T. J. Hwang, S.M. Lee, H.J. Sun, et alAMISULPRIDE VERSUS RISPERIDONE IN THE TREATMENT OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS: A DOUBLE-BLIND PILOT STUDY IN TAIWAN Tzung J. Hwang,1 Shin-Min Lee,2 Hsiao-Ju Sun,3 Hsin-Nan Lin,1Shih-Jen Tsai,4 Ying-Chiao Lee,4 and Ying-Sheue Chen4Background and Purpose: The atypical antipsychotics, amisulpride and risperidone, have different receptor affinity characteristics. Although the relative efficacy of both drugs compared to conventional antipsychotics is well established, it remains unclear how the efficacy of amisulpride compares with risperidone. There have been no controlled studies comparing amisulpride to risperidone in Asian patients. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of amisulpride with that of risperidone in Taiwanese schizophrenic patients. Methods: Patients with productive positive symptoms (n = 48) were enrolled into this double-blind, randomized pilot study for 6 weeks. Patients received either amisulpride (400–800 mg/day) or risperidone (4–8 mg/day). Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS), and patients’ subjective responses to treatment were assessed during the trial period. Adverse events were recorded at each follow-up visit. Results: At the end of the trial, the mean dosage was 630 ± 134 mg/day and 6.88 ± 1.54 mg/day for amisulpride and risperidone, respectively. There was no significant difference in the reduction of the PANSS total score (amisulpride -24.1 versus risperidone -28.4, p = 0.999), the PANSS positive subscale score (amisulpride -6.8 versus risperidone -8.3, p = 0.467), the PANSS negative subscale score (amisulpride -5.6 versus risperidone -6.4, p = 0.999), or the CGI score between the two groups. The extrapyramidal symptom ratings, the improvement in the SOFAS (amisulpride 11.1 versus risperidone 10.0) and the subjective response (amisulpride 82% versus risperidone 83%) were comparable. No serious adverse events were recorded in either treatment group. There was a statistically significant body weight gain in the risperidone group. In contrast, there was a statistically, though not clinically, significant reduction of blood pressure and heart rate in the amisulpride group. Conclusions: This study suggests that amisulpride is as effective as risperidone in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia. Both drugs were well tolerated, but had different side effect profiles. Key words: Amisulpride; Risperidone; Schizophrenia; Double-blind study; Antipsychotic agents J Formos Med Assoc 2003;102:30-6
Amisulpride is a unique substituted benzamide
negative symptoms, and less propensity to induce
with selective affinity to D and D receptors. Animal
extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS).5,6 At lower dose
studies have shown that at low dose it blocks pre-
(50 to 300 mg/day), amisulpride was shown to
synaptic dopamine autoreceptors and enhances
improve predominantly negative symptoms in patients
dopamine release, whereas at high dose, it prefer-
with schizophrenia.7–9 Thus, it bears the clinical
entially blocks postsynaptic dopaminergic receptors
features of so-called “atypical antipsychotics”, but with
in the limbic region as compared to those of the
its own specific mechanism involving mainly dopa-
striatum.1,2 These findings are consistent with results
Risperidone, a widely used atypical antipsychotic,
Compared with conventional antipsychotics,
is an antagonist at both dopaminergic D and sero-
amisulpride (400 to 800 mg/day) has been shown to
tonergic 5HT receptors. Compared with conventional
have comparable efficacy for the treatment of positive
antipsychotics, it has been shown to be equally
symptoms,3,4 better efficacy for the treatment of
effective in the treatment of positive symptoms,10–12
1Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei; 2Department of General Psychiatry, Pali PsychiatricCenter, Taipei county; 3Department of Psychiatry, Taoyuan Psychiatric Center, Taoyuan county; 4Department of Psychiatry,Veterans General Hospital-Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan. Received: 6 June 2002 Revised: 7 July 2002 Accepted: 1 October 2002Reprint requests and correspondence to: Dr. Ying-Sheue Chen, Department of Psychiatry, Veterans General Hospital-Taipei, No. 201, Shih-Pai Road, Sec. 2, Taipei 11217, Taiwan. 30 J Formos Med Assoc 2003 • Vol 102 • No 1
Amisulpride Versus Risperidone in Schizophrenia
more effective in the treatment of negative symp-
Efficacy, EPS, and other evaluations
toms,13 and less likely to induce EPS in patients with
Efficacy and safety evaluations were done on days 0,
7, 14, 21, 28, and 42. The primary efficacy measure
Although the efficacy of both amisulpride and
was the total score of the PANSS, which was assessed
risperidone has already been compared to con-
using a Chinese version of the PANSS (the PANSS-
ventional antipsychotics, it remains unclear how
CH) with demonstrated reliability.16 The secondary
amisulpride compares with risperidone. To our know-
efficacy measures were: the subscale scores of the
ledge, there has been only one study directly compar-
PANSS, the PANSS-derived BPRS (Brief Psychiatric
ing amisulpride and risperidone,14 and no such studies
Rating Scale) total scores, and the Clinical Global
have been done in Asian patients with schizophrenia.
