Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2009) 65:465–472DOI 10.1007/s00228-009-0626-7
Torasemide significantly reduces thiazide-induced potassiumand magnesium loss despite supra-additive natriuresis
H. Knauf & E. Mutschler & H. Velazquez & G. Giebisch
Received: 12 November 2008 / Accepted: 23 January 2009 / Published online: 20 February 2009
# The Author(s) 2009. This article is published with open access at
combination significantly reduced K+ and Mg2+ excretion.
Background Resistance to high-dose loop diuretics can be
The K+-sparing effect of the HCT/TO combination was
overcome either by co-administration with thiazides or by
shown to be due to a significant reduction in the HCT-
treatment with medium-dose loop diuretics combined with
induced increase in fractional K+ excretion by the loop
thiazides. Combination therapy has been proven to be
diuretic. Total excretion of Ca2+ relative to Na+ excretion
superior to high-dose loop diuretic monotherapy for cardiac
was less with the HCT/TO combination than with TO given
and renal edema. However, such a strongly efficacious
short-term regimen is often complicated by undesired
Conclusion The enhancement of desired NaCl excretion by
effects, including circulatory collapse and electrolyte
the HCT/TO combination with significant reduction of
disturbances. The question of whether the loop diuretic/
undesired loss of K+ and Mg2+ meets clinical requirements
thiazide combinations are efficacious and safe when
but has to be validated in long-term clinical trials.
conventional doses are combined has not yet beenanswered.
Keywords Hydrochlorothiazide . Torasemide .
Methods The effects of hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) and
Combination therapy . Supra-additive natriuresis .
torasemide (TO) given alone on the excretion of Na+, Cl-,
K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ were compared with the effects ofcombined administration of the diuretics in 12 healthyvolunteers.
Results The co-administration of HCT (25 mg) with TO (5or 10 mg) strongly increased Na+ excretion. However, the
High-dose monotherapy with loop diuretics has suc-cessfully been replaced by the administration ofmedium-dose loop diuretics combined with thiazides
H. Knauf (*)Department of Medicine 1, St. Bernward-Krankenhaus,
in patients with chronic edema and chronic renal failure
]. Such combinations of diuretics, each acting on
different segments of the nephron—known as “sequen-tial nephron blockade
Pharmacological Institute, University of Frankfurt/Main,
uretics in edematous states [–Although this
physiologically grounded rationale is more effectivethan high-dose monotherapy when a rapid and robust
diuretic response is needed, such treatment may lead to
Research Office, VA Healthcare System,West Haven, CT 06516, USA
complications such as fluid and electrolyte disturbances, ].
Conventional-dose combinations of loop diuretics (e.g.,
Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology,
5 or 10 mg torasemide) and thiazides (e.g., 25 mg
Yale University, School of Medicine,New Haven, CT 06520, USA
hydrochlorothiazide) have so far not been introduced in
clinical practice for the long-term treatment of hypertension
or chronic heart failure. This is obviously due to the clinicalexperience that high-dose loop/thiazide diuretic combina-
As a representative thiazide, hydrochlorothiazide (HCT,
tions cause electrolyte disturbances.
HEXAL Pharmaceuticals), 25 mg, was used in the study
In the present study, we examined conventional dose
since it has been available for long time and the greatest
combinations of loop diuretics and thiazides in healthy
body of evidence and experience has been accumulated for
volunteers free of any patient bias with particular focus on
it [Torasemide (TO, HEXAL Pharmaceuticals), 5 or
the relationship between sodium, potassium, and magne-
10 mg, is a “newer” loop diuretic of the furosemide-type
with a longer duration of action and a significantly higherbioavailability []. The diuretics were given alone andin combination. All diuretics were given orally in a single
dose under clinical control of the monitor of the trial.
