EUROPEAN 3RD ISSUE • JUNE 2000 The World Health Organisation WHAT’S NEW IN EUROPE ? Europe Partnership Project to reduce Tobacco Dependence (PPTD) he WHO Partnership Project to reduceexperience of the project to date and identification ofducts and treatment products that best serve publictobacco dependence was launched early inmajor needs, a number of new deliverables arehealth. The conferences will be followed with the pre-T 1999. The Project is operational in four planned for implementation during the year 2000, paration and publication of WHO/EU/expert endorsed target countries, with the objective of reducinggrouped under the existing five activity headings. best practice recommendations and guidelines for thetobacco related death and disease among tobaccoregulation and treatment products that promotedependent smokers. The Project has implemented aActivities public health. Advocacy and regular reporting at thenumber of significant deliverables during its first yeartarget country level on implementation should followof operation and it has laid the groundwork for securethe publications of the recommendations. The activityIt is proposed to continue with five main activity areas,expansion and development during the year 2000 andwill provide technical support that can feed into thebuilding into these activities new initiatives and deli-preparation for the treatment protocol for theFramework Convention on Tobacco Control. It isFour target countries were chosen for the first year ofplanned to undertake a search of the tobacco indus-Activity 1 - Tracking adult’s smoking status and implementation of the project, France, Germany,try documents released through litigation and preparetheir intention to change Poland and the United Kingdom. Considerable tech-a report on the tobacco industry’s views on treatmentThe aim of this activity is to develop a gold standardnical and political successes have been achieved infor survey content and methodology, tracking adult’sthese countries. It is planned that the project will be• Expected deliverables smoking status and their intention to quit. The goal isexpanted to other countries in the European region in1. WHO/EC/expert – endorsed ‘best practice’ recom-to ensure that the gold standard survey content andmendations and guidelines for regulations of treat-methodology is incorporated into ongoing andment products that promote public healthplanned country based and European surveys thatDuring the first year of the Project’s operation, the2. National report on each target country on progressinclude questions about tobacco use and intentionspolitical environment has changed, partly as a resultin adopting best practice recommendationsof the project. The changed environment has increa-3. Widespread dissemination of findings and advoca-• This will entail the following: sed the importance of the Project and created a1. Gold standard for survey methodology and surveynumber of new strategic openings for the Project.4. Review and report of tobacco industry documentscontent for use in target countries, and at European• Fast tracking implementation of the Framework2. Dissemination of gold standard throughout scienti-Convention on Tobacco Control, the world’s firstActivity 3 - Expanding smoke free places Creating business forum for health 3. Advocacy for data collection in four target countries• European responsibility, through the WHOA publication is being prepared to describe theCommittee for a Tobacco Free Europe, to prepare alegal basis for smoke free workplaces in the four4. Periodic reviews of published and unpublishedprotocol on treatment of tobacco dependence for thetarget countries. Conference are being organized inthe UK and Berlin to build European consensus on5. Use of results to advance policy• Formal acceptance by Poland to host the 2001policies to promote smoke free work environments. 6. Report to 2001 ministerial conferenceministerial conference on tobacco, an importantA new activity will be the development and launchmilestone in the process of adoption of theof ‘Business Forum for Health’ and preparation ofActivity 2 - Regulating tobacco products and 20 examples of good practice and case study. Until• The convening of a NGO/technical conference,tobacco dependence treatment products. June 2001, the time of the Ministerial and NGOincorporating the third European Conference onThe implementation of this activity achieved conside-conferences on tobacco or health, it is proposedrable success, with the regulatory conferences thatthat the Business Forum for Health will focus on• Global responsibility of the European Office for WHOtook place in Helsinki, October 1999. The confe-the issue of Quitting Smoking. An integral part offor the topic of the treatment of tobacco dependence.rences will lead to a report and summary of the expe-the launch will be involvement of the Forum withOn the basis of the changed political environment, therience and practice for the regulation of tobacco pro-AN ACTION FINANCED BY THE EUROPE AGAINST CANCER PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION The WHO Europe Partnership Project NEWS OF SMOKE-FREE HOSPITAL NETWORK to reduce Tobacco Dependence (PPTD) (suite) the artists project (see activity 5). Companies who signup to the Business for Health Forum will be able toIreland - Consensus achieved on purchase the original works of art and also the posterrights to them, for use in their workplaces, and in otherways to be defined. Minimum Standards Smoke-free Activity 4 - Promoting the implementation of evi- dence-based treatment Policy for Irish Hospitals Activity 4 includes the development of the health andeconomic consequences of smoking (HECOS) modeland the preparation of draft evidence based recom-
he devastating affects of smoking on health are well
hospitals. This development was viewed as an essential
mendations on the treatment of tobacco dependenceT known to all healthcare workers. It is the single most prelude to the Network’s participation in Phase Two of for health care systems in Europe. An application was
important factor in premature mortality and some major
the EU Project- European Smoke-free Hospital Network.
