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AMA Documentation Style Quick Reference
This handout is designed to provide a quick reference to using the American Medical Association style for citing information sources. For a more detailed explanation of the American Medical Association style, see Chapter 2 of American Medical Association Manual of Style 9th Edition. A copy is also located in the UWC. Citing Print Sources
Books One author Author last name Author first initials. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; year. Bates WH. The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses. New York: Henry Holt & Co; 1943. More than one author Author(s) separated by commas. Title of
-list all authors if six or less, otherwise list
Book. Place of publication: Publisher; year. Goldberg L, Elliot DL. Exercise for Prevention and Treatment of Illness. Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis Co; 1994. Edited book Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; year. Armitage JO, Antman KH, eds. High Dose Cancer Therapy: Pharmacology; Hermatopoietins, Stems Cells. Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins; 1995. Chapter or article from a book Author(s) of article. Title of article. In: Editor’s name, ed. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year: Chapter or page number. Gamble VN. On becoming a physician: A dream not deferred. In: White EC, ed. The Black Women’s Health Book: Speaking for Ourselves. Seattle, Wash: Seal Press; 1990: 52-64.
Articles in Journals AMA style requires the use of standard abbreviations for all references, when applicable. Abbreviations for many common medical journals can be found in the AMA Manual of Style 9th Edition (pp. 297-318).
University Writing Center 407-823-2197 Resources/Documentation/Citing Sources using AMA Manual of Style
One Author Author. Article title. Name of Journal. Month Year;Volume:Inclusive page numbers.
Angelo J. A survey of persons who use integrated control devices. Assist Technol. 1998;10:77-83.
More than one author Author (s) of article. Article title. Name
-list all authors if six or less, otherwise list
of Journal. Year;Volume:Inclusive page numbers. Wormser GP, Ramanathan R, Nowakowski J, et al. Duration of antibiotic therapy for early Lyme disease. Ann Intern Med. 2003;138:697-705.
Citing Electronic Sources The AMA Manual of Style gives a few guidelines for citing electronic information. According to the AMA Manual of Style, “When citing an electronic document that also exists in print form, you should cite the version you consulted” (pp. 44). Information from online Name of database [database online]. Place of journals without volume and publication: Database Producer; Year of page information publication. Updated. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, Md; National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996. Articles from online journals Author. Title of article. Name of Journal [serial without volume and page online]. Date of article; document number. information
Harrison CL, Schmidt PQ, Jones JD. Aspirin compared with acetaminophen for relief of headache. Online J Curr Clin Trials [serial online]. January 2, 1992;doc 1.
Articles from online journals Author. Title of article. Name of Journal [serial with volume and page online]. Date of article; volume (number) page(s). information Available from: Online provider, Place of publication. Date accessed. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: a review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988:71 (1):22-37. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, Va. Accessed December 15, 1990. Web pages Author or responsible body. Title of Web page. Available at: URL. Date accessed. World Health Organization. Cumulative Number of Reported Probable Cases of SARS. Available at:
University Writing Center 407-823-2197 Resources/Documentation/Citing Sources using AMA Manual of Style Accessed June 3, 2003.
Full text journal database Author(s). Article title. Name of Journal [serial available via the Web online]. Year:volume;page numbers. Available from database [database online] at: database URL. Date accessed. Hadaway LC. Vesicant extravasation. Nursing [serial online]. 2001:31;88. Available from HealthSource [database online] at: Accessed May 31, 2003. Name of person who sent message, [e-mail
-personal communications should address of sender], date message was sent. be listed parenthetically in text
(J. M. Kramer, K. Kramer [[email protected]], e mail, March 6, 1996).
Citing Sources within Text
According to the AMA Manual of Style, “Each reference should be cited in the text, tables, or figures in consecutive numerical order by means of superscript Arabic numberals” (30). Use commas to separate multiple citation numbers in text. Corresponding references should be listed in numeric order at the end of the document. Unpublished work and personal communications should be cited parenthetically. See pages 30-31 of the AMA Manual of Style. . . . Of the respondents, 95% felt that discharge arrangements were adequately explained to them.4
4. Clreary M, Horfall J, Hunt GE. Consumer feedback on nursing care. J Adv Nurs. 2003; 42:269-277. Reference List Iverson C et al. American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors 9th Edition. Baltimore: Williams-Waverly; 1998.
University Writing Center 407-823-2197 Resources/Documentation/Citing Sources using AMA Manual of Style
Curriculum Vitae Professional Background: • 1992 - 1995 : BEng (Hons) Electroacoustics. Department of Applied Acoustics, University of Salford. • 1995 – 1996 : Sound Engineer . • 1996 : Acoustic Consultant. Designed and built Semi-Anechoic Chamber and acoustic test facility for Kurt Mueller Ltd. • 1996 – 2001: Sound Recordist • 2001 – Present: Freelance Sou