
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
1. Recommended Action:
Effect of EC Vote to Accept Recommended Action:
Per Request:
Per Recommendation:
SUMMARY: * Add a new business practice standard 3.3.x.
* Add/change data elements in the Invoice.
* Add a code values table for the new data element Supporting Document Indicator.
* Change the Sample Paper Transaction for the Invoice.
GISB Standard No. 3.3.x
Where a Transportation Service Provider (TSP) performs daily allocations, the Beginning Transaction Date/Time
and the Ending Transaction Date/Time in the Invoice should be the date/time that a transaction (line item) began
(or ended respectively) where such transaction began (or ended respectively) within the subject invoice period.
Where the TSP allocates daily and a transaction began prior to the subject invoicing period, the Beginning
Transaction Date/Time in the Invoice should be the beginning date of the invoicing period. Where the TSP
allocates daily and a transaction was continuing as of the end of the subject invoicing period, the Ending
Transaction Date/Time in the Invoice should be the ending date of the invoicing period. Where a TSP performs
only monthly allocations, the Beginning Transaction Date/Time and the Ending Transaction Date/Time are
permitted to be the date/time that the subject invoicing period began (or ended respectively). In the instance where
the TSP allocates monthly, invoices on allocated quantities, and defaults the Beginning Transaction Date/Time

Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
and Ending Transaction Date/Time to the beginning and ending of the subject invoicing period, the TSP shouldindicate on the invoice the document to which the Service Requester may refer for documentation supporting theinvoice quantities. In the instance where the TSP allocates daily, rolls up to monthly for invoicing, and defaults theBeginning Transaction Date/Time and Ending Transaction Date/Time to the beginning and ending of the subjectinvoicing period, the TSP should indicate on the invoice the document to which the Service Requester may refer fordocumentation supporting the invoice quantities. * Note: Beginning and Ending Transaction Date/Time, as used in this standard, represent four data elements:Beginning Transaction Date, Beginning Transaction Time, Ending Transaction Date, and Ending TransactionTime. DATA DICTIONARY (for new documents and addition, modification or deletion of data elements)
Document Name and No.: Transportation/Sales Invoice, 3.4.1
Business Name
Month, Day, and Year. Where thetransaction began during a priorinvoice period, the beginning ofthe subject invoice period.
The date on which the invoicedtransaction began. If the Bbeginning Ttransaction during the invoice period, the time.
beginning of the subject invoiceperiod.
The time at which the invoicedtransaction began. Month, Day, and Year. Where thetransaction is continuing as of theend of the invoice period, the endof the subject invoice period.
The date on which the invoicedtransaction ended. RECOMMENDATION TO GISB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
If the Eending Ttransaction during the invoice period, the time.
invoice period, the end of thesubject invoice period.
The time at which the invoicedtransaction ended. CODE VALUES LOG (for addition, modification or deletion of code values)
Document Name and No.: Transportation/Sales Invoice, 3.4.1
Data Element:
Code Value Description
Code Value Definition
Code Value
Used when documents other than those listed support the invoiced RECOMMENDATION TO GISB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
BUSINESS PROCESS DOCUMENTATION (for addition, modification or deletion of business process
documentation language)
Standards Book:
Invoicing Related Standards, Transportation/Sales Invoice, 3.4.1 Sample Paper Transaction:
Supporting Document Indicator: Invoice TECHNICAL CHANGE LOG (all instructions to accomplish the recommendation)
Document Name and No.: Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1)
Description of Change:
G811TSIN - Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1)
Data Element Xref to X12
Header REF: add another REF segment above the data element Account Number as follows: "REF M Supporting
Document Indicator"
X12 Mapping
Header REF segment (position 050): modify segment level note to the following: "For GISB, this segment is
mandatory, except in the case where the default is used for the data element Supporting Document Indicator.";
REF02: add data element name ", Supporting Document Indicator" to end of data element list
Transaction Set Tables
"REF Segments (Heading)" table: add forth and fifth columns to the end of the table and label them "REF02" and
"REF02 Description"; for the row where data element = Account Number, REF02 Description column = "Account
Number" [note REF02 column is blank]; for the row where data element = Previous Invoice Identifier, REF02
Description column = "Previous Invoice Identifier" [note REF02 column is blank];
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
"REF Segments (Heading)" table: add a new row as the first row in the table as follows: Element Name (REF02)column = "Supporting Document Indicator"; Usage column = "M"; REF01 column = "43"; add the followingsubrows for the REF02 and REF02 Description columns: "ALLC" - "Allocation"; "IMBL" - "Shipper Imbalance";"OTHR" - "Other"; "TSIN" - "Invoice" 4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION
a. Description of Request:
Can an Invoice Statement 'Beginning Transaction Date' and 'Ending Transaction Date' be defaulted in eachtransaction to the first day of the month and the last day of the month without accurately reflecting thecorrect dates associated with the beginning flow date? b. Description of Recommendation:
Business Practices Subcommittee
Where a Transportation Service Provider (TSP) performs daily allocations, the Beginning
Transaction Date/Time and the Ending Transaction Date/Time in the Invoice should be the date/time that a
transaction (line item) began (or ended respectively) where such transaction began (or ended respectively)
within the subject invoice period. Where the TSP allocates daily and a transaction began prior to the subject
invoicing period, the Beginning Transaction Date/Time in the Invoice should be the beginning date of the
invoicing period. Where the TSP allocates daily and a transaction was continuing as of the end of the
subject invoicing period, the Ending Transaction Date/Time in the Invoice should be the ending date of the
invoicing period. Where a TSP performs only monthly allocations, the Beginning Transaction Date/Time
and the Ending Transaction Date/Time are permitted to be the date/time that the subject invoicing period
began (or ended respectively). In the instance where the TSP allocates monthly, invoices on allocated
quantities, and defaults the Beginning Transaction Date/Time and Ending Transaction Date/Time to the
beginning and ending of the subject invoicing period, the TSP should indicate on the invoice the document
to which the Service Requester may refer for documentation supporting the invoice quantities. In the
instance where the TSP allocates daily, rolls up to monthly for invoicing, and defaults the Beginning
Transaction Date/Time and Ending Transaction Date/Time to the beginning and ending of the subject
invoicing period, the TSP should indicate on the invoice the document to which the Service Requester may
refer for documentation supporting the invoice quantities.
* Note: Beginning and Ending Transaction Date/Time, as used in this standard, represent four dataelements: Beginning Transaction Date, Beginning Transaction Time, Ending Transaction Date, and EndingTransaction Time.
Motion: Accept the above concept as an invoicing business practice standard (3.3.x).
Discussion: Questions were answered specific to examples. For defaulting the times, a default can be to the
beginning or ending of the gas day. There was discussion on the need for delineating scheduled from
allocated. After discussion, it was removed.
Sense of the Room:
Segment Check (if applicable):
In Favor :
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
Information Requirements Subcommittee
Amend the Transportation/Sales Invoice 3.4.1 as follows:
Business Name
and Year. Where the transactionbegan during a prior invoice period,the beginning of the subject invoiceperiod.
The date on which the invoicedtransaction began. and Year. Where the transaction iscontinuing as of the end of theinvoice period, the end of thesubject invoice period.
The date on which the invoicedtransaction ended. RECOMMENDATION TO GISB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
Supporting Document Indicator
Code Value Description
Code Value Definition
Code Value
Used when documents other than those listed support theinvoiced quantities. SAMPLE PAPER TRANSACTION
Supporting Document Indicator: Invoice Sense of the Room:
Technical Subcommittee
Sense of the Room:
c. Business Purpose:
Per the request: Many transactions occur for portions of a month and should be reflected as such on theInvoice Statement. This enables the two parties to reconcile any differences efficiently.
Requester: Enron Capital and Trade
Request No.: C98003
d. Commentary/Rationale of Subcommittee(s)/Task Force(s):

Source: http://www.naesb.org/pdf/98003c3.pdf

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