Mobile Internet User experience in Latin America
Yenny Otero, Mercedes Herrera, Wolfgang Maehr, Martha Isabel Castillo
work). Some activities from the informal economy are: the
In this paper we analyse the aspects of user experience and
home aid with no salary, domestic maids, unpaid family
acceptance for mobile Internet in Latin America and
workers, casual labourers, street vendors and artisans or
propose some solutions to the highlighted problems.
craft producers. This may be a reason why the mobile
phone has had such a success. Many businesses work in
this environment and the mobile phone might be the way
Latin America, developing countries, Internet, mobile
internet, user experience elements, acceptance.
The Latin American society is divided by stratification and,
We have analysed how some of the elements of user
opposed to the system of welfare in developed countries;
experience, taken from Hiltunen et al [1] and Roto [2], are
there are very big differences between the poorest and the
richest. The upper stratums of the society have a standard
of living as the one in Europe or North America and the
lower stratums have a very different perspective of life:
As described by Roto [2] when analysing the “ user needs
they work hard on unstable jobs, they live with just the
for internet on a mobile device”, there is not proven need
money for the current day and they struggle for being able
for the full Internet in the phone. This could be changed by
to afford education or any other commodity after paying for
analysing the cases where the internet can provide real
value in situations where the only access is the mobile
phone. As well, this will definitively increase in the case
Only a small amount of the population has internet access
users have the mobile phone as the primary place where to
from their homes (i.e. Brazil, although being the country in
access the internet. More about this issue will be discussed
the region with most internet users, has only 6% of the
population accessing it from home [17]) and this is usually
associated to intellectual work or a certain educative level
and economic capacity to support the expense that this
The value of Internet is directly proportional to the value of
represents. With respect to mobile phones, the situation is
the services it provides. In developed countries people uses
quite different: due to a rapid increase in the cell phone
many internet services while in developing countries this
offer and many promotional plans where phones where
given for free when purchasing some other item; it has
increased to the 70 percent of the Latin American
population using cellular phones [7]. In this scenario even
Security: Latin American countries are clearly less
beggars have a mobile phone and robberies have
secure than developed ones. Economic insecurity in
significantly decrease. Unfortunately the costs for using
Latin America is multifaceted and has many sources
those mobile phones and specially internet prices are still
that feed on each other. Some of the insecurity arises
extremely expensive as almost half the population of Latin
from the decline in employment protection and
America must live with less than one US-$ per day and 240
increased volatility of household outcomes. Some of it
million individuals are living under the poverty line [18].
is the result of erratic capital flows and the systemic
Mobile phones in Latin American countries are mainly
instability generated by a divorce between the
used for calling, making up to 93% of the revenue while
instruments of stabilization and the real economy. [9]
only 7% is made by other services as instant messaging [5].
So, it can be unsafe to use a mobile phone in certain
places as it can increase the possibility of being
It is also important to consider that approximately 51% of
the Latin American economy is driven by "informal
Mobility: Using public transportation in Latin
economy"[19] which is the name of great number of
America is a completely different experience than in
activities in the informal section of the economy that
developed countries. It is usually less comfortable and
normally do not meet with certain economical and
crowded, many times it does not have defined
administrative characteristics proper of a formal economy
schedules or stops, it can be quite noisy, insecure and
(i.e. no complex technology nor advanced ways of
usually doesn't have a systematic way of payment. In
production are used; there is no established division of
this scenario the challenges brought when focusing on
a small mobile screen or using one’s time to find the
around, try to avoid being alone and are more social which
correct web page might be too big for the benefit
might have an impact in the use of mobile phones.
We have also considered how Latin American society can
User skills:
perceive some elements from the Technology Acceptance
Latin America has 11% of illiteracy, which traduces to
Model for Mobile Services from Davis [3]:
approximately 39 million adults who cannot read or write
[10]. For those, the visual internet is completely useless. As
Perceived value:
well, there is a quite low knowledge of foreign language
When the mobile Internet cost is so big (money and effort)
and, even when there is a considerable number of services
and there is no clear unique gain from using it (having the
in Spanish, many search engines must be configured in
possibility of waiting to reach a desktop computer without
order to get results in the correct language adding
loosing much) it does not bring real value to use Internet
unnecessary results and complexity when trying to find
Perceived ease of adoption: Connection:
There is no general awareness about the possibility of using
Availability: In 1997, over 60% of the people in
the internet from a mobile phone and, for most of the
developing countries lived in rural areas, yet over
people, this would sound too complicated to use.
