CURRICULUM VITAE Dati personali:
Ario Alberto RuprechtNato il 23/10/1936 a Muggia (Trieste)Residente a Bareggio (MI) – 20010 – Via S. Protaso, 20Stato civile: coniugatoTel.: +39-0290360250Fax.: +39-0290278234Cell.: +39-348 58 28 441
Studi Istituto Tecnico A. Volta, (Trieste) specializzazione elettrotecnica Corsi di aggiornamento Corsi di aggiornamento su sistemi di strumentazione, analisi ed automazione presso General Electric, Air Instruments & Measurements Inc., Foxboro, ABB, Metone Instruments Inc. Lingue: Inglese, serbo-croato, russo. Esperienze lavorative Anno Datore di Posizione Descrizione
Addetto alla manutenzione della strumentazione
elettronica e pneumatica di raffineria.
Addetto alla conduzione di un impianto chimico
Addetto alla supervisione all’installazione ed
all’avviamento d’impianti di automazione e strumentazione di centrali termiche e nucleari. Responsabile strumentazione centrale nucleare del Garigliano (General Electric, U.S.A.)
1963-19Carlo Gavazzi Progettista di sistemi di Addetto alla progettazione ed al coordinamento di 68
strumentazione, analisi commesse di sistemi di automazione, analisi e ed automazione
strumentazione per pipeline, centrali termiche e nucleari
Addetto alla programmazione di produzione di
programmazione della sistemi di strumentazione ed automazioneproduzione
Carlo Gavazzi Responsabile tecnico & Responsabile per l’esportazione di impianti e
Direttore commerciale sistemi di strumentazione ed automazioneper l’esportazione
Consulente tecnico/commerciale della Foxboro
Consulente tecnico/commerciale della Kent-
Tieghi, poi Kent-Taylor poi ABB per il Veneto
Consulente tecnico/commerciale di varie società
di strumentazione ed analisi (Metone Instruments Inc., Clean Air Europe ecc.)Consulenze per impianti e sistemi di analisi inquinamento nelle emissioni e nell’ambiente.
Campagne di analisi della qualità dell’aria in vari
Musei e Pinacoteche (Egizio di Torino, Pinacoteca di Brera, Musei Capitolini e bacheca Marc’Aurelio ecc.)
Consulente dell’Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e
la Cura dei Tumori di Milano per ricerche su inquinamento ambientale indoor e outdoor da fumo di tabacco.
Campagna di analisi della qualità dell’aria nel
Refettorio dell’Ultima Cena di Leonardo da Vinci
Analisi in continuo e relazioni mensili sulle
concentrazioni delle polveri nel Refettorio dell’Ultima Cena di Leonardo da Vinci
Campagna di analisi della qualità dell’aria nella Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto a Padova
In collaborazione con la University of Southern California e per conto della Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano: una ricerca sui tempi di annerimento (espressi in numero di anni necessari per un annerimento dello 0,2 %) causati dall’attuale concentrazione di polveri sull’Ultima Cena di Leonardo PUBBLICAZIONI
1.- G Invernizzi, A Ruprecht, R Mazza, C De Marco, R Boffi TobaccoControl Unit, National Cancer Institute/ SIMG-Italian Academy of GPs, Milan, Italy Indoor real time measurements of fine particulate matter produced by cigarette smoking: results of a pilot study. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione Gen-Feb. 2002
2.- M Mulcahy1, MA Byrne2 , A Ruprecht3 1 Health Service Executive, Western Region, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway, Ireland 2 Department of Experimental Physics, NUI, Galway, Ireland 3 Tobacco Control Unit, National Cancer Institute, Milan, Italy, Via Venezian, 1 How Does the Irish smoking ban measure up? A before and after study of particle concentrations in Irish pubs. Proceedings: Indoor Air 2005
3.- G. Invernizzi1, R. Boffi1, A. A. Ruprecht1, P. J. Barnes2, S. A. Kharitonov2, & P. Paredi2 1Tobacco Control Unit, National Cancer Institute and SIMG-Italian College GPs, Milan, Italy and 2Department of Thoracic Medicine, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College School of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. Real-time measurement of particulate matter deposition in the lung. Biomarkers, Month 2006; 00(0): 1_/12
4.- Giovanni Invernizzi*, Ario Ruprecht*, Cinzia De Marco*, Paolo Paredi^, Roberto Boffi*.*Tobacco Control Unit, National Cancer Institute and SIMG Italian College GPs, Milan, Italy;^Section of Airways Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College School ofScience, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. Residual tobacco smoke: measurement of its washout time in the lung and of its contribution to environmental tobacco smoke. Tobacco Control 2006: in press.
