. Mumbai In Loksabha . Summary of Questions Asked
Various issues pertaining to labour laws, ESIS hospitals, Provident fund havebeen raised. Provident Fund Adalat :
Issues regarding delay in reforms of Employees Provident Fund, interest onProvident Fund, Provident Fund Adalats in Mumbai highlighted. Insurance Medical Practitioners Association :
Issues raised regarding raising medical professionals’ fees, facilities for thepatients of ESIS was successfully taken up. Better medical facilities, Hepatitis-B vaccinations, availability of medicines in ESIS hospitals of Mumbai brought to the notice of the Government of India. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 4086 ESIC PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether the Government have received any representation from ‘Employees State InsuranceCorporation Pensioners‘ Association regarding medical allowance to pensioners in Mumbai;and
if so, the details thereof and the action taken thereon?
(a) & (b): The Employees State Insurance Corporation(ESIC) has received representation from ESIC
Pensioner‘s Association, Mumbai, regarding payment of medical allowance in Mumbai.
The Pensioner‘s Association, Mumbai has requested for payment of fixed medical allowance ofRs.100/- per month in lieu of OPD treatment. The ESI Corporation has adopted the scheme ofGovernment of India for drawal of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- per month in lieu ofOPD treatment in areas not covered by CGHS Dispensaries, in respect of ESIC Pensioners. Necessary instructions with regard to payment of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- per monthhave been issued. These instructions are applicable to those ESI Corporation pensioners who areresiding in an area where no ESI Dispensaries/ESI Hospitals are available. Since, ESI Dispensaries/Hospitals are set up and functioning from Mumbai, the scheme of payment of fixed medicalallowance of Rs.100/- per month in lieu of OPD treatment is not applicable to the ESIC pensionersresiding in Mumbai. Further, indoor facilities are also available to ESI Corporation Pensionersthrough ESI Hospitals. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 4810 ESIS BOARD
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether any proposal is under consideration of the ESIS Board Hepatitis ‘B‘ vaccination drivein their medical treatment;
whether universal vaccination programme is available to the member, labour under ESIS scheme;
the details of present system of ESIS regarding universal vaccination; and
whether ESIS hospitals have amenities, facilities and system to admit and treat patients sufferingfrom hepatitis ‘B‘ and AIDS disease?
(a) to (d) : Under the ESI Scheme Hepatitis B Vaccination is being provided to the ESI beneficiaries
including their children as and when required and recommended by the physicians. Based on therecommendation of the physicians, it is also being provided to the persons who are at higher riskof getting Hepatitis B. However, Hepatitis B immunization is not included in the list ofvaccinations prescribed for infants/children under National Immunization Programme. Underthe ESI Scheme, universal vaccination schedule includes BCG, DPT, OPV, MMR, DT, Measles,and TT. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 4363 GROWTH RATE OF EMPLOYMENT
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether the growth rate of employment during 1997-2002 was estimated at 2.82% per annum onthe basis of assessment of labour forces for the year 2002;
if so, whether the employment opportunities have been created as envisaged in the Ninth Planperiod;
the steps being taken by the Government to achieve the target by the year 2002?
(a) to (d) As per the projections in the Ninth Plan document by the Planning Commission the labour
force growth is expected to be at its peak in the Ninth Plan period. It is estimated that fullemployment by 2007 is contingent upon acceleration in growth of employment in post 9th Planperiod to 2.8 per cent compared to a realised growth of 2.36 per cent (1978 to 1994) and projectedat 2.44 per cent in the 9th Plan. This objective is proposed to be achieved through the policiesformulated and to be formulated during 9th and 10th Five Year plans. Approach to the NinthPlan envisages priority to agriculture and rural development with a view to generating adequateproductive employment and eradication of poverty. Greater productive employment will begenerated in the growth process itself by concentrating on sectors, sub-sectors and technologieswhich are labour intensive, in regions characterised by higher rates of unemployment andunderemployment. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 5084 HEPATITIS - B VACCINATION BY ESI HOSPITALS
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether Hepatitis ‘B‘ vaccinations are provided/supplied in Hospitals and Dispensaries;
whether ESI Corporation has finalized some rate contract of Hepatities ‘B‘ supply;
if so, the details thereof during the last three years;
whether ESI Corporation propose to make awareness among labour class patients regardingHepatitis ‘B‘ disease; and
Yes, Sir. The Hepatitis ‘B‘ Vaccinations are being provided in ESI hospitals.
