International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 14 (2000) 65 – 69
Symposium on the treatment of diarrhoeal disease
Diarrhoea: a significant worldwide problem
Digesti6e Diseases Research Centre, St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Turner St.,
Diarrhoea is a problem, not only of the developing world, but also of the Western world. However, the economic implications
of diarrhoeal diseases are particularly evident in the poorer countries. The most common worldwide cause of diarrhoea isintestinal infection and infants, pre-school children, the elderly, and those with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency run ahigh risk of contracting such infections. Diarrhoeal disease can be classified into three major clinical syndromes: acute waterydiarrhoea, bloody diarrhoea, and persistent diarrhoea. A number of different micro-organisms can cause infectious diarrhoea,depending on the clinical setting. The development of oral rehydration solution has provided a simple approach to rehydrationand maintenance of hydration in patients with acute watery diarrhoea, and has been implemented worldwide under the auspicesof the World Health Organization. However, rehydration does not treat the diarrhoea itself, which will persist until the infectionresolves. Since the drugs currently used for the treatment of diarrhoea, such as the opiate agents and antibiotics, have limitations,the search continues for a drug that acts predominantly on secretory pathways without affecting gastrointestinal motility. Noveltherapeutic approaches include 5-HT and 5-HT receptor antagonists, calcium – calmodulin antagonists, and s-receptor agonists.
Another approach has concentrated on the antisecretory role of the neurotransmitter, enkephalin, and has resulted in thedevelopment of the enkephalinase inhibitor, racecadotril. This drug has true antisecretory activity, and has demonstrated goodefficacy and tolerability in clinical trials. 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. and international Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. Keywords: Antisecretory agents; Diarrhoeal diseases; Enteropathogens; Oral rehydration solution
1. Introduction
excessive fluid and electrolyte losses, which result indehydration and acidosis [3,4]. Thus, the majority of
Intestinal infection is the most common cause of
these deaths are avoidable providing fluid and elec-
diarrhoea worldwide and is responsible for the deaths
trolyte losses are replaced promptly.
of 3 – 4 million individuals each year, the majority of
The major burden of infectious diarrhoea falls upon
whom are pre-school children [1,2]. In some countries
individuals, particularly infants and young children,
in the developing world children may suffer many
who live in the developing world. However, despite
attacks of acute diarrhoea every year, each of which
industrialization, wealth, and public health interven-
contributes to the infection-malnutrition cycle and con-
tions to ensure water quality and sewage disposal, acute
sequent impaired growth and development. The seventh
intestinal infections are increasing in the Western
cholera pandemic continues to produce high morbidity
world. This is particularly due to foodborne infections
and mortality in many parts of the developing world
such as Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, and en-
including the Indian subcontinent, sub-saharan Africa,
terohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 [5]. Water-
and some parts of Central and South America. Most of
borne infection is also important in the developed
the deaths from acute infectious diarrhoea result from
world, particularly as a result of contamination ofdomestic water supplies with the cysts of Giardia intes-tinalis and Cryptosporidium par
* Tel.: + 44-171-2957191; fax: + 44-171-2957192. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.J.G. Farthing)
contributing to the rise in acute infectious diarrhoea in
0924-8579/00/$20 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. and international Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 8 5 7 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 4 9 - 1
M.J.G. Farthing / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 14 (2000) 65 – 69
the industrialized world include the widespread use of
3. Who is at risk?
broad-spectrum antibiotics, impaired host immunitydue to HIV infection, anti-cancer chemotherapy, and
Several groups of individuals are at increased risk
the increase in foreign travel from Western countries
of intestinal infections (Table 1). Infants, pre-school
children, and the elderly are particularly susceptible. During the first few months of life the breastfed in-fant is relatively protected from intestinal infection,
2. Global impact of infectious diarrhoea
but exposure to enteropathogens increases during theweaning period as the protective benefits of maternal
It has been estimated that there may be as many as
milk are lost. As the infant and young child develops,
4 billion cases of acute diarrhoea each year world-
acquired immunity to the common enteropathogens
wide. In the economically deprived parts of the world
increases such that the age-specific prevalence of
such as the Indian subcontinent, Africa, and Latin
many intestinal infections decreases during adoles-
America, children may experience between three and
cence and early adult life. The elderly appear to have
ten episodes of diarrhoea each year [2]. Even in the
increased susceptibility to infection partly due to de-
wealthy industrialized world acute diarrhoea in chil-
clining immune function and possibly also to de-
dren has a significant morbidity and mortality. In the
creased gastric acid secretion. This is especially
USA it has been estimated that there are up to 8
evident in those with pernicious anaemia and with
million consultations for acute diarrhoea each year
gastric atrophy as a result of chronic infection with
resulting in 250 000 hospital admissions and more
than 500 deaths. The economic implications of di-
Congenital and acquired immunodeficiency is recog-
arrhoeal disease are self-evident, but are particularly
nized as a major risk factor for intestinal infection.
