Milestone is an independent practice of lawyers
Where it does not consider them appropriate or fit for
specializing in international tax law. In the interests of
purpose Parliament alone has the power to amend these
disclosure, we do not and have never advised Amazon.
We do, however, take a keen interest in the issues facing this particular multinational business and those
We hope you find this first Milestone Tutorial of interest
companies currently targeted by MPs, the press, left-
and look forward to hearing any feedback you might
wing bloggers and disgruntled competitors.
We agree that the time is nigh for the Government and
The (European) Amazon Tax Structure
HMRC to consider a radical overhaul of the UK tax
Our educated guess at the Amazon corporate structure
system. It is ludicrously complex, long and in places
for its European operations is as follows:
very badly drafted. However, the populist view that all multinationals are evil, immoral and unjust is not the
basis on which a review of the UK tax system should be undertaken. The Public Accounts Committee showed,
- Amazon’s European business is Headquartered in
with alarming alacrity, the ignorance of those running the
UK and responsible for setting the future direction of tax
- The servers on which the Amazon website is hosted
- is a trading name of Amazon EU Sarl,
Any debate, tax or otherwise, must be conducted
impartially with those involved being well-informed.
- Amazon EU Sarl sells products either as principal or
Unfortunately, perhaps because tax is so complex, but
more likely because it is so emotive (especially during
- When a consumer buys a product via
times of austerity), much of the current debate has
they are buying from Amazon EU Sarl (i.e. a non-UK
simply ignored established tax principles and instead
relied on “soap-boxing” and name-calling.
- Amazon EU Sarl has a UK incorporated subsidiary
With this in mind, we thought it would be useful to
that operates several warehouse, picking, packing
provide you with a brief tutorial of the tax principles
applicable to the Amazon business. Due to the lack of
- Other such facilities exist in France and Germany;
publicly available information on Amazon’s corporate
- Some goods sold by Amazon EU Sarl will be held in
structure, we have had to make certain assumptions
UK warehouses and distributed from there, others
about the Amazon business model, but are confident
will be distributed by the EU warehouses;
that the structure outlined below is established and
- Legal title to the inventory held by the warehouse
governed by the tax principles and laws we have
The General Principles of Tax Law Applicable
We have attempted to make this Milestone Tutorial as
to E-Commerce
clear and concise as possible, making it accessible to all our readers including newcomers that have, perhaps,
Amazon is a fundamentally different business to, say,
never heard of a double tax agreement. Our aim is to
HMV or John Lewis. First and foremost it is a foreign (i.e.
re-start the current debate and to stress that despite
non-UK) headquartered and owned business. Secondly,
the use of inflammatory words such as “tax dodger”,
it is an on-line retailer. Its business is conducted over
“unjust” and “immoral” companies like Amazon have
the internet; customers buy goods via a website / server
done nothing illegal. The tax principles that multinational
that is located in a foreign jurisdiction. This is critical to
companies rely upon are based on established economic
the tax analysis and to understanding any argument put
theory – principles that have been entrenched in our tax
forward to change the way in which companies such as
system for at least 50 years. One final comment before
we begin in earnest – it is a truism, but Parliament
But, before considering the tax elements in further
makes the laws by which we are required to abide.
detail, it is necessary to step back and consider the law
of contract (trust us, it is very relevant to the current
The Distribution Centre
debate!). If I go into Starbucks (topical for other tax
Now that I have had my offer accepted by Amazon
reasons that we will comment about in a separate
EU Sarl, Breaking Bad Season 4 (in case you have
Milestone Tutorial) and order a Grande Soya Latte,
forgotten), then needs to be distributed to me. I have
the point of sale (i.e. the offer and acceptance that
purchased a DVD from a Luxembourg company – that
concludes the contract) is at the till. This is a matter
is not in question. The auto-confirm email I receive from
of well-established contract law. Similarly, if I walk 100
Amazon and my receipt states clearly that my DVD is
yards down Piccadilly to Boots and pick up a packet
“Sold by: Amazon EU Sarl”. The DVD will be held in
of Zantac priced at £2.99 and take it to the till, I am
one of the various warehouse facilities that Amazon
making an offer to Boots to buy their product. Again, it is
has in the UK, France or Germany. It is most likely the
their acceptance of my offer that concludes the contract
DVD that is shipped to me will be located in the UK
warehouse facility as I am a UK customer, but that may
These same basic principles of contract law apply
to on-line businesses such as Amazon. The critical
The UK warehouse facilities will likely be owned by
question being, where is the contract concluded. In the
Amazon’s UK subsidiary. However, just because the
case of Amazon, when I log onto (which
order I have placed with Amazon EU Sarl is fulfilled by
is a trading name of Amazon EU Sarl, registered to
the UK subsidiary does not mean that the transaction
the Luxembourg company) and purchase Season 4 of
has a UK source (at least for tax purposes). The fact that
Breaking Bad the mechanics are entirely the same. I am
the DVD owned and sold by Amazon EU Sarl is located
offering to buy the product sold by Amazon, the contract
in the UK (at the UK warehouse facility) is irrelevant too
being concluded by the Amazon EU Sarl webservers
Some might argue that because I have bought a DVD
The place of contract is crucial to the tax analysis.
