Palestine is the ancient name of a middle eastern country situated on the eastern coast of the mediterranean sea
Prevention of Blindness I K Jalili 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Prevention Programmes and VISION 2020 8.3 Prevention of Childhood Blindness 8.4 Conclusions
1 Introduction
onchocerciasis with Ivermectin and vitamin A
deficiency with various measures such as vitamin A
Prevention Tools
supplements. (2), (6), (7), (18), (31), (32), (33), (34), (35)
Prevention should go side by side with sustained
Addressing blindness involves multiple approaches
efforts to upgrade health facilities such as the transfer
encompassing on the one hand prevention and
of technology, training of health care personnel,
intervention measures, and on the other hand
setting up specialised and supporting services such as
eye banks, genetic counselling services and genetic
governmental levels with individual participation and
laboratories, and must not overlook the need to ensure
collaboration. Prevention, with mass education being
continuous medical education. A more optimistic
the core element, should be targeted in line with local
target would be the avoidance of wars with all that
needs. The issues range from measures such as mass
they bring with them; drainage of resources, poverty,
vaccination (e.g. rubella, smallpox etc.), to screening
malnutrition and disease, not to forget the human
programmes. The latter would include locally tailored
resources as a result of the exodus of technocrats and
projects such as screening children for trachoma and
experts that is commonly associated with wars and a
further hindrance to already meagre and scarce
deficiency, retinopathy of prematurity, diabetic
socioeconomic progress. (27), (28), (36), (37), (38)
retinopathy and age related conditions including
Concomitant economic development is also
cataract and glaucoma. (1) When indicated, a referral
necessary to reduce, and eventually eradicate, much
to specialised centres should follow. (2) (3) (4) (5)
of the preventable and avoidable causes of blindness.
Education is a major component of prevention in
both developed and developing countries for
conditions such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy,
Prevention Programmes
and in developing and least developed countries, for
trachoma, onchocerciasis, traditional eye medicines,
History of Prevention Programmes
abuse of ‘over-the-counter medications’ such as
topical steroids, consanguinity etc. (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11),
Prevention programmes have been established in most
(12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (26),
parts of the world to tackle local blinding conditions.
The dominant player has been the WHO, which, since
The other facet of combating blindness is mass
its inception, has endeavoured to support Member
intervention to treat endemic conditions such as
States in their task of tackling blindness.
trachoma with azithromycin/tetracycline;
In 1975, the WHO helped in the creation of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). This led to several other initiatives. The
64 | Childhood Onset Visual Impairment, IK Jalili
founder members of IAPB included the International
(54), (55), (56), (57), (58), (59), (60), (61), (62), (63), (64), (65), (66), (67), (68),
Societies), the World Council for the Welfare of the
Prevention of Diabetic Blindness
Blind (renamed the World Blind Union), and two
In 1989, an initiative to improve diabetic care and
international NGOs; the American Foundation for the
reduce diabetic complications in Europe was
Blind (later renamed Helen Keller International) and
pioneered by the WHO together with the International
the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind (later
renamed Sight Savers International). (40) These efforts
representatives of Government Health Departments
culminated three years later in the establishment of
and patients’ organisations from all European
the WHO Programme for the Prevention of Blindness
countries. together with diabetes experts, was held in
St. Vincent, Italy on October 10-12, 1989. It
The strategy adopted by the PBL was based on the
culminated in the St Vincent Declaration which
declaration of the International Conference on
recommended combined efforts to improve the life of
preventive health care (PHC) held in Almaty,
diabetic patients, both quantitatively and qualitatively,
Kazakhstan, in the same year. The strategy was the
to that of the general population and to promote the
delivery of eye care as an integral part of primary
prevention and cure of diabetes and of its
health care; the concept of ‘primary eye care’’ was
complications by intensifying research efforts. (71)
developed and has been followed since. The WHO
also addressed data collection on blindness and
established standardised guidelines and protocols for
this purpose.(41), (42), (43), (44) The initial priorities
Emergence of Vision 2020
focused on were onchocerciasis, xerophthalmia,
All the previous cooperative activities mentioned was
guided by the information compiled in the WHO
One of the early initiatives of WHO/PBL was to
Global Database on Blindness and the expertise
establish methodical programmes for the prevention
gained over the years and culminated in the
of blindness in a number of Member States. This
emergence of the initiative of Vision 2020. This is,
promoted and widened the remits of existing and
The Global Initiative for the Elimination of Avoidable
Blindness referred to as ‘‘VISION 2020 - The Right
programmes to encompass xerophthalmia and
to Sight’’, launched in 1999, as a collaborative effort
between WHO and a number of international NGOs
By the mid-1980s, over 50 national programmes,
and other interested partners. This aimed at achieving
committees, or focal points had been established and
the goal of eliminating avoidable blindness worldwide
by 1998 this number had increased to over 110. The
by the year 2020. The organisations involved are
WHO was pivotal in these developments, through
called the ‘Task Force’. (27), (36), (37), (38), (72), (73), (74)
providing guidelines, sending consultants, and
working with international non-governmental organis-
The objectives of VISION 2020 programme is in the
prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of avoidable
Onchocerciasis Prevention Programme
blindness. Emphasis is given to the issues of
The Onchocerciasis Control Programme (OCP) in
1974 was a major step for the WHO and their efforts
mobilization building on the international and
to combat this disease in seven countries in West
national experience gained through the existing
Africa. This programme was jointly sponsored by a
national programmes. The approach is based on three
large consortium of agencies, organisations and donor
strategies namely: (1) developing and improving
countries and was scheduled to end by 2002.
