DANTEC COMPOSITE HOSE CHEMICAL RESISTANCE CHART Suitability is indicated by the following categories: A: SUITABLE for use at 140°F B: SUITABLE for use at worldwide ambient temperatures I: SUITABLE for INTERMITTENT use only at worldwide ambient temperatures
Intermittent use is defined as typical of ship to shore or road tanker transferoperations where the hose is not left full of product after use. X: Unsuitable - Do not use *: Polypropylene couplings U: Couplings unsuitable or no data available. -: Insufficient information S: Couplings suitable for the operating conditions applicable to the hose. Hose Types Inner Wire 1: All Danoil hoses Galvanized mild steel 2: Danchem P, PL & PS, Polypropylene coated mild steel 3: Danchem SG and SS 316L Stainless Steel 4: Danflon SG, SS 316L Stainless Steel 5: Danoil 9 Galvanized mild steel PRODUCT CONCENTRATION HOSE TYPE COUPLING TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 Mild steel St. Steel Brass
Acetaldehyde 100 X I I A X U S SAcetic acid 60 X A A A X U S SAcetic acid 20 X A A A - U S UAcetic acid GLACIAL X B A A X U S SAcetic anhydride 100 X B B A X U S SAcetone 100 A A A A A S S SAcetone cyanohydrin X B B A - S S UAcetonitrile B B B A B S S SAcetophenone 100 B B B A - S S SAcetylacetone 100 B B B A A S S SAcetylene dichloride 100 B B B A - S S SAcrolein 100 B B B A - S S SAcrylic acid X B B B - U S SAcrylonitrile 100 X A A A A U S SAdipic acid SATURATED A A A A A U S SAllyl alcohol 100 A A A A A S S SAllyl bromide 100 I I I B I S S UAllyl chloride 100 I I I B I S S UAlums SATURATED A A A A A S S SAdiponitrile 100 B B B A - S S SAluminium nitrate SATURATED X B B A X S S UAluminium chloride * SATURATED X B B A X U U UAminoethyl ethanolamine X B B A X S S SAmmonia solution X A A A X S S UAmmonium salts SATURATED X A B B A S S UAmmonium chloride SATURATED X A I I A U U UAmyl acetate 100 I I A A B S S SAmyl alcohol 100 B B A A A S S SAmyl chloride 100 I I I A I S S SAniline 100 A A A A X S S UAnimal oil 100 A A A A A S S SAnisole 100 I I I A - U S UAntifreeze 100 A A A A B S S SAntimony chloride ALL X B B B X U S SApple Juice 100 X A X A X U S UAqua regia * X I X X U U UArsenic acid 80 X B B A X U S SAsphalt 100 X X X A X S S SAviation fuel 100 I I I B A S S SBarium salts SATURATED X A A A A S S UBeer X A A A X S S SBenzaldehyde X I I A X U S UBenzene X I I A A S S SBenzene sulphonic acid 100 X I X B X U S UBenzoic acid X A A A X S S UBenzoyl chloride 100 I I B A B S S SBenzyl alcohol 100 B B A A A S S SBismuth carbonate SATURATED X A X A X S S UBorax SATURATED X A X A X S S UBrine SATURATED X A X B X U S UBromine 100 X X X X X U U UButadiene 100 B B A A B S S SButter 100 X X X X X U S UButyl bromide 100 X X A A B S S SButyl carbitol acetate I I I A - S S S
Butyl/decyl/cetyl-eicosyl methacrylite mixture
Diethylene-glycol monoethyl ether acetate
Diethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate
Quote: Mating disruption for codling moth is well established as an IPM tactic inWashington orchards. Codling Moth Mating Disruption and Its Role in Washington Orchard Pest Management Programs Washington State University Cooperative ExtensionPresented at the 41st Annual IDFTA Conference, February 21-25, 1998, Pasco, Washington. Mating disruption technology for codling moth control was fi
MU-ADEPT Level 3: Advanced Training Resources Resources The ATTC's Medication-Assisted Treatment with Special Populations online training, developed for both non-physician treatment providers and physicians, is designed to enhance Medication-Assisted professionals' knowledge and skills related to reaching and educating the special populations about MAT and increasing the use of MAT