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AIMAC 2005
8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management

July 3-6, 2005. Montréal, Canada
Sunday, July 3rd

Welcome Cocktail:
Musée du Château Ramezay
280 Notre-Dame Street East

Monday, July 4th

Opening remarks
"We Manage as We Are" by Laurent Lapierre

Session 1 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex

Chair: Anne-Gaëlle Jolivot

Michelle Bergadaà

Le Musée Olympique : la structuration d’un objet culturel à caractère universel à l’aide d’enquêtes qualitatives

Sarah S. Montgomery and Michael Robinson
Take Me Out to the Opera: Are Sports and Arts Complements? Evidence from the Performing Arts Research Coalition Da

Carol Yamamoto
, James Dauer, Maury Collins and Jeff Andreasen
Locating Prospective Performing Arts Patrons: A New Use of a Statistical Model
Session 2 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Gérard-Parizeau
Chair: Antonella Carù

Niall G. Caldwell

The Whipple ‘Time-clock’ Experiment: Measurement of Visitor Engagement in a Small Museum

Christine Petr

The Non Subscribers of a National Stage: Why they Refuse the Season Ticket?

Jennifer Wiggins

We Need your Help! The Influence of Company-Consumer Relationships on Consumer Responses to Requests for Help

Session 3 – Governance Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: J. Dennis Rich

Catherine A. Carter
, David Prosperi, Mark Nerenhausen and Elizabeth A. Hude
Advocacy to Agency: The Broward Center for the Performing Arts’ Emerging Model for Systems Management

Marta Fumagalli
and Massimiliano Nuccio
Product Orientation in Contemporary Art Organisations: A Model of Parallel Convergence from French and British Experie

Christine Harel
et Joahnne Turbide
Crises financières dans le secteur des arts : observations des pratiques de gouvernance
Session 4 - Management Control Room: Marie-Husny
Chair: Anne Smith

Dagmar Abfalter
and Peter J. Mirski
Perceived Success in the Arts

Chiara Bernardi

The Strategic Development of Museum: A System Dynamics Approach

Ian Gilhespy

The Application of a Performance measurement Model in the Management of a Heritage Organisation: A Case Study of M
Quay and Copper Mine

Session 5 - Strategic Management Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Pierre-Jean Benghozi
France Guillemonat
Copyright and Movies Sampling: A New Dilemma in Creation Process

Juan D. Montoro-Pons and Manuel Cuadrado
Piracy in the Musical Industry: An Economic Approach with Marketing Implications

Luigi Proserpio, Severino Salvemini and Valerio Ghiringhelli
Entertainment Pirates: Understanding Piracy Determinants in the Movie, Music and Software Industries


Session 6 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Severino Salvemini

Valeria Corna
and Gabriele Troilo
Interpreting the Reading Experience: An Introspective Analysis

Yves Evrard

Dimensions of Aesthetic Experiences

Renaud Legoux
and Donna Sears
Expert Witnesses: The Effect of Expertise on the Pleasure of Experiencing Films

Session 7 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Gérard-Parizeau
Liisa Uusitalo

Marylouise Caldwell
and Paul Henry
Celebrity Worship, Micro-Communities and Consumer Well-Being

Bernard Cova
and Guilhem Laurans
Le paradoxe du musicien authentique : contribution au marketing de l’authentique

Bruno Godey
et Joëlle Lagier
Le style esthétique dans le domaine du luxe et de l'art : proposition d’une échelle de mesure
Session 8 – Governance Room: Ordre des CGA
Wendy Reid

Michela Addis
and Marta Fumagalli
What Makes Cities’ Marketing Policies Successful in Sustaining Contemporary Arts and Creating Social Value?

Jennifer Radbourne
and Ruth Rentschler
Arts Governance – Matching Western Models to Asia

Charles Mel Gray

Who’s the Boss? Governance and Architecture in Medium-Sized Lively Arts Organizations

Session 9 - Management Control Room: Marie-Husny
Chair :
Johanne Turbide

Angela Besana, Chiara de Capoa
and Claudia Gabbioneta
Revising Accounting and Branding of Italian Cultural Firms: Intangible Assets

Ubaldo Macchitella
, Bernardino Provera, Pietro Ietto and Francesco Giustino
Unveiling the “Hidden Value”: A Model for the Economic Evaluation of Film Libraries

Simon Roodhouse
Management Information: Defining the Visual Arts for Managers and Policymakers

Session 10 - Strategic Management Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Stephen B. Preece

Pierre-Jean Benghozi
et Thomas Paris
Analyzing the Distribution to Understanding the Markets of Cultural Goods

Hilppa Sorjonen
and Liisa Uusitalo
Does Market Orientation Influence the Performance of Art Organizations?

