International Light Association, Belgium
hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) (8). While
the production of the pituitary hormones is
Ultraviolet light from sunlight unfolds a
increased, the production of melatonin in the
pineal gland is suppressed and vice versa.
The pituitary gland functions are mainly
which are controlled and reacted upon by
associated with day and summer tasks, the
pineal gland rules over night and winter.
antagonistic organs in the brain, namely the
pituitary and pineal gland, under the control
stress reactions in the skin tissue under the
action spectrum for dermal light stress is well
systems have been attuned by the course of
known since the groundbreaking research of
evolution under the frequent influence of
Niels Ryberg Finsen, the father of modern
phototherapy and winner of the Nobel prize
react upon bright light with the spectral
for medicine in 1903 (3). It is associated with
composition of sunlight. Understanding this
the photochemical potential of ultraviolet
heliotropic logic behind the coordination
photoendocrine regulation in the brain is
destructive photo-oxidations which concern
essential for creating a reliable concept of
biomolecules with chromophoric groups, while only one reaction is a photosynthesis,
Keywords: Photoendocrinology, pituitary and
pineal gland antagonism, photochemical light
action spectrum of the optical radiation which seems to be most effective in inducing
Bright light is, amongst other environmental
the endocrine reaction in the HPA which is
stimuli, a major releasing factor for stress
located in the short wave segment of the
reactions (5, 6, 12). Darkness for humans is
visible spectrum with a sensitivity peak of
a stimulus for regeneration reactions and
around 460 nm. But not only the wavelength
or color temperature of the visible radiation,
but also the light intensity seems to be
show clear variations depending on light,
important for photoendocrine efficiency.
acting as an antagonistic system controlled by pituitary and pineal gland. Without light
entering the eye an involution of the pituitary
different wavelengths in the visible range of
gland can be observed after a while (7).
the spectrum show different reactions in
humans, under the evolutionary viewpoint
lighting conditions leads to systemic stress
reactions (12) with increased production of
photodermatic reaction showing a spectral
opponency in a number of simple organisms
(AdrenoCorticoTrophic Hormone) and other
always follow the same logic. Regarding the
reactions after photic stimulation, blue and
violet light is associated with bright light and
red light is associated with darkness (3).
stream and induces water retention in the kidneys. For the control of the inflammatory
skin reactions, the cortisol is liberated
environmental factors, seasons and local
climate conditions. The spectral components
essential that the liberation of the stress
in the UV range underlie the most significant
hormones is not only provided by the HPA,
but there are also accessory stress hormone
releasing systems located in the hair follicles
photochemical potential and activity in the
in the skin as well, which have been recently
body. This particular range of radiation can
only enter the skin but not the eye. The ocular lens provides filtering properties which
make sure that the delicate retinal structures
stimulation of pituitary secretion activity
are protected from this aggressive part of the
circumstance that there is a hormonal drain
or loss caused by the UV radiation which
substances are photosensitive (2) because
reason for this informational demand lies in
the significance of the UV reactions in the
absorption of photon energy in the UV range.
skin: 20 minutes under sunlight can lead to a
The photon energy destroys or deactivates
production of 25 000 international units of
Vitamin D, but also, depending on individual
controlled by feedback loops, the destruction
of certain amounts of these hormones in the
substances are liberated in the capillary
skin leads to an increased production in the
layers of the skin which lead to a dermal
have been essential for survival under the
different climatic and lighting conditions on
vascularised and outer layers of the skin.
earth. Under the pressure of evolution it has
Under extreme conditions, the skin can take
finally turned out that survival has been
somehow foresee the content of UV in the
individual has about 5 liters of blood, this
equates to an amount of more than 3 liters.
This seems to be a very high amount, but
hormonal balance. In natural sunlight a high
can be better understood if one knows, that
the skin is one of the largest organs “in” the
high levels of brightness and, what’s even
body with a mass of about 12 kg (without
more significant, a high content of blue
subcutaneous fat layers). Massive dermal
radiation. While UV is invisible, blue can be
pooling can lead to a lethal condition of
detected by the eye and thus can be used as
circulatory shock reaction if not sufficiently
counteracted, even the loss of 1 liter of blood
can be rather harmful. This dermal pooling
This system seems to be ingenious, but it
effect has been used therapeutically since
only works under natural sunlight conditions.