primary eye care programmes within the primary
Additional steps to address onchocerciasis saw the
health centres (PHC) set up to eliminate preventable
conditions; (2) developing therapeutic and surgical
Elimination Programme for the Americas (OEPA),
support services to deal effectively with "curable" eye
and the African Programme for Onchocerciasis
problems; and (3) establishing optical and low vision
Control (APOC) in 1995. (46), (47), (48), (49), (50), (51), (52), (53),
Prevention of Blindness | 65
This would achieve: disease control, infrastructure
Transfer of Technologies
development, and human resource development.
Another task for the programme is to promote and
support the transfer of technology to developing
countries by allowing manufacturing, by non-profit
The implementation involves three tiers; advocacy
making bodies, of high-quality equipment and
through WHO/IAPB, planning by national PBL
consumables at low cost e.g. intraocular lenses, eye
programmes, implementation through Vision 2020
medications, sutures, spectacles and low vision
devices, together with the formation of regional
Vision 2020 will be implemented through four 5-
consortiums for the purchasing in bulk of equipment
year periods, the first started in 2000. The three
and spare parts, instruments and consumables to
subsequent phases of implementation will commence
reduce costs, including maintenance and repair
in 2005, 2010 and 2015 respectively. Countries are
chosen on the basis of the size of the burden of
blindness and of available resources. (36), (75)
Medical Conditions Selection in VISION 2020 Other Logistic Aspects The Basis of Selection
In terms of other logistic aspects of achieving the
Conditions were chosen on the basis of the burden of
blindness they cause and the feasibility and
affordability of interventions to prevent and treat
Human Resources Development
them. These are cataract, trachoma, onchocerciasis,
The programme encourages the development of
childhood blindness and refractive errors and low
human resources at various levels of the health care
vision. Other blinding conditions such as glaucoma
system, with emphasis on mid-level personnel and
and diabetic retinopathy are to be addressed at a later
expanding on the already ongoing programmes in
stage. For cataract, the goal is to increase surgical
many of the sub-Saharan African countries such as
productivity in addition to achieving; high success
Bamako (Mali) and Lilongwe (Malawi) in cataract
rates, affordable and accessible services, and
surgical training. (27), (76) In addition, it is also aimed to
measures to overcome barriers and increase the use of
deploy Ophthalmologists at higher tiers of the health
services. (37) Refractive errors and low vision are
care system to provide specialist care. (27) For mid-
addressed by making refractive services and
level personnel, the target is to achieve a ratio of
corrective spectacles affordable and available to the
1:100,000 to 1:50,000 populations, by the year 2020,
majority of the population through primary health
as compared to 1:400,000 in Africa and 1:200,000 in
care facilities, vision screening in schools and low-
Asia today. With regard to ophthalmologists, a ratio
cost production of spectacles. Similar strategies will
of 1:250 000 in Africa is expected from the present
be adopted to provide low vision services. (Figure
1:500 000 level by the year 2020. The corresponding
target for Asia would be 1:50,000 by 2020 from the
present level of 1:200,000. (27) Other categories of
Figure 8.1 Vision 2020 initiative and conditions
personnel to be trained include refractionists,
blindness programmes, as well as paediatric ophthalmologists
technicians. Building National Capacities Apart from human resource development, Vision 2020
capacities that could work towards universal coverage and easy access to eye care services. (77) Global targets include the achievement of not less than 95% availability, 90% accessibility, 90% utilisation and 90% coverage of services by 2020, as compared to 50%, 40%, 25% and 25% respectively in 2000.