The ethically approved trial (University of Göttingen,
Germany) was performed on 12 healthy volunteers (28–48 years old, 6 male, 6 female), who had given their
In accordance with earlier studies , ], urine was
written informed consent to the study. Prior to adminis-
collected after drug administration (8 A.M.) in the hospital
tration of a drug, they underwent a clinical check-up
for a 24-h period, divided into two 3-h collections, one
including kidney, liver, and hematological tests, and
6-h collection, and one 12-h collection. Baseline (control)
ECG. The participants were free of any medication.
collections were obtained from 24 to 0 h prior to drug
They were kept on a standard diet, receiving a defined
administration using the same intervals (i.e., −24, −21, −18,
fluid (1.5 l/day) and salt intake (100 mmole Na+ and 80
−12, 0 h). An aliquot of the defined volume of the
mmole K+ per day) 3 days before and throughout the
respective collection period was frozen until analyzed for
study. At least 1 week wash-out period was introduced
Na+, Cl−, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and creatinine using a
MODULAR Analyzer (Roche, Switzerland). For monitor-
Total Excretion
5 or 10 mg, with hydrochlorothi-azide (HCT), 25 mg, on totalexcretion of Na+ (upper panel)and on the excretion of K+ and
Mg2+ (lower panel) as comparedto HCT alone. The left barpresents the data for 0–12 h,
the right bar for 0–24 hcollection periods. The data aremeans ± SE for 12 healthy
volunteers. For controls, furtherexcretion data, and statistical
Dose [mg]
ing the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the fractional
were taken prior to the study as well as 3, 6, 12, and 24 h
excreted in the urine relative to the amount filtered (GFR ×
First, total excretion of volume and electrolytes was
determined from urine collected in the respective periods.
Then net excretion induced by a diuretic regimen was
calculated for each participant from total excretion minus
baseline (control) obtained in the respective pretreatment
period. Thus, each run or experimental series was compared
with its own control 24 h prior to drug administration.
Administration of the diuretics alone and the diuretic
combination was performed in a randomized design. All
data are expressed as mean values ± SE. Statistical
evaluation was performed using analysis of variance
adjusted for multiple testing. Statistical significance was
Figure illustrates total excretion rates of Na+, K+, and
Mg2+ obtained in 0- to 12-h and 0- to 24-h collection
periods. Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT, 25 mg) induced a
strong natriuresis for 12 h, consistent with the time of
action of this diuretic. The addition of the loop diuretic TO,
5 or 10 mg, to HCT strongly increased Na+ excretion in a
dose-dependent manner. With respect to a once-a-day drug
administration, which includes the postdiuretic period (12–
24 h), the co-administration of HCT with TO increased total
Na+ excretion without being curtailed by postdiuretic Na+
Strikingly, K+ excretion did not increase in proportion to
Na+ excretion. Rather, K+ excretion declined with increas-
ing doses of TO co-administered with the thiazide. HCT-
induced excretion of Mg2+ was also reduced by increasingdoses of TO. These findings were then analyzed in detail by
a statistical evaluation of the excretion data given in
Compared to controls, HCT induced strong Na+ and Cl−
excretion. Positive NaCl excretion was maintained up to
24 h after drug administration. TO, however, induced
significant Na+ excretion only for 0–12 h. In terms of
mmoles, the HCT-induced excretion of K+ was about 40%
that of Na+. TO, however, was significantly less kaliuretic
than HCT. The loop diuretic did not increase K+ excretion
above control for the 0- to 12-h or 0- to 24-h periods.
Diuretic-induced excretion of Mg2+ very much paralleled
that of K+: HCT induced strong Mg2+ loss for 0–12 and
bar presenting the net natriuretic effect induced by
0–24 h as well, whereas TO did not significantly change
combined administration of HCT and TO. The time course
total Mg2+ excretion compared to controls.Concerning Ca2+
in Fig. shows that the net diuretic effect of the loop
excretion, there was no Ca2+ loss during the 0- to 12-h and
diuretic TO given alone was positive only for 6 h (periods
0- to 24-h periods with HCT, whereas the loop diuretic
0–3 and 3–6 h). Throughout the remainder of the study
significantly increased Ca2+ excretion above control for the
period (6–12 h, 12–24 h), net sodium excretion became
negative. After approximately 6 h, significant NaCl
A comparison of combined administration of HCT and
retention occurred resulting in a “rebound effect” (Na+
TO versus HCT given alone shows that the combination is
excretion below baseline) that diminished the overall
a significantly stronger natriuretic regimen than HCT, both
natriuretic effect. In contrast, the thiazide diuretic acted
for the 0- to 12-h and the 0- to 24-h period. Total excretion
for approximately 12 h and lacked a significant rebound
of K+ relative to Na+ during 0–24 h was only 20% as
effect. The rebound seen with TO given alone is effectively
compared to 40% with HCT given alone. Also Mg2+
reduced by co-administered HCT. Figure illustrates that
excretion was significantly reduced by the HCT/TO
combined administration of conventional doses of HCT and
combination as compared to HCT given alone. Ca2+
TO is by far a stronger natriuretic regimen (“supra-
excretion obtained by the HCT/TO combination was greater
additive”) than when the components are given separately.