Mia Stokmans

MOA-Model of Audience Development: Some Theoretical Elaborations and Practical Consequences

Session 11 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: Els de Wilde

Alessandro Bollo
and Luca Dal Pozzolo
Analysis of Visitor Behaviour inside the Museum: An Empirical Study

Colette Dufresne-Tassé
, A. Weltzl-Fairchild and M.C. O’Neill
Au-delà de l’observation et de l’entretien post-visite, un moyen plus puissant d’étudier l’expérience du visiteur de musée
Laura Legrenzi, Edizioni Olivares and Gabriele Troilo
The Impact of Exhibit Arrangement on Visitors’ Emotions: A Study at the Victoria & Albert Museum

Session 12 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Gérard-Parizeau
Chair: Manuel Cuadrado

Victor Fernández-Blanco
, Juan Prieto-Rodriguez and Luis Orea
Movie Enthusiasts versus Cinemagoers in Spain: A Latent Class Model Approach

Juliette Passebois-Ducros

Comment la fidélité des visiteurs de musées d’art se construit-elle? Une proposition de modélisation

Alain d’Astous
, François Colbert and Imene Mbarek
What Makes People Want to Read a Book? - An Experimental Study

Session 13 – Volunteers Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Johanne Brunet

Gesa Birnkraut

Volunteerism in the Arts – Major Opportunity or Downfall for Institutions and Its Audience?

Helen Bussell
and Deborah Forbes
Volunteer Management in Arts Organisations: A Case Study and Managerial Implications

Kirsten Holmes

Volunteering in the UK Museums Sector: The Case of Aspiring Museum Professionals

Session 14 - Public Management Room: Marie-Husny
Chair: Kevin Mulcahy

Stefano Baia Curioni
and Luca Martinazzoli
Museum and Urban Regeneration – Stylization of the Decision Making Process

Annukka Jyrämä
and Eeva-Katri Ahola,
Facilitating Creative Dialogue - The Role of the Mediating Organization in Enabling the Joint Practices Between Artistic Ta
City or Business Structures

Pier Luigi Sacco
and Giorgio Tavano Blessi
European Capitals of Culture and Local Development Strategies: Comparing the Genoa 2004 and Lille 2004 Cases

Session 15 - Strategic Management Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Suzanne Burns

Fernando Alberti,
Chiara Bernardi,
Davide Moro and Alessandro
The Embryonic Evolution of Museum Networks: Evidences from a Network Analysis
Paola Dubini and Elena Raviola
Emerging Business Models in Content Industries

Sébastien Dubois
The French Poetry Economy: Strategies, Stakes and Methods

Tuesday, July 5th

Session 16 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: Marylouise Caldwell

Alain d'Astous, François Colbert and Estelle d'Astous
A Scale for Measuring the Personality of Festivals
Carole Martinez et Florence Euzéby
Proposition d’échelles de mesure des réactions aux bandes-annonces cinématographiques

Anne Krebs et Florence Caro
Cross-Impact of a Measuring Instrument and Its Organizational Context: The Case of the Louvre Museum
Session 17 - Strategic Marketing Room: Gérard-Parizeau
Chair: Jennifer Radbourne

Corinne Berneman et Nicolas Rubbo
Placement de produit : opinions des managers et pratiques dans le cinéma américain

Beverley June Thompson
Sponsorship as a Form of Fundraising in the Arts: A Bilateral Perspective Involving Relationship Marketing

Dorothee Verdaasdonk
The Impact of Festival Showing and Awards on the Programming of Movies at the Box Office in The Netherlands

Session 18 – Leadership Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Laurent Lapierre
Alex de Voogt
Dual Leadership as a Problem-Solving Tool in Arts Organizations