made to place Nicotine Replacement Treatments on
diseases. Not surprisingly therefore, one of the initiatives
the WHO list of essential drugs. Further data is requi-
adopted by the Irish Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH)
The core principles that underpin the minimum standards
red and the application is to be re-submitted. The
Network is the Smoke-free Hospitals Initiative.
smoke-free policy are the need to protect people from
activity will provide technical support that can feed
passive smoking and to provide support to smokers who
into the preparation for the treatment protocol for the
The Irish HPH Network, launched in 1997, is a participant
wish to stop smoking. The policy acknowledges that all
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Funding
in the WHO European HPH Network that aims to
employees, patients and visitors have a right to a smoke-
for a WHO European publication on treatment of
promote facilitate and assist hospitals with the integra-
free environment, that non-smoking should be the norm
tobacco dependence will be met through voluntary
tion of a health promotion philosophy and culture in the
in all hospital premises unless specifically designated
hospital setting. This movement is consistent with the
otherwise, that the right of the non-smoker to breathe
Other new deliverables include workshops for senior
World Health Organisation’s setting approach to health
clean air takes precedence at all times and the need for
national policy makers on treatment systems, deve-
promotion and utilises the Ottawa Charter as a frame-
flexibility should be recognised in a number of restricted
lopment of arguments for reimbursement for treat-
work for action. Until now participating networks have
ment of tobacco dependence, public health review of
determined their own specific criteria for participation,
the use of treatment products for temporary abstinen-
however, the implementation of a smoke-free policy as a
The aims of this policy are clearly outlined in a position
ce and reduction in the use of tobacco products and
set criterion of membership seems apparent.
statement at the forefront of the document, which states:
legal assessment of clinical liability of practitioners
• A minimum standards Smoke-free Hospital policy aims
failing to provide treatment for tobacco dependence.
As the hospital is both a public place and a workplace,
to establish uniformity in tobacco control policies in Irish
• Expected deliverables
the control of tobacco within the hospital is now of criti-
1. European endorsement for evidence based recom-
cal importance. In 1997, the issue of tobacco in the hos-
• While the long-term goal is to achieve a totally smoke-
mendations on the treatment of tobacco dependence
pital was identified as a problem area by many Irish HPH
free environment in the hospital setting, the minimum
for health care systems in Europe.
member hospitals. A national survey of hospitals (1998)
standards policy seeks to support the adoption of a
2. Preparation of re-submission for NRT to be placed
found that majority of respondents 69 (95 %) reported
committed, realistic and incremental approach.
having a smoke-free policy however, the survey also
• To be successful against tobacco requires that hospi-
3. Expansion of HECOS model to include other coun-
demonstrated that a lack of clarity existed around the
tals develop a framework that is complementary to exis-
tries at the European and global level
implementation of these policies. These findings suppor-
4. Workshops for senior national policy makers on
ted previous and subsequent surveys conducted by
treatment systems, including effectiveness and cost
regional health authorities and individual hospitals.
On May 30th, eve of “World No Tobacco Day”, the
Minister for Health and Children, Mr. Michéal Martin TD,
5. Development, implementation and monitoring of
The survey used a convenient sample of 93 hospitals
launched the policy document and endorsed the partici-
treatment programmes in target countries
and achieved a 78 % (73) response rate. The survey
pation of Irish hospitals both in the WHO/European HPH
6. Development and implementation of WHO training
results highlighted a number of difficulties:
Network and the EU/European Smoke-free Hospital
programme, based on skills for change at postgra-
Network. At the launch, the Minister described hospitals
duate level for trainers of primary health care provi-
• Inadequate staff knowledge of the policy;
as key medical and knowledge reference centres that
ders (physicians, nurses, pharmacists and dentists) in
• Lack of staff ownership and clarity on their responsibi-
can be decisive places not only for patients but also for
families and the public at large. He considered that the
7. Development of arguments for reimbursement for
• Unacceptable standards in designated smoking areas;
Minimum Standard Smoke-Free Policy would positively
treatment of tobacco dependence and advocacy at
• Poor or non-existing monitoring procedures.