Impression (CGI) scores.17 Other efficacy measures
The purpose of this study was to compare amisulpride
included the Social and Occupational Functioning
to risperidone to evaluate their efficacy and safety in
Assessment Scale (SOFAS),15 and a scale assessing
patients with schizophrenia in Taiwan.
patients’ subjective responses to treatment. EPS wereevaluated with the Extrapyramidal Syndrome Rating
Scale (ESRS).18 All investigators participated in a one-
day video training session of the rating proceduresbefore the study started. The inter-rater reliability
Study design
on PANSS was satisfactory (0.7–1.0 for all items)
The study was designed as a double-blind, random-
ized, multicenter study comparing the efficacy andsafety of amisulpride versus risperidone in schizo-
Study procedures
phrenic patients. Patients were observed for a placebo
At least 6 days prior to day 0, patients were assessed
run-in (washout) period of 3 to 6 days to evaluate
and screened by participating psychiatrists for
their enrollment eligibility, and then were random-
eligibility according to the above-mentioned criteria.
ly allocated to receive either amisulpride or
Medical history was taken, and physical and laboratory
risperidone for 6 weeks. The study protocol was
examinations were done, including hematology,
approved by the Joint Institutional Review Board,
blood chemistry, urinalysis, and electrocardiography
(ECG). PANSS, PANSS-derived BPRS, and CGIscale ratings were evaluated. A patient’s spontaneous
complaints were recorded. Eligible patients were then
Patients were recruited from 4 centers in northern
admitted and entered a placebo run-in (washout)
Taiwan. The enrollment criteria required patients
period for 3 to 6 days. Those receiving a depot
to be 18–65 years old and to fulfill DSM IV15 criteria
injection were required to have a minimal washout
for schizophrenia, with productive symptom [scoring
period equivalent to the previous injection interval.
4 or above for at least 2 of the 7 positive symptoms in
After washout, on day 0, patients were randomly
the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS)
assigned to receive amisulpride (400–800 mg/day) or
and with a PANSS total score between 60 and 120] at
risperidone (4–8 mg/day) for 6 weeks. Risperidone
the screening visit and day 0 (i.e. the day when patients
doses were titrated from 1 mg/day to 4 mg/day during
took the first dose of trial drugs).
the first 6 days to avoid acute adverse effects, while
Patients having the following conditions were
amisulpride remained at 400 mg/day. Subsequently,
excluded from the study: 1) history of allergy or hyper-
both drugs were titrated according to clinical response
sensitivity to risperidone, benzamides, procyclidine,
at the discretion of the investigators. In accordance
or benzodiazepines; 2) significant neurological
with the double-blind nature of the study, both
diseases such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease or
drugs were provided in identical sealed capsules.
epilepsy; 3) significant organic brain syndrome; 4)
Psychopathology (PANSS, BPRS, CGI), ESRS, and
history of severe medical diseases such as cardio-
physical examination were assessed, and patient’s
vascular, respiratory, renal or liver disease; 5) preg-
spontaneous complaints or clinical findings of adverse
nancy, lactation, or intention to become pregnant;
events were recorded on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 42.