than that with HCT given alone only for 0–12 h. On the
The diuretic-induced net excretion of K+ and Mg2+ is
other hand, a comparison of the HCT/TO combination with
illustrated in Fig. . After 12 h, combined administration of
TO given alone shows that total Ca2+ excretion induced by
25 mg HCT with 10 mg TO induced a net K+ excretion of
the combination did not differ significantly from that
only about half the amount obtained by the individual
obtained with the loop diuretic given alone, although the
components given separately. The attenuation of HCT-
HCT/TO combination was by far a stronger natriuretic
induced K+ loss by TO is also clearly demonstrated for the
regimen. Stated differently, total excretion of Ca2+ relative
0- to 24-h period: K+ loss following separate administration
to Na+ excretion with the HCT/TO combination equalled
of HCT and TO combined in the left bar was lowered to
that with HCT given alone, but was less than that obtained
about one-third by combined administration of HCT and
by the loop diuretic given alone. Table also includes the
TO (right bar). The same effects held true for net Mg2+
HCT-induced transient fall in GFR (4–6 h after medica-
excretion both for the 0- to 12-h and the 0- to 24-h period.
tion). This phenomenon was absent in the presence of TO,in agreement with earlier reports [
Net Na+ Excretion
Urinary excretion following drug administration is a
complex process as the drug effect is superimposed upon or
mixed with the baseline excretion of the kidney. Therefore,
we focused on the drug effect per se by calculating “net
excretion” rates free of the baseline excretion. Net excretion
was determined for each individual by taking into account
the baseline excretion in the respective pretreatment period
(see Table ). The net natriuretic effect obtained by
combined administration of HCT (25 mg) and TO(10 mg) was always significantly greater than the sum of
the net effects obtained by the components given alone.
This “supra-additive” natriuretic effect of the thiazide/loopdiuretic combination in healthy young volunteers exceeds
the sum of the individual effects by a factor of 1.3. It should
Collection Period Following Drug Administration [h]
be noted (not given in Table ) that the lower-dosecombinations of HCT (25 mg)/TO (5 mg) and HCT
Fig. 2 Effect of HCT, 25 mg, and TO, 10 mg, and the combination
(12.5 mg)/TO (5 mg) also resulted in a significant increase
of both diuretics on “net excretion” of Na+. The data are plotted fordistinct collection periods to illustrate the time courses of the different
in natriuresis of 30%. This phenomenon is in agreement
regimens. Net excretion was calculated as total excretion minus the
with earlier observations in edematous patients (see the
respective pretreatment baseline excretion in each individual for
each regimen. The effects of the components alone are combined
In Fig. the natriuretic net effects of HCT (25 mg) and
in the left bar to compare with the effect obtained by combinedadministration in the right bar. Negative excretion (e.g., with TO
TO (10 mg) are plotted for the distinct collection periods.
from 6–24 h) denotes less natriuresis than baseline excretion
The net effects of HCT and TO given separately are
(“rebound”). Effect of combined administration vs the sum of the
combined in a single bar to be matched against the second
Net K+ Excretion
period, the FEK of the HCT-containing regimen was still
slightly above baseline. Neither changes in blood chemistry
nor adverse drug reactions were observed throughout the
The present experiments have shown that the co-
administration of conventional and lower doses of loopand thiazide diuretics yielded a net diuretic/natriuretic effect
that was significantly greater than the sum of the net
individual effects of each class of diuretic. This finding is in
accordance with earlier observations first made in patientswith fluid retention (see the “” section). The
Net Mg2+ Excret ion
gain in natriuretic efficacy of about 30% in healthy young
volunteers needs further consideration. The addition of a
loop diuretic to a thiazide may enhance NaCl excretion byseveral mechanisms, none of which are mutually exclusive.
