Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, Vol.22 No.2 pp.13-18, 2012 Cetirizine Dihydrochloride Tablets Comprising Two Different Lubricants with Highly Loaded Colloidal Silicon Dioxide Prachya KATEWONGSA1,a, Thawatchai PHAECHAMUD1,b,* 1Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University, Abstract
Recently, the fast disintegrating tablet (FDT) has started gaining popularity and acceptance as new
drug delivery system. Cetirizine dihydrochloride (CD) is the selective histamine (H-1)-receptor antagonist that is demonstrated to treat the symptoms associated with seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis which this drug nowadays was prepared in form of FDT. Lubricant typically influences on tablet disintegration time (DT) and wetting time (WT). Therefore, it is important for optimizing the lubricant amount in this dosage form. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the lubricants (magnesium stearate (Mg-st) and sodium stearyl fumarate (SSF)) on the CD tablet containing highly loaded colloidal silicon dioxide. Mg-St was well known as a high hydrophobic lubricant and that sodium stearyl fumarate (SSF) is less hydrophobic than Mg-St. Therefore, the DT and WT of tablets containing Mg-St increased as the amount of Mg-st increased. However, the DT and WT of FDT were influenced not only by lubricant properties, but by hardness. The polarity of the surface tablets was remarkably decreased by increased the amount of Mg-st which related to the WT of FDT. Therefore, the contact angle of tablets increased and SFE decreased. On the other hand, the polarity of the surface tablets was remarkably increased by increased the amount of SSF. Key words: Cetirizine dihydrochloride, Magnesium stearate, Sodium stearyl fumarate, Highly loaded colloidal silicon dioxide Introduction
adhesion of compacts to the surface of the punches
and dies during compression and ejection from the
Cetirizine dihydrochloride (CD) is the selective
die cavity. Lubricants can influence on disintegration
histamine (H-1)-receptor antagonist that is demonstrated
time (DT), hardness and dissolution of prepared
to ease the symptoms associated with seasonal and
tablets.(10, 11) Too much lubricant, however, will
perennial allergic rhinitis.(1, 2) CD is water soluble
cause the powder to form globules and to resist the
drug (pKa 8.3).(3) Fast disintegrating tablet (FDT)
proper cohesion. Magnesium stearate (Mg-st) has
of CD can be better alternative to conventional
been widely used as the lubricant in tablet
tablets for allergic patient. Recent developments in
production. Over the years, there have been many
the fast disintegrating tablet (FDT) provide a convenient
reports that extending this film, through either an
solution for patients who have difficulties in
increase in the amount of Mg-st or a longer mixing
swallowing tablets and other dosage forms.(4, 5, 6)
time, has a negative effect on the hardness, friability,
The FDT dissolves or disintegrates in the saliva
and DT of the tablets. Because the bonds between
within a matter of seconds when placed upon the
Mg-st particles are weaker than those between
tongue and then it is swallowed to the stomach.(7)
unlubricated excipient particles, a more extensive
The dosage form which can be taken without water
coverage of the excipient particles by Mg-st will
is useful in the case of the acute onset of a
lead to a decrease in tablet hardness. This decrease
in hardness may also lead to an increase in tablet
friability.(12-14) Along with a decrease in tablet
Practically, the basic tablet excipients
hardness, most authors report that an increase in
include binders, diluents, disintegrants, glidants
the amount of Mg-st leads to an increase in tablet
and lubricants. Lubricants are added in the final
DT.(15) This is due to the hydrophobic nature of the
steps of mixing formulation components prior
Mg-st molecule and, by extension, of the lubricant
to compression. Lubricants practically prevent
film, which hinders the penetration of water in the
*corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]; E-mail: [email protected]KATEWONGSA, P. and PHAECHAMUD, T.
tablet. Sodium stearyl fumarate (SSF, Alubra®) is the
(SSF, Alubra®) was donated from Onimax Co., Ltd.,
fatty acid esters. Compared to Mg-st, this lubricant
Bangkok, Thailand. Ludiflash® was gifted from
shows less interference with tablet strength and has
BASF, Bangkok, Thailand. Na2HPO4, KH2PO4,
a less negative effect on tablet disintegration and
NaCl, formamide were purchased from Ajax Finechem,
dissolution because of its hydrophilic nature.(16)
Auckland, New Zealand. Ethylene glycol was
Structures of Mg-st and SSF are depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Structure of magnesium stearate (Mg-st)(left) and sodium stearyl fumarate (SSF, Alubra®)(right)
Colloidal silicon dioxide such as Aerosil
200 is hydrophilic glidant incorporated into solid
dosage forms to improve the flow properties of
Preparation of cetirizine dihydrochloride fast
cohesive powders. It decreases the weight variation
and minimizes the tendency of powder components
to separate or segregate from excessive vibrations.(17)
Aerosil 200 can be employed as gelling agent for
shown in Table 1. The 5% CD FDT formulation
hydrophobic dispersed medium(18). The high loaded
was used in this study. Tablet ingredients were
Aerosil 200 in tablet was employed in this study
accurately weighed as mentioned in Table 1. Direct
since the tablet prepared with direct compression
compression method was used to prepare the tablet
technique had the possibility of particle segregation.
