On behalf of the NACNS Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce the creation of the NACNS Practice & Policy Newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep our membership up-to-date on important information that will have an impact on your CNS practice. The newsletter will contain pearls of wisdom from a variety of sources to help you in your practice. In addition, NACNS is excited to announce a new member benefit – our blast email system. As an NACNS member you are eligible to sign up to receive blast email that will keep you “in the know.” This newsletter (as yet, unnamed) is designed to bring to you helpful clinical information as well as information about your NACNS events and member benefits. There is no cost for this subscription, and I know you will find it incredibly useful. The newsletter is one example of the information you will receive if you subscribe to the blast email system. The NACNS Practice & Policy Newsletter will be published electronically on a quarterly basis. You will receive an email with a link to the NACNS website (www.nacns.org). The current issue will be posted, and past issues will be available for your review. I hope you find this publication as helpful as I have! Sincerely, Theresa Murray, RN, MSN, CCRN, CCNS
NACNS Vision Paper…………… 1 NACNS Foundation……………. 1
leaders and members over the past year. It
NACNS Awards ………………… 2
presents a comprehensive vision of our future.
NACNS Conference…………….2
This document is an essential part of the CNS
NACNS Summit………………… 2
Agency Issues PQRI ……………………………. 3 New Surgeon General…………… 3 FDA – Avandia…………………. 3 CDC – MMWR fatality report…. 4
The CNS Foundation now offers two scholarship
AHRQ – Quality Reports ………. 4
opportunities for students pursuing a master's
Medicare Physician Payment…… 4
degree or PhD in nursing. TheCNS Foundation Scholarship has a unique focus on FDA- New Warfarin Label……… 5
the student’s practice as a CNS and/or the
FDA – New Glucose Monitor…… 5
doctoral student’s research which has improved or
brought about change in another culture, minority group, and/or with a vulnerable population, and
evidence of impact on local, state and/or national initiatives to improve nursing and health care. The Dayhoff Clinical Nurse Specialist Scholarship
reflected in the NACNS Statement on CNS Practice
has a focus on student’s whose nursing specialty is
the field of adult health, adult care including
critical care, and any of the medical surgical
CNS Researcher of the Year
specialties. The deadline for application for
The purpose of the award is to nationally
consideration for these scholarships is October
recognize an NACNS member for outstanding
30, 2008. To get more information and download
professional achievement as a clinical nurse
specialist who has conducted original nursing
research that has significantly enhanced the science of autonomous nursing practice, patient
and family outcomes, and/or health care systems.
NACNS awards allow us to honor our colleague
accomplished program of research that has
clinical nurse specialists and highlight the excellent
significantly contributed to advancing the nursing
contribution these expert clinicians make to
clinical nurse specialist practice, research,
education and preceptoring. All nominations are
due on October 15, 2007. These awards will be presented at the NACNS 2008 Annual
Student abstracts being accepted until December
There are four awards that will be given:
Clinical Nurse Specialist of the Year
The purpose of the award is to nationally recognize an NACNS member for outstanding professional achievement as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the three spheres of CNS influence. The award acknowledges a nurse who demonstrated CNS competencies and exemplary practice in patient care, nursing and health care delivery systems. CNS Educator of the Year
The purpose of the award is to nationally recognize an NACNS member for outstanding
professional achievement as a Clinical Nurse
Specialist Educator. The award acknowledges a
NACNS hosted a successful Summit on July 26th
CNS educator’s commitment to excellence and
and 27th in Indianapolis, Indiana. This meeting
was attended by about 30 nursing organization
implementing the NACNS Statement on CNS
representatives. The primary agenda of the
Summit was a presentation of the current work of
the NACNS Doctoral Competencies Task Force.