66 | Childhood Onset Visual Impairment, IK Jalili Age-Related Blindness
such as Helen Keller Worldwide. The various bodies
Attention has been paid recently to addressing the
involved in the prevention of trachoma are grouped
prevalence of age-related cataract in the developing
under the ‘WHO Alliance for the Global elimination
countries, top of the list of conditions focused upon
by Vision 2020. Surgical throughput in poor countries
The initiative (ITI) aimed at: 1) identifying
is very low as a result of a combination of factors,
trachoma endemic countries; 2) mapping the disease;
including financial constraints and cultural barriers in
3) initiating community-based hygiene programmes;
accessing services together with low productivity. The
and 4) ensuring surgery was widely available.
programme aims to increase the number of cataract
Approaches were self-tailored to suit the various
surgeries performed which is currently estimated to
socio-cultural settings. (4) The initiative (ITI) was
average 200 Cataract Surgical Rate per million (CSR)
modelled on the implementation of ‘SAFE’ strategy
in the whole of Africa, compared to that of the
relying on mass treatment using azithromycin. The
Australia with 6,300; USA 5,500; and the UK 3,800.
projections were to treat at least 60 million people
The CSR in developing countries varies from 100 in
with active disease and perform some 5 million
Nigeria, 450 in Kenya to 3,100 in India. Table 8.1
trichiasis surgeries between 2000-2010. (4), (32), (36), (37),
gives estimated CSR for different WHO regions.
The strategies applied will include concerted
Considerable success has been achieved. In four
years, more than 7 million individuals have received
monitoring and evaluation of services. In global
treatment, resulting in a cumulative reduction of 50%
terms, the WHO believes in the need to increase the
in active disease rates in children. More than 60,000
number of cataract operations which was estimated to
have also benefited from lid surgery. Morocco and
be seven millions at the planning of the global
Tanzania are two of the countries that benefited from
initiative programme to 12 million by the year 2000,
the programme. The former is expected to attain the
20 million by 2010, reaching a final target of 32
elimination of blinding trachoma by 2005. The
million by the year 2020. (27), (36), (37), (75), (78), (79)
programme continues to focus on residual foci of
severe disease and to evaluate techniques used in
trichiasis surgery. Some recently evaluated techniques
Table 8.1 Estimated CSR for different WHO
offer particularly good results. (2), (84) The rate at which
regions worldwide in 1999
ocular chlamydial infection returns to a community
after mass treatment suggests that the elimination of
WHO Region M / year CSR*
infection in a hyperendemic area is feasible with
Currently, trachoma control will be executed
through WHO Global Elimination of Trachoma 2020
programme (GET 2020), which is a component of
Vision 2020. (36), (37) Bailey and Lietman raised the
likelihood of some hurdles that might be faced by the
programme. These include: aspects of trichiasis
surgery and the frequent recurrence of entropion, the
existence of other ocular abnormalities that could
trigger blindness such as the tear film and lid closure,
the possible emergence of a serious resistance to
antibiotics and the risk of their side effects, the
populations (Pop). Adopted from Foster’s update of
limited duration of the efficacy of antibiotics, cultural
barriers and the bureaucratic obstacles in some
countries that might arise from poor communication
Prevention of Trachoma
between the administrative authorities. (85)
In 1985, the International Trachoma Initiative (ITI) was founded with the co-operation of Pfizer and Edna
McConnell Clark Foundation, the WHO, the
Onchocerciasis is the third condition addressed by
ministries of health in certain countries, and NGOs
Vision 2020. Over the last 25 years considerable
Prevention of Blindness | 67
progress has been made by the Onchocerciasis Control
supplementation by the periodic supply of high-dose
Programme in West Africa (OCP) through vector
vitamin A. This policy has succeeded in reducing
control and Ivermectin distribution, the distribution
mortality by 23% overall, and by up to 50% for acute
strategy being designed to control the skin and eye
measles sufferers. However, as breastfeeding is time-
disorders that result from heavy infections. (29), (86), (87)
limited and the effects of vitamin A capsules last only
This success, when expressed in health, economic and
4-6 months, additional long-term solutions have been
development terms, was the motivating rationale for
implemented including food fortification (e.g. sugar
the launching in December 1995 of a new programme,
in Guatemala) and promoting home gardens for
African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control
vulnerable rural families as a complimentary measure.
