Aluminium Social Aspects Foreword
Economy, ecology and social aspects are the
Socio-politically important activities like
three pillars that support the globally recog-
these not only improve an industry’s image,
nised guiding principle of sustainable devel-
such as that of the mining and metals in-
opment. This comprehensive presentation by
dustry, but also take into account the demand
the aluminium industry on social aspects at
for compensation for unavoidable external
product and plant level, including inter-
effects so that sustainable development can
national involvements, is a good contribution
to the implementation and further develop-
ment of the concept of sustainability.
play a leading role in such pioneering methods
This is a field where the mining and metals
of social commitment and are among the most
industry can look back on a long tradition of
establishing social facilities, particularly in
examples from Australia, Jamaica, Brazil and
regions where there is little infrastructure.
Mines and metal smelters tend to be found in
somewhat isolated locations in most count-
ries. A very long time ago, mining and metals
companies were among the first to introduce
the practice, now common, of building and
maintaining schools, clinics and sports fa-
cilities. Such social facilities benefit not only
the workers directly employed by the com-
pany. It is not uncommon for them to be made
available to other people living in the vicinity
of the company location, too. In recent years,
such social services for the local population
companies have seized on the modern stake-
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. rer. pol. Werner Gocht
holder concept. They give consideration to
Professor of the Research Institute for International Technical and Economic
everyone involved who has a genuine interest
and have applied this concept not only to the
Consultant to various mining and infrastructure projects in twelve developing
ecological rights of the public at large but
1990 - 2000 Member and chairman of the UNCTAD Common Fund for Commodities since 1985 Member and chairman of the Scientific Council of the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Developmentsince 1986 Trustee of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources.Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Social aspects at plant level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Labour costs and “hidden” social contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Human resources management: from traininig to exchange of ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Modern approaches to working hours: with an element of sovereignty over time . . 7
Safety at work: statistics show marked fall in accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
EKD award – for exemplary aluminium plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Example of social involvement of plants and workforces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sozial aspects at product level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Aluminium in transport – an integral part of modern-day mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Aluminium in packaging – not just for healthy eating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Aluminium and health – from fitness equipment to noise barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Aluminium offers safety and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Aluminium and living – more than just a roof over one’s head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Sozial aspects at an international level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Commitment at plant level worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Solar cooker – helping people to help themselves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Introduction
Is corporate citizenship now going to be the follow-up to lean management
and shareholder value? The signals coming from the World Economic
Forum in Davos or the Global Reporting Initiative indicate that the social
dimension of how a company does business is not only gaining importance
when it comes to the discussion about sustainable development.
Ever since the United Nations’ conference
scribe benefits that are outside the narrow
in Rio in 1992, the guiding principle of sus-
confines of self-interest. It is related to the ful-
tainable development has gained general rec-
filment of needs, to improving the standard
ognition. There is no controversy regarding
of living, to a life that is “worth living”.
the equal importance of economical, ecologi-
There is undoubtedly still a lot that needs to
cal and social objectives, which is the main
be done in this field, but even so, a lot has al-
idea behind this guiding principle; likewise,
ready been achieved. Using the aluminium in-
the need to ensure that resources are fairly
dustry as an example, this report will show so-
emblem – made of aluminium, in the
cial aspects associated with this industry, its
successive generations is now recognised.
factories and the products it creates.
acknowledged the principles of sustainable
90/Die Grünen (United Left/The Greens) par-
liamentary party in 1997, the then German
Of course, in the past this discussion was
dominated by ecological considerations in
played an important role from a social point
the highly developed countries. By contrast,
the social dimension of the above-mentioned
three-pronged target tended to be ignored.