CNS Preceptor of the Year
The Task Force discussed the work they had done
The purpose of the award is to nationally
to date analyzing the current master’s level CNS
recognize an NACNS member for outstanding
competencies from a large number of specialty
professional achievement as a Clinical Nurse
nursing organizations. The Summit participants
Specialist Preceptor. The award acknowledges a
we asked to validate the work of the Task Force
and provide feedback related to masters and
commitment to teach, coach, and mentor CNS
doctoral level CNS competencies. This feedback
students to achieve CNS competencies in the
will be vital to the Task Force as they begin the
nurse, patient, and organizational spheres as
next phase of their work, developing doctoral
level competencies. This work will be shared again
Providers are not required to report on all
with the NACNS Board of Directors and nursing
measures. If 4 or more measures are applicable to
community for comment. Many thanks to the
the practice, the practitioner must report at least 3
of them correctly for 80 percent of cases (visits or
patients, depending on measure). If 3 or fewer
measures are applicable to the practice,
practitioner must report each of them correctly
for 80 percent of the cases (visits or patients,
depending on measure). The link to the measures is found at:
What is PQRI? On December 20, 2006 President
Bush signed the Tax Relief and Health Care Act
of 2006 (TRHCA). Section 101 of Title I authorizes the establishment of a physician quality
Where Do I Get More Information? CMS has
reporting system by the Center for Medicare &
set up an extensive website with information,
Medicaid Service (CMS). CMS has titled the
including frequently asked questions and web
statutory program the Physician Quality Reporting
Initiative (PQRI). PQRI establishes a financial
incentive for eligible professionals to participate in a voluntary quality reporting program. The entire
quality reporting program for 2007 will be
managed through the patient billing for Medicare
The Office of the Surgeon General has been
vacant since July 2006 when then Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona left office. On May 24,
Eligible professionals who successfully report a
designated set of quality measures on claims for
Holsinger to be the nation’s 18th surgeon general.
dates of service from July 1 to December 31, 2007, may earn a bonus payment, subject to a cap,
Holsinger is a cardiologist and has been the
of 1.5% of total allowed charges for covered
secretary for Health and Family Services for the
Medicare physician fee schedule services.
state of Kentucky as well as chancellor of the University of Kentucky Medical Center. He has a
Eligible professionals include physicians;
26-year career with the U.S. Department of
podiatrists; chiropractors; dentists; physician
Veteran Affairs and has served as undersecretary
assistants; advanced practice registered nurses,
for health in 1992. Holsinger also served more
including CNSs; dieticians; psychologists; social
than three decades in the United States Army
workers; physical, speech and occupational
Reserve; he retired in 1993 as a major general.
President Bush noted in his announcement that
How Will I Report? Eligible professionals need
among his other duties, Holsinger will focus on
not enroll or file an intent to participate for the
educating parents and children about childhood
PQRI. Eligible professionals can participate by
obesity. The Senate Committee on Health,
reporting the appropriate quality measure data on
Education, Labor and Pensions held a hearing on
claims submitted to their Medicare claims
his nomination on July 12, 2007. Action on his
processing contractor. A NPI number will be
What Measure Will I Report On? The 2007
PQRI measures specifications for the 74 measures
professionals of a potential safety issue related to Avandia (rosiglitazone). An on-going analysis of safety data for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
mellitus using Avandia showed differing rates of
ischemic cardiovascular events including heart
Work in a facility with an interest in improving
attack or heart-related adverse events, some fatal,
patient safety? Have a patient safety team or
relative to other drugs used to treat diabetes
committee? You may want to consider applying
mellitus. The clinical studies reviewed to date vary
to be a participant with the Patient Safety
with respect to their populations, treatment
Improvement Corps (PSIC), a partnership with
regimens, and length of follow-up. Based on these
AHRQ and the Veteran’s Administration. The
data, the risk of ischemic cardiovascular events
due to Avandia remains unclear. Prescribers
providing knowledge and skills to teams of
should continue to carefully make individualized
hospital and other staff including patient safety
treatment decisions for patients with diabetes
officers and those responsible for patient safety
reporting and analysis as well as intervention
Participants eligible for this expanded PSIC
program are teams of patient safety officers in large
CDC’s MMWR reports on Fatal Injuries
hospitals or health care systems, critical access or
rural hospitals or health care systems, long term
The May 16, 2007 issue of the MMWR reports
care facilities or systems, ambulatory centers and
that unintentional injury is the leading cause of
large clinics, and those responsible for patient
death among U.S. children aged 1 – 19 years of
safety reporting and analysis as well as
age. Statistically, homicide is the second leading
intervention initiatives in other relevant
cause and suicide is the fourth. Mortality rates
organizations such as quality improvement
from injury, whether unintentional or intentional,
organizations (QIO) and Federal government
are particularly high among certain racial/ethnic
agencies such as Centers for Medicare and
populations. Previous studies have examined
Medicaid Services, Health Resources and Services
differences in injury death rates according to
Administration, Indian Health Service, and
race/ethnicity and have consistently documented
others. It is anticipated that teams will be
that black and American Indian/Alaska Native
composed of clinical and/or administrative
(AI/AN) children are disproportionately affected.