(b) to (e): During the period 1998-99 and 1999-2000, the Hepatitis ‘B‘ vaccine was approved for
purchase at a cost of Rs.2843.40 and Rs.1150 respectively per 10 ml. vial ( 20 child doses ). ATpresent, the Hepatitis ‘B‘ vaccine has been approved in the current ESI Rate Contract valid till31.3.2002 for procurement at the rate of Rs.500 per 10 ml. vial ( 20 child doses ). The ESICorporation is conducting health awareness programmes including health talks and health camps,where the patient are made aware of the dangers of the Hepatitis ‘B‘ disease ad the measures forprevention. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 2777 INVESTMENT OF PF AND PENSION FUNDS
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether any proposal is under consideration of the Government to invest PF and pension fundsin capital market;
if so, the Government have taken into consideration the view point of the Labour Union andvarious political parties in this regard;
whether various labour unions have opposed the said move; and
if so, the reaction of the Government thereto?
The Central Board of Trustees, EPF has decided not to make investment of PF and PensionFunds in the Capital Market. LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 563 CAPITATION FEES
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether the Labour Ministry has received any representation from Federation of Insurance MedicalPractitioners‘ Associations, Maharashtra to increase their capitation fees;
whether the State Government of Maharashtra has also recommended to the Union Governmentto increase the capitation fees of ESIS doctors; and
The representation about Insurance Medical Practitioners relates to enhancement in capitationfee from Rs. 60/- to Rs.120/- per insured person Family Unit per annum. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 2204 LABOUR STANDARDS
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether the Government to meet the WTO norms set for labour standards in India;
whether the Government are under pressure from the MNCs in this regard; and
if so, the steps taken to protect the interests of Indian labourers?
(a) to (d) There are no WTO norms set for labour standards. However, the linkage between trade and
labour standards was proposed by some developed countries in the First Ministerial Conferenceof the WTO held in Singapore in 1996 as well as in the Third Ministerial Conference in Seattlein 1999. The developing countries, including India, had been successful in opposing the inclusionof linkage between trade and labour standards in WTO in both the Conferences. However, someof the foreign importers including some MNCs in some developed countries, aparently due tothe pressure from the consumers, have started demanding proof from their exporters that thegoods to be exported to them have been produced by adhering to labour standards. While resistingthe linkage between trade & labour standards India is fully committed to the implementation oflabour laws for the welfare of workers. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 1547 PROVIDENT FUND ADALAT
Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased to state:-
whether the Government propose to start PF Adalat, Open House at Provident Fund Offices inthe States particularly in Maharashtra;
whether the Government have received complaints regarding delay in payment of ProvidentFund particularly by Mumbai Provident Fund Office;
the steps taken by the Government to improve the efficiency of Provident Fund Offices?
(a) &(b): All regional Employees Provident Fund Offices including offices in Maharashtra are required
to hold Lok Adalats on 10th of every month for resolving grievances and disputes of complexnature.
During the current financial year there were 2649 complaints out of which 2527 have since beenresolved.
In order to provide prompt service to the subscribers, a massive computerization programmehas been launched in the EPF Organisation. A Central Action Plan has also been formulated forregular monitoring of settlement of PF claims. The grievance redressal machinery in the EPFOrganisation has been strengthened and activated so as to ensure early settlement of PF claims. A statutory time limit of 30 days has been fixed for settlement of EPF claims complete in allrespects. Facilitation centers have also been set-up in EPF offices to provide, inter-alia, tosubscribers information in respect of their pending claims/complaints. . Mumbai In Loksabha . HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Summary of Questions Asked
Issues regarding donation, additional facilities for Engineering and MedicalColleges in Mumbai, Vocational, IIT education were raised. Professional Courses :
Issues regarding getting recognition for Medical, Engineering, Part-time B.Ed. courses were raised. IIT Mumbai :
Various issues regarding activities of IIT, more support and finance for IIT,Powai were brought to the notice of the Ministry. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 4706 IIT EDUCATION
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether the Government have finalised the details about introducing and updating variousengineering, IIT colleges for IT courses;
whether IIT, Mumbai has requested to support IT course, syllabus in their campus; and
if so, the action in this regard and to encourage to introduce IT courses in educational institutionsto introduce?