because of its ease manufacture and low cost. Drug
and all the excipients except Mg-st and SSF were
Glidant and lubricant can greatly increase
mixed in mortar and pastle by geometric dilution.
hydrophobicity (the resistance of a particle to
Finally, magnesium stearate and SSF were added
absorb water). When a tablet does not allow the
into this blend and mixed properly again for 3 min.
solvents to penetrate, it will have a slow disintegration,
The blend was compressed using hydraulic press
or dissolution rate. Tablets exhibiting this dilemma
(SPECAC 15011, A Cambridge Electronic Industries
will have a high activation delay-time and their
Company, Kent England) to produce tablets
weighing 200 mg each with a diameter of 9.53 mm
with the compression force of 1 ton/cm2.
It is important to optimize the concentration
of lubricants in formulation. It is mainly important
Table 1. Composition of CD FDTs
to maintain the fast disintegration properties of
tablets with a sufficient hardness. Therefore, the
purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of
Ludiflash ®
the type and amount of lubricant on the tablet
Avicel PH 101
characteristics of FDT prepared by direct compression.
Aerosil 200
The lubricants used in this study were magnesium
stearate (Mg-st) and sodium stearyl fumarate (SSF,
weight/tab Evaluation Materials and Experimental Procedures Weight Variation Materials
on 20 randomly collected tablets from a batch. The
CD and Avicel PH 101, magnesium stearate
were donated from Pharmanueva Co., Ltd., Bangkok,
followed for this test(19). Weight variation test was
Thailand. Aerosil 200 was purchased from Wacker-
done by weighing 20 tablets individually.
Chemie GmBH, Germany. Sodium stearyl fumarate
Cetirizine Dihydrochloride Tablets Comprising Two Different Lubricants with Highly
angle measurements, using two liquids (water and
formamide were used as the solvent in this study)
with known polarities. They can be assessed by
tablets were measured using a hardness tester
solving an equation (1) with two unknowns:
(Erweka® TBH 225 Heusenstamm, German) and
the data reported was the mean of ten individual determinations.
where θ is the contact angle, γs is the solid surface
The 10 mL simulated saliva fluid was added
free energy and γl is the liquid surface free energy.(22)
to the petri dish with the diameter of 10 cm. A
The result of wettability and surface free energy
tablet was carefully placed in petri dish. The time
studies were to understand the formation of the
required for the simulated saliva fluid to appear on
surface tablets which related to the disintegration
the upper surface of tablet was noted as wetting
and wetting time of FDT containing various
Results and Discussion
Ludiflash® (containing mannitol, polyvinyl
The time required for disintegration of six
alcohol and crospovidone) is a new direct
tablets, placed in each tube of disintegration apparatus,
compressible excipient designed for FDT. It was
was measured at 37±2°C using 900 ml simulated
utilized in the formulation as diluents with
saliva fluid. The time for the tablet to completely
disintegrating property.(23) Avicel PH 101 was also
disintegrate into fine particles was noted.
included in the formulation as diluent. Colloidal
silicon dioxide (Aerosil 200) acted as a glidant. It
Contact Angle and Surface Free Energy (SFE)
is known that Mg-St is hydrophobic and SSF is
Knowledge of the wettability and surface
tablets exhibited low weight variation that varies
free energy of pharmaceutical solids is very important
between 0.1948 g to 0.2004 g from different
in the design of pharmaceutical formulation. Since
batches (Table 2). Thickness and diameter also
lubricants form a hydrophobic membrane on the
showed low variation. The hardness of tablets
surface of the powder particle, the wettability and
containing Mg-st (A2-A5) seems to decrease as the
surface free energy of tablets are assessed by
amount of lubricant increased (Table 2) because
contact angle measurement. The method of
the lubricant created a waxy covering and
assessing the surface free energy indirectly from
prohibited inter-particulate forces from bonding.
