 - 900 of the
2,800 officially registered drug-dependent individ-uals had access to treatment and rehabilitation
Intravenous drug users in Lithuania continue to be
through the substitute programme - mostly in the
the most impoverished and socially marginalised
major cities of Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipòda. 162 CHAPTER 11 Drug and alcohol abuse as a social phenomenon Alcohol-dependency related morbidity* * Data from the Health Information Centre, (SAM system).
Also in 1997, an anonymousconsultation and needle/syringereplacement office was opened
Alcohol has become more acces- sible to the public in terms of pla- ce, time and price.
viduals who have misgivings about health care insti-
of alcohol-related consequences affecting the health
tutions, are being provided to drug users with the
of the population. These negative trends reached
aim of stopping the spread of HIV. Provisions for the
their peak in 1994-95 and have started to decline
replacement of needles and syringes were also estab-
over the last few years. However, current indicators
lished. By the beginning of 1999, there were various
related to alcohol abuse remain significantly higher
needle/syringe exchange programmes operating in
Vilnius, Klaipòda, Druskininkai and Panevòzys. These efforts have resulted in somewhat better con-
Consumption of alcohol and tobacco is higher
tact with drug users on the social fringes, and in the
among the rural population. Traditions of drinking
slower spread of HIV infection in Lithuania than in
heavily, which were formed over a period of several
the neighbouring countries of Latvia, Russia and
decades after the war, became stronger when ‘home
Belarus. The number of HIV-infected intravenous
brew’ alcohol became more widespread and accessi-
drug users reached 181 in Latvia in the beginning of
ble. The rural population remains the principal mar-
1999, (compared with 67 in Lithuania), while in
ket for illegal alcohol. In 1997-98, the incidence of
Kaliningrad (Russia) and Svetlogorsk (Belarus)
alcohol-related psychoses in the countryside was
since 1996, an HIV epidemic spread widely through
nine times greater than in the city. At the same time,
needles and syringes with thousands of new cases.
latent alcoholism was more prevalent in the city thanin rural areas. This indicator, however, is just as
Alcohol abuse in Lithuania and the European
much a reflection of the number of people seeking
Union. The prevalence of alcohol abuse and its
treatment. More people are seeking help and regis-
trends and consequences for society have changed
tering with alcohol treatment institutions in the city,
over the last decade. Important developments have
where this service is located. Such institutions are
taken place since 1990, when the state abandoned its
much less accessible in rural areas, therefore the
monopoly on the manufacture and sale of alcohol.
indicator of alcohol dependency is lower.
Alcohol has become more accessible to the public in
Alcohol abuse has been accompanied by an increas-
terms of place, time and price. The advertising of
ing suicide rate, especially among rural males of
alcohol, previously prohibited, is now active and
working age. The number of suicides began to
widespread. The existence of contraband liquor has
decrease in 1997, however, approximately 70% of
increased the accessibility to alcohol even further.
suicides are related to chronic alcoholism, depres-
Crucial changes in alcohol supply have coincided
with the fundamental social changes related to mar-ket reforms. The emergence of unemployment,
Morbidity indicators in the majority of Central and
poverty and homelessness, and weakening social
Eastern European countries which are related to
guarantees have made many people feel socially
alcohol abuse are still much higher than analogous
excluded and insecure regarding their future.
indicators in Western European countries. Alcohol abuse control policies. The prevalence of
The state is adopting legal and economic measures to
alcohol abuse is determined both by the supply and
limit the supply of alcohol. The strict control of illegal
demand of alcohol. Supply means accessibility in
alcohol could be the most effective tool for decreasing
terms of price, place and time, including access for
the supply of alcohol. A system of licensing for the
minors. Demand is determined by tradition and
retail and wholesale of alcohol, which involves a fair-
A law on alcohol control passed by parliament in 1995 defines the principles of state policy measures directed towards the prevention of alcohol abuse.
measures directed towards the prevention of alco-
of a free market, and because private business is
hol abuse. It regulates economic and legal meas-
gradually pushing the use of alcohol out of the work
ures for alcohol supply and demand, monitors a
place. According to statistics, expenditure on alcohol
system of excise and import, licensing of sales and
has slowed significantly; in 1998, it came to 2.7% of
the prohibition of advertising. A State Tobacco and
all urban, and 4% of rural, household expenditure.
Alcohol Control Board was cre-ated to monitor the implemen-
Traditionally popular in Lithuania, strong alcohol has partially given way to wine and beer.
law states that the health care, rehabilitation and
another mode of alcohol use: frequent (several
integration into society of individuals who abuse
times a week, or even daily) but smaller quantities
or are dependent on alcohol must be available and
of wine or beer. Changes in people’s habits, accom-
state-supported (free of charge). Unfortunately,
panied by the transition to weaker alcohol, could be
this important statement has not been implement-
significant in the further reduction of alcohol abuse.
ed yet. Alcohol dependency treatment or rehabili-tation programmes exist only in several large
As noted in the 1998 annual National Health Review
cities, which have dependency centres or special
issued by the National Health Centre, approximately
departments in hospitals. These usually provide
1,000 people still die each year due to alcohol abuse.
de-toxication services, short in-patient rehabilita-
More than a 1,000 are injured because of drunk
tion treatment and family therapy. Once primary
driving. Meanwhile, only several dozen people die
mental health centres with dependency psychia-
each year from illegal drug use. Although alcohol
trists have been established in smaller towns,
abuse is more prevalent, the attention given to prob-
accessibility to medical and social assistance for
lems related to drug abuse (prevention, treatment
the population should increase. It is likely that gen-
and rehabilitation) at the state and municipal level
eral practitioners will play a major role in alcohol
is significantly higher than that given to the preven-
Phoenix House American Council for Drug Education 164 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023, 1-800-488-DRUG (3784), BASIC FACTS ABOUT DRUGS: ECSTASY What is Ecstasy? Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today. Called MDMA (3-4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) by scientists, it is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essent
Episteme, Eutopías, Documentos de trabajo, vol. 186, Valencia,España, 1998, 24 págs. Reprod. en: La Gaceta de Cuba , LaHabana, nº 5, septiembre-octubre del 2000, pp. 34-39 Contra el pluralismo * El arte existe hoy día en un estado de pluralismo: ningún estilo, o siquieramodo de arte, es dominante y ninguna posición crítica es ortodoxa. Peroeste estado es también una posición, y est