5.- Ario Ruprecht, Roberto Boffi, Roberto Mazza, Edoardo Rossetti, Cinzia De Marco, Giovanni Invernizzi Unità funzionale per la prevenzione dei danni da fumo dell’Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori; SIMG, Società italiana di medicina generale, Milano. Un confronto tra la qualità dell’aria nei luoghi pubblici prima e dopo l’introduzione della legge sul fumo passivo in Italia. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione Nov-Dic. 2006 30(6):334-7
6.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, et al. Unità funzionale per la prevenzione dei danni da fumo dell’Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori; SIMG, Società italiana di medicina generale, Milano. Real-time measurement of particulate matter produced by environmental tobacco smoke: a new way to monitor indoor air quality. Am J Crit Care Med 2003; 167: A500.
7.- Boffi R, Ruprecht A, Invernizzi G, et al. Unità funzionale per la prevenzione dei danni da fumo dell’Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori; SIMG, Società italiana di medicina generale, Milano. Monitoring indoor particulate matter produced by environmental tobacco smoke with a
low cost usesr-friendly portable analyzer : reproducibility and reliability. Am J Crit Care Med 2003; 167: A500.
8.- Invernizzi G, Glaviano B, Mazzoleni F, Bettoncelli G, Ruprecht A, Paredi P, Nardini S, Villani F, Boffi R. Long-lasting exposure to excess risk from environmental tobacco smoke in the hospitality industry for people with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Eur Resp J 2003; 22 suppl 45:302s. 9.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Glaviano B, Bettoncelli G, Mazza R, Rossetti E, Nardini S, Soresi E, Boffi R. Monitoring particulate matter and carbon monoxide pollution from environmental tobacco smoke in the hospitality industry. Eur Resp J Eur Resp J 2003; 22 suppl 45:302s.
10.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Mazza R, Glaviano B, Bettoncelli G, Nardini S. Particulate matter and carbon monoxide pollution from environmental tobacco smoke in the hospitality industry. 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Helsinki 3-8 August 2003.
11.- Boffi R, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, Invernizzi G. Monitoring indoor particulate matter produced by environmental tobacco smoke with a low cost user-friendly portable analyzer : reproducibility and reliability. Am J Crit Care Med 2003; 167: A500.
12.- Mazza R, Boffi R, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Calati M, Pozzati I, Rossetti E, De Marco C, Berrino F. Fumo passivo, conflitti d’interesse e politiche editoriali. Epidem Prev 2003; 27:265-66.
13.- G. Invernizzi, A. Ruprecht, P. Paredi, W. Fornasari, R. Mazza, P. J. Barnes, R. Boffi. : Particle size of dry powder fluticasone is modified in the presence of tobacco smoke. Am J Crit Care Med 2004.
14.- Boffi R, Mazza R, Ruprecht A, Rossetti E, De Marco C, Calati M, Invernizzi G. The tobacconist boutique, an inviting (and misleading) marriage between smoking and culture. Tumori, 2004; 90:161.
15.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Paredi P, Fornasari W, Mazza R, Barnes PJ, Boffi R. Particle size is modified in the presence of Tobacco smoke. Am J Crit Care Med 2004; 169: A 199.
16.- Paredi P, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Kharitonov SA, Barnes PJ. A method for the measurement of the concentration of particulate matter in the exhaled breath. Am J Crit Care Med 2004; 169: A 826. 17.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Villani F, Fornasari W, Paredi P, Barnes PJ, E, Boffi R. Aerodynamic profile of beclometasone particles is changed in the presence of tobacco smoke. Eur Respir J 2004; suppl. 48: 28s.
18.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, Paredi P, Barnes PJ, Boffi R. Tobacco smoke and inhaled medication interactions (TIMED) study: asthma and COPD smokers’ habitus about inhalers and cigarettes. Preliminary results. Eur Respir J 2004; suppl. 48 : 29s.
19.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, De Marco C, Boffi R. Transfer of particulate matter pollution from smoking- to non smoking coaches: the explanation for the smoking ban on Italian trains. Tobacco Control 2004; 13:219-21.