Government is encouraging introduction of new IT programmes and increasing intake in existingIT programmes in Engineering Colleges. During the current year itself, seats in degree level ITprogrammes has increased by 30,001, in diploma programmes by 11,169 and MCA by 5217.
State-wise increase in intake/introduction of new courses in IT programmes is given in theStatement given in Annexure.
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether the AICTE is considering the request to increase the intake capacity of variousengineering colleges of Mumbai;
whether the Member of Parliament and Government of Maharashtra have already recommendedthe proposal for new courses and increase in intake capacity for the year 2002- 2003;
the view point of the Government and plan of action in this regard?
(a) to (e) : As per the information furnished by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),
for the year 2002- 2003, they have accorded approval for increase in intake of 450 seats in 12Engineering Colleges located at Mumbai and a total of 2836 seats in 58 Technical Institutes inthe State of Maharashtra. Proposals received by AICTE are processed through its RegionalCommittees where the Director of Technical Education of the concerned State Government isalso a member. AICTE accords approval based on fulfilment of availability of infrastructuralfacilities as per its Norms and Standards. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 3508 LEGISLATION FOR REGULATING ENGINEERING PROFESSION
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether the Government propose to introduce a new legislation to regulating engineeringprofession;
the time by which the legislation in this regard is likely to be introduced?
(a) to (c): The areas covered in engineering education are very vast and it requires wide consultations
with various agencies and segments of the society to arrive at a consensus before taking anyfinal decision for regulating engineering profession. LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 3412 DECLINING TREND OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether the interest of students in science is declining day by day;
if so, the factual position in this regard;
the steps taken by the Government in this direction?
(a) to (d) : There is no reported decline in the interest of students in science courses at Senior Secondary
stage. However, to encourage students to continue their education in basic sciences at highereducation level, a scheme called Kishore Vaigyanik Prothsahan Yojana (KVPY) has been launchedduring 1999-2000 by Department of Science and Technology which targets the young sciencestudents at the school and college level. It aims to encourage the students of basic sciences,engineering and medicine to take up research career in these areas. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 2380 MIGRATION OF PROFESSIONAL
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether it has been reported in the recently published UN Human Development Report thatIndia is loosing two billion dollars every year due to migration of professionals from IndianUniversities;
the action the Government propose to take to stop this loss to Indian exchequer?
(a) to (c): As per Human Development Report 2001 of the UNDP, it has been estimated that migration
of professionals costs India $2 billion financial loss per annum. These are very simplistic estimatesand do not take into consideration a number of related factors like remittances from abroad,return of professionals with better know how, greater role of Indian professionals in growingglobal knowledge economy. In India, a substantial portion of growth in export of software servicesis attributed to this mobility of Indian software professionals. LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 3563 NATIONAL EDUCATION FUND
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether the Government propose to set up a National Educational Fund to generate additionalresources for the implementation of education schemes;
whether there is any proposal to levy education cess on MNCs and big corporate houses;
the time by which the said proposals are likely to be implemented?
Government propose to set up ‘Bharat Shiksha Kosh‘ to receive donations/ contributions/endowments from individuals and corporates including Non-Resident Indians, Persons ofIndian Origin with a view to mobilising extra-budgetary resources for educationaldevelopment in the country. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 2464 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SECONDARY EDUCATION
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration organized a nationalConference on Secondary education recently;
if so, the details of the discussions held and the suggestions given by the participants;
whether the Government have set a new target for universal secondary education by 2015 insteadof 2020;
if so, the details thereof and the steps taken to achieve the target;
whether the State Governments have also been consulted in this regard; and
(a) & (b): Yes Sir. The Conference deliberated on a number of issues including perspective of
development of secondary education till 2020, capacity building of educational administratorsin secondary education, management of quality in secondary education, financing of secondaryeducation and administrative reforms for improving systems efficiency and school basedmanagement and made several suggestions across these areas.
