Student__________________________ Gender M F (circle) Grade_______
Address________________________________________ T-shirt size____
City________________________ State_____ Zip____ Date of Birth__________
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (Please print legibly)
Contact MEDICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION (please keep updated) Insurance Company ____________________________________________________
Policy # __________________________ Group # ___________________________
ID #_____________________________OTHER#____________________________
PERMISSION I give _______________________ permission to participate in all activities of the Grant High School Band as approved by the school administration and the Grant Public Schools Board of Education during the 2012-2013 school year. I give the Band Director and/or authorized chaperones and/or certified medical personnel authority to seek and/or render medical aid for my child in the event of an illness or injury. I understand that at least one person listed above is to be contacted should the listed child become ill or injured. Parent / Guardian ______________________________________ Date ______________________ The medical information provided on the back of this form is confidential. It will only be viewed by volunteers providing first aid, paramedics or emergency physician. EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION
Student name____________________________
(Please print legibly) ALLERGIES (Fill in or write NONE)
______________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATION STUDENT IS NOW TAKING (Prescription, Non-prescription, or NONE – include dosage information) ______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS / CONCERNS (Fill in or write NONE)
______________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL NEEDS (Fill in diabetic supplies, inhaler, etc., or NONE)
______________________________________________________________________________ DIETARY RESTRICTIONS (Fill in or write NONE)
______________________________________________________________________________ While with the band, my child may take the following common over-the-counter medicines according to recommended dosages, if he/she requests: (Check approved medicines) ___ Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
___ Other ________________________________
___ My child should not take any of these medications. Parent / Guardian _____________________________________ Date ___________________
PHOTOSENSITIZING LIST Certain food/drugs do not mix with ultraviolet light. Anyone taking any medication should consult with a Physican PRIOR to tanning. Antihistamines Amoxapine Coal Tar derivatives Fluorouracil Anticonvulsants Anesthetics (Procaine Cold Salts 5-Fluorouracil (5-Fu) Antifungals Combipres Fluoxetine Anti-inflammotory Angelica Com
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