Loop diuretics do not appear to potentiate the effect of athiazide by altering their pharmacokinetics or bioavailabil-
ity [–Rather, pharmacodynamic mechanisms seem toplay the predominant role in diuretic-induced electrolyte
Given the axial organization of transport mechanisms in
the different segments of the nephron and the segment-
specific inhibition of salt transport by diuretics, the result of
treatment is the sum of all direct and indirect effects on
Collection Period Following Drug Administration
solute transport along the nephron. For example, whenNaCl reabsorption along the thick ascending limb of
Fig. 3 Effect of HCT, 25 mg, and TO, 10 mg, alone, and thecombination of both diuretics on net excretion of K+ (upper panel)
Henle’s loop (TALH) is inhibited by loop diuretics, the
and Mg2+ (lower panel) plotted in paired bars (means ± SE). As in
NaCl concentration in the fluid that enters the distal tubule
Fig. the effects of the diuretics HCT and TO given alone arecombined in the left bar to compare with combined administration inthe right bar. Data are cumulative for 0- to 12-h and 0- to 24-
Fractional K+ Excretion
h collection periods (see Table data in parenthesis). Effect of
combined administration vs the sum of the single effects: *P<0.05
It should be mentioned that the significant attenuation of K+
and Mg2+ excretion was also obtained by the lower dosecombinations of HCT and TO.
To focus on renal handling of potassium filtration and
excretion, the fractional K+ excretion was studied in the
presence of conventional doses of the thiazide and the loop
diuretic given alone and in combination. As illustrated in
Fig. the FEK following the administration of 25 mg HCTsignificantly increased during the 0- to 3-h period and most
evidently during the 3- to 6-h period to more than three
12–24 h Collection Period Following Drug Administration [h]
times baseline FEK of 0.1 on average. However, the loopdiuretic TO, 10 mg, did not significantly increase FEK
Fig. 4 Effect of HCT, 25 mg, and TO, 10 mg, alone, and the
during these periods. Strikingly, the loop diuretic co-
combination HCT/TO on fractional K+ excretion (K+ excreted
administered with the thiazide significantly reduced the
relative to K+ filtered) plotted for distinct collection periods. Forcomparison, control FE
K is also given. The results are means ± SE for
12 healthy volunteers. HCT or TO vs control: *P<0.05, HCT+TO vs
the thiazide, as also illustrated in Fig. In the postdiuretic
is greatly increased. In a microperfusion study in rats ],
In long-term treatment with loop diuretics, “diuretic
Na+ absorption rose by a factor of three under those
adaptation” ] develops associated with epithelial hyper-
conditions. As a consequence, the apparent inhibition of
trophy and hyperplasia, including the activation of Na+/K+-
NaCl reabsorption in the loop of Henle is attenuated by
ATPase , ]. The administration of thiazides prevented
increased tubular reabsorption in more distal nephron sites.
the activation of distal tubular Na+/K+-ATPase ]. It was
This increase in sodium reabsorption can be blocked by
also shown in humans ] that chronic treatment with loop
luminal thiazide acting on the early distal tubule. Hence, the
diuretics enhanced ion transport in the distal tubule. These
net effect of acute loop-diuretic administration on urinary
data once again support the rationale for the combined
NaCl excretion reflects the sum of effects in the diuretic-
administration of loop diuretics with thiazides to counter-
sensitive segment (e.g., inhibition of Na+/K+/2Cl− transport
balance the process of diuretic adaptation.
in the TALH) and in the loop diuretic-insensitive segments
The finding of lowered excretion of K+ and Mg2+
(secondary stimulation of NaCl reabsorption in the down-
despite the strong natriuretic efficacy of the HCT/TO
combination is novel and was unexpected. However, in a
The combination of thiazides with loop diuretics prevents
previous microperfusion study in rats ], it was shown
not only the stimulating effect of luminal Na+ concentration
that thiazides such as HCT or tizolemide increase distal
on NaCl uptake in the early distal tubule, but the thiazides
tubular potassium secretion yielding a higher K+ excretion
also inhibit carbonic anhydratase (CA) in the proximal
than in controls. Yet these kaliuretic agents failed to
tubule, thereby increasing Na+ delivery to the TALH [
enhance distal potassium secretion when given together
–This is due to the fact that thiazides retain a
with furosemide or piretanide. The inhibition of the
sulfamyl side group on the benzene ring characteristic of a
thiazide-induced increase in distal tubular K+ secretion
CA inhibitor such as acetazolamide ]. Thus, thiazides
play a dual role: they block the Na+/Cl− co-transport in the
Insights gained from more recent experiments now
early distal tubule and also—to varying extents—the proxi-
permit a tentative explanation of the potassium-sparing
mal tubular CA. The order of potency for carbonic anhydratase
effect of low-dose diuretic combinations used in this trial.
