1540 HIGH STREET, SUITE 201 • DES MOINES, IA 50309 515-244-9565 • FAX: 888-566-2377 MEDICAL HISTORY
Legal Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________________
What is your estimate of your general health? អ Good
Please list any physicians that you see at least once per year:
Preferred Pharmacy Name & Location _________________________________________
1. Do you have or have you ever had (circle all that apply):
a. active tuberculosis (TB), persistent cough longer than 3 weeks, cough producing
iii. penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, sulfa
iv. aspirin, codeine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen
v. metals (gold, stainless steel, nickel)
c. heart disease, heart attack, angina, congestive heart failured. heart murmur or mitral valve prolapsee. pacemaker, defibrillator
* f. bacterial endocarditis, artificial heart valve, congenital heart disease
1. Do you have or have you ever had (circle all that apply):
h. strokei. bleeding problem, anemia, bruise easily, or other blood diseasej. emphysema, COPD, asthmak. sinus problemsl. kidney diseasem. liver disease, jaundice, hepatitis (A, B, C, or D)n. thyroid, parathyroid disease
p. stomach or intestinal disease, reflux disease, or digestive disorderq. cancer, abnormal growth, chemotherapy, radiation therapy
* r. immunosuppressive condition: (circle all that apply)
* s. artificial joint(s): (list joint and date of placement)
t. artificial implants or devicesu. muscle disease, joint disease, or arthritis (osteo or rheumatoid)v. glaucoma, impairment of sight, hearing, or speechw. head or neck injuriesx. frequent headachesy. epilepsy, seizures, nervous system diseasez. antibiotic therapy lasting more than 1 monthaa. mental health condition, emotional problems, psychiatric treatment,
bb. physical or mental disabilities that may require special care
2. Have you taken medication or had IV therapy for osteoporosis or high blood calcium?
(e.g. Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva-Pill, Boniva-IV, Aredia, Zometa) អ Yes អ No
3. Do you have any disease, condition, or problem not listed here? អ Yes អ No4. Do you have any undiagnosed symptoms? អ Yes អ No5. Have you been hospitalized for illness, injury, or had surgery in the last
6. Do you smoke or use smokeless tobacco? (list products that you use) អ Yes អ No7. Do you drink alcohol? អ Yes អ No8. Do you use recreational drugs? អ Yes អ No9. Are you, or have you ever been addicted to a chemical substance? (e.g. alcohol,
prescription drugs, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine) អ Yes អ No
10. Are you or could you be pregnant? Nursing? អ Yes អ No
Doctor’s Signature _______________________________________________ Date ______
Patient/Legal Guardian’s Signature __________________________________ Date ______
POS® Reorder # 0722127
Editorial Foros Internacionales de Pensamiento Aeroespacial OS últimos años han visto cómo las alian- son nuestras grandes prioridades estratégicas . zas estratégicas a las que España pertenece(Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional. 2013). Uno de L han sido sometidas a procesos de renova- los frutos de los acuerdos alcanzados en este foro ción intensos. Estos cambios son el
Mensaje de Navidad del Patriarca KIRILL de Moscú y Toda Rusia a los archipastores, pastores, monjes y todos fieles de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa Jerarcas eminencias, muy dignos padres, monjes y monjas amantes de Dios, queridos hermanos y hermanas! Navidad es la celebración brillante y llena de alegría de la encarnación de nuestro Señor, Dios y Salvador Jesucristo, damos