assist the smokers` decision-making process by creating
an environment in which non-smoking is the norm. In this
8. Public health review of the use of treatment pro-
Subsequently, the Network advocated that these issues
way, the hospital sector of the Health Service can active-
ducts for temporary abstinence and reduction in the
should be addressed in a realistic and progressive way
ly support and contribute to the achievement of a recent-
through process of consensus and collective action. It
ly launched national strategy, Towards a Tobacco Free
9. Legal assessment of clinical liability of practitioners
was strongly viewed that until healthcare professio-
failing to provide treatment for tobacco dependence
nals/employees were seen to be demonstrating goodhealth practices, their healthcare advice would lack cre-
In his address, Dr. Vincent Maher (Network Chairman)
Activity 5 - Communicating a health message to
declared that all hospitals have clear moral and legal
obligations to play a lead role in the fight against
The activity will focus on the delivery of a health
The HPH Network’s Tobacco Initiative initiated in 1996
tobacco. A Consultant Cardiologist in a leading Dublin
message to smokers. An expert meeting on best prac-
seeks to establish the following elements through a
Teaching Hospital, Dr. Maher considered that “as yet
hospital healthcare professionals continue to ignore this
The artists project has commenced with the goal to
• A clear understanding and minimum standards for
killer that stalks openly in our midst, corrupting our chil-
commission art on the theme of smoking cessation.
dren even before they reach their teens”. He called for all
The goal is to seek corporations to purchase twenty
• Agreement on practical guidelines for the implementa-
hospitals to provide comprehensive education and ces-
pieces of commissioned art and to prepare posters
sation support services to help those who wish to stop
derived from the artwork for widespread dissemina-
• Development of a common review and monitoring pro-
smoking and further stated that if successful, it would
tion throughout health care facilities and pharmacies
save thousands of lives and millions of pounds, as well
• The participation of Irish hospitals in the European
as being in keeping with the modern concept of hospi-
tals as health promoting centres rather than existing
On March 8th, a national consensus workshop was orga-
nised with the specific aim of addressing the need to
develop a minimum standard smoke-free policy for Irish
Ann O’Riordan EUROPEAN SMOKE-FREE HOSPITAL NETWORK • 3RD ISSUE • JUNE 2000 European Smoke-free Hospital Code European Smoke-free Appoint an action group. Propose a strategy and an implementation plan and coordonate activities. Hospital Code Grunden Sie einen Arbeitskreis für Tabakprävention. Setzen Sie eine strategie fest für ein rauchfreies As Tables of the Law given to Moses for application Krankenhaus und Koordinieren Sie die notwendigen of the Ten Commandments, the European Smoke-free Schritte. Hospital code is endowed with 10 points. Mettre en place un comité de prévention du tabagisme. Application and implementation of the point 2 Définir une stratégie et coordonner les actions. Crear un comite de prevencíon del tabaquismo. Definir Point 2: Appoint an action group. Propose a strategy la estrategia y coordinar las actuaciones. and an implementation plan and coordinate activities. Istituire un comitato di prevenzione del tabagismo, definire una strategia e coordinarne le attività.
ost of the hospitals, members of the French “Smoke-free Hospitals”network have appointed an action group for smoking prevention. This
Criar una comissão de prevenção de tabagismo, definir M group in the form of a committee is part of the hospital structure and uma estratégia e coordenar as acções.
is recognized by the management and validated by other instituional committees. Members of the committee are volunteers who have in common the desire to reachpractical and balanced decisions to the tobacco problem. Beyond good will, per-
creativy. How can one bring all these skills together ? Probably by gathering all the
servance is one of the qualities committee members also need. Indeed, a great
good will available, the organized change of the people involved, by the exchan-
number of committees, created a few years ago only exist on paper and have
ge and dissemination of information and the use of participating networks. It’s not
stopped all activities. The coordination of activities ask for negotiating skills and
such a bad idea to reproduce somebody else’s good idea in your own structure.
