Microsoft word - social studies curriculum-ap united states history.doc

Florence Township School District
Content Area: Social Studies Course/Grade: AP United States History/11, 12 Big Ideas
Exploration and colonization was created to feed the desire for
Exploration, colonization and the settlement of the New World
economic and religious expansion while creating a situation for the
growth and development of an entirely new nation.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
• Impact of economic, Class discussion Florence Township School District 1 Big Ideas
Exploration and colonization was created to feed the desire for
Exploration, colonization and the settlement of the New World
economic and religious expansion while creating a situation for the
growth and development of an entirely new nation.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
identify the major features What are the different styles communities underwent in Southern)? response to English economy and labor system in Virginia and the other Florence Township School District 2 Big Ideas
Exploration and colonization was created to feed the desire for
Exploration, colonization and the settlement of the New World
economic and religious expansion while creating a situation for the
growth and development of an entirely new nation.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
and differences among the faced and treatment in the southern colonies of their beliefs. Explain why they left England for the Florence Township School District 3 Big Ideas
Exploration and colonization was created to feed the desire for
Exploration, colonization and the settlement of the New World
economic and religious expansion while creating a situation for the
growth and development of an entirely new nation.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
Explain why New York, Pennsylvania, and other middle colonies became so ethnically, religiously, and politically diverse. Describe the central features of the middle colonies and explain how they differed from New England. Describe the basic population structure and social life of the seventeenth-century colonies. Compare and contrast the different populations and ways of life of the southern colonies and New England. Explain how the problems of indentured servitude led to political trouble and Florence Township School District 4 Big Ideas
Exploration and colonization was created to feed the desire for
Exploration, colonization and the settlement of the New World
economic and religious expansion while creating a situation for the
growth and development of an entirely new nation.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
the growth of African slavery. Describe the slave trade and the character of early African-American slavery. Explain how the New England way of life centered on family, town, and church. Describe the changes that affected this way of life. Describe the various conditions affecting women and family life in the seventeenth-century colonies. Describe the basic population and social structure of the eighteenth-century colonies and indicate how they had changed since the seventeenth century. Florence Township School District 5 Big Ideas
Exploration and colonization was created to feed the desire for
Exploration, colonization and the settlement of the New World
economic and religious expansion while creating a situation for the
growth and development of an entirely new nation.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
Explain how the economic development of the colonies altered the patterns of social prestige and wealth. Explain the causes and effects of the Great Awakening. Describe the origins and development of education, culture, and the learned professions in the colonies. Describe the basic features of colonial politics, including the role of various official and informal political institutions. Florence Township School District 6 Florence Township School District
Content Area: Social Studies Course/Grade: AP United States History /11, 12 Big Ideas
The American Revolution was based on issues created over a long
period of time and led to political, economic, and social changes
American Revolution
through the United States and the world.
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
Florence Township School District 7 Big Ideas
The American Revolution was based on issues created over a long
period of time and led to political, economic, and social changes
American Revolution
through the United States and the world.
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
and taxation of Americans both sides? after 1763 and why Florence Township School District 8 Big Ideas
The American Revolution was based on issues created over a long
period of time and led to political, economic, and social changes
American Revolution
through the United States and the world.
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
the two sides prepared for war. Describe how Americans moved from engaging in military hostilities with Britain even while proclaiming loyalty to declaring its independence. Explain the principal ideas of “republicanism” Florence Township School District 9 Big Ideas
The American Revolution was based on issues created over a long
period of time and led to political, economic, and social changes
American Revolution
through the United States and the world.
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
developed by Thomas Paine and other American leaders. Explain the specific reasons and general principles used in the Declaration of Independence to justify America’s separation. Explain why some Americans remained loyal to Britain and what happened to them during and after the Revolution. Describe how the British attempt to crush the Revolution quickly was foiled, especially by the Battle of Saratoga. Describe the military and political obstacles Washington and his generals had to overcome Florence Township School District 10 Big Ideas
The American Revolution was based on issues created over a long
period of time and led to political, economic, and social changes
American Revolution
through the United States and the world.
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
before the final victory at Yorktown. Describe the terms of the Treaty of Paris and explain how America was able to achieve such a stunning diplomatic victory. Florence Township School District 11 Florence Township School District
Content Area: Social Studies Course/Grade: AP United States History/11, 12 Big Ideas
The creation of the new government and nation revolved around
compromise, discussion and trial and error.
Early Republic
Eventually, the issues that formed our nation set the precedent for
the country we live in today.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
6.1.12.A.2.e “equality” that flourished Florence Township School District 12 Big Ideas
The creation of the new government and nation revolved around
compromise, discussion and trial and error.
Early Republic
Eventually, the issues that formed our nation set the precedent for
the country we live in today.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
Washington was pivotal in inaugurating the new effects of the French Revolution on American foreign policy and politics from 1790 to 1800. Explain why Washington negotiated the conciliatory Jay’s Treaty with the Florence Township School District 13 Big Ideas
The creation of the new government and nation revolved around
compromise, discussion and trial and error.
Early Republic
Eventually, the issues that formed our nation set the precedent for
the country we live in today.

Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
British and why it provoked Jeffersonian outrage. Describe the causes of the undeclared war with France and explain Adam’s decision to move toward peace rather than declare war. Describe the poisonous political atmosphere that produced the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. Describe the contrasting membership and principle of the Hamiltonian Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans. Florence Township School District 14 Florence Township School District
Content Area: Social Studies Course/Grade: AP United States History/11, 12 Big Ideas
An understanding of the complexities of democratic government, and
the alternatives to our system, enables learned to understand the
World War I
historical principals and values of American democracy, and the
short-comings of unchecked, unbalanced governmental and economic
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
• European governing Terms and concepts forces in the unleashing of modern society? Florence Township School District 15 Big Ideas
An understanding of the complexities of democratic government, and
the alternatives to our system, enables learned to understand the
World War I
historical principals and values of American democracy, and the
short-comings of unchecked, unbalanced governmental and economic
Essential Questions
Areas of Focus
Program Components
(Learning Activities)
-the impact on social and economic development in the U.S. -political ramifications elsewhere: the Russian Revolution Florence Township School District 16


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