Research Journal Of BioTechnology
Vol. 3 (3) Aug. (2008) Short Communication Antimicrobial screening of Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae) root extracts Radhika P.1*, Sastry B.S.2 and Harika B. Madhu2
1. Department of Biochemistry, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, (A.P.) 530 003, INDIA.
2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Division, University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University,
concentrations of test compound i.e. 100 mg/ml and 200 mg/ml solutions of the extracts. The plates thus prepared were
In vitro antibacterial and antifungal activity
left for 90 minutes in a refrigerator for diffusion. After
of hexane and methanolic extracts of the roots of
incubation for 16 hours at 37 0C, the plates were examined
Andrographis paniculata were tested against both
for inhibition zones. The experiments were performed in
gram positive and gram negative bacteria and fungi
duplicate and the average diameter of the zones of inhibition
by using different techniques. The extracts were
measured is recorded. The results are presented in
found to inhibit the growth of all the bacteria andfungal organisms tested. The effect produced bythese extracts were comparable with the standardAntifungal activity: Potato dextrose agar (Hi-media) was antibacterial agent, benzyl penicillin and with the
dissolved and distributed in 25 ml quantities in 100 ml conical
standard antifungal agent, fluconazole and found
flasks and were sterilized in an autoclave at 121 °C (15 lbs/
to be active against all the organisms tested. for 20 minutes. The medium was inoculated at onepercent level using 48 hrs old cultures of the test organism
Keywords: Andrographis paniculata, hexane extract,
mentioned above aseptically into sterile petri dishes and
methanolic extract, antibacterial activity, benzyl penicillin,
allowed to set at room temperature for about 30 min. In a size
of 4 inches petri dishes, four cups of 8mm diameter at equaldistance were made in each plate. In each plate, one cup was
used for control i.e. chloroform, other for standard
Andrographis paniculata (Family: Acanthaceae)
fluconazole with 100 µg/ml, and the other two cups with
commonly known as “king of bitters” is a potent stimulator
concentrations of test compound i.e.100 mg/ml and 200 mg/
of the immune system, making it effective against a variety
ml solutions. The plates thus prepared were left for 90
of infections and oncogenic agents1, anti-viral2, common
minutes in a refrigerator for diffusion. After incubation for
cold3, fever4, inflammation, antibacterial, antimalarial5,
72 hours at 29 °C, the plates were examined for inhibition
filaricidal, antidiarrheal6, antifertility7 and other diseases. In
zones .The experiments were performed in duplicate and the
view of its diversity of activities the efficacy of the
average diameter of the zones of inhibition measured is
A. paniculata roots of hexane and methanolic extracts were
recorded. The results are presented in Table 2.
screened for their antibacterial activity against bacteria andantifungal activity against fungiby cup diffusion method8
The hexane and methanolic extracts showed less
and the results are presented in this communication.
antibacterial activity compared to that of the standard benzylpenicillin, but significant activity was found against both
Antibacterial activity: Nutrient agar (Hi-media) was
gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The extracts also
dissolved and distributed in 25 ml quantities in 100 ml conical
showed significant antifungal activity against fungi but
flasks and were sterilized in an autoclave at 121 0C (15lbs/
showed less antifungal activity compared to that of standard for 20 minutes. The medium was inoculated at one
percent level using 18hrs old cultures of the test organismmentioned above aseptically into sterile petri dishes and
allowed to set at room temperature for about 30 minutes. In a
Financial support from Department of Science and
size of 4 inches petri dishes, four cups of 8 mm diameter at
Technology (DST), New Delhi under Women Scientists
equal distance were made in each plate. In each plate, one
Scheme (WOS-A) to Dr. (Mrs.) P. Radhika, Principal
cup was used for control i.e. chloroform, other for standard
Investigator is gratefully acknowledged.
benzyl penicillin with 100µg/ml, and other two cups with
Research Journal Of BioTechnology
Vol. 3 (3) Aug. (2008) Antibacterial activity of hexane and methanolic root extracts of A. paniculata Inhibition zone diameter (mm) Hexane extract Methanolic extract Standard Test organisms (Benzyl penicillin)
100mg/ml 200mg/ml 100mg/ml 200mg/ml 100ìg/ml Antifungal activity of hexane and methanolic root extracts of A. paniculata Inhibition zone diameter (mm) Standard Hexane extract Methanolic extract Test organisms (fluconazole)
100mg/ml 200mg/ml 100mg/ml 200mg/ml 100ìg/ml References
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(Received 2nd April 2008, accepted 8th June 2008)
Our journal “Research Journal of BioTechnology” ( ISSN No. 0973-6263 Govt. of India Registration No. MPENG/ 2006/18426) is indexed and abstracted in Chemical Abstracts
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• Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition Printed and published by Dr. Jyoti Garg, Sector AG/80, Scheme 54, A.B. Road, INDORE for Research Journal of BioTechnology, Sector AG/80, Scheme 54, A.B. Road, INDORE. Printed at Naidunia Printery, INDORE. Editor-in-Chief (Honorary) - Dr. S.L. Gargh
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