Smoke-free Hospitals : the Belgien Experience Why a Smoke-free Hospital but
implementation nor does it envisage penalties for its
have even siezed the opportunity to stop smoking. more importantly how can we limit
non-respect. This very much depends locally on the
This tremendous success has been rewarded with
hospital management’s good or not so good will. In
the “Smoke-free Hospital Prize” awared in 1996. This
the problems linked to smoking
addition, it is necessary to raise awareness among
hospital has shared the prize with two other conten-
in clinics and hospitals ?
hospital users (patients, visitors and staff). The message
ders, the University Hospital Erasme in Brussels and
to convey to smokers is that the sole aim of restric-
the University clinics of Mont-Godinne.
ting smoking is to protect their and other people’s
health and surely not to pester them. Banning
A Federation against Cancer, modeled on the Recent initiatives and project
smoking also has other consequences and has on
Assistance Public Hopitaux de Paris’s initiative
occasion in some hospitals provided the impetus to
“Hôpital sans Tabac” has been meeting since 1993 in
develop cessation strategies and services such as
the French-speaking part of Belgium. Today this ini-
t would be far too long to detail all the activities
tiative has been developed internationally with the
I the network has supported since its creation.
creation of a European Network of Smoke-free
Suffice to say that the focus in the last two years has
The network’ aims
been on pregnancy with the launch of a campaign
Hospitals are by their very nature a place for smoking
entitled “born and growing up smoke-free” organized
prevention. All hospitals users have a common goal
n 1993, we created in the French speaking part of
in collaboration with FARES (Fondation against
in the sense that they all try to defeat disease in one
Belgium the network “Smoke-free Hospitals” with
Respiratory affections and for Health Education). This
way or another wether they are admitted for treat-
the view to encourage local initiatives and facilitate
project is conducted by the “ONE” network (birth and
ment, visiting a patient or working as a health profes-
information exchange. The model “Smoke-free
sional. It is also a place where people suffer from the
Hospital” should be understood as an attempt to limit
For 2000, we plan with the collaboration of the Health
consequences of smoking and where harm caused
smoking as far as possible without banning it com-
Promoting Hospitals to conduct activities to raise
by tobacco can be witnessed daily (over 18 000
pletely in these institutions. Indeed, the number of
awareness among trade union representatives. In the
deaths per year in Belgium). Hospitals also welcome
smokers combined with sometimes a very strong
absence of official penalties for non-respect of
people whose health is fragile and for whom environ-
dependence to tobacco renders a straightforward
smoking policy in the workplace, it is necessary to
mental tobacco smoke is a hazard. Hospitals are also
ban totally illusory if not on occasion even dangerous
enlist the support of trade unions to ensure the hos-
places where inflammable substances are kept in
(fire hazard) if smokers are pushed into a situation
pital compliance with smoking restrictions.
great quantities (oxygen, medical products.) presen-
where they have to hide to smoke. This does not
ting high fire risks. All these reasons lead to the
however preclude a vigorous management of the
In addition to developing contacts with the trade
conclusion that hospitals and clinics are not compa-
problem, and sometimes it has proven surprisingly
union managers, a special meeting will be organised
tible with tobacco use. This is recognized in the
easy. For example, in the St Luc à Bouge clinic in
in the automn for trade unions representatives in hos-
Belgium Law dated 15th May 1990 which bans
Namur, only one smoking room has been designated
pitals. This meeting will provide an opportunity to
smoking in places where patients and older people
a smoking room. The only provision for staff , patients
present examples of smoke-free policy in hospitals
reside or are treated. The legal text also calls for
and visitors alike, the rest of the building being strictly
and to explain the reasons behind the need to repli-
clearly marked areas for smokers to be located in
smoke-free. A video produced in collaboration with
cate the experience in other establishments. Health,
such a place as to reduce as much as possible non-
doctors based in hospitals, explaining the reason
safety and well-being in the workplace will be the
smokers exposure to environmental smoke.
behind such a restrictive policy is broadcasted at
regular intervals in various parts of the establishment. Is legislation sufficient ?