As soon as there is artificial fluorescent light
involved, the system begins to malfunction:
of counteracting excessive dermal pooling
the bright artificial light with high color
stress reactions against high environmental
pressure and increase the heart activity. In
addition, a hormone of the posterior lobe of
induces a hormonal imbalance which can be
detrimental for health, especially under long
Hormone) is directly released into the blood
lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism. Another 30% develop deadly forms of
dependent/sensitive and also the result of a
circadian effectiveness and melatonin can
be noticed. It mostly appears as if this
circadian or chronobiological effectiveness is
steroids and hormones of the thyroid gland
used as a quality label for healthy lighting.
are the major influences in this field and they
The equation circadian effective = healthy
are all hormones under pituitary control (4).
has to be thoroughly examined. This kind of
artificial light can be used for therapeutical
certainly the result of multiple factors, so it
purposes in treating SAD and other circadian
will be difficult to prove the role of artificial
disorders. It can also be used in helping shift
lighting for this outcome, but the findings in
workers to cope with their unhealthy working
conditions. But these examples give no proof
promoting effect of circadian effective light
that this light is healthy, it only shows a
certain therapeutic potential. For the largest part of a population it might be healthier to
use chronobiologically and endocrinologically neutral light sources in order not to interfere
with their individual endocrine regulation
processing of light signals. The optical part is
responsible for vision processes while the energetic pathway controls the HPA via the
simplified reflections on the functions of the
purposes it is better if the surrounding light
circadian system it might be practical to look
does not contain high amounts of blue and
only at the suppression of the hormone of
violet wavelengths. The higher refraction for
darkness (melatonin) in terms of a marker
short wavelengths which occurs in optical
substance for endocrine reagibility, but this
media appears also in the eye. This causes
a chromatic aberration effect with negative
consequences for sharp vision. The different
endocrinology. From the medical viewpoint,
wavelengths focus on different planes in and
it seems to be more important to look at the
around the focus plane of the retina. Due to
increased secretion of pituitary hormones.
photooxidative effects (9, 11), the blue and
The Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) is a very
interesting candidate for further investigation,
reactions in the optical media of the eye and
because it is a multi – purpose peptide which
in the fovea centralis. We find a number of
shows the link between light influence and
mechanisms in the eye which provide better
systemic stress, even on the molecular and
vision on one hand and less photooxidative
genetic level. It is the precursor molecule for
stress and damage on the other, in order to
reduce the negative effects of blue light on
catecholamines and cortisol), α-MSH and β-
vision. First the number of blue receptors is
up to 20 times less compared to the number
of red cones in the fovea centralis (10).
Endorphin. In the central nervous system β-
Secondly there is a concentration of lutein, a
Endorphin reduces pain, in the periphery it
yellow pigment which filters out excrecent
acts as an immune modulator. Α-MSH is the
portions of blue and shows also antioxidative
stimulates pigmentation (sic!), but it also
protection substance is reduced in the eyes
increases the heart rate, the concentration of
of elderly people. Ophthalmologists have
lipoproteins in the blood and stimulates the
discovered that there is some evidence that
activity of the thyroid gland. All these
functionally compensated by the increased
development of civilization’s diseases. In
blur in the lens, which is also promoted by
industrialized societies about 50% of the
blue and ultraviolet light. As a consequence
population die from cardio-vascular diseases
they replace the lens in cataract surgery by a
portions in order to protect the macula from
further degeneration. This shows that even
chemischen Strahlen des Lichts für Medicin
depending on age and the amount of light
which has to be processed during a person’s
4 HARBUZ MS et al. Hypothalamo-pituitary-
lifetime. The question is, is it only the
adrenal axis and chronic immune activation.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 992, 99-106, 2003.
increasing incidence of age related macular degeneration, which is found in 30% of the
Light Perception on Metabolism in Man and
industrialized nations? These people stay
90% of their time inside buildings while under the influence of artificial light, which
has to be taken into account as well. We
indeed find that there is a large number of
Wschr. 14, 1713, 1935b.
potent light, such as mercury vapor lamps
Lichtmangel. Klin. Wschr. 24/25, 18-21,
8 MILLER DB et al. Neuroendocrine aspects of the response to stress. Metabolism 51, 5- 5. CONCLUSION
Epidemiologic data show that the incidence
9 OMATA, Y et al. Intra- and extracellular
for civilization related health problems like
reactive oxygen species generated by blue
cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, immune
light. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A, 77A, 3,
deficiency, osteoporosis and age related
macular degeneration is rising. All these disorders
endocrinologically related to the influence of
phototransduction by the human circadian
light (12). Artificial light has become the
system. Brain Res Rev 50, 213-228, 2005.
societies. The tendency in artificial lighting is
environment as one mediator of blue light –
the ubiquitous use of mercury vapor light
induced mitochondrial suppression. Dent.
sources with high color temperature. This
Mat. 22, 8, 759-764, 2005.
12 SILBERNAGL, S et al. Taschenatlas der
active radiation in the spectrum, which is
medical viewpoint the question arises as to
whether the use of mercury vapor light has a
145(2), 941-950, 2004.
diseases of civilization. In terms of prevention
improvement of vision in healthy individuals,
it may be better to use artificial light sources
with a low content of blue and low color
temperature and go for alternatives to the
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Ultraviolettabsorption der Steroide. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1940.
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