“Aluminium makes a significant contribution to sat-
This now appears to be changing. One indica-
tion of this is that under the banner of “cor-
isfying basic needs, like mobility, housing, safety and
porate citizenship” consideration is now being
given to a company’s social responsibility
security, healthy eating and medical care, in an eco-
and to concepts of socially correct business
nomic and environmentally acceptable manner.”2
dealings, while at the same time bearing the
The term “social” is used here in the generally
accepted sense, meaning “relating to society
1 GDA: Aluminium – A Sustainable Material, Düsseldorf
or the public at large” or “beneficial to the
2 German Federal Parliament, 13th Legislative Period. Bundestags-
community”. The term is thus used to de-
Drucksache 13/6833 dated 28.01.1997 (non-authorised translation)Social aspects at plant level
The German aluminium industry is an important economic factor with good
growth prospects. Directly, it provides work and income for about 75,000
However, it is not only workers and their
■ the plants of customers and equipment
strength of this industry, but also lots of
In addition, there are a lot of social factors at
plant level that often go unnoticed by the
The above-mentioned figure for the number
■ payments related to a company’s own
of people directly employed represents a
total wage bill of approximately four billion
■ additional contributions made by the
euros. For the individual plants these are
labour costs, but for the economy it means,
training and further education, facilities
for the workforce, events to celebrate long
bill contains markedly different remunera-
■ direct payments to workers for the time
these additional labour costs are equivalent
to about 79 percent of the direct wage pay-
■ payments for days not worked, such as
ments, or 58 percent of the gross total cost
for wages and salaries. The figures for the
■ special payments, such as bonuses, Christ-
aluminium industry will be of the same order
of magnitude, too. This is equivalent to sev-
linked to schemes to encourage savings.
eral billion euros that the companies make
In addition, the plants are faced with other
Furthermore, the taxes paid by the alumin-
ium industry at communal, regional and na-
tional level make additional government and
social benefits possible, of course.
Human resources management: from traininig to exchange of ideas
A qualified and motivated team of workers
In addition, companies strive to utilise the
is an important prerequisite for companies
experience and creativity of their employees
to be successful in the marketplace. This
in everyday working situations. Each com-
applies to the aluminium industry just as
pany tries to tap the expert knowledge of its
much as it does to any other industry. The
Nowadays, one is not only interested in im-
Particularly important from a social point of
proving processes and work procedures and
view is the fact that the companies offer
thus improving productivity. Lots of com-
young people apprenticeships, and with it
panies in the aluminium industry encourage
the chance to make something of their lives.
workers to extend their suggestions to cover
without qualified personnel. This also
based trade association representing the alu-
every year demonstrate the large potential
exchange for young people seeking practi-
they are to contribute to the success of the
Modern approaches to working hours: with an elementof sovereignty over time
Whereas the eighties were characterised by
called “savings accounts” for working hours.
the unions’ demands for a shorter working
counts” for extra hours worked, free days
introduction of flexible working hours. This
accumulated by flexitime or unused annual
leave, and then take them off in large blocks
fluctuations in demand and operate capital-
at a later date or even use them to bring for-
ward the date of their retirement. These
longer periods. For the plants, it helps ensure
their future against increasingly harder
offer more and more employees in the alu-
to work – he can arrange his working life
minium industry the possibility to open so-
Safety at work: statistics show marked fall in accidents
one plant, for example, a draw is made at the
recordable accident rate - numerical value only
end of the year. Anyone who did not have a
Restricted work/medical treatment accident rate
reportable accident during the preceding
year is eligible to participate. The main prize
is a compact car and there are also several
Today, safety at work is an integral part of the
tal protection, in all companies that operate
globally, the rules for safety at work usually
apply on a company-wide basis. Systematic
auditing, clearly defined standards and bind-
ing guidelines define the main requirements
in the plants for safety at work from an
qualification measures aimed at identifying
organisational and technical point of view.
risks that have contributed to this positive
Lots of companies have specifically stated
development. This is consistent with the ex-
that it is their intention to reduce work-re-
perience that most accidents at work are be-
lated injuries and sickness to zero, and have
increasingly met this target in recent years. To
ensure that this remains so, many companies
measures for worker protection with awards
are also planning to check their safety stan-
for the plant with the best safety record and
with internal competitions and incentives. In
EKD award – for exemplary aluminium plants
ium industry was honoured for being above-
average and exemplary in maintaining jobs
and creating new ones, for taking on long-
and employment has distinguished them from
term unemployed, for its relatively large num-
others and established social benchmarks.