(APOC). (37), (88) This latter programme is a vector
These have been tried in Africa and South-East Asia
control to completely interrupt the transmission cycle
by promoting the growing of fruits and vegetables.
of the parasite by applying larvicide to riverine
Considerable success has been achieved, and in 1998
breeding sites. In the Americas, another strategy
alone vitamin A supplements were delivered through
being implemented is to use ivermectin more than
national immunisation days to children in 40
once a year, not only to stop progression of disease,
but also to interrupt transmission. The long-term sight-
It is also important to address malnutrition in
saving effect of ivermectin in cases of established
general. The challenge is to deliver interventions
ocular lesions has not been ascertained. (2) Elimination
dealing with malnutrition in the areas of need
of onchocerciasis from most endemic foci in Africa
effectively. (92), (93) It has been suggested that the
appears to be possible. However, the requirements in
formation of an African food and nutrition group,
terms of duration, coverage, and frequency of
working with all African food and nutrition workers,
treatment may be prohibitive in highly endemic
can lead the way in addressing this problem and make
areas.(89), (90) It has been suggested that for most
use of under-utilised African resources in solving the
affected parts of Africa, in the absence of vector
control, ivermectin treatment should primarily be
considered as a measure for controlling morbidity by
Emerging Diseases Trends
reducing transmission and microfilarial loads, for
The needs of countries in terms of specific emerging
which purpose annual treatments would probably
diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and
age-related macular degeneration will be included in
In Latin America, the Onchocerciasis Elimination
VISION 2020 activities, as some of the more easily
Programme in the Americas (OEPA) is successfully
preventable and curable priority conditions come
using ivermectin distribution. A coordination group of
under control. However, in countries where many of
NGOs is working closely with all three onchocerciasis
the other diseases currently included as global
control programmes and with national counterparts in
priorities for VISION 2020 do not exist, attention
should be given to specific emerging ocular diseases,
Onchocerciasis is expected to be brought under
some of which are already assuming public health
control by the year 2010 if present efforts in endemic
countries are successfully completed. (37)
Eradicating Vitamin A Deficiency Prevention Objectives in The Middle East
Eradicating blindness from vitamin A deficiency by
the year 2000 was the goal set by the World Summit
Objectives to address blindness in the MEC have
for Children in 1990, and this has been successfully
achieved in some countries. However, there are still
1. Cataract; both age related and paediatric.
78 countries where vitamin A deficiency remains a
2. Trachoma and corneal ulcerations; identification
public health problem. (37) This task has been adopted
and treatment including surgical treatment of
by the WHO in partnership with several NGOs. The
approach involves both short-term interventions side-
by-side with long-term sustainable solutions. The
4. Addressing the common practice of consanguinity
short-term measures are through encouraging proper
with a systematic approach to include participation
feeding at infancy via the encouragement of
of religious bodies in any educational campaign.
68 | Childhood Onset Visual Impairment, IK Jalili
5. Improving surgical training to combat high
by Jay and Johnson and Green. (98), (99) This would
involve a primary and a secondary prevention. The
6. Legislation restricting ‘over-the-counter’ medicine
former involves genetic counselling and the latter is
with or without carrier detection, prenatal diagnosis
and treatment or selective abortion of the affected
7. Educational campaigns on blinding conditions
foetuses. It was estimated that maximal application at
such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, folk
that time might reduce the rate of genetic blindness in
the west by one third from 0.3% to 0.1% of the population.
8.3 PREVENTION OF CHILDHOOD Prevention of Childhood Blindness in the Middle BLINDNESS Childhood Blindness in Vision 2020 Required Measures
The programme focuses on the preventable and
In the Arab world and the rest of Middle East and
treatable causes of childhood blindness.(35), (96) The
North Africa group of countries, with their wide gulf
former includes: corneal scarring from vitamin A
in the availability of resources and health services, the
deficiency/measles, and in the treatable conditions
main objectives of any prevention programme would
cataract, retinopathy of prematurity, low vision and
need to address the following issues: (13), (28), (100), (101), (102), (103), (104), (105), (106), (107), (108), (109), (110)
Gilbert summed up the tasks required to be
addressed in tackling congenital blindness as: female
Screening of neonates for ocular abnormalities
education, empowerment of women, addressing
and cataract at birth and ensuring early case
cultural practices, good primary health care and
detection and prompt referral to the specialised
primary eye care, good optical services, good surgery
Introducing screening programmes for preschool
Vision 2020 Targets in Childhood Blindness
The approved targets for disease control are: (97)
Early diagnosis and treatment of congenital
1. Reduction of the global prevalence of childhood
blindness from 0.75/1000 children to 0.4/1000
Early and prompt management of bacterial
2. Eradication of corneal scarring from vitamin A
deficiency, measles, and ophthalmia neonatorum.