20.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, Rossetti E, Sasco A, Nardini S, Boffi R. Particulate matter from tobacco versus diesel car exhaust: an educational perspective. Tobacco Control 2004; 13:219-221
21.- Nardini S, Cagnin R, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht R, Boffi R, Formentoni S. Indoor particulate matter measurement as a tool in the process of implementation of Smoke-free Hospitals: a preliminary report. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis, 2004; 61: 3, 183-192 .
22.- Invernizzi G, Boffi R, Mazza R, Ruprecht A, De Marco C, Glaviano B, Villani F, Berrino F. Active and Passive smoking: two sides of the same medal. Epidemiol Prev 2004; 28:184-187
23.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Rossetti E, Barnes PJ, Paredi P. Real-time measurement of exhaled ambient particulate matter. Am J Resp Crit Care Med Abstract Issue 2005; A 266. 24.- Paredi P, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R., Khatironov SA, Barnes PJ. Exhaled NO and particulate matter washout after passive sigarette smoke. Am J Resp Crit Care Med Abstract Issue 2005; A 600. 25.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Rossetti E, Mazza R, Barnes PJ, Paredi P, Boffi R. Residual tabacco smoke contributes to relevant environmental tabacco smoke pollution. Eur Respir J 2005; 26, suppl. 49 :4s. 26.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Glaviano B, Rossetti E, Paredi P, Boffi R. Particulate matter in the exhaled breath after smoking: evaluating the persistence of residual tabacco smoke in the lung. Eur Respir J 2005; 26, suppl. 49 :4s. 27.- Paredi P, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Ausin P, Kharitonov S, Barnes PJ. Particulate matter and exhaled NO after cigarette smoke. Eur Respir J 2005; 26, suppl. 49 :129s. 28.- Paredi P, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Ausin P, Kharitonov S, Barnes PJ. Acute effect of passive cigarette smoking on airway inflammation. Eur Respir J 2005; 26, suppl. 49 :129s. 29.- Paredi P, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Ausin P, Kharitonov S, Barnes PJ. Acute effect of passive cigarette smoking on bronchial blood flow and exhaled nitric oxide. Eur Respir J 2005; 26, suppl. 49 :480s. 30.- Mazza R, Boffi R, De Marco C, Ruprecht A, Rossetti E, Invernizzi G. Lo sbarco di British American Tobacco in Italia. Epidem Prev. 2006; 29:7-10.
31.- Boffi R, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, Ketzel M, Invernizzi G. A day at ERS Congress 2005: passive smoking influences both indoor and outdoor air quality. ERJ, 2006. Eur Resp J, 2006 ; 27 :862-3.
32.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Brambilla G, Nicolini G, Lewis D, Meakin B, Church T, Paredi P, Boffi R. Aerodynamic profile of inhaled steroids can be modified in the presence of tabacco smoke. Proc Am Thoracic Soc 2006; 3:A85.
33.- Invernizzi G, Boffi R, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, Paredi P. Residual tabacco smoke (RTS): a relevant source of indoor pollution. Proc Am Thoracic Soc 2006; 3:A659.
34.- Paredi P, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Boffi R, Barnes PJ, Kharitonov S. Both passive and active cigarette smoke increase bronchial nitric oxide production and blood flow. Proc Am Thoracic Soc 2006; 3:A658.
35.- Duggan S, Mudway IS, Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Kelly FJ. A comparison of the oxidative activity of environmental tobacco smoke and ambient traffic-related fine particulate matter. Eur Resp J 2006.
36.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, De Marco C, Mazza R, Rossetti E, Pozzati I, Sommella G, Mazzoleni F, Bettoncelli G, Boffi R. La qualità dell’aria indoor e outdoor: le implicazioni per il fumo di tabacco. Rivista SIMG 2006; 3: 13-15.
37.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Bettoncelli G, Boffi R. La qualità dell’aria indoor e outdoor: le implicazioni per il fumo di tabacco. Quaderni della SIF. 2006; 8: 23-25.
38.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, Mazza R, Boffi R. Interdiction du tabagism dans le lieux publics : l’example de l’Italie. Bulletin Info Santè Environment Interieur. 2006 ; 17 :2-3.
39.- Roberto Boffi, Cinzia De Marco, Roberto Mazza, Edoardo Rossetti, Ario Ruprecht, Ivan Pozzati, Giovanni Invernizzi. Big tobacco and moto- gp: why not any warning on the motorcycles too? Tumori. 2007. 93:228-9.