ber of apprenticeships, for encouragement
The winning companies are presented with its
given to female employees and for the co-
EKD “Arbeit Plus” (Work Plus) seal. As the
first step in the evaluation, the independent
Institute for Commercial and Social Ethic at
In 2000, the EKD “Arbeit Plus” seal was
the University of Marburg prepares an ex-
pert opinion on the company in question. A
This time emphasis was placed on the com-
pany’s involvement in the training of young
resentatives from the plant administration
and trade unions then makes the final decision.
handicapped persons, the low level of sick-
ness, the working-hours schemes in opera-
tion and the external co-operation with cham-
bers of commerce and organisations repre-
been awarded the EKD’s “Arbeit
dustry in 1999, a company from the alumin-
Examples of social involvement of plants and workforces
When it comes to the social aspects at plant level, one should mention
above all the efforts of employees that go above and beyond everyday
industry, and the people who work there,
offer their support in cash or in kind to pro-
jects from “neighbourhood schemes” through
■ Another example is the support that has
to projects in developing countries. The con-
tributions are used in sport, culture, envi-
ronment, health and church projects, or to
support UNICEF, the United Nations’ chil-
recycling furnace was installed there for
tion schemes to support social facilities;
School projects: Today’s schoolchildren
■ “Electricity and magnetism” in physics
are tomorrow’s trainees. At an early age,
■ “Environmental protection in the pro-
A case containing numerous teaching
work experience so that they can check out
■ “Creative approach to aluminium” in arts
aids and illustrative material related
where their interests really lie and get to know
what sort of training is available. This is
achieved in part by project weeks, in which
schoolchildren complete a practical course
Together with teachers from the School/In-
and in part by companies arranging guided
tours of their plants, so that the various
teaching material some years ago. This in-
cluded texts, overheads and a teaching case
It is important to extend and intensify these
full of illustrative material on the subject of
contacts between schools and plants. Good
aluminium. Project sheets suitable for school-
examples here are the projects involving alu-
children are currently being developed in co-
minium companies and schools in which both
operation with the Chair of Didactics at the
sides develop topics to be covered in the
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. The whole
classroom. These topics cover various as-
range of teaching materials was presented
pects of aluminium and are dealt with in dif-
to a broader public at Education Fair 2001 in
■ “Geographical factors and deposits of raw
Social aspects at product level
The purpose of all economic activity is to satisfy human and social needs.
The areas of need are wide ranging and only a selection can be dealt with
briefly here. Aluminium products play an important role when it comes to
modern day mobility, the protection and encouragement of good health,
modern living standards, safety and more.
Aluminium in transport – an integral part ofmodern-day mobility
Nowadays, mobility is a basic need like eat-
This is all inconceivable without efficient
ing, sleeping and living. Where labour is very
transport systems. And they all contain alu-
specialised, passenger transport and the
minium: whether it is a car, lorry, bus, train,
ship or aeroplane – lightweight construction
if people are to reap the benefits of living in
is needed to consume as little energy as
an advanced industrial society. Goods come
possible and thus conserve finite resources for
from all over the globe. The low-priced super-
future generations and minimise emissions
market is usually to be found at an out-of-
of greenhouse gases and pollutants that are a
town location. Workplaces are rarely within
risk to health. On top of all this, the materials
walking distance. Relatives and friends often
have to be such that they afford a high degree
live several hundred kilometres away. People
of safety. Aluminium is the material that ful-
want to live an active and eventful life. This
includes holidays in foreign countries, visit-
Transport without aluminium? It’swouldn’t be any aircraft. Whetherlorry, bus, train or ship – lightweight
When one thinks of flying one usually has
“small” purses: A reduction in a vehicle’s
the best time of the year in mind – a holiday.
weight benefits both active and passive safety
Whether it be a seaside holiday in southern
because the lighter the vehicle, the shorter is
Europe or looking for traces of foreign cul-
its breaking distance. A few metres can de-
tures in far-away places – once a year one
cide whether or not an accident occurs and
wants to get away from the stress of work
and relax, gain new impressions, enjoy the
In addition, crash tests show that aluminium
countryside and culture, recharge the bat-
structures absorb at least as much energy as
teries. Without aluminium it would be diffi-
steel structures. Thus, flexible aluminium tubes
cult to satisfy this desire. Since the early days
are increasingly being used for the side-on
of flying the key question has been how to re-
crash protection in cars. Aluminium crash-
duce the weight of aircraft. When it comes to
boxes between the bumper and the front of the
selecting materials, aircraft designers think
vehicle serve to dissipate energy in the event
first and foremost in terms of aluminium.