wettability measurement is widely used. The
The incorporation of 0.25-5% Mg-st decreased in
wettability and SFE of tablets were determined by
the hardness of the tablets. This can be attributed to
contact angle measurement which was carried out
negation of the enhanced volume reduction and
by the liquid drop on the tablet surface using the
ability to consolidation by greater particle surface
drop shape analysis method on the goniometer
coating and subsequence interference in the
(FTA 1000, First Ten Angstroms, USA) with the
bonding. Hardness of the tablets increased when
pump out rate of 2.5757 ul/s. A stainless tube
concentration of Mg-st increased (A6, A7
packed with the mixture was lowered into liquid
compared with A2-A5). The increased hardness
and the recording of the contact angle was started
with increased levels of Mg-st can partially be
when the liquid contacted with the tablet at 1
explained on the basis of improved volume
second (n=6). Distilled water, formamide, ethylene
reduction and consolidation behavior. It may also
glycol were used as test solvents which had the
be assisted by formation of new surface and denser
different polarities. The SFE of tablets was
compacts by bringing the particle surface areas into
calculated by Wu harmonic method(21). In the
closer proximity and an increased ability to
method of Wu, the surface free energy is taken as
transmit the compression force resulting in more
the sum of the dispersive (γd) and the polar (γp)
cohesive compacts. On the other hand, the
components. The surface free energies of solid
hardness of tablets containing SSF did not depend
materials can be determined by means of contact
KATEWONGSA, P. and PHAECHAMUD, T. ble 2. Physical properties of CD FDT
higher the concentration of Mg-st, the poorer the
Formula weight (mg) thickness (mm)diameter (m m) hardness (N) DT (second) WT (second)
9.59±0.01 135.33±6.31 288.32±11.36 180.33±15.98
wettability of the surface, as expected. It can be
increased as the amount of Mg-st increased. A
supported by the poor wetting of magnesium
possible explanation for this behavior was the
stearate (contact angle with water). The contact
formation of the hydrophobic membrane of Mg-st
angle of tablets containing Mg-St increased as the
on the surface of the powder particles. Moreover,
amount of Mg-st increased (Table 3)(22) whereas the
the DT and WT of tablets containing SSF seems to
contact angle of tablets containing SSF decreased as
decrease as the amount of SSF increased owing to
the amount of SSF increased (Figures 2 a and b).
hydrophilic property of SSF. In addition, this is due
In addition, the SFE of tablets containing Mg-St
to overriding influence of the strength of the
decreased as the amount of Mg-st increased;
interparticle bonds on the disintegration time of the
nevertheless, the SFE of tablets containing SSF
tablets as well as on their hardness. We previously
increased as the amount of SSF increased(22,25).
hypothesized that the DT and WT of the tablets
These result described that the polarity of the surface
containing Mg-st and SSF depended on only the
tablets was remarkably decreased by increasing the
properties of two lubricants. However, the DT and
amount of Mg-st which related to the WT of FDT.
WT of tablets were influenced not only by lubricants
Therefore, the contact angle of tablets increased
properties, but by hardness. In the same amount of
and SFE decreased. On the other hand, the polarity
two lubricants (A2 and A8), the hardness of A2
of the surface tablets was remarkably increased by
was 148.83 N and that of A8 was 144.33 N. DT of A2
and A8 was 196s and 252.83s respectively. Moreover,
the mechanical stress is applied, hardness or tensile
strength of tablets is influenced by different factors
such as, the elastic and plastic characteristics of the
material. Furthermore, Mg-st and Aerosil® is
enhance the hardness of tablets containing plastic
deformation of the materials (Avicel®)(24)
than that of A1 (without lubricant) because formulation
of A1 comprised of water soluble diluent, glidant, disintegrant and water soluble drug, the DT of A1
tend to dissolve rather than disintegrate. When the
tablet dissolved, it formed the layer film that
Typically, the wettability of surface tablets
could be described from the contact angle and SFE
Figure 2. Effect of type and amount of lubricants on
values. The hydrophilicity of the surface tablets
characteristics (a) contact angle (θwater) and
was changed with increasing amount of Mg-st. The
Cetirizine Dihydrochloride Tablets Comprising Two Different Lubricants with Highly
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RUSH LIMBAUGH WORKING TRANSCRIPT 05/03/04 THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW 05/03/04 RUSH: All right. Everybody have a good weekend? Ready to go? I’ll tell you what – I’m not longer tired, ladies and gentlemen. I know on Friday I was dragging. I was complaining. Well, I wasn’t complaining. I was just advising you. It was an exhausting week last week. Had to do a lot of things, but it’s all