39.- Invernizzi G, Ruprecht A, De Marco C, Paredi P, Boffi R. Residual tobacco smoke: measurement of its washout time in the lung and of its contribution to environmental tobacco smoke. Tobacco Control. 2007; 16:29-33.
40.- European Respiratory Society Congress, Stokholm, September 2007. G. Invernizzi, A.A. Ruprecht, C. De Marco, P. Paredi, G. Nicolini, and R. Boffi. Single-breath, real time measurement of lung deposition of tobacco smoke fine particles: the correlation between particle burden and regional particle deposition fraction. Abstract 401.
41.- American Thoracic Society Congress. San Francisco, 2007. G. Invernizzi, A.A. Ruprecht, C. De Marco, P. Paredi, G. Nicolini, R. Boffi. Single- breath, real time measurement of fine particle lung deposition: the correlation between inhalation burden and particle deposition. Abstract 236.
43.- 13th. ECTOH Congress, Washington July, 2006. Repace JL, Ruprecht AA, presentazione orale Sessione “Measuring SHS in workplaces, homes, cars and outdoors”. Outdoor Secondhand Smoke: are outdoor smoking bans justified?
44.- A.A. Ruprecht, Giovanni Invernizzi. SIMG, Società italiana di medicina generale, Milano. L’effetto del provvedimento di restrizione del traffico nel centro di Milano (Ecopass) sull’inquinamento urbano da polveri: il risultato di uno studio pilota. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione Gen.-Apr 2009 33(1-2): 1-64 (PUBMED)
45.- G Invernizzi, A Ruprecht, C De Marco, R Mazza, G Nicolini , R Boffi TobaccoControl Unit, National Cancer Institute/ SIMG-Italian Academy of GPs, Milan, Italy Inhaled steroid/tobacco smoke particles interactions; a new light on steroid resistance. Respiratory research 2009, 10:48(11 June 2009) (PUBMED in process)
46- ISES-ISEE Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 2010 Poster presentation. Luca Sbrogiò, Giovanna Frison, Laura Tagliapietra, Federica Michieletto, Francesca Allegri, Roberto Boffi, Roberto Mazza, Cinzia De Marco, Ario Ruprecht, Giovanni Invernizzi. Observed smoking in car: results of a study from the National Health Prevention Service of Veneto, Northern Italy. 47.- ISES-ISEE Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 2010 Poster presentation. Giovanni Invernizzi1, Ario Ruprecht1, Germano Bettoncelli1, Grisa Mocnik2, Dane Westerdahl3.Black carbon measurement is effective to detect the benefits of traffic restriction policy on outdoor air quality. The field study of Ecopass area in Milan, Italy
48.- ISES-SETAC Milan, June 2011. Poster presentation. G. Invernizzi, A.A. Ruprecht, C. De Marco, R. Mazza, C. Sioutas, G. Mocnik, D. Westerdahl, The impact of no-traffic Sundays on atmospheric pollution in the City of Milan, January 2011: black carbon concentration measurement as a reliable traffic pollution metric.
49.- Giovanni Invernizzi, Ario Ruprecht, Roberto Mazza, Cinzia De Marco, Grisa Mocnik, Costantinos Sioutas, Dane Westerdahl. Measurement of black carbon concentration as an indicator of air quality benefits of traffic restriction policies within the ecopass zone in Milan, Italy. Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 3522e3527
50.- ISES-SETAC Milan, June 2011. Poster presentation. G. Invernizzi, A.A. Ruprecht, C. De Marco, R. Mazza, C. Sioutas, G. Mocnik, D. Westerdahl, Measurements of Particulate Matter (PM) pollution in the Subway System of the city of Milan, Italy
51.- 10th. ICCPA Wien, June 2011. Poster presentation G. Invernizzi, C. De Marco, R. Boffi, R. Mazza, M.J. Lopez, C .Sioutas, G. Mocnik, D. Westerdahl, A.A. Ruprecht. Influence of Outdoor Smoking on Urban Pollution. PM and Black Carbon (BC) Concentration Measurement at Fixed Monitoring Stations over a Typical Summer Weekend in the Pedestrian Brera Historical District of Milan, Italy 52.- 10th. ICCPA Wien, June 2011. Oral presentation. Giovanni Invernizzi, Ario A. Ruprecht, Roberto Mazza, Cinzia De Marco, Grisa Mocnik, Constantinos Sioutas, Dane Westerdahl. Measurement of black carbon (BC) concentration as an indicator of air quality benefits of traffic restriction policies within the ecopass zone in Milan, Italy
53.- 10th. ICCPA Wien, June 2011. Oral presentation. Ario A. Ruprecht, Cinzia De Marco, Roberto Boff, Roberto Mazza, Grisa Mocnik, Constantinos Sioutas, Dane Westerdahl, Giovanni Invernizzi. Influence of Outdoor Smoking on Outdoor Urban Pollution. PM and Black Carbon Concentration Measurement at Fixed Monitoring Stations over a Typical Summer Weekend in the Pedestrian Brera Historical District of Milan, Italy
54.- ISEE Barcelona 2011, Poster. Giovanni Invernizzi, Cinzia De Marco, Roberto Mazza, Roberto Boffi, Constantinos Sioutas, Dane Westerdhal, Grisa Mocnik, Ario A. Ruprecht, In search for the Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) “fingerprint”. Preliminary characterization of real time PM mass and composition profile in smokes from different sources: cigarette, incense sticks, potato frying, and urban pollution.