of a head-on collision. The aluminium in-
New processes help to further reduce manu-
dustry is working together with car-makers to
facturing and operating costs and thus also put
develop new materials, especially for lighter
flying within the reach of those on a limited
is a new material that is lighter than water
for an Airbus wing can be milled from a single
but nevertheless has an extremely high stiff-
piece whereas 164 rivets and 15 components
ness – a combination of properties which
used to be required. This has reduced the
makes it possible to improve the design of the
manufacturing costs by about a quarter and
collapsible zone and offer greater protection
the weight by about a fifth, and the life of
the component has been increased tenfold. Mobility – a basic characteristic of our society. Active and passivesafety are of paramount importance
Mobility has many faces: One travels long
walking aids or transport aids for the disabled,
destination safely. Aluminium plays
distances using the most appropriate means
the infirm or senior citizens. Aluminium is
of transport but one travels short journeys
used here, too – for example in wheelchairs,
under one’s own steam, with or without any
walking frames and stair-lifts. The alumin-
aids. Whether it be a scooter, cycle, escala-
ium used here enables these citizens to also
tor or pull-along shopping trolley – every
have an active social life without having to
day we use products that contain aluminium.
This is especially the case when it comes to
Aluminium in packaging – not just for healthy eating
Packaging is indispensable if products are to
are continually developing new methods to
avoid squandering economic resources. In
make product manipulation easy to spot.
a society where products are transported
Thus, for example, a tablet foil was devel-
over long distances and are frequently han-
oped that is characterised by a special colour
dled before they reach the consumer, one can-
spectrum that cannot be copied. By taking a
not imagine what it would be like without
quick look at the blister pack, doctors, phar-
macists and customers can tell whether it is
benefits. It provides unique barrier proper-
In view of changing socio-demographic de-
ties, which ensure that food and medicines are
protected against potentially damaging ex-
packaging is also beneficial. In small house-
ternal influences. Even an extremely thin layer
holds and those in which both partners work,
of foil maintains the freshness of foodstuffs
ready meals in aluminium foil dishes pro-
that quickly deteriorate, such as milk; alu-
vide a warm meal without any time-consum-
protection for the goods and security
minium also enables medicines to be trans-
ing preparation and cooking. In social facili-
for the consumer. From medication
ties, such as hospitals, canteens or when nurs-
to foodstuffs – aluminium packaging
Aluminium packaging is a guarantee for the
ing the aged, they also ensure that the neces-
helps conserve economic resources.
consumer that the goods he purchases have
sary standards of hygiene are adhered to.
not been tampered with. This is of great im-
portance when it comes to sensitive products.
Aluminium and health – from fitness equipment tonoise barriers
light running shoes are fitted with aluminium
exhibits a healing effect. There is a range of
spikes that give them optimum grip on the tar-
tan track. Such “wonder shoes” are restricted
remedies that act as astringents (i.e. they
to a small elite group of athletes but there is
have power to draw soft organic tissues to-
lots of sports equipment made of aluminium
gether), disinfectants or as a means of pre-
to which the general public has access: for
pain-killers such as Aspirin bearable. It is
framed cycles. Or one can think of alumin-
used for heartburn and gastric ulcers. As alu-
ium high-tech scooters, which became the
minium acetate it encourages grazes to heal.
sales hit and dragged children and adoles-
In gargles it acts as an astringent and allevi-
the streets in droves. This, too, is a benefit to
It is generally well known that sporting ac-
health. The same applies to aluminium studs
tivities are good for the heart and circulatory
for football boots. It only needs the goalposts
system. In one way or another, aluminium is
to also be made of the light metal, just as
It strengthens the heart and improves
present in many sporting and fitness activi-
they are in professional matches, and the
the circulation. One feels fit and
ties: especially where lightweight materials
Aluminium helps – with sports and
around when 100-metre sprinters like Mau-
ways. As a noise barrier along the side of
fitness equipment that is rigidly
rice Greene and Marion Jones set new world
motorways or railways it protects local resi-
records or win Olympic medals. Their super-
dents from the sound of vehicles rushing by.