from a website, which is distributed to me by a
The conclusion of the contract will determine whether
UK company, this does (or ought to) mean that the sale
Amazon EU Sarl is trading in or with the UK. If the
should be concluded in the UK or more pertinently (in
contract for Breaking Bad Season 4 is concluded in the
the mouths and pens of various commentators) that the
UK, Amazon EU Sarl will be considered to be trading in
profit arising from the transaction must be taxed in the
the UK for UK tax purposes and its profits will then be
UK. Others might argue that Amazon EU Sarl is trading
in the UK through the UK warehouse operation, or to put
If, by contrast, the contract for Breaking Bad Season 4
it in tax parlance the warehouse is, in fact, a permanent
is actually concluded by the non-UK Amazon EU Sarl
establishment (PE) of the Luxembourg company. For tax
server accepting my offer to purchase, Amazon EU Sarl
purposes, when a foreign company, such as Amazon EU
is trading with the UK. By definition, and with over 100
Sarl establishes a presence in a foreign country, either
years of case law to support this analysis, Amazon EU
directly or via a third party, that presence (be it an office,
Sarl does not have a taxable presence in the UK and its
warehouse, place of management etc) can become
a place of business or PE (taxable presence). If a PE does arise this means a proportion of the profits of the
This simple analysis seems to have been largely ignored
foreign company will be allocated to that PE and taxed
in the current debate. The general premise seems to
be that it’s easier to brand a large corporate a ‘immoral’ than consider the tax and legal principles that govern its
In the case of Amazon EU Sarl and its UK warehousing
facilities (that it either owns directly or via a UK subsidiary) the critical issue is whether this amounts to a UK PE such that some or all of Amazon EU Sarl’s profits should be allocated to, and taxed in, the UK. The answer to this complex question can be found in the Luxembourg/UK Double Tax Agreement (DTA).
Article V of the DTA defines a PE and includes the
So, whilst Breaking Bad Season 4 was sold to me by
Amazon EU Sarl, the fact that the DVD was stored in the UK and delivered to me by a UK company does not
mean the Luxembourg company’s profits are liable to
UK tax. Quite the opposite. The double tax treaty the UK has concluded with Luxembourg, which is based on
the OECD Model Convention, specifically prevents the
double taxation of those same profits.
e) a workshop; f) a mine, quarry or other place of extraction of natural
These elements, particularly the fundamental tax
concepts that most countries have accepted and
g) a building site or construction or assembly project
adopted into domestic law, have been almost wholly
which exists for more than six months.
ignored in the current debate. In our view, this means the debate is ill-considered and based on emotive, rather
The basic starting premise of the DTA is that Amazon EU
Sarl is a Luxembourg company and is therefore subject to Luxembourg tax. Only to the extent it has a PE in the
UK should it pay UK tax. As the title suggests, the DTA is
We hope that this document serves to illustrate Amazon’s
designed to prevent double taxation of the same profits.
likely corporate structure. Because Amazon is an international, e-commerce business that has chosen to
Article V(3) goes onto explain that the definition of PE
headquarter its European sales centre in Luxembourg
means that profits it generates from sales are taxed in Luxembourg. Luxembourg is the profit centre of
a) the use of facilities solely for the purpose of storage,
its operation whilst the UK, France and Germany are
display or delivery of goods or merchandise belonging
cost centres. The result, as one would expect, is not
avoidance as we have been led to believe.
b) the maintenance of a stock of goods or merchandise
belonging to the enterprise solely for the purpose of
If the naysayers are to have their way such that
companies like Amazon are required to pay UK tax on
c) the maintenance of a stock of goods or merchandise
these transactions, not only will the law of contract need
belonging to the enterprise solely for the purpose of
to be changed but also UK tax policy and internationally
recognised agreements and concepts such as double tax treaties and transfer pricing guidelines. This
In terms of warehousing and fulfilment, Amazon as a
would require a fundamental re-think of how global
business could, of course, outsource this to a third party
here in the UK. This would not alter the tax analysis as set out above. Amazon chooses to invest in the UK (take
Without doubt this is a complex area of tax law. As
the site at Rugeley, Staffordshire, an ex-mining town,
always with tax, it reflects the trade-off between the
that employs 1,500 people) so it can control the delivery
promotion of economic development and the desire
of products sold by the Luxembourg company. The
to raise sufficient revenue to enable a Government
UK business will likely be funded by the Luxembourg
to function effectively. Yet aside from this technical
trading company and the amount paid by Amazon EU
balancing act, tax is also a highly emotive topic not least
Sarl for the services performed by the UK operation will
because we are faced with a global financial crisis that
be similar to what Amazon would have to pay a third
means Government spending is falling in correlation to
party. That is to say, the related party transaction will
be benchmarked against open-market comparables to ensure the right price is paid. This is a fundamental
Our biggest irritation is that the current debate lacks
principle of transfer pricing to which all companies must
balance and intellectual rigour. Little or no thought
seems to have been given by the various MP’s and
‘commentators’ as to the economic outcomes that might result as a result of shifting the tax balance to ensure it is sufficiently UK centric. Were they to follow their logic through to its seemingly inevitable conclusion they may reconsider their position.
This Milestone Tutorial is an attempt to explain how the current UK tax rules apply to an international business and why it would be very difficult to amend these. In our view, the UK tax system is in dire need of a rethink. However, if we do want to change UK tax policy and legislation, we need a real debate, one that is sensible and well informed on all relevant aspects. In the absence of this, the debate is not about tax but simply about (misplaced) immorality or fairness. This cannot be right.
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COLEGIO MANZANARES TALLER DE APOYO A NECESIDADES EDUCATIVAS PERIODO __3__ 2011 “CALIDAD HUMANA NUESTRA FILOSOFÍA, EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL NUESTRA RAZÓN DE SER” NOMBRE: _______________________________________ GRADO: ___7__ DOCENTE RESPONSABLE _____________________________________________________________ Grammar 1 Write what Isabella and Michael are going to do