damaging to poor countries where the case manage-
Common variable immune deficiency is classically as-
ment of acute diarrhoeal disease in a child may result
sociated with protozoal infections, particularly giar-
in the consumption of a significant proportion of the
total healthcare budget for that individual. HIV-re-
underscored the importance of cellular immunity in
lated diarrhoea emphasizes this point; of the 22 mil-
the host defence against enteric infection; in this set-
lion individuals predicted to be infected with HIV by
ting, intracellular protozoa such as C. par6um, Mi-
the year 2000, 10 million will reside in Africa, 9 mil-
crosporidium spp., Isospora belli, and Cyclospora
lion in Asia, and 2 million in Latin America with
cayetanensis predominate [6]. Anti-cancer chemother-
only 1 million in Europe. Thus, the most economi-
apy is also associated with opportunistic intestinal in-
cally vulnerable communities in the world will face a
fection including that due to cytomegalovirus and
major pressure on their already compromised health-
Clostridium difficile. The widespread use of broad-
spectrum antibiotics in cancer patients and in manyother groups of hospitalized and ambulant individualshas demonstrated the clinical relevance of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, much of which is attributable toopportunistic infection with C. difficile although other
Groups at special risk of infectious diarrhoea
The importance of gastric acid as a physical barrier
to intestinal infection has been re-emphasized by thewidespread use of acid inhibitory drugs such as the
H -receptor antagonists and the proton pump in-
hibitors [7,8]. There is evidence that these agents sig-
nificantly increase the risk of acquiring an intestinal
bacterial infection, particularly in the elderly.
Congenital immunodeficiency(common variable immune deficiency)
4. What are the clinical patterns of infection?
Infective diarrhoeal disease can be classified into
three major clinical syndromes: acute watery di-arrhoea, bloody diarrhoea, and persistent diarrhoea.
Acute watery diarrhoea produces rapid loss of fluid
The elderly and cancer patients are atincreased risk
and electrolytes, and can produce profound dehydra-tion with alteration in consciousness and vascular col-
M.J.G. Farthing / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 14 (2000) 65 – 69
Table 2Enteropathogens responsible for infectious diarrhoeaa
BacteriaV. cholerae and other vibrios
HelminthsStrongyloides stercoralis
a ETEC, enterotoxigenic E. coli; EIEC, enteroinvasive E. coli; EHEC, enterohaemorrhagic E. coli.
lapse in infants and young children. In children, watery
5. What is the cause?
diarrhoea is usually due to rotavirus or to entericadenoviruses, whereas enterotoxigenic E. coli and
The microbial enteropathogens responsible for acute
Vibrio cholerae are more common in adults.
