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The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02. PROGRAM FOCUS:
The Masters in Educational Leadership Program did not explicitly focus on this standard. However many of things we discussed did relate back to best practices and ensuring teachers are teaching effectively. While some of the assignments did relate back to this standard (for example the Hillsboro Project included as evidence for Standard #3 focused improving teacher performances), I am not including a graduate project as evidence for this standard. EVIDENCE OF PROFICIENCY IN STANDARD 1:
As evidence of my abilities as a teacher I am including all three of my formal evaluations from the Appleton Area School District. If additional evidence is preferred, I would be happy to provide my teaching portfolio. The Administrator has an understanding of and
demonstrates competence in the teacher standards.
(1) Content. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils. (2) Pupil growth and development. The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development. (3) Learning styles. The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities. (4) Classroom Instruction. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. (5) Classroom Management. The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (6) Communication. The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. (7) Lesson Planning. The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals. (8) Assessment. The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil. Reflection. The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. (10) Community. The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.


TÍtulo ii

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