80% of the main telephone lines where in urban
centres [13]. With growing mobile phones
connections and the use of better technology people
in rural areas is finally having an opportunity to
Based on the special needs of Latin American society we
have considered some solutions that might help increasing
Speed: Greatest part of the connections use second Interruptions: Specially in rural areas mobile Simplify:
connections can be interrupted, specially while on
Take away complexity from the mobile internet and
the move as the signal can easily be lost.
improve radically its ease of use by providing already
Cost: For most of the population it is extremely
installed small applications that give solutions to concrete
expensive to use the mobile Internet. As an example
problems instead of expecting the user to use the complete
we can consider the cost in Colombia: to download
internet all the time. We could even consider to provide
an average web page (130K) it costs around
some services supported by sound to take advantage of the
US$0,21 while a litre of milk costs US$0,83 (same
natural affordance of the mobile phone (interaction by
as 4 web pages) and a bus ride costs less than 0.50
voice) and not require too much attention from the user.
USD (same as 2 web pages). Mobile phones are
considered to be expensive even if not using the
internet: “the cost of a low volume mobile service
Before users get hold of phones, provide already installed,
basket (that only includes 25 short outgoing calls
configured and functional tools that work to solve local
and 30 SMS per month) represents a very significant
needs (based on the city / region) out of the box. As well,
percentage (well above 5%) of the income of the
complementing desktop online activity with the mobile
poor in six key Latin American markets. In sum,
sounds like a more sensible step in order to introduce
those at the bottom of the income pyramid still find
mobile internet than expecting internet activity to be
it hard to afford a minimum level of mobile services.
independently done on desktop and on mobile.
This explains the various cost control strategies
observed across Latin America, together with the
shared use of mobile phones, the widespread use of
Different business models could provide affordable fixed
payphones for outgoing calls and the resale of lower
prices to mobile Internet while helping people to access it
pre-paid credit offered by some operators”. [14]
and creating a market for these solutions.
The insecurity of society and carefulness Latin American
The perception of trustfulness would increase if the
people have, especially with money, might be translated to
solutions are already provided in the phone and supported
the mobile internet use so they might be less likely to use
from renowned brands as phone manufacturers.
Connection: Cultural context:
Technical server side solutions have proven to compress
People in Europe use the mobile phone to “look busy” and
web content and making the download faster and smaller
people in Japan read online magazines while going in the
[19]. As well, problems with availability of the connection
train. In Latin America people interacts easily with those
can be worked around by creating systems that support
transportation information people might decrease the
time waiting on dark and lonely streets. There could be a
system to easily call for help by automatically sending
This is the most important factor as the main drive cannot
location information or tracking a person or a pet that has
be to push the internet as itself but the services or the
• Entertainment / Football: For Latin-Americans, a very
• Digital libraries: Digital libraries are presented by
important source of entertainment is football (soccer)
Witten [4] as the killer application for information
championships. People might have a high interest in
technology in developing countries by distributing vital
following football results on their mobile phones.
information as health, agriculture, nutrition, hygiene,
sanitation, and safe drinking water or helping in many
Providing ways of solving these needs is not just possible
other areas: “ranging from disaster relief to medical
with mobile internet but could be developed with other
education, from the preservation and propagation of
tools. However, we should focus on how the mobile
indigenous culture to educational material that addresses
internet can provide something unique from its competitor
specific community problems”. Mobile Internet can
easily provide the infrastructure and low cost devices to
understanding its strengths and using them.
• Transportation: There would be big challenges for real 4. CONCLUSIONS
time transportation information as, even inner-city buses
First, people should be able to have access to mobile
with the same route are owned by different companies.
Internet and price is the most prohibiting of all issues, this
As well, to have GPS sensors on each bus is not a
should not be a problem by providing new business models
realistic expectation due to cost and organizational issues
that take advantage of the enormous potential market in
(unless it is driven by the government). In the other hand,
Latin America. Awareness is other big factor and solutions
due to the cultural conception of time, there would not be
should be considered to inform, promote and teach
a great benefit from understanding how long time it takes
potential users about the new possibilities.
for the metro to arrive if it does often and on regular
stops. The biggest benefit could be for the unreliable
After those issues are addressed we can consider including
lines that might arrive every 30 minutes helping users
desktop interaction / synchronization or using voice control
avoid waiting for something that might not arrive.
to overcome the limitations of the mobile phone and make
• Maps and location: Still there are not good interactive
maps that might support location in Latin America.
