Entoban clinical trials- intestinal infections in children

Children’s Infectious Hospitals of Tashkent- 2005

The purpose of our study was the estimation of clinical efficiency of Entoban action in children
with acute intestinal infections of various etiologies.
The study was carried out in the intestinal branch of Children's infectious hospitals of Tashkent by Kosimov I., Shadzhalilova M.S in the year 2005. The study comprised of two groups; Basic group that received Entoban and Control group that received standard medication. A total of 55 patients with acute intestinal infections of various etiologies took part in the study. Thirty five (5 months to 10 years) with acute intestinal infections of different degrees of severity were observed and treated in the basic group whereas 20 patients of same age group participated in the control group. Both groups were comparable concerning the character of digestive apparatus impairment. In both groups, the analysis was done on the following parameters: clinical, biochemical analysis of blood, urine, and co-program, bacteriological and microbiological study. DURATION OF TREATMENT:
Therapy duration was 7 days. Patients of control group received standard treatment detoxification therapy. Antibiotics were administered according to sensitivity (gentamicin and cefazolin) and as anti-diarrheal remedy. Furazolidone of nitrofuran group, as well as Ftalazol were given for duration of 5-7 days. Subsequent administration of vitamin therapy and biological products were given, but without Entoban inclusion in complex therapy. Patients were examined depending on duration of Entoban administration (on 2-3 day, 4-5 day and 6-7 day of administration). ENTOBAN DOSAGE:
Entoban syrup:
1-2 teaspoons, every 4 hours (for 12 hours) Entoban Capsule:
Results of clinical study have shown high efficiency of administration of preparation on 3rd day of treatment in 70 % patients. Fast positive dynamics were observed in patients during 1st to 2nd day from the treatment commencement. By day three, the amount of dejections was reduced on the average in 80 % of patients. Clinical symptoms of decrease in appetite, furred tongue and character of stool had been essentially normalized after administration of preparation. About 70% patients in the basic group showed positive dynamics of micro flora of large intestine. The increase in total amount of intestinal bacillus and reduction in Staphylococcus flora were observed as well. Depending on Dysbacteriosis symptoms, there were no essential differences. At blood biochemical parameters' analysis essential differences in both groups were not revealed. CONCLUSION:
It has been clinically proven that Entoban is an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of intestinal infections accompanied with diarrheal syndrome.

Source: http://www.herbion.com/Admin/App_Upload/Products/ClinicalTrials/Entoban%20Clinical%20Trials-%20Intestinal%20infections%20in%20children(1).pdf


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