55.- ERS 2011 Amsterdam. Poster. G. Invernizzi, A.A. Ruprecht, C. De Marco, R. Mazza, C. Sioutas, G. Mocnik, D. Westerdahl, Black Carbon content in Pm as a metric to evaluate the impact of the car-free sundays or winter 2011 on air quality in Milan.Aggiornato al 27/06/2011.
56.- Nancy Daher, Ario Ruprecht, Giovanni Invernizzi, Cinzia De Marco, Justin Miller-Schulze, Jong Bae Heo, Martin M. Shafer, James J. Schauer, and Constantinos Sioutas. Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter Inside the Refectory of Santa Maria Delle Grazie Church, Home of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45 (24), pp 10344–10353
57.- Nancy Daher, Ario Ruprecht, Giovanni Invernizzi; Cinzia De Marco; Justin Miller-Schulze, Jong Bae Heo; Martin M Shafer, Brandon R Shelton; James J Schauer, Constantinos Sioutas. Characterization, Sources and Redox Activity of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in Milan, Italy. Atmospheric Environment, 49 (2012) 130-141
58.- S. Moroni, A. Ruprecht, G.Tosti B. Villavecchia, G. Mocnik, C. Sioutas, D. Westerdahl, G. Invernizzi. Airborne Black Carbon and Traffic Patterns during the First Year of ‘Area C’ LEZ in Milan.- 17th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles 23rd – 26th June, 2013 at ETH Zentrum, Zürich, Switzerland. oral presentation. 59.- Giovanni Invernizzi, Ario Alberto Ruprecht, Roberto Boffi, Cinzia De Marco, Roberto Mazza, Maria Jose Lopez, Constantinos Sioutas, Dane Westerdahl, Grisa Mocnik, Esteve Fernandez The Influence of Secondhand Smoke (SHS) on Outdoor Air Quality in Leisure and Sport Facilities: Measurements at a Stadium, Car-Free Recreation Zone, City Park, ISEE-ISEES-ISIAQ - Conference on Environment & Health Basel 2013. Poster
60.- S. Moroni, A. Ruprecht, G.Tosti B. Villavecchia, G. Mocnik, C. Sioutas, D. Westerdahl, G. Invernizzi. Black Carbon as a new air quality and health indicator of Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) interventions: the results of the ‘Area C’ monitoring campaigns at resident. ISEE-ISEES-ISIAQ - Conference on Environment & Health Basel 2013. Poster
POSITION Understanding compression therapy Understanding the pathophysiology ofcompressionCompression bandages: principles anddefinitionsCost-effectiveness of compression therapyCompression therapy: a guide to safepractice MANAGING EDITOR Suzie Calne SENIOR EDITORIAL ADVISOR Christine Moffatt Professor and Co-director, Centre for Research and Implementation of Clinical Practice,
Vol-2/Issue-5/Sept-Oct 2013 PhTechMed ISSN: 2278-1099 Design, Development and Evaluation of Metoprolol Succinate Extended Release Tablet *Nikhate Ram D and Dr. Singh S Department of pharmaceutics, HSBPVT’s, GOIs, College of Pharmacy, Kashti, MS, India Abstract Metoprolol Succinate is an antihypertensive drug used in the management of hypertension, angina pectoris an