inhibition is chlorthalidone > benzthiazide > polythiazide >
Potassium is filtered by the glomeruli, and most of the
chlorothiazide > bemetizide > hydrochlorothiazide > xipamide
potassium filtered is reabsorbed from the lumen by the time
fluid emerges from the thick ascending limb of Henle’s
In addition, loop diuretics also have a dual effect: first, they
loop and enters the distal tubule. Potassium excreted in the
block Na+/K+/Cl− transport in the TALH, and in addition,
final urine (equal to approximately 10% of the amount
they increase Ca2+ delivery to the distal tubule [], which
filtered) largely represents the amount secreted by the cells
decreases apical Na+ conductivity of the principal cells ].
of the connecting tubule and collecting duct. Potassium
Thus, some further Na+ inhibitory effect—as is known to
secretion occurs through potassium channels, but this
occur with sodium channel blockers—contributes to the
process also depends on the presence of luminal membrane
supra-additive effect obtained with the combination HCT/TO.
sodium channels in the apical membrane of principal cells.
Taken together, the HCT/TO combination inhibits NaCl
The co-existence of these two channels generates the
reabsorption at four sites of the nephron: in the proximal
electrical driving force for potassium secretion Block-
tubule (HCT), in the loop of Henle (TO), in the early distal
ing sodium channels with K+-sparing diuretics such as
tubule (HCT), and in the late distal tubule (TO). This mode
amiloride, for example, decreases the driving force for
of action along the nephron corresponds to “sequential
potassium secretion in the distal tubule. Other agents also
have been shown to block the sodium channels of the distal
Thiazide monotherapy may—at least in short-term
tubule For example, increases in luminal Ca2+
treatment—be curtailed by a transient fall in GFR and a
concentration in the range normally present in the distal
consequent reduction in Na+ excretion Through the
tubule reduce net K+ secretion by decreasing the electro-
co-administration of TO, known to block tubuloglomerular
chemical driving force for K+ secretion. These data may
feedback [, ], these effects could be prevented.
be relevant to the present study and may help to explain
Postdiuretic NaCl retention (“rebound”) is known to be
the potassium-sparing effects of combined HCT/TO
more prominent the greater the peak natriuresis and the
shorter the duration of the diuretic’s action and is observed
In rat microperfusion experiments [it was shown
with loop diuretics ]. The net effect of a strong but short-
that the ability of Na+ channel blockers such as amiloride to
acting loop diuretic may therefore approach zero for a
inhibit distal tubular K+ secretion and Na+ reabsorption
24-h period. However, when combined with thiazides, the
requires the presence of luminal Ca2+. Since thiazides
natriuretic efficacy of loop diuretics can be improved and
stimulate Ca2+ reabsorption by the distal tubule ] and
thus reduce the luminal Ca2+ concentration, thiazides alone
might be expected to increase potassium excretion. Loop
The generous support of the trial by HEXAL,
Holzkirchen, Germany, is greatly appreciated.
diuretics, on the other hand, when co-administered withthiazides might reduce K+ excretion by increasing distal
The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
tubular Ca2+ concentration, inhibiting the sodium channel,and decreasing the driving force for K+ secretion. Thus, the
This article is distributed under the terms of the
loop diuretic/thiazide combination may show a stronger
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
antikaliuretic effect relative to Na+ excretion than the
medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
antikaliuretic agent/thiazide combination. Therefore, TOmay have a dual effect in the nephron: it directly blocks theNa+:K+:Cl− carrier in the TALH and, in addition, it couldaffect distal tubular K+ secretion by increasing Ca2+
Given an equivalent natriuresis and diuresis, torasemide
was shown to be less kaliuretic than furosemide [].
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