were recently introduced for people who have
There is no denying the need for safety and
aluminium: primarily, to keep the injured
security. These are often closely related to
warm. We should also not forget to mention
questions of health. But being safe from crimi-
aluminium stretchers. They make things eas-
nals and accidents is also important.
ier for rescuers – regardless of whether they
Security when it comes to break-ins and theft,
are having to go to the fifth floor of a block
of flats or to the scene of an avalanche in the
stands the need for government buildings to
be given special protection. At the chancel-
lor’s office in Berlin, a special steel and alu-
saving when it comes to the worst on a pre-
minium façade means that break-in attempts
cipitous rock face. This can lead to sudden,
are doomed to failure from the start. How-
extremely high tensile forces of up to 5,000
ever, given the growing number of burglaries,
kilograms, which the aluminium hook has to
protection of one’s own four walls is becom-
ing increasingly important. In many cases,
In discotheques, cinemas and other places
burglars go about their business using a simple
that host events, aluminium can ensure that
screwdriver and force windows or doors open
stairways and emergency exits remain visi-
in broad daylight. Greater wall thicknesses
ble even when it is pitch-dark – and practi-
and hidden aluminium profiles can be effec-
cally without consuming energy. The secret
reliability, and enables rescuers
tive in thwarting burglaries in such cases.
lies in an enamel with an aluminium coating
With windows and doors, an aluminium con-
on the steel. This material only needs to be
struction combined with fireproof glazing
exposed to light for a few minutes and it will
will also prevent flames and smoke spread-
ing to adjacent rooms and corridors, for ex-
There are lots of other examples that can be
ample in office buildings, hospitals and
added to those mentioned here. There are
Because it is heat resistant and does not burn,
“safety-relevant”. One only has to think about
aluminium is also suitable for protective cloth-
protective systems used to prevent flooding,
ing. Fire brigades and emergency services
bulkheads on ferries, fire-escapes on multi-
can get close to sources of heat or fire if they
storey buildings, but also items like household
are wearing aluminium-coated full-body pro-
ladders etc. These are all examples of alu-
tection. The so-called space blankets that
every German motorist now has to carry in
his first-aid kit are vapour deposited with
Aluminium and living – more than just a roofover one’s head
People spend the major part of their life in-
Aluminium fulfils both demands – function-
doors: at home, at work, when shopping, and
ality and aesthetics. The use of aluminium
in the course of a lot of leisure activities. Build-
is not restricted to doors and windows. The de-
ings affect our lives - as dwellings, office
signers of consumer products have discovered
buildings and factories. Living is more than
the silver-coloured metal for furniture and
just having a roof over one’s head. The de-
parts of the interior design: for example, for
the fronts of cupboards, bed frames, tables,
with increasing prosperity. Today, living
chairs and shelving systems. Besides this,
comfortably means more than just having in-
there are a lot of household or designer items
tact sanitary facilities, heated rooms or run-
made from aluminium, such as wall or hang-
ning hot water. In addition to physical com-
ing lamps, which not only provide light but
fort there is also mental well-being. Thus,
also create a pleasant ambience. Aluminium
the quality of life, aesthetics and design are
becoming more important. People don’t just
monplace items as stepladders and rubbish
want to live comfortably, they also want to
For example, this dining table made
aspects, too. As a material for roofs, walls
architecture of buildings and the materials
and façades, aluminium improves the appear-
used epitomise the image of a town and the
ance of lots of buildings and the adjoining
countryside just as the interior decoration of
open spaces: power stations, office blocks,
a house or flat reflects the personality of the
opera houses, clinics or shopping arcades. As
person living in it. One only has to think about
a large, shiny profile sheet it prevents people
the drab high-rise buildings from the East
looking right into the building; as a support-
German era or the dreary factories of the past.