(c) to (f): The Government is presently assessing the likely impact of consequent to the Universalisation
of Elementary Education on the secondary education sector in terms of additional enrolment,physical facilities etc. Plans for Universalisation of Secondary Education will depend on theoutcome of the assessment. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 925 NORAD SCHEME
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether the women are imparted training in new skills under the Training-cum-Employment-cum-Production Centres with the assistance of Norwegian Agency for InternationalDevelopment (NORAD);
if so, the number of women benefited therefrom in various States, particularly in Maharashtraduring each of the last three years, State-wise; and
the further steps being taken by the Government to implement this scheme more effectivelyand to bring more women under this scheme, particularly in Maharashtra?
(b) The State-wise number of women beneficiaries in the last 3 years under the scheme of NORAD
(c) The following steps are being taken to improve the implementation of the scheme:
i) State Governments/Women Development Corporations/Voluntary Organisations are motivated to
ii) A syllabus for the training and minimum qualification of training have been prescribed.
iii) Implementation of the schemes are being monitored by the State and Central Government and
evaluated by independent organizations.
. Mumbai In Loksabha . . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 3575 PART TIME B.ED. COURSE
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether NCTE has discontinued the part-time B.Ed. course since 1999-2000;
whether open universities are allowed to conduct part- time B.Ed. course;
whether NCTE did not differentiate between part-time course and vocational course;
whether the NCTE propose to reconsider its decision; and
(a) & (b) The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has not recognised any B.Ed (Part-
time) course nor has it laid down norms and standards for such a course.
(c) & (d) NCTE has prescribed norms and standards for “B.Ed. programme through Distance Education
Mode” for secondary teachers. The course is of a duration of two years and is meant for teachersalready in service with at least 2 year’s experience.
(e) to (g) NCTE has not prescribed any norms either for B.Ed. (Part-time) or B.Ed (Vacation) course.
Hence, the question of any differential treatment does not arise. However, the question ofintroduction of B.Ed (Part- time)/B.Ed (Vacation) course was considered by a Review Committeecomprising experts, set up by NCTE which did not favour introduction of such courses in viewof academic/professional considerations. The above recommendation has been endorsed by theCouncil. . Mumbai In Loksabha . LOK SABHA QUESTION NO 989 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
whether any working group was constituted to assess the current implementation position ofvocational education and suggest suitable modifications;
if so, whether the Union Government have circulated the recommendations of the workinggroup to the State Governments/Union territory Administration for their comments;
if so, whether comments from States/Union territories have been received by the government;
if so, the broad view of the state governments in the matter;
whether the Union Government have issued fresh guidelines with regard to vocational educationkeeping in view the recommendations of the working group; and
(a)to (f):- A Working Group was constituted under the Chairmanship of Direc-tor, National Council of
Educational Research & Training on 23-3-1998 to as-sess the current implementation positionof the vocational education and to sug- gest suitable modification. The recommendations of theWorking group were circulated to all the state governments/U.Ts. Majority of the States/U.Ts. who have furnished their comments broadly agree with the recommendations. On the basis ofthe comments received and other reports/studies, a Strategy Paper was prepared. A committeehas been constituted to bring out the revised scheme.
Claire Henchcliffe, MD, DPhil Director of the Parkinson’s Institute at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center Joseph Friedman, MD Alpert Medical School of Brown University Director, Educational Strategy and ContentLyons KE, et al. Int J Neurosci. 2011;121:27-36. Earlier vs. Later Initiation of Treatment: Rationale for Early Rationale
The purpose of this organization, operating under the auspices of the Houston Symphony society, is to promote quality music education and enrichment programs for area students and to promote music appreciation in the Bay Area through an affiliation with the Houston Symphony and other resources. APOLLO CHAMBER PLAYERS BAHSL’s September meeting program will feature the Apollo Chambe