Bengt Olof Olsson
Leadership in Creative Environments - A Descriptive and Prescriptive Study of Perceived Norms in Leadership

Wendy Reid
Institutionalized, Mandated Dual Leadership in Nonprofit Arts Organizations: One Conceptualization of the Phenomenon a
Implications for Organizational Effectiveness

Session 19 - International Perspectives Room: Marie-Husny
Chair: Jean-Pierre Le Goff
Ian Baxter
Heritage Values: The Current Role of Management Information in the UK Historic Environment Sector

Agust Einarsson
The Economic Impact of the Icelandic Music Industry – Structure and Management

Shang-Ying Chen
Constructing Cultural Indicator System of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Session 20 - Strategic Management Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Stephen Boyle
Anne Gombault et Laurence Harribey
Quand le musée du Louvre part en campagne : les leçons de l’expérience d’un projet d’éducation au patrimoine sur un ter

Luciana Lazzeretti
Museum Systems in Italy: The Case of Tuscany

Carol Scott
Museums and Impact – How Do we Measure the Impact of Museums?

Session 21 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: François Courvoisier
Stéphane Debenedetti
Le rôle de la critique de presse dans le champ de l’industrie culturelle

Hilary Glow
On the Margins: A Study of the Representation of the Arts in the News Pages of the Newspaper
Marketing Professional Ballet: A Pas de Six – Three Cases and their Audiences, Box Office Receipts,
Session 22 - Strategic Marketing Room: Gérard-Parizeau
Chair: Michael Quine
Isabelle Assassi
The Influence of Theaters' Programming Strategy on their Relations with Artistic Production Companies: An Analysis Base
French Experience

Rickard Wahlberg
Buying Behaviour of Theatre Distribution Agents – Case Studies of the Purchase of Performances in Swedish Theatre Ass

Fabrice Larceneux and Greg Joye
Pourquoi les mécènes sont-ils fidèles?

Michael O'Hare and Alex Turrini
Programming Contemporary Music in Symphony Orchestras

Session 23 – Leadership Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Anne Smith
Elmar D. Konrad and Martin Hoegl
Top Management’s Social Skills and External Ties and the Success of Privately Held Arts and Culture Organizations

Marja Soila-Wadman and Ann-Sofie Köping
Stories of Leadership in Art and Culture Creating Organizations

Julie Jodoin et Laurent Lapierre
Mythe et réalité des chefs d’orchestres: leçons pour le management

Session 24 - International Perspectives Room: Marie-Husny
Simon Roodhouse
Suzette Major and Anna Connell
From Arts Management to Creative Industries
Yuko Oki
Growing Model of Performing Art Organizations: Checklist for Management Decisions

Alessia Zorloni
The Structural and Competitive Context of the Contemporary Visual Art

Session 25 - Strategic Management Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Pierre-Jean Benghozi

Fabrizio Montanari and Antonio Cianfagna
How Embeddedness and Social Mechanisms Affect the Economic Performance in the Music Industry: The Case of Mesca

Ruth Towse
Managing Copyrights in the Cultural Industries

Geoffrey William Goddin
Is Managing Traditionality More Important than Managing Change? The Challenge for Strategic Management in Heritage

Guided Tour:
- La Cité des Arts du Cirque
- L'École nationale de cirque
- Le Cirque du Soleil

Wednesday, July 6th

Session 26 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: Els de Wilde

Njordur Sigurjonsson
Young Audience Development and Aesthetics: John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy and its implications for orchestra man

Danielle Bouder-Pailler et Leïla Damak
Quelle est l’influence du design de l’espace de diffusion de l’art sur les attitudes et comportements des consommateurs?