Genetic counselling, including pre-marital risk
3. Elimination of new cases of congenital rubella
Concerted multidisciplinary programme to
4. Surgical management of paediatric cataract in
address consanguinity with the involvement of
specialised centres together with immediate and
the media, non-governmental organisations and
religious bodies and ensuring that there is an
5. Screening of all babies at risk of retinopathy of
enlightened preaching on this issue in mosques,
prematurity and treatment to be provided when
10. Emphasis on the need to establish specialised
6. Vision screening to all school children, as part of
paediatric ophthalmic services in dedicated
school health programmes, with provision of
centres with expertise in the assessment, surgical
glasses for those with significant refractive error.
treatment, and long-term management of the
Genetic Counselling
11. Orthoptic services at hospital and community
Methods of prevention of hereditary disease by
levels to ensure continuity of care for these
screening and early treatment of people were outlined
Prevention of Blindness | 69 WHO Countries Priorities
irregular control of diabetes and insufficient resources
For the WHO, prevention of congenital blindness is a
priority. Five countries in the Region, namely Egypt,
In Yemen, a collaborative national programme
Islamic Republic of Iran, Morocco, Sudan and
Pakistan, will receive support from the Lions Clubs
IMPACT/EMR, was launched for the prevention of
International Foundation over the next five years to
blindness from cataract in 1995 and carried out in
address CB in their countries with an emphasis on
several locations in 3 cities. In addition to the
elimination of the backlog of cataract, the programme
Steps Taken by Arab Countries
A number of Arab states are taking serious steps
ophthalmologists by training local Yemeni doctors.
towards the elimination of preventable blindness
For this purpose, a 12-month diploma course in
including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Morocco and have
ophthalmology has been initiated in collaboration
achieved considerable results in the control of
with the WHO. Fifteen doctors were enrolled in the
blinding trachoma. As stated earlier, trachoma is also
1996-1997 courses and priority in selection was given
a priority of the WHO campaign for the Global
to those from rural areas. It was ensured that the
Elimination of Trachoma (GET2020) in these
ophthalmologists trained through the programme
countries. (13), (14), (28), (85), (100), (101) Vision 2020 has
serve a minimum of two years in remote villages
been launched in 10 Member States in the Region,
namely; Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,
Tunisia, Sudan, UAE, Qatar and Yemen. (14)
The educational programme set up in Oman to
target the rural population and shed light on the causal
relations between chlamydial conjunctivitis and the
In conclusion, there have been ongoing campaigns to
later complications, trichiasis, corneal ulcer and
combat blindness in poorer countries with special
eventually blindness, was not successful and did not
emphasis on Africa. (Figure 8.1) These initiatives
match the socio-cultural aspects of the population. (112)
were pioneered by the WHO, in close partnership
The booklet prepared for this purpose was very
with other organisations such as the World Bank,
poorly understood as a result of the high rate of
national governments and a large consortium of
illiteracy of the population, and unsuitability of the
international NGOs. Examples of these programmes
illustrations used. Currently, the Oman Government
has set up the mid-decade and end-decade goals and
implemented in 36 endemic countries. In 2001 alone,
the 6th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Health has
some 200 million treatments with Ivermectin were
laid down the objectives and activities of the
Prevention of Blindness Control Programme in
The newer initiative, Vision 2020 on the other
hand, shall also address, in addition to disease control,
According to the WHO, the prevalence of trachoma
infrastructure and human resource development in
in Oman is low (< 1%) and the SAFE programme is
these countries. There will be specialist training
well underway. Early detection and management of
programmes in East, West and French speaking
diabetic retinopathy have been strengthened at the
Africa and paramedic national training programmes
regional hospitals. In addition, measures to control
in the larger countries. All these efforts shall be
diabetes have been undertaken such as the integration
targeted to the 65% treatable and preventable causes
of diabetes control programme to PHC, a national
which are cataract, refractive errors, trachoma and its
diabetes registry and annual training workshops, and
sequelae, vitamin A deficiency and onchocerciasis.
a policy for ocular examination for all new diabetics
In the prevention of blindness, a lack of information
on the public health importance of glaucoma, low
awareness of glaucoma and difficulties in the early
diagnosis and prompt treatment of glaucoma have
been major constraints, followed by the high cost of
importation of donor cornea, the presence of
trachomatous dry eyes, prevalence of maculopathies,
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