The results are clear. The smoking restrictions are not
Dr D. Vander Steichel
only respected but in addition the great majority of
Fédération Belge contre le Cancer
patients and staff members (smokers and non-
nfortunately it isn’t, especially because the law
Chée de Louvain 479 - 1030 Bruxelles
smokers) say they are happy with the policy, some
U does not specify clearly who is in charge of its Tél : 32 / 2 / 736 99 99 - Fax : 32 / 2 / 734 92 50.EUROPEAN SMOKE-FREE HOSPITAL NETWORK • 3RD ISSUE • JUNE 2000 SMOKING CESSATION 10 YEARS OF EUROPEAN TOBACCO CONTROL Which Strategies for a XXI century without tobacco This was the theme of the European conference held on 3rd February 2000 traditionally in the Palis des Congrès by the AP-HP hospitals in Paris. The event gathered over 400 experts, lawyers, hospital- based medical personnel and other health professionals involved in tobacco control. 2000: a turning point
workplace and general practitioners, phar-
in tobacco control ?
macists, but consumers are also responsible
and have an important and strategic rôle to
develop world strategies through its Geneva
Indeed, in the last 10 years considerable pro-
gress has been made at the European level in
(TFI) presented by Derek Yach and Douglas
The conclusions directed us towards conti-
terms of legislation but also in the member
nuing the debate and defining priorities to
states in tackling tobacco addiction. A better
better target our efforts. Rendez-vous in
February 2001 for the next conference when
therapy use has contributed to improve the
become a priority. This approach in the deve-
we will look in greater depth on the place rôle
quality and quantity of cessation rates and
lopment of our efforts was recommended by
and the mission of hospitals in the struggle
services. This topic was superbly treated by
Humphrey, Attorney General for Washington
Presentations texts are available on internet :
industrialised and developing countries is
The question is what strategies are needed to
crucial to limit the expansion of the tobacco
reverse this trend. National policy is not suf-
epidemic, presentation by Thérèse Lethu,
ficient to counteract the powerful tobacco
Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris,
industry marketing strategy which knows no
To tackle these challenges in the 21st , we all
borders and is designed to recruit and hook
have to play our part and health professio-
nals in particular. This was the second part of
the most vulnerable groups in society. This
the conference . Smoking cessation specia-
debate was presented by the French Deputy
lists, occupational doctors and nurses in the
End of Empiricism
Support and treatment to help smokers stop is one of a range of approaches to tobacco control. It complements other approaches (likepolicies to tax tobacco products, restrictions on their advertising, information and education) but addresses a specific group : those whowant to stop and need help. Smoking cessation in such adults brings population health gain more quickly than preventive approaches withyounger people.
Support and treatment to help smokers stop is not yet widely available. It is not integrated into the health care system anywhere in Europe,although some countries have made a start in this direction. Paradoxically, in contrast to the restricted availability of help for smokers instopping (including pharmaceutical products designed to aid tobacco withdrawal) the tobacco products whose use causes an enormousburden of death and disease are extremely widely available.
Core interventions should be integrated into health care systems. Interventions that have been shown to work by a large and consistentinternational body of evidence (a number of authoritative reviews: AHCPR Smoking Cessation Clinical Practiced guideline (summary), USA(1996) ; conclusions : Smoking Cessation Methods, National Institute of Public Health and Swedish Council on Technology, Assessment inHealth Care, Sweden (1998) ; Conclusions and recommendations of the Consensus conference, France (1999) ; Smoking CessationGuidelines and their cost effectiveness, England (1998)).
Broadly speaking the evidence supports the development of the three main types of intervention delivered by health professionals in thecourse of their routine work: brief interventions; more intensive support delivered by treatment specialists, often in what have been called« smokers-clinics » ; pharmacological adjuncts which approximately double cessation in minimal or more intensive settings. This last cate-gory currently includes nicotine replacement therapy and it is expected that it will soon in Europe include bupropion. The recommenda-tions for NRT will then also cover bupropion although there may be some differences as bupropion is likely to be prescription only.
Although the evidence base is stronger for some health professionals than others, the involvment of health professionals in offering help tosmokers should be based on factors such as access to smokers and level of training rather than professional discipline. Thus the recom-mendations for health professionals are relevant for all health professionals and not only those based in primary care. The essential fea-tures of individual smoking cessation advice have been described as the four As : Ask ( about smoking at every opportunity) ; Advise (allsmokers to stop) ; Assist (the smoker to stop) ; Arrange (follow-up). Martin Raw - Guy’s King’s and St Thomas’ School of medecine; London EUROPEAN SMOKE-FREE HOSPITAL NETWORK • 3RD ISSUE • JUNE 2000
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La soledad de America latina Antonio Pigafetta, un navegante florentino que acompañó a Magallanes en el primer viaje alrededor del mundo, escribió a su paso por nuestra América meridional una crónica rigurosa que sin embargo parece una aventura de la imaginación. Contó que había visto cerdos con el ombligo en el lomo, y unos pájaros sin patas cuyas hembras empollaban en las esp