Anne-Marie Émond
Between Talk and Silence: The Friendly Stranger and the Reception of Contemporary Art

Deborah Hayes and Nicola MacLeod,
Packaging Places: Maximising the Potential of the Heritage Trail by Adopting an Experience Economy Perspective

Session 27 - Product and Brand Management Room: Gérard-Parizeau
Chair: Carol Scott

Armando Cirrincione and Stefano Pace
How Museum’s Brand Name Affect the Perception Through Imaginative Experience: An Empirical Investigation

Caroline Lacroix, Philippe Drago et Jean-François Ouellet
Les facteurs clés de succès de l’exportation de concepts télévisés : le cas de la série Un gars, une fille en France et au Qu

Thomas Heskia
Library Fundraising - Contribution to Finance or Mere Communication? A Case Study of the Austrian National Library

Session 28 - Organisational Behaviour Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Ruth Towse
Silvia Bagdadli and Chiara Paolino
The Institutional Change of Italian Public Museums between Legitimacy and Efficiency: Do Museum Directors Have a Role

Stephen Boyle
The Impact of Changes to Organisational Structure on the Professional and Organisational Identity of Symphony Musician

Antony Conway and Jeryl Whitelock
Relationship Marketing in the Subsidised Arts: An Important Role for Internal Marketing

Session 29 - International Perspectives Room: Marie-Husny
Chair: Alessandro Bollo

Anna Catalani and Yupin Chung
Vintage or Fashion Clothes? An Investigation inside the Issues of Collecting and Marketing Second-Hand Clothes

Ekaterina Shekova
Finances of Russian State Museums: Significant Changes in the Period 1990 to 2003

Maria Tajtakova, Dagmar Klepochová and Štefan Žák
The Attitudes of Students Towards Opera and Ballet: Attendance, Motivations, Barriers and Expectations
Nelly van der Geest
Theatre and Museums in Times of Diversity - Intercultural Processes in the Arts in The Netherlands

Session 30 - Strategic Management Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Ian Gilhespy
Marcelo Milano Falcao Vieira, Cristina Amélia Carvalho and Rosimeri Carvalho da Silva
Champs organisationnels: du wallpaper à la construction historique du contexte des organisations culturelles au Brésil

Allègre Hadida
The Impact of Perfectly Mobile Resources on Project Performance: Evidence from the American Film Industry

Linda Ludwin
High Speed, High Pressure Learning in UK Feature Film Units

Session 31 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: Anne-Gaëlle Jolivot
Brigitte Auriacombe, Isabelle Chalamon and Séverine Le Loarne
You Shouldn’t Judge a Book by its Cover: Contractual Relations, Commitment and Loyalty Outcomes

Donata Favaro and Carlofilippo Frateschi
Individual Choices and Household Interactions in the Musical Domain: The Case of Italy

Jean-François Ouellet et Philippe Drago
Achat ou téléchargement de la musique chez les consommateurs: exploration du rôle des réponses à l’artiste et à la mu

Session 32 - Product and Brand Management Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Michelle Bergadaà
Renate Grau and Lydia Wimmer
Strategies of Aesthetic Engineering – The Production of Fiction Books and Digital Communication Applications

Manuela de Carlo and Francesca d'Angella
Strategic Repositioning of Heritage Destinations through Large-Scale Events Management

Bonita M. Kolb
A Model for Developing the Arts as a Tourist Product

Session 33 - Organisational Behaviour Room: Marie-Husny
Chair: Daniela Cristofoli

Elena Levshina, Irina Khiginskaya and Sergey Shternin
Information Technologies in the Russian Theatrical Business

Jennifer Radbourne
Issues of Collective Leadership in Building a Business with Indigenous Artists - An Arts Management Case Study

Session 34 - International Perspectives Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Kevin Mulcahy

Schalk Fredericks
Funding for Arts and Culture in the New South Africa

Maria Naimark and J. Dennis Rich
The Context for the Cultural Policy – Old World and New World

Anu Kivilo
Corporate Support for the Arts in a Small Country in Transition: The Experience and Motivation Factors for Corporate Pat
Sponsorship in Estonia

Ann-Sofie Köping
Relations in Trans-national Cultural Projects – A Narrative Approach


Session 35 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: Els de Wilde

Dominique Bourgeon-Renault, Caroline Urbain, Christine Petr, Anne Gombault and Marine Legall
Approche « expérientielle » de la valeur de consommation culturelle : le cas des musées et des monuments

Hugo J.A Verdaasdonk
The Use of 'Internal' Knowledge in Differentiating among Fiction Titles
Taru Virtanen
Dimensions of Taste for Cultural Consumption - A Cross-Cultural Study on Young Europeans
Session 36 – Product and Brand Management Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Corinne Berneman
Clarence Bayne
Life-cycle Analysis and Change by Design: Applying Business Process Re-engineering in the Performing Arts