ing structure in combination with glass it cre-
Modern buildings don’t only have to fulfil
ates bright rooms, flooded with light. One
functional and economic criteria, they also
even comes across the material in Alpine huts
have to satisfy socio-cultural demands. From
and shelters – such as the Meilerhütte, which
an architectural, town-planning and aesthe-
is rich in tradition and located in the Wetter-
tic point of view, one should use materials
stein mountain region, at a height of 2400
that are modern and which make people feel
metres. Here, where the wind can reach speeds
comfortable. This is also expressed in the
up to 240 kilometres an hour and there are
guide to sustainable building issued by the
extreme temperature fluctuations, one turned
German Federal Ministry of Transport, Build-
to aluminium as the material for the windows
and the façade structure a few years ago when
Aluminium can look back on a long tradition
the shelter was refurbished. And following a
as a building material. Architects used to
fire, aluminium was also chosen for the re-
choose the light metal because it was weather
construction of Europe’s highest railway sta-
resistant, required little maintenance and was
tion, on the Jungfraujoch mountain in Swit-
long-lasting; nowadays there are aesthetic
aluminium is an important materialcreate areas for living and workingSocial aspects at international level
The globalisation of trade means that a company‘s social responsibility does
not cease once the company is operating across the border.
This is particularly true for a business like
countries that are of particular importance to
the global aluminium industry will be used
terised by its internationality. Some of the
as examples to illustrate the social aspects
Jamaica: The Caribbean island is not only
communities in these fields (for example,
one of the world’s largest bauxite and alu-
providing equipment for hospitals, build-
mina producers. The aluminium industry is
ing schools or providing grants for school
an important economic and social factor in
fees, text books or places for further edu-
■ It accounts for about 50 percent of Ja-
maica’s exports and is thus the country’s
If people from mining areas have to be re-
second largest source of foreign currency.
settled temporarily while bauxite is being
■ It provides direct employment, with well-
extracted, this is carried out under fully ac-
paid jobs, for over 4,000 people. For ex-
ceptable social conditions. After it has been
ample, the least qualified workers earn up
mined, the land is returned to its original own-
adjoining areas during the intervening period.
■ Farming on land that is not yet being - or
The farmers receive compensation for lost
is no longer being - mined, results in the
production and are then given the necessary
aluminium industry also being the island’s
basic quantities of seeds and seedlings free of
charge for three years after they return. In ad-
dition, the social and technical infrastructure
of the villages is upgraded significantly when
■ safety-at-work programmes and safety
training to reduce accident rates in the
Wirtz, A. / Schäfer, J. H. 1999: Jamaica's Bauxite Industry – A Methodological Approach to the Identification of External Effects. In Braunkohle / Surface Mining 6/99 (only summary in English)
■ medical care and teaching for workers and
Gocht, W. / Martens, P. N. / Röhrlich, M. 2001: Quantification of external effects of bauxite
their families and co-operation with local
mining and alumina production. In Erzmetall Vol 54 No 5 (only summary in English)
Australia: Australia is the largest producer of
of bauxite mines. This applies, for example,
bauxite and alumina and the fifth largest pro-
to the landscaping, road-building projects and
ducer of primary aluminium in the world. The
medical care. Among other things, the alu-
minium industry has awarded the Aborigines
far as social aspects are concerned, one should
long-term contracts for the transport of bauxite
mention above all the close partnership that
or the provision of seeds for land recultivation.
This ensures that the native inhabitants have
panies and the Aborigines. The native inhabi-
a reliable source of income for decades.5
tants are closely involved in the recultivation
Brazil: There are about 50,000 people di-
of relocation but also regulations that result
rectly employed in the country’s aluminium
from the setting up of nature reserves and
industry. Of special importance is bauxite
mining, three quarters of which is carried out
MRN is actively engaged in a number of so-
in the Amazon basin at Porto Trombetas. The
cial projects that help the quilombolas to help
facility is operated by Mineraçao Rio do Norte
themselves, including projects in the follow-
(MRN). In the Trombetas region, one fore-
went the establishment of further industries in
■ poultry and fish farming, fruit and vege-
favour of nature reserves and biological pro-
Around the bauxite mining area there are a
number of small villages, so-called quilombos,
which were set up about 200 years ago by es-
in São Paulo for this measure in 1999.)
caped slaves (quilombolas). The quilombolas
Apart from measures to rehabilitate
use the rain forest in a traditional manner.