But, the most important of the steps to improve the user
Making good maps solutions is a basic step to provide
experience in Latin America has to be to give people good
reasons to use the mobile Internet. As said by Bengt
Forssberg, president of Ericsson Latin America: "the
• Official functions: When paying accounts or presenting
growth of the mobile Internet market depends on the
papers on banks or governmental offices, it would not be
availability of services that people want to use, such as up-
abnormal to have to queue for 30 mins. or even a couple
to-the-minute news in local languages." [15]. This will
of hours. Facilitating the use of the mobile internet for
include focusing on already installed and working solutions
these services or even just for being able to do something
that aim to solve needs for information, location (my
else while being in the queue (and knowing how much
location in respect to things, places or people), security,
time is left for being attended) would improve the
experience of those inevitable bureaucratic processes.
entertainment or other issues that make sense on the
Still, we have to come around the policies that prohibit
cell phones in banks due to its use for communication
between robbers that use it to call and notify when
Further work should also consider the issue of recycling
and the usefulness of programs already implemented in
• Voice over IP: An increasing number of Latin American
immigrants send such an amount of money to their
families back home to affect significantly in the IBP of
the countries. International low cost calls are a huge
Yenny Otero ([email protected]) works as an
market in Latin America, specially when provided from
Interaction Designer in Opera Software and follows a
the convenience of a normal mobile subscription. [12]
Master of Science in HCI from the University of Oslo,
• Security: There are many ways how internet solutions Mercedes Herrera ([email protected])
may increase users security: By having real time
is an Economist PHD in Urbanism Universidad Central,
Caracas, Venezuela., working with master students at the
[10] United Nations Educational, Scientifical and
Wolfgang Maehr ([email protected]) is getting his Master’s
degree in HCI and Interaction Design at the IT University
of Gothenburg and is currently working as an Interaction
[11] LOPEZ Castaño, Hugo. 2005. Ensayos sobre
Martha Isabel Castillo ([email protected])
economía laboral colombiana. Biblioteca Virtual
has a background in languages, psychology and teaching
del Banco de la República de Colombia. Online
Spanish to foreign students in Bogotá, Colombia.
The opinions presented in this paper are not necessarily
[12] Migrants’ Remittances- World Bank . Jan 16, 2007
[13] Petrazzini, Ben et al.1999. The Internet in Developing
[1] Hiltunen M., Laukka M., Luomala J. 2002, Mobile
[14] IGLIRA, June 28, 2007 Affordability of Phone
User Experience. IT Press, Finland.
Services in Latin America Net2news San Francisco,
[2] Roto, Virpi. 2006, Web browsing on Mobile Phones,
Characteristics of User Experience. Espoo, Finland.
[3] Davis, F.D., 1989, Perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, and user acceptance of information
[15] Time Warner Magazine. Oct 25th 2000. Ericsson and
technology. MIS Quarterly, 13, 319 – 339.
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[4] Witten, Ian H. 2006. Digital Libraries for the Developing world. FORUM. Cape Town, New,20
[5] Revista Enter 2.0 Texto vs.Voz en el telefono mobil
[16] Wall, Wayne Vandel,COO, Mobility Lucent
Technologies, Latin America. Wireless Broadband
Access Offers a Path to Global Connectivity. Online$ticles/7WirelessBroadba
[6] Estrada, Daniela, June 30, 2007 Latin America
Earning-Used cell phones IPS Santiago de Chile.
[17] Emarketer, 2007, Brasil online report, New York.
[7] El Tiempo, Biggest Colombian newspaper. Tuesday,
22nd may 2007. Telecomunications special edition p
[18] Rohleder, Jörg. 1998. Neoliberalism and
Neostructuralism. Online version: http://tiss.zdv.uni-
[8] American Sociological Association 2004 Annual
Meeting Title: Social Stratification in Latin [
America: Reviving the Class/Gender Debate
November 28, 2006. Opera Software, Oslo, Norway.
Latin America. Online version:
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