Francesco Chiaravalloti
Performance Management for Performing Arts - A Framework for the Evaluation of Artistic Quality in Public Professional O

Gabriele Troilo
Building and Managing Different Concepts of Contemporary Art Museums

Session 37 – Organisational Behaviour Room: Marie-Husny
Chair: Michael Quine

Ralph Bathurst, Lloyd Williams and Anne Rodda
Letting Go of the Rei[g]n: Developments within an Orchestra in a Time Change

Joan Jeffri and David Throsby
Life After Dance: Career Transition of Professional Dancers

Anne-Marie Quigg
The Resonance of le Harcèlement Moral, Mobbing or Bullying in the Performing Arts Workplace

Session 38 – International Perspectives Room: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Chair: Maria Naimark
Marcel Meler
Arts and Cultural Marketing — Croatian Theoretical and Practical Experiences
Saliou Ndour
Le développement des industries culturelles : une exigence de l’Afrique dans le contexte de la mondialisation
Dejana Prnjat
Remarks on Cultural Policy and Theatre Activities in Belgrade 1945–1980
Session 39 A – Poster Sessions Room: Demers Beaulne / Dutailier International
François H. Courvoisier et Fabienne Courvoisier
La gestion de la relation client dans les institutions culturelles

Theresa Kirchner
The Nature and Effects of Government Support for Non-Profit Arts Organizations: Strategic Management and Marketing Im

Benita Lipps
Much Ado About Nothing? Marketing Cooperations in the Performing Arts

Monica Masucci and Elena Raviola
Special Art Exhibitions and Local Impact: A Comparative Case Study

Tabitha Ramsey White and Ruth Rentschler
Toward a New Understanding of the Social Impact of the Arts
Fabio Severino
The Biggest Event of the World: La Notte Bianca in Rome
Shin-Chieh Tzeng
A Comparative Study of Museum Governance in the UK and in Taiwan

Roel Wijland
Mythmakers and Meaning Merchants: Poetic Brandscapes in New Zealand


Session 39 B – Poster Sessions Room: Demers Beaulne / Dutailier International
Session 40 – Programming Room: Meloche Monnex
Chair: Suzanne Burns
Manuel Cuadrado and Carmen Pérez-Cabañero
The Process of Programming in the Performing Arts - An Empirical Research in Spain

Stephen B. Preece
Creative Collaborations Involving Theatre for Young People

Session 41 – Product and Brand Management Room: Ordre des CGA
Chair: Pierre-François Ouellet
Alain d'Astous, François Colbert, Antonella Carù, François Courvoisier and Marylouise Caldwell
Product-Country Images in the Arts: Preliminary Findings from an Ongoing Research Program

Beverley June Thompson and Nicole Stegemann
Brand Equity and the Cultural Event: The Amalgamation of Multiple Brands for a Unified Marketing Communications Perfo

Session 42 – Arts Management Room: Marie-Husny
Philippe Agid, Anna Cournac et Jean-Claude Tarondeau
Systèmes de gouvernance des maisons d’opéras et choix des programmations

Pierre Korzilius et Bernard Bovier-Lapierre
The Road to Salvation? Berlin's New Opera Foundation and its Impact on Public Policy in the Cultural Sector in Germany
Winston M. Licona Calpe and Rodrigo Vélez B
The Cultural Management Philosophy
Conference Gala Dinner:
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1380 Sherbrooke Street West
For more information:


The international implications of avian influenza

The International Implications of Avian Influenza Conference Outcomes Thematic Summary Avian influenza is an ancient virus which lives harmlessly in wild waterfowl, but which can become extremely virulent in new host species. In the last few years, the unstable H5N1 strain of the virus has caused hundreds of millions of deaths in domesticated fowl and over 70 deaths in humans.


Journal International De Victimologie International Journal Of Victimology Psychophysiologic effect of post-retrieval Propanolol on traumatic memories in post-BRUNET, A. PHD (1), ORR, S. P. PHD (2), TREMBLAY, J. M.D. (3), NADER, K. PHD (4), PITMAN, R. K. M.D. (5) [CANADA, QC & USA] Authors (1) (3) Department of Psychiatry, McGill University and Douglas Hospital Research Center, Montr

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