leaders. Note that team participation is a
requirement, and an application from a single
individual will not be accepted. For more
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) Offers Publication with
quality assurance work in your facility? You may
Medicare’s physician payment formula known as
want to take a look at the new publication
the sustainable growth rate (SGR) will call for a 10
available from the AHRQ. The new Health Care
percent reduction in provider reimbursement
2008. The last time the schedule SGR reduction
directory of over 200 samples of report cards
went into effect was in 2002, when a 4.4 percent
produced by a variety of organizations. The
Medical Association and other physician and other
providing comparative information on the quality
provider organizations reimbursed under the SGR
of health plans, hospitals, medical groups,
are working to eliminate this 10 percent cut.
individual physicians, nursing homes, and other
providers of care. The Health Care Report Card
Every year since 2002, this issue has absorbed
extensive time by provider organizations in their
efforts to eliminate the payment reduction. One of the ways to stop this cycle is to change the
sustainable growth rate formula. AMA and other
Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (STS-7
provider organizations will be making an effort to
System) measures glucose levels every five
do just that in 2007. A 10 percent reduction in
minutes throughout a seven-day period. This
Medicare physician payment reimbursement may
additional information can be used to detect
have a real impact on the number of providers
trends and track patterns in glucose levels
that are willing to accept Medicare patients into
throughout the week that wouldn’t be captured by
their practices. To read AMA’s press release,
finger stick measurements alone. However,
diabetics must still rely on the finger stick test to
decide whether additional insulin is needed.
The STS-7 System, manufactured by DexCom
Inc. of San Diego, Calif., uses a disposable sensor
FDA is recommending a labeling change for
placed just below the skin in the abdomen to
warfarin (coumadin) that would highlight the
measure the level of glucose in the fluid found in
opportunity for prescribers to use genetic tests to
the body’s tissues (interstitial fluid). Sensor
improve their initiation estimate of a reasonable
placement causes minimal discomfort and can
warfarin dose for individual patients. Testing may
easily be done by patients themselves. The sensor
help optimize the use of warfarin and lower the
must be replaced weekly. An alarm can be
risk of bleeding complications from the drug.
programmed to sound if a patient’s glucose level
These labeling updates are based on an analysis of
recent studies that found people respond to the drug differently based, in part, on whether they
A three-day version of the device, the STS
Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, was approved in March 2006.
FDA estimates that 2 million persons start taking warfarin in the United States every year to prevent
An estimated 20.8 million people in the United
blood clots, heart attacks and stroke. Warfarin is a
States—7 percent of the population—have
difficult drug to use because the optimal dose
diabetes. While there is no known cure, studies
varies and depends on many risk factors including
have shown that patients who regularly monitor
a patient's diet, age, and the use of other
and regulate their blood glucose levels have lower
incidences of complications associated with the disease. For more information, go to:
Patients who take a dose larger than they can
tolerate are at risk of life-threatening bleeding.
Those who receive too low a dose are at risk of equally dangerous blood clots. Dosing is
NACNS Staff -
particularly important at the beginning of therapy, when problems in adjusting the dose can lead to
Editor: Melinda Mercer Ray, MSN, RN NACNS
complications such as bleeding. Warfarin is the
Executive Director: Christine Filipovich, RN,
second most common drug – after insulin –
implicated in emergency room visits for adverse
For questions or comments on this publication, please contact:
NACNS, 2090 Linglestown Road, Suite 107 - Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: (717) 234-6799 Fax: (717) 234-6798
On June 4th, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved a device that measures glucose levels continuously for up to seven days in people with diabetes. While a standard finger stick test records a person’s glucose level as a snapshot in time, the STS-7
A59BB1 Molecular Biology for Bioinformatics I Continuous Assessment Task 1: Answer Sheet A detailed restriction map of pBR322, which was needed to answer questions 2 and 3, is provided at the end of this document. This particular map has been taken from the catalogue of a company (New England Biolabs) that supplies materials for molecular and cell biology. 1. The fragments of genomic DNA
INIBIÇÃO E SINTOMA: a angústia na clínica hoj Clínica Psicanalítica; Inibição; Sintoma; Angústia. Vera Lopes Besset RESUMOUma inibição pode levar um sujeito a procurar um analista? Talvez, mas para isto é preciso que ela se torne sintomática , que adquira o estatuto de sofrimentos de um sintoma . Sintoma que se apresente como enigma ao sujeito nele revelado como desejant