watery diarrhoea, dysentery, and persistent diarrhoea
Bloody diarrhoea is usually due to invasive en-
are shown in Table 2. However, the spectrum of organ-
teropathogens such as Shigella spp., Salmonella spp.,
isms varies depending on the clinical setting. The range
and Campylobacter jejuni. These organisms predomi-
of organisms commonly encountered in HIV-related
nantly infect the distal ileum and colon. Enterohaemor-
diarrhoea (Table 3) differs from those organisms com-
rhagic E. coli has emerged as an important dysenteric
monly isolated from travellers (Table 4) [9,10]. Simi-
organism in the industrialized world and, like the other
larly, a number of organisms are predominantly
invasive pathogens, may be complicated by the
responsible for water- and foodborne infections. Some
haemolytic-uraemic syndrome and thrombotic throm-bocytopenic purpura [5]. In addition, these infectionsmay be complicated by reactive arthritis or a complete
Table 3Enteropathogens responsible for HIV-related diarrhoea
Reiter’s syndrome (arthritis, uveitis, and conjunctivitis). Recently it has become evident that infection with
Campylobacter jejuni is an important cause of the
Isospora belliCyclospora cayetanensis
Persistent diarrhoea can be due to continuing infec-
tions with many of the organisms cited above, although
the intracellular protozoa (C. par6um, Cyclosporacayetanensis, Microsporidium spp.) have emerged as
Vibrio parahaemolyticusClostridium difficile
important causes of HIV-related persistent diarrhoea
Mycobacterium a6ium complex
[6]. In children, enteropathogenic and enteroaggregative
E. coli are also important. M.J.G. Farthing / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 14 (2000) 65 – 69
drating and maintaining hydration in individuals with
Prevalence of microbial enteropathogens in travellers’ diarrhoeaa
watery diarrhoea, stool volumes do not decrease andsometimes
doubts in the mind of a child’s carer as to whether the
treatment is actually working. Reducing the osmolality
of standard glucose-electrolyte solutions either by re-
ducing the sodium and glucose content or by using a
polymer such as rice starch has been shown to reduce
Aeromonas and Plesiomonas spp.
stool volume in some circumstances [11]; however, the
diarrhoea will still continue until the infection resolves.
Antidiarrhoeal medications such as loperamide,
diphenoxylate, or codeine phosphate are widely used by
adults with acute diarrhoea, but are contraindicated in
infants and young children because of concerns about
the possible central effects of opiate or opioid antidi-
arrhoeal agents and the fact that administration of
these drugs to a child might detract from the impor-
tance of giving the life-saving intervention, namely oral
Antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents are indicated
a ETEC, enterotoxigenic E. coli; EIEC, enteroinvasive E. coli.
for the treatment of infectious diarrhoea in a number ofsituations [10,12,13]. Tetracycline and a variety of other
agents are effective in reducing the duration and sever-
Microbial pathogens responsible for food- and waterborne disease
ity of cholera and other acute watery diarrhoeas such asthat due to enterotoxigenic E. coli, which is common in
travellers. Antibiotics are also indicated for dysentericshigellosis, typhoid, and other dysenteric pathogens
Giardia intestinalisCryptosporidium par6um
when dictated by the clinical severity of the infection. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of enterohaem-
orrhagic E. coli remains controversial as there is some
Staphylococcus aureusBacillus cereus
evidence that antibiotics may increase the risks of an
individual developing haemolytic-uraemic syndrome.
Some of the enteropathogens that cause persistent
diarrhoea such as Giardia intestinalis, Isospora belli,
Cyclospora cayetanensis, and one of the MicrosporidiumYersinia enterocoliticaVibrio parahaemolyticus
spp. — Encephalitozoon intestinalis, are amenable to
antimicrobial chemotherapy although Cryptosporidiumpar6um continues to be relatively unresponsive to mostagents tested to date. Recent studies with the newer
organisms that cause food poisoning colonize and pro-
liferate within the intestine, whereas others produce
ithromycin), nitazoxanide, and albendazole suggest that
preformed toxins in the food which are then available
the situation may change in the future.
to act immediately on the intestine and produce di-arrhoea and often vomiting (Table 5). 7. Novel therapeutic targets 6. How should we treat diarrhoea?
There is, however, a continuing search for an agent
that will reduce fluid and electrolyte losses during infec-
A major advance during the second half of this
tious diarrhoea, and that acts predominantly on secre-
century was the development of glucose-electrolyte so-
tory pathways without having a profound effect on
lutions for the oral rehydration of infants and young
intestinal motility [14]. The drive towards the develop-
children with acute watery diarrhoea [3,4]. Because of
ment of an intestinal antisecretory agent has required
its simplicity this therapeutic approach has been imple-
basic research into basal and stimulated secretory pro-
mented worldwide under the auspices of the World
cesses in the intestine, and it has become clear that a
Health Organization and is estimated to have saved
variety of neural and neurohumoral mechanisms are
millions of lives. However, despite its efficacy in rehy-
involved in intestinal secretory processes. M.J.G. Farthing / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 14 (2000) 65 – 69
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