6) recent abuse of psychoactive drugs or alcohol;
Adverse events were coded by the WHO-Adverse
and 7) placebo responders, i.e. patients whose PANSS
Reaction Terminology (WHO-ART) coding system
positive scores reduced by 40% or more during
and were tabulated by body system. Blood and urine
the placebo run-in period. Written informed consent
examinations were performed on days 14 and 42. A
was obtained from every patient prior to entry into
follow-up ECG was performed on day 42. The SOFAS
the trial after explanation of the procedure and
was used to evaluate the individual’s level of social
and occupational functioning on day 0 and day 42
J Formos Med Assoc 2003 • Vol 102 • No 1
31 T. J. Hwang, S.M. Lee, H.J. Sun, et alTable 1. Demographic and baseline characteristics of the intent-to-treat population.
(or at the time of premature withdrawal). Patients’
abstinence for antipsychotic medication injection
subjective responses were also assessed at day 7
and day 42, using a semi-structured interview by
Demographic data of the two groups in the intent-
asking “How does the medication agree with you?”;
to-treat population are summarized in Table 1. There
“Did it make you feel calmer?”; “Did it affect your
were no significant differences in baseline character-
thinking?”; and “ Do you think this would be the right
istics between the two groups. In the amisulpride
medication for you?”. Responses were rated on a
group, the mean dose was unchanged after day 28
seven-point (-3 to +3) euphoric/dysphoric scale.
(630 ± 150 mg/day at day 28 and 630 ± 134 mg/day
Concomitant medications were restricted unless
at day 42), while the mean dose was increased slightly
after day 28 (6.56 ± 1.58 mg/day at day 28 and 6.88 ±1.54 mg/day at day 42) in the risperidone group. Statistical analysis The main analysis was carried out on the intent-to- Efficacy
treat population using the Last Observation Carried
The PANSS total score and three subscores over the
Forward (LOCF) technique. Because of the limited
6-week trial are shown in Table 2. At the end of the
sample size, non-parametric analyses were used. The
trial, there were significant changes in both groups,
main analysis was a Friedman two-way analysis of
but no significant differences between the two groups
variance (treatment group and center) for between
in the PANSS total scores and the three subscores.
group analyses in efficacy parameters (PANSS, BPRS,
The proportions of patients with more than 20% score
CGI, SOFAS, subjective response) and safety param-
reduction in the PANSS total scores were calculated,
eters (ESRS, vital signs, body weight).
and no significant difference between the two groups
Wilcoxon signed rank test was applied for within
was observed (68% with amisulpride versus 76% with
group analyses. Ordinal qualitative variables were
examined using Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
Changes in the BPRS total scores and the CGI
(with ridit transformation of the variables), with
score are also shown in Table 2. Similarly, there were
adjustment for center effect. Statistical significance
significant changes within each group, but no
was declared if the two-sided p value was less than
statistical differences between these two groups. When
0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using
the categories of “very much improved” and “much
improved” were grouped as a single “responder”category, there were no significant differences in the
number and percentage of responders between the
amisulpride and risperidone groups (41% versus 60%,respectively, p = 0.196).
From October 01, 1999 to June 30, 2000, a total of 48
There was no significant difference in the scores
patients with schizophrenia were enrolled. There were
of SOFAS between the two groups at the end of the
23 and 25 patients in the amisulpride and risperidone
trial (Table 2). The assessments of patients’ subjective
groups, respectively. One patient in the amisulpride
response were also comparable. Approximately 75%
group had multiple somatic complaints during the
of all patients expressed a positive subjective response
placebo run-in phase and withdrew himself from the
to treatment after day 7. At day 42, 82% and 83%
trial at day 6; the patient was excluded for efficacy
of patients expressed good subjective response in
data analyses due to lack of any efficacy measure after
the amisulpride and risperidone groups, respectively.
active medication. Of the remaining 47 patients, twoin the amisulpride group failed to complete the entire
6-week trial. In one this was due to adverse events; the
During the trial period, no serious adverse events
other was found not to meet the washout criteria of
were recorded based on patients’ spontaneous
32 J Formos Med Assoc 2003 • Vol 102 • No 1
Amisulpride Versus Risperidone in SchizophreniaTable 2. Changes in PANSS, BPRS, CGI, and SOFAS scores of the intent-to-treat population.
PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI = Clinical Global Impression—severity of illness; SOFAS = Social andOccupational Functioning Assessment Scale.
reports or investigators’ examinations. The overall
the trial (Table 4). The amisulpride group had sig-
incidence of treatment-related adverse events was
nificant within-group reduction (p < 0.01), while
65.2% (15/23) and 64.0% (16/25) for patients in
the risperidone group had borderline reduction
the amisulpride and risperidone groups, respectively,
(p < 0.07), in both supine systolic blood pressure
and the difference was not statistically significant
(SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The
(p = 0.931). When the incidence of each adverse event
amisulpride group had significant within-group
was compared, none was shown to be significantly
reduction (p < 0.04), while the risperidone group had
different between the 2 groups. The adverse events
a non-significant increase in supine heart rate (HR)
recorded in more than 5% of patients are listed in
[Table 4]. These changes in vital signs were judged
Table 3. The most frequent adverse events were
as clinically insignificant. Mean body weight in the
insomnia (17.3%) and constipation (17.3%) in the
risperidone group was significantly increased at the
amisulpride group, and akathisia (16%), tremo (12%),
end of the trial (Table 4), but there were no significant
and constipation (12%) in the risperidone group.
differences in this variable between the 2 groups.
At the end of the trial, there were no significant
between-group or within-group changes in the global
abnormal but clinically insignificant changes at the
assessment of parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, or
end of the study. Two cases were in the amisulpride
total scores of BAS, except that the risperidone grouphad a significant within-group reduction in the global
Table 3. Treatment-emergent adverse events occurring in
assessment of parkinsonism (day 0: 1.4 ± 1.0, day 42:
0.9 ± 0.8, p < 0.05). The number of patients using
antiparkinsonian drugs, β-blockers, anxiolytics, and
hypnotics was 7 (30.4%), 1 (4.3%), 6 (26.1%), and
16 (70%), respectively, in the amisulpride group; and
11 (44%), 4 (16%), 12 (48%), and 19 (76%),
respectively, in the risperidone group. There were
borderline to significant differences between the
two groups in the use of antiparkinsonian drugs,
-blockers, and anxiolytics (Fisher’s exact test:
p = 0.06, 0.008, and 0.002, respectively).
Regarding the vital signs, there were no signifi-
cant differences between the 2 groups at the end of
SGPT = serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
J Formos Med Assoc 2003 • Vol 102 • No 1
33 T. J. Hwang, S.M. Lee, H.J. Sun, et alTable 4. Changes in vital signs and body weight measurement of the intent-to-treat population.
*p < 0.05 for the within-group comparison between day 0 and day 42; †pvalues for the changes between groups at day 42.
group (non-specific ST-T changes and left ventricular
doses and concomitant medications, and a smaller
hypertrophy criteria), and one in the risperidone
sample size in our study. In the study of Peuskens
group (sinus tachycardia). There were no cases with
et al, the dosages were relatively high (800 mg/day
prolonged QTc (QTc > 500 ms) at the end of the trial
of amisulpride and 8 mg/day of risperidone), and
in either group. Blood and urine examinations
the percentage of concomitant antiparkinsonian
showed that there were no clinically significant
drugs was 30% in the amisulpride group and 23%
changes in either group, and no patient was withdrawn
in the risperidone group. In our study, the dosages
from the study due to laboratory abnormalities.