Therefore, with the participation of the Bra-
■ helping the villages make claims for the
part of the social measures is devoted
zilian environmental authorities, one is trying
land rights in their local areas with the
to children, such as the setting up
to balance out the interests of the quilombo-
las and MRN. This covers not only questions
versity education. So far, 190 scholarships
have been awarded. For the younger children
Trade and the United Nations’ Environmental
of employees, summer camps are held every
Programme for its contributions to environ-
year and these offer the children the chance
mental protection. The company is also ac-
to participate in a number of leisure activities
tively engaged from a social point of view. It
and sports. Older children are offered courses
regularly awards scholarships to the children
of its employees to enable them to have a uni-
Martens, P. N. et al 1999: Aspects of Bauxite Winning at Weipa Opencast Mine in Australia, with Special Emphasis on Recultivation. In Braunkohle / Surface Mining Vol 51 No 2 (only summary in English)Sliwka, P. / Bauer, C. 2000: Bauxite Mining at Porto Trombetas. A discussion of sustainable development in mining. In Braunkohle / Surface Mining Vol. 52 No 4
the country since it gained its independence
from Portugal in 1975 and has been operat-
contributed to the development of poor coun-
ing since 2000. It employs 750 people and
tries. One will be mentioned briefly here, the
nine out of every ten workers are Mozambi-
cans. At a stroke the plant increased Mo-
Mozambique, one of the poorest countries in
Africa. The plant is the largest investment in
Solar cookers – helping people to help themselves
bright-polished aluminium sheet and they fo-
where aluminium can provide useful support
cus the suns rays. The cooking area is at the
is the widespread use of solar cookers in Third
focal point and can reach temperatures of 700
World countries. According to the charity
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, there are about
The aluminium industry promotes the wider
two billion people in the world today who
use of solar cookers. For example, the Ger-
rely on firewood for cooking. In some regions,
the local forestry can no longer satisfy people’s
is supporting a joint project between the Ger-
needs. In addition, chopping down trees leads
man Federal Ministry for Economic Co-opera-
to heavy soil erosion, the ground becomes
tion and Development and the German Society
impoverished, the water table is lowered and
for Technical Co-operation, GTZ. This covers
the manufacture and distribution of solar
The use of solar cookers helps counteract this
development. The collectors, which are simi-
lar to a satellite dish, are made of anodised
essential for a lot of people in ThirdWorld countries. However, there is
recent years by supplying the material for
often not enough to go round. This is
supported various solar cooker projects in
high-grade aluminium mirrors free of charge. Conclusion
It has been shown here that aluminium has lots to offer – also from a so-
cial point of view. The industry and its manufacturing plants are actively par-
ticipating locally and globally in the discussion on the social responsibility
of companies towards their employees and society. This applies to both
the process level and the product level.
When it comes to materials competing to offer the best solution for a
given product, aluminium plays an important role, not only from a func-
tional but also from a social point of view. It provides benefits for today’s
generation and for future generations, too.7 As a reusable material that
demonstrates its recyclability every day, aluminium enters into a social
“agreement between generations”, which also extends far into the future.
Glimm, St. / Schäfer, J. H. 2001: Aluminium – a contract between generations. In Aluminium 1/2001Publisher: Concept /design by: Printed and produced by:
Deutscher Bundestag; photographer: Achim Melde
Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V.
Am Bonneshof 5 · D-40474 Düsseldorf · Telefon +49 (0) 2 11/47 96-0 · Telefax +49 (0) 2 11/47 96 408 ·
A possible blueprint for coverage of other new, much-promoted drugs. ABSTRACT: The 1998 launch of Viagra prompted widespread fears about the budgetaryconsequences for insurers and governments, all the more so since Viagra was only the firstof a new wave of so-called lifestyle drugs. The fears have turned out to be greatly exagger-ated. This paper analyzes the rationing strategies adopted in fo
Service Material from the General Service Office TRADITIONS CHECKLIST from the A.A. Grapevine These questions were originally published in the AA Grapevine in conjunction with a series on the Twelve Traditions that began in November 1969 and ran through September 1971. While they were originally intended primarily for individual use, many AA groups have since used them as a basis for w