were moderate, and the percentage of concomitantantiparkinsonian drugs in the amisulpride group
(30%) was significantly lower than in the risperidone
Both drugs were well tolerated in this trial. There
This double-blind pilot study showed that there were
were no severe adverse events, a relatively low inci-
no significant differences in efficacy between
dence of adverse events, and only rare withdrawal
amisulpride and risperidone in schizophrenic
from the trial due to adverse events. Scores on dif-
patients. Both drugs were effective in the treatment
ferent dimensions of EPS also did not increase
of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,
significantly during the trial, indicating that neither
and all subjective responses and functional outcomes
amisulpride nor risperidone induced marked EPS at
indicated that the drugs were comparable. The result
these dose ranges. This is consistent with previous
is consistent with a previous report with a direct
experiences with these drugs.6,20 There was a signifi-
comparison design,14 and other indirect comparison
cant reduction in the rating of parkinsonism in the
risperidone group at the end of the trial, which might
There was an initial significant decline in the total
be related to the dose employed, concomitant medi-
scores of the PANSS, BPRS, and CGI at Day 7 in both
groups, and the decline continued till the end of the
In this trial, the risperidone group had significant
trial. However, it is interesting to note that the mean
body weight gain at the end of the study, which is
dose did not change after Day 28 in the amisulpride
commonly associated with the use of risperidone,21,22
group, while there was mild dose escalation in the
but not amisulpride.5,22 There was no QTc prolonga-
risperidone group. This implies that amisulpride
tion or arrythmogenic effect for either drug, which is
630 mg/day was clinically equivalent to risperidone
6.56–6.88 mg/day in the 6-week trial. This estimate is
Theoretically, amisulpride has a low autonomic
close to that in the fixed-dose design of the study by
neurocardiac risk due to its action at dopamine
Peuskens et al, in which amisulpride 800 mg/day was
D and D receptors rather than at cholinergic or
equivalent to risperidone 8 mg/day.14 The finding is
adrenergic receptors.25,26 However, albeit judged to
also consistent with a previous report that amisulpride
be clinically insignificant, there were statistically
400–800 mg/day is the most efficacious dose in the
significant reductions of supine SBP, DBP and HR in
the amisulpride group at the end of the trial. A large
Previous studies showed a trend in favor of greater
pooled analysis on safety profiles of amisulpride27
improvement in negative symptoms in the PANSS
showed that a trend towards a decrease in HR (defined
negative scale in patients receiving amisulpride,6,14 but
as sitting or supine HR ≤ 50 beats/min and a decrease
we did not find such a trend in this study. Possible
versus baseline ≤ 15 beats/min) occurred in 1% of
relevant factors included differences in comparison
amisulpride recipients, and a trend towards decreased
34 J Formos Med Assoc 2003 • Vol 102 • No 1
Amisulpride Versus Risperidone in Schizophrenia
blood pressure (sitting or supine SBP ≤ 90 mm Hg
comparison of atypical antipsychotics in an Asian
and a decrease versus baseline of ≥ 20 mm Hg, or any
population. Such studies are under-represented in the
sitting or supine DBP of ≤ 50 mm Hg and a decrease
versus baseline of ≥ 15 mm Hg) in 7% of amisulpriderecipients, 7% of risperidone recipients, 4% of halo-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The project was supported by
peridol recipients, and 4% of placebo recipients.
funding from the Fujisawa Taiwan and a grant NTUH
Therefore, our findings may be explained by the
90s1004 to Dr. Hwang. We wish to thank the
small sample size. But these cardiovascular findings
participating psychiatrists from the collaborative
in this group of relatively young patients deserve
hospitals for data collection, and Dr. G. Bartzokis for
attention because they may imply a possible dif-
Suspected evidence for racial differences was
found in the required doses for antiparkinsonian
drugs. In the European study by Peuskens et al,14antiparkinsonian medications were initiated in
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36 J Formos Med Assoc 2003 • Vol 102 • No 1
While aspirin can help lessen headaches and other ailments, how useful is this universal medicine for potted and cut floral crops? Homemade brews (remedies) that reportedly make cut flowers last longer abound in the floral industry. Examples include using alcohol (such as vodka), aspirin, hydrogen peroxide, house-hold bleach, soda, lemonade, and/or vinegar in vase solutions. While s
~ CSR & Pharmaceuticals: Big Pharma on Trial – Part 1 ~ Wayne Visser Blog Briefing, 3 June 2011 CSR & Pharmaceuticals: Big Pharma on Trial – Part 1 By Wayne Visser Let’s take a look at one of the biggest crises the world still faces: HIV/AIDS. According to the November 2009